The Virgin Master (12 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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I can’t imagine you being like that.”


Evan snorted. “Just ask Alexa Hatcher sometime.” Evan waved the disc. “We really need to know this stuff
. Y
ou up for watching it now?


“Yeah. I know you want to get back to work as soon as possible.”


“That’s something I want to talk to you about after we see this.” He popped the disc into the player and sat back, intent on paying attention.


When he saw the beginning of the video, Evan vaguely remembered watching this before
aybe in elementary school? He must not have paid attention, knowing his family didn’t own slaves, because from the opening slide to the end, Evan became increasingly angry and uncomfortable and Jeremy
quiet and perfectly still. Evan and Jeremy learned from the disc that:


Slaves could not sit on
or use
furniture without express permission, except beds and certain office equipment;


Slaves could never be allowed to touch eating utensils or china or ceramic plates
these things were too easy to convert to weapons;


Masters had to possess and register the minimum appropriate discipline tools; to wit: a flogger a crop and a paddle. All state certified discipline tools had distinct identification
If a Master did not buy and register these
an inspector
would come to evaluate
the master’s degree of
control of his slave.
he slave
be removed and sold
if the inspector deemed the master had
insufficient control;


slaves were never eligible for manumission
If any citizen
felt t
ened or offended by any glance,
or touch from a slave it was their right to immediately
discipline him with the state certified discipline tool of their choice
The Master had the right to observe and could file a civil suit for damages if the discipline impaired his property or left
scars, or other permanent damage;


Slaves could not speak
, eat, sleep, move,  relieve themselves, make eye contact, or have an orgasm without specific permission from their Master;


Slaves could work outside the home: wages would be paid directly to their Master and they were not entitled to any benefits;


Slaves were not permitted to refuse any order given by their Master. They were not permitted safe words;


Masters must keep their slaves under control at all times. Three complaints about a slave from any citizen would result in large fines for the Master. Three more and the slave would be put down;


Abuse occurred when a Master killed a slave or permanently maimed him. Nothing short of this degree of damage would be considered abusive;
Slaves were not entitled to medical care; any such care would
be solely at the Master’s discretion;


When not engaged in active walking or performing some task for their Masters, Slaves must kneel quietly and without unnecessary movement on the ground or floor;


Masters were entitled to loan their Slaves sexually, either as favors
recompense without being charged with prostitution;
Slaves could not have sexual contact of any kind, including masturbation, without specific permission from their Masters; Masters suspected of harboring inappropriat
e emotional
bonds with their slaves would have their slaves removed and resold. Such Masters were prohibited from slave ownership for five years, without recourse to trial


aves were entitled to be kept clean and to have enough calories to maintain their body weight.


All of these rules were illustrated with vignettes
, s
ome of them explicit enough to constitute pornography. After the disc finished
playing both men sat on the sofa lost in thought, and
numb with
shock. Evan sat, clenching his fists in impotent rage.
I can’t treat him like that. I could never take a paddle or a crop to him or allow anyone else to.
He told himself that, despite the disturbing stirring of heat the same thoughts provoked.




Jeremy sat very still. He still felt no fear of Evan, but if he made a mistake in public, anybody at all could restrain him, strip him
and beat him in public.
Evan wouldn’t be able to do anything at all to protect him. No wonder all the trained slaves he had ever
seen were so passive and emotionless. The best way to get through this kind of life would be to become invisible. He looked sidelong at Evan and saw his stri
cken expression and the way his
fists were clenched.


Unbidden, an image of Evan restraining him and spanking him came into his mind. Despite his recent injuries, his libido certainly seemed to be intact because as soon as the picture sprang to mind, an unexpected wave of longing swept over him. He briefly wondered what the hell was wrong with him. He’d never had such a thought or feeling before. But this was
Jeremy thought back to the first time he had ever
seen Evan. He had needed a senior seminar and took Evan’s
primarily because it was the only one with a seat left.


e had heard good things about Evan, mostly centered upon how attractive he was. He wished he had a dollar for every time his friend Katherine gushed about Evan’s violet eyes or how his hair turned every possible shade of flame in the sun. She went on and on about his ass, his voice, his arms and every other conceivable body part. Jeremy usually zoned out.


