The Watcher (18 page)

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Authors: Rhiannon Jean

BOOK: The Watcher
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Chapter Five





Why the fuck was she going out tonight? Should I have shown myself to her today? I was desperately trying to give her space and time to think about what she wanted with us, but I certainly didn’t think I’d drive her to go to a nightclub where men prowled around trying to find the drunkest girl they could. Was it wrong of me to want her to choose me on her own? I knew I still hadn’t cleared things up about Rosy, and I hadn’t exactly called her to make any sort of amends. I was so bad at this relationship stuff. Maybe giving her space was the wrong thing. 

Emma’s husband dropped them off at the front doors, and it appeared they were regulars since the doorman let them skip the line. They bounced in excitedly and headed straight to the bar. Lily proceeded to fill her in on the latest about me while they waited in line for drinks, and Emma pulled her into a giant hug. I hated seeing that I had caused that pain. Fuck, how was I supposed to fix this? I needed to make a grand gesture of some sort, maybe let her see part of what I was capable of. In order to earn her trust, I needed to let her in, even if it was only a piece at a time.

I selected a booth that allowed me to watch her on the dance floor and bide my time. I knew she needed to let loose a little. I had seen her dance before. The way her body moved was fucking amazing. I’d sit back tonight, let her enjoy a little time with Emma, and keep an eye on her. I didn’t need a repeat of that crazy mother fucker who had followed her and almost attacked her last time. After she had a few shots in her, I’d give her a little taste of what I was capable of.





Soon we spotted our favorite bartender, Edgar. He was young, hot, and played for the other team. Emma and I liked to stare at him from afar as he had the best abs we had ever seen-- well, until I had felt Gabriel’s the other night. I’m sure Gabriel’s were so much better. I shook my head, trying to clear it of thoughts of him for the night.

Tove Lo’s song
came on the sound system, and Emma and I called out to Edgar to bring our drinks to the dance floor.  We made our way through the crowd and made it to the middle where there was a little room for us to dance. I threw my arms in the air and let my hips sway to the beat while I sang along. I tried so hard not to miss Gabriel, but I was failing. He had cast a spell over me, causing him to never be far from my mind. I craved his touch and his smell and his lips. I closed my eyes and let myself feel the music.

“You don’t have to do this, Lily. I need you.” I heard his words echo in my mind, almost as if he were right behind me, whispering in my ear. My eyes flew open and I turned around quickly. He was nowhere in sight, but I could have sworn I felt his breath on my neck. I turned back around to see Edgar approaching us with a round of shots and a couple of sodas. Emma and I tossed them back and tipped him fat. He gave us his signature cocky grin and promised to be back later for another round.  Emma pointed to the bathroom and I shooed her away, completely content on losing myself in the next song,
by Beyoncé. I loved this song. I started to picture being in Gabriel’s arms as I swayed my hips to the slower intro.

I felt like Gabriel was my ghost, haunting me wherever I went and watching whatever I did, and it turned me on. I wondered how long he had been stalking me, how many places he had followed me to, and how much he had watched me doing. That dark place in me that he had unleashed with the spanking was reveling in the notion of him watching my every move.

The rhythm of the song picked up speed, and my hips continued moving in time to the beat. I could feel it pulsing through my body and I closed my eyes, really getting into the music. Emma still hadn’t come back so I danced alone to the sexy beat. I imagined the first time I had ever felt Gabriel touch me. He had snuck up behind me and put his hands on my waist while I was alone on the dance floor at my favorite dive bar. I began to fantasize about him being behind me right now, hips moving with mine, pressed up against me and kissing my neck as Beyoncé sang about where her wicked tongue would be.

“Yes, Lily, where will my wicked tongue be? On your neck, on those sweet lips, between those creamy thighs?” My eyes flew open, looking wildly around the dance floor. His voice had been low, and sexy, and very real. It was almost as if he was in my head. I slowly did a 360, scanning the club for any site of his tall build and couldn’t find him anywhere. Was I losing it? What the hell was happening to me? Was I in so deep that I was imagining his voice now?

