The War of the Jewels (14 page)

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Authors: J. R. R. Tolkien

BOOK: The War of the Jewels
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$215. In this year was the birth of Dior Aranel the Beautiful in Gwerth-i-Guinar, who was after known as Dior Thingol's heir, father of the Halfelven.

The annal that follows now in GA, for 471, concerning Isfin and Eol, was struck out; the revised version of the story appears on a rider inserted at an earlier point, under the year 316 (see $$117 - 18, where the rejected annal for 471 has been given). A new annal for 471 was added later in pencil:


$216. In this year Huor wedded Rian daughter of Belegund.


$217. This is the Year of Lamentation. At last Maidros resolved to assault Angband from east and from west. With the main host that he gathered, of Elves and Men and Dwarves, he purposed to march with banners displayed in open force from the east over Anfauglith. But when he had drawn forth, as he hoped, the armies of Morgoth in answer, then at a signal Fingon should issue from the passes of Hithlum with all his strength.

Thus they thought to take the might of Morgoth as between anvil and hammer, and so break it to pieces.

$218. [Huor son of Galion wedded Rian daughter of Belegund upon the eve of battle, and marched with Hurin his brother in the army of Fingon. Changed in pencil to read:] Huor son of Galion wedded Rian daughter of Belegund in the first days of spring. But when he had been but two months wed, the summons came for the mustering of the hosts, and Hurin marched away with his brother in the army of Fingon.

$219. Here at midsummer was fought the Fifth Battle Nirnaeth Arnediad, Unnumbered Tears, upon the sands of the Anfauglith before the passes of Sirion. [Struck out later: The place of the chief slaughter was long marked by a great hill in which the slain were heaped, both Elves and Men: Haud-na-Dengin, upon which alone in all Anfauglith the grass grew green.]

$220. In this battle Elves and Men were utterly defeated and the ruin of the Noldor was achieved. For Maidros was hindered at his setting out by the guile of Uldor the Accursed: first he gave false warning of an attack from Angband; then he must tarry for not all his men were willing to march. And the army in the West awaited the signal, and it came not, and they grew impatient, and there were whispers of treason among them.

$221. Now the army of the West contained the host of Hithlum, both Elves and Men, and to it was added both folk of the Falas, and a great company from Nargothrond [and many of the woodmen out of Brethil. This was struck out and the following substituted:] And many of the woodmen came also with Hundor of Brethil; and with him marched Mablung of Doriath with a small force of Grey-elves, some with axes, some with bows; for Mablung was unwilling to have no part in these great deeds, and Thingol gave leave to him to go, so long as he served not the sons of Feanor. Therefore Mablung joined him to the host of Fingolfin [read: Fingon] and Hurin. / And lo! to the joy and wonder of all there was a sounding of great trumpets, and there marched up to war a host unlooked for. This was the army of Turgon that issued from Gondolin, ten thousand strong, with bright mail and long swords; and they were stationed southwards guarding the passes of Sirion.

$222. Then Morgoth, who knew much of what was done, chose his hour, and trusting in his servants to hold back Maidros and prevent the union of his foes, he sent forth a force 1

seeming great (and yet but part of all that he had made ready) and marched them on Hithlum. Then hot of heart Fingon wished to assail them upon the plain, thinking he had the greater strength; but Hurin spoke against this, bidding him await the signal of Maidros, and let rather the Orcs break themselves against his strength arrayed in the hills.

$223. But the Captain of Morgoth in the West had been commanded to draw forth Fingon into open battle swiftly, by whatsoever means he could. Therefore when his van had come even to the inflowing of Rivil into Sirion and still none came forth to withstand him, he halted, and sent forth riders with tokens of parley; and they rode up close to the lines of their enemies upon the west-shore of Sirion at the feet of the mountains.