Katherine wasn’t the only one. It seemed that all his friends who had seen Evan insisted that he was the hottest thing on the planet. Jeremy sort of pooh-poohed that. No one could be as sexually magnetic as people tried to tell him Evan was. He wondered why
everybody he knew, male or female, mentioned it. He shrugged to himself
. H
e was straight, so it was just a weird fact about one of his professors. Then he saw him. And heard his voice. They made eye contact and Jeremy lost his way. Throughout the whole first meeting of the seminar Jeremy heard not one word, lost in trying to commit every feature, every graceful gesture, every tone of voice to memory.


He barely made
it back to his dorm to jerk off. He had never wanted
anyone so intensely, so fast.


He casually asked around and found out about Evan and
epic love. Everybody who saw them together said they were perfect for each other and so in love they still glowed, despite being two years into the relationship. Jeremy made it a point to go to the parties where they were going to be and, once he found
out that Evan frequented a particular bar because he loved the bar band, Jeremy went there, too. He saw it. He saw the depth of their love and it was so perfect that he gave up any hope he ever might have had to make Evan notice him.


It didn’t help matters that Justin was as physically striking as Evan; gold to Evan’s flame. They were so unbelievably beautiful as a couple that most people found them sickening. Jeremy couldn’t stay away entirely; he hung on the periphery of the Evan-and-Justin friendship orbit, just looking. He spent an entire year alone, except for the platonic company of one or another of his close female friends, because his mind refused to focus on anyone other than Evan.


hen he first realized who had bought him he thought he
was surely unconscious and dreaming or had suffered a psychotic break. The man of his dreams had just bought him to be his
sex slave
. As Jeremy sat and mulled over the rules, he realized that they didn’t matter to him. He would happily obey all the rules and strive to be the most perfect personal slave in existence if he could belong to Evan.


Evan kept saying this was to be a
charade… that
he didn’t plan
to actually
use Jeremy as a personal slave. But Jeremy had felt Evan’s arousal when he restrained him for
his medical procedure
he had seen Evan looking at him. He had a brief talk with Marta who told him that, to her knowledge, Evan had been with no one for the last four years.
Jeremy sighed.
He was probably going to have to be the first sex slave in history who needed to seduce his own Master.




Evan contemplated the rules with
. He turned to look at Jeremy. Jeremy smiled at him and then slowly sank off the couch onto the floor to kneel at Evan’s feet; eyes down, knees spread, hands behind his back, in presentation mode
, exactly
like the demonstration on the disc. Evan’s breath caught in his throat at Jeremy’s graceful and willing offer of submission.


Heat rose up his body and a raging tide of lust took him by surprise. He
to want to tell Jeremy not to be silly and to
get up
that slave behavior was only for outside the apartment. What he
wanted to do was order Jeremy to suck his cock. As the idea formed in his mind, as he pictured Jeremy’s pink
bow mouth stretched out around his erection, eyes closed in bliss, he moaned slightly. Jeremy continued to kneel perfectly on display making no sign he heard Evan’s slip.


“Jeremy…don’t do this. We don’t do this inside the apartment.”


Jeremy peeked up at him. “We need to practice. I don’t want to make a mistake that will let someone just grab me up and whip me. I don’t want to behave in some manner that will cause complaints to be filed, because I really couldn’t stand doing this for anybody else. I would lose my mind and either have to be put down, or kill myself.”


Evan nodded slowly. T
he idea of practice made sense.


“Okay, practice makes sens
e. But not all the time, right?

Let’s say that we do the
Master/Slave thing after dinner

every evening.”


Evan shifted nervously, hoping Jeremy would just get
up. His t-shirt covered the tent in his pants for the moment,
grew increasingly uncomfortable and Jeremy became more
empting. He stood up suddenly gesturing vaguely toward his laptop. “We need to shop. I need to buy you a comfortable collar and some clothes.” 


van looked at Jeremy, and then, heaving a deep sigh, tapped Jeremy once on the shoulder, like the Master in the demonstration video, indicating that he could look up.
obeyed immediately, sending another wave of pleasure through Evan. They stared at each other and then Evan realized that he had started to ask Jeremy a question.


“I wanted to talk to you about how you felt about working. Uh…will you work with me in my office?  I could certainly use the help of someone as qualified as you.”


Jeremy smiled, “I guess I’ll have to work on the floor. I
wonder if I’m allowed to use the

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