Edgar was headed back my way and I caught Emma coming back as well. I shook my head slightly and forced myself to smile. Emma and I did another shot and grabbed the bottles of water Edgar handed to us. His shots were more like doubles, so we definitely needed water. I was still shaken up from hearing Gabriel’s voice inside my head and I needed to distract myself. I scanned the dance floor for someone cute enough to dance with. I caught the eye of a guy with blue eyes and cute dimples. His hair was a sandy brown, he had a medium build, about 4 inches taller than me, and he was cute. Like boy next door cute, clean shaven, probably played sports. He caught me staring and smiled.
by Sia had come on and I loved this song.

I caught Emma’s eye and motioned over to dimples guy. She raised her eyebrows and nodded her head slightly, and I began to dance my way over to him. He smiled again, mouthed ‘hi’ and took my hand. We began moving together to the beat, getting into our groove and smiling at each other while singing the lyrics. He pulled me closer until my body touched his and I tucked away the guilty feeling that was gnawing at me. I was still single; Gabriel and I hadn’t made any promises or commitments to each other. I was allowed to have fun.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and allowed him to press our bodies together. We moved our hips in unison to the beat, as he turned his face into my neck and softly kissed it. And I let him; I didn’t owe anybody anything, except myself. I owed myself some fun. Guys had never paid attention to me like this before and between the heat in the club and the Jameson, I was extremely tipsy. He pulled back slightly to look at me, silently asking my permission to do it again. I smirked at him in what I hope was a sexy way and nodded slowly. He grinned back but then his eyes widened in fear at something over my shoulder. He let me go and stepped back quickly.

“What? What’s wrong?” I shouted over the music. He pointed behind me and I turned around…right into a 6’4” wall of solid muscle. I slowly raised my eyes up to stare into those emerald eyes I had seen in my daydreams earlier, knowing full well the anger they would contain. I had to take a step back once our eyes met. Anger was a poor word for what was in those eyes: murder and wrath were better words.





I raised my eyes from hers to look at this other guy. “Leave,” I mouthed. He scurried off without so much as a glance back at me. I lowered my eyes back to Lily’s and let her hear my voice in her head.

“Is he what you want Lily?” Her eyes widened. I could tell she thought the whiskey was hitting her hard. She quickly shook her head as she stared at me.

“What do you want then?” my voice came into her head again, my lips not moving. She had convinced herself it was a trick of the dark and the flashing lights on the dance floor. Her lip began to tremble as she held back my tears. Dammit, the last thing I wanted to do was to make her cry, but I needed to hear her answer. I needed to be sure before I bared my soul to her.

“You,” she said quietly, “ALL of you.” I nodded once, and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into my body. She could feel my arousal on her stomach and I could tell she was wet in an instant. I listened in to her thoughts as I tried to decipher what she wanted.
‘How was he that turned on? No man had ever been this turned on by me, or this jealous of another guy paying attention to me.’
This lack of self-esteem angered and saddened me at the same time. That piece of shit husband had every chance in the world to make her feel beautiful and sexy and he fucking blew it. I guess it played out in my favor.

She placed her hands on my chest and spread her fingers out. I could tell she wasn’t ready to hold me yet, but she needed to keep her hands busy.
by Imagine Dragons came on the sound system and I started to move with the music. My eyes had never left hers. I pulled her closer, forcing her to put her arms around my neck. I pressed my bulge harder against her and lowered my lips down to her ear.

“Do you feel how much I want you Lily?”

“God yes,” she replied.

“I know you want me too, kitten. I can smell your arousal all over you like a sweet perfume.” She closed her eyes, letting my words wash over her. We were moving in time to the music and I could tell she had never felt so turned on or so sexy in her entire life. I FELT radioactive, like I would explode at any moment if she wasn’t careful. Every part of my body was wide awake and aching for Lily.

I turned her around so that her back was against my chest, my cock digging into her ass. I pulled her arms behind her back and held both of her wrists in one of my hands. My free hand wrapped around her waist, my fingers lifting her shirt slightly so I could touch her bare skin, which was completely on fire right now. I gave a slight tug on her wrists, causing her to gasp in pain. My lips found her ear again, and I ran my tongue up her earlobe and began lightly sucking on it. Between her taste, the sexy beat of the song, and her being completely at my mercy, I was ready to explode right there in front of everyone.