$224. Now they led with them Gelmir son of Guilin, a lord of Nargothrond, whom they had taken in the Bragollach and had blinded; and they showed him forth, crying: 'We have many more such at home, but ye must make haste, if ye would find them. For we shall slay them when we return, even so.' And they hewed off Gelmir's hands and feet, and his head last, within sight of the Elves.

$225. But by ill chance across the water stood Gwindor Guilin's son, and he indeed against the will of Orodreth had marched to the war with all the strength that he could muster because of his grief for his brother. Therefore his wrath [struck out: could no longer be restrained, but] was kindled to a flame, and the men of Nargothrond sprang over the stream and slew the riders, and drove then on against the main host. And seeing this all the host of the West was set on fire, and Fingon sounded his trumpets and leaped forth from the hills in sudden onslaught; and many also of the army of Gondolin joined in the battle ere Turgon could restrain them.

$226. And behold! the light of the drawing of the swords of the Noldor was like a fire in a field of reeds; and so fell was their onset that almost the designs of Morgoth went astray. Ere the army that he had sent westward could be strengthened, it was swept away; [and assailed from west and south it was hewn down as it stood, and the greatest slaughter of the Orcs was then made that yet had been achieved. >] and the banners of Fingolfin [? read Fingon] passed over Anfauglith and were raised before the walls of Angband. I Gwindor son of Guilin and the folk of Nargothrond were in the forefront of that battle, and they burst through the outer gates and slew the Orcs [even in the very tunnels of Morgoth >] within the very fortress of Morgoth, and he trembled upon his deep throne, hearing them beat upon his doors.

$227. But at the last Gwindor was taken and his men slain; for none had followed them, and no help came. By other secret doors in the mountains of Thangorodrim Morgoth had let forth his main host that was held in waiting, and Fingon was beaten back with great loss from the walls.

$228. Then in the plain of Anfauglith, on the [third >]

fourth day of the war, began the Nirnaeth Arnediad, for no song can contain all its grief. The host of Fingon retreated over the sands of the desert, and there fell Hundor son of Haleth [struck out: in the rearguard] and most of the men of Brethil. But as night fell, and they were still far from [Ered-wethion >]

Eryd-wethrin, the Orcs surrounded the army of Fingon, and they fought until day, pressed ever closer. Even so, all was not yet lost. In the morning were heard the horns of Turgon who brought up now his main host to the rescue [struck out: unlooked-for by the Orcs]; and the Noldor of Gondolin were strong and clad in mail, and they broke [the leaguer, and once again the might of Angband was defeated. >] through the ranks of the Orcs, and Turgon hewed his way to the side of Fingon, his brother. And it is said that the meeting of Turgon with Hurin who stood by his king was glad in the midst of the battle.l $229. And in that very day, at the third hour of morning, lo!

at last the trumpets of Maidros were heard coming up from the east; and the banners of the sons of Feanor assailed the enemy in the rear. It has been said that even then the Eldar might have won the day, had all their hosts proved faithful; for the Orcs wavered, and their onslaught was stayed, and already some were turning to flight.

$230. But even as the vanguard of Maidros came upon the Orcs, Morgoth loosed his last strength, and Angband was emptied. There came wolves, and wolfriders, and there came Balrogs a thousand, and there came worms and drakes, and Glaurung, Father of Dragons. And the strength and terror of the Great Worm were now grown great indeed, and Elves and Men withered before him; and he came between the hosts of Maidros and Fingon and swept them apart.

$231. Yet neither by wolf, balrog, nor dragon would Morgoth have achieved his end, but for the treachery of Men. In this hour the plots of Ulfang were revealed; for many of the Easterlings turned and fled, their hearts being filled with lies and fear; but the sons of Ulfang went over suddenly to the side of Morgoth and drove in upon the rear of the sons of Feanor. And in the confusion that they wrought they came near to the standard of Maidros. They reaped not the reward that Morgoth promised them, for Maglor slew Uldor the Accursed, the leader in treason, and Bor and his sons slew Ulfast and Ulwarth ere they themselves were slain. But new strength of evil men came up that Uldor had summoned and kept hidden in the eastern hills, and the host of Maidros being assailed now on three sides, by the Orcs, and the beasts, and by the Swarthy Men, was dispersed and fled this way and that. Yet fate saved the sons of Feanor, and though all were wounded, none were slain, for they drew together and gathering a remnant of Noldor and of the Naugrim about them they hewed a way out of the battle and escaped towards Mount Dolmed.

