The Virgin Master (11 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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It was as if he had never really felt
sexual attraction before in his life. He hid it well. He thought he saw a spark of interest in Evan’s eyes a time or two, but ten minutes in Evan and Justin’s presence and he could see that the two men were totally committed to each other. He contented himself with friendship. He felt pathetic, but he was going to take whatever he could get. He broke up with his fiancée, never telling her the truth, just tell
ing her there was someone else.
He had
gone to gay bars, hoping to find, at the very least, a distraction; but no one appealed to him. Women still attracted him, but not nearly to the extent that Evan did. He had to conclude that weirdly, he was bi-sexual in an extremely limited way. Apparently it was Evan or no one.


The end of the year that Jeremy met Evan, Jeremy graduated with a four-year degree and Evan finished his MBA program. He and Justin moved back to Dallas so that Evan could join his father’s company. Jeremy missed him, but realized the extremely low likelihood of ever seeing him or being with him again, even socially. He entered the MBA program and tried to forget about violet eyes and impossibly long