“I promised I wouldn’t hurt you Lily. Please don’t hurt me,” I said quietly in her ear. Surprised, she tried to turn her head to face me. It hadn’t occurred to her that she had been hurting me. I knew she hadn’t meant to, and that she had just needed space, but I wanted to be honest with her.

I put my lips back on her ear and said, “I know beautiful. Enough space. I want to tell you the truth. I don’t want to lose you.” I was making myself vulnerable to her because I knew she didn’t want to lose me either. I had just gotten her and I wasn’t ready for her to disappear out of my life. I was falling in love with her more and more every day. Her thoughts echoed mine, as she was thinking about how far she had fallen in love with me too.

My hands grasped her shoulders and I spun her around and pulled her away from me to look her in the eyes. Tears were threatening to spill over as she stared up at me. My eyes were wide in amazement as I slowly shook my head. She was in love with me too? I bent down, put my hand on the back of her neck, and kissed her lips softly…at first. As the song reached its crescendo, my kiss became more frantic. My tongue swept across her lips, begging for entry. She opened her mouth slightly and I all but attacked her tongue with mine. There was no grace or rhythm to this kiss. This kiss was all tongue and lips and teeth, erratic and powerful. God I wanted to take her right here on the dance floor.

I pulled away and allowed us both to take a deep breath. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned slightly to see Emma standing behind me with a smirk on her face.

“My husband’s here, do you still need a ride?” Lily looked back at me and I smiled at her, allowing her to make the decision.

“No, I think I’ll have Gabriel take me home, hon,” she replied. Emma gave Lily a big hug and said she’d text her in the morning and walked outside. I took Lily’s hand, grabbed her coat off the table nearby, and led her to the back door of the club. I could no longer keep my hands off of her. I stopped by the door, helped her into her coat and handed her another bottle of water. She gulped down a few drinks and nodded that she was ready to go.

I took her hand again, opened the door for her, and led her into a dark alley. I closed the door behind her and led her away from it. She was watching me as we walked, as I hadn’t looked at her since we stepped outside. I was barely keeping it together. My hands itched like crazy to touch her and my tongue craved her taste. I didn’t want to scare her by moving too fast right after our reunion.

“If you keep looking at me like that kitten, I can’t be held responsible for what I do to you,” I said quietly. She gasped but didn’t say anything. We continued to slowly walk up the alley that would eventually lead to the street where her car was parked. She tried to keep looking ahead but couldn’t stop herself from peeking at my profile. Fuck it. I needed her right now.

Chapter Six





All of a sudden my back was up against the wall, his knee was between my legs, and my arms were pinned above my head. His eyes were full of lust and fire and something else, something that reminded me a lot of the love shining in mine.

“I warned you, Lily,” he growled and put his hand on my pants zipper. “You’re mine now.”

He held my arms above my head with one hand while his other hand began to lower my zipper slowly. He stared at me with those emerald green eyes as his long fingers grazed my panty line. My body involuntarily shivered and my breath caught in my throat. He slowly moved my panties aside, feeling my wetness as he did. He licked his lips, making me want to lick them too, and slowly circled my clit with one finger.

"Breathe, Lily," he said. My breath left my body in a soft whoosh, as I didn't really believe this was actually happening. One of my biggest fantasies was coming true with this beautiful man! How was this even possible? Was this even right? Did this make me slutty? All rational thoughts left my head the moment two of his fingers slid deftly inside of me. I gasped, half in pleasure and half in surprise. My eyes focused back on his, knowing I wasn't allowed to close them. I knew he'd hold onto my orgasm if I didn't follow his rules.

"Good girl, keep those eyes open," he whispered into my ear as he started nibbling my earlobe. I desperately wanted to wrap my arms around him, but he held tight to my wrists. I struggled against his hold, hoping he'd get the point and let me hold him. He stopped kissing my neck and pulled back slightly so I was staring into his eyes again.