$232. Last of all the eastern force to stand firm were the Enfeng of [Nogrod >] Belegost, and thus won renown. Now the Naugrim withstood fire more hardily than either Elves or Men, and it was the custom moreover of the Enfeng to wear great masks [struck out: or vizors) in battle hideous to look upon, which stood them in good stead against the drakes. And but for them Glaurung and his brood would have withered all that was left of the Noldor. But the Naugrim made a circle about him when he assailed them, and even his mighty armour was not full proof against the blows of their great axes; and when in his rage he turned and struck down Azaghal of Belegost and crawled over him, with his last stroke Azaghal drove a knife into his belly and so wounded him that he fled the field and the beasts of Angband in dismay followed after him. Had Azaghal but borne a sword great woe would have been spared to the Noldor that after befell [added:] but his knife went not deep enough. l But then the Enfeng raised up the body of Azaghal and bore it away; and with slow steps they walked behind, singing a dirge in their deep voices, as it were a funeral pomp in their own country, and gave no heed more to their foes; and indeed none dared to stay them.

$233. But now in the western battle Fingon was surrounded by a tide of foes thrice greater than all that was left to him

[struck out: and the Balrogs came against him]. There at last fell the King of the Noldor, and flame sprang from his helm when it was cloven. He was overborne by the Balrogs and beaten to the earth and his banners blue and silver were trodden into dust.

$234. The day was lost, but still Hurin and Huor with the men of Hador stood firm, and the Orcs could not yet win the passes of Sirion. Thus was the treachery of Uldor redressed; and the last stand of Hurin and Huor is the deed of war most renowned among the Eldar that the Fathers of Men wrought in their behalf. For Hurin spoke to Turgon saying: 'Go now, lord, while time is! For last art thou of the House of Fingolfin, and in thee lives the last hope of the Noldor. While Gondolin stands, strong and guarded, Morgoth shall still know fear in his heart.'

'Yet not long now can Gondolin be hidden, and being discovered it must fall,' said Turgon.

$235. 'Yet [a while it must stand,' said Hurin; 'for out of Gondolin >] if it stands but a little while,' said [Hurin >] Huor,

'then out of [Gondolin later >] thy house I shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to thee, lord, with the eyes of death; though here we part for ever, and I shall never look on thy white walls, from thee and me shall a new star arise.

Farewell! '

$236. [Struck out: Then Turgon withdrew and all the Noldor of Gondolin went back down Sirion and vanished into the hills. But all the remnant of the host of the west gathered about the brethren and held the pass behind them.]

$237. [Added subsequently:] And [Glindur later >] Maeglin, Turgon's sister-son, who stood by heard these words and marked them well, [struck out later: and looked closely at Huor,] but said naught.

$238. Then Turgon accepted the valiant words of the brethren, and summoning all that remained of the folk of Gondolin, and such of Fingon's host as could be gathered, he

[withdrew >] fought his way southward,l and escaped down Sirion, and vanished into the mountains and was hidden from the eyes of Morgoth. For Hurin and Huor held the pass behind him, so that no foe could follow him, and drew the remnant of the mighty men of Hithlum about them.

$239. Slowly they withdrew, until they came behind the Fen of Serech, and had the young stream of Sirion before them, and then they stood and gave way no more, for they were in the narrow gorge of the pass. Then all the host of Morgoth swarmed against them, and they bridged the stream with the dead, and encircled the remnant of Hithlum as a gathering tide about a rock.

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