"Sorry, kitten, you were a bad girl so you don't get what you want," he said with a glint of evil in his eyes. He pulled my arms even higher and grasped my wrists tighter; it was just this side of painful...and I was loving every minute of it. His knee spread my legs even farther apart so that I was resting on it, which pushed his fingers even deeper inside me. He took a deep, shaky breath, as though trying to gather himself. This was turning him on just as much. He slowly began moving his fingers in and out of me, swirling them inside me to reach every possible pleasure point. I moaned his name and leaned forward to kiss him.

"No, Lily, no kissing. You have to earn that. You left me and now I'm going to show you how much that hurt." His fingers moved faster and faster as his breathing picked up. I swear I saw a spark light in his eyes as those glorious fingers fucked me harder than I'd ever been fucked before. My breath caught in my throat as my body tightened. I could feel the heat rise up my breasts and neck as my orgasm neared.

"Don't...Don't stop. I'm so close," I whispered. He pushed his thumb up against my clit and I moan in pleasure, not caring who heard me. I was right there, teetering on the edge of insanity, when he abruptly pulled his fingers out of me and moved his knee. I could feel the tears begin to form in my eyes as my frustration replaced the heat.

"What? Why?" I stuttered.

"How do you feel right now Lily?"

"Confused," I replied softly.

"Hurt?" he countered. "Is there an ache deep inside you right now? That heat that was covering your skin, did it turn to anger? The throbbing in your clit, is it making you want to do anything to ease the ache?" I just stared at him. He had perfectly described everything I was feeling.

"That hurt? That was what I felt when you walked away from me after karaoke the other night. That ache?  That pulsing anger and want that you'd do anything to satisfy? That's what I felt when I saw you with your ex, then again in another man's arms just now, watching him kiss that porcelain skin that belongs to me. Do you understand now?" I nodded and licked my lips in frustration. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ease the throbbing that was only getting worse the more I listened to his sexy voice. I could barely concentrate on his words as I watched his lips move. I wondered what they would feel like wrapped around my clit, sucking on it until I came.

Gabriel let go of my arms and stepped back. He ran his fingers through his already tousled hair in frustration, as though he were feeding off of mine. He let out a low growl and pinned me back up against the wall as he crushed his lips against mine. His tongue tangled with mine as our lips bruised from the roughness of the kiss. He took my hands in his, entwined our fingers, and pushed mine against the rough bricks. I moaned into his mouth as he pressed his arousal into my stomach. God I wondered how he tasted. As I thought about swirling my tongue around his cock, another growl escaped him and he quickly knelt down. He pulled my pants down slightly and slid his tongue roughly between my folds. I grabbed onto his shoulders for support and looked down at him.

"Oh yes, Gabriel, right there", I moaned as he began sucking on my clit. I was already so close, I knew it wouldn't be long. But I was afraid of coming; what if he pulled away again? I watched his face as he pulled back slightly.

"You have my permission to come, Lily." He buried his face between my legs once more and I grasped his shoulders with all my strength. His tongue swirled around and around my clit as he gently sucked with those beautiful lips. A scream tore from my throat as my orgasm slammed into me. His sucking became harder as he prolonged my pleasure. He stopped sucking and began licking my core gently, letting me relax slightly as I recovered. My recovery period didn't last long as his tongue began its assault once again. This time there was no build up, as another orgasm hit me fast and hard. He did this several more times, stopping to let me rest, then working his magic again. I came and came until I could no longer stand and I was seeing stars. After six or seven orgasms, I grabbed his hair and began begging.

"Stop, please stop, I can't take anymore", I pleaded softly. He chuckled and pulled back.

"As you wish", he said. He stood up slowly and pulled my pants back up and buttoned them. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he looked at me and smiled. He put his clean hand in my hair and tipped my head back so I was looking up into those beautiful eyes.

"Anything you wish, Lily. Anything." That spark flashed in his eyes once more. “Can I see you on Saturday? There’s some place I want to show you...and I want to tell you a bit more about myself.

“Yes,” I said softly. Was this it? Was he finally going to tell me everything? Fill in the missing pieces?

“Yes it is, kitten. I can’t tell you everything just yet, but I can tell you most of my story. Be ready at two?” I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.

“I’ll miss you, Gabriel.” He hugged me in response and I relaxed into his arms, already excited about what would unfold in just a few days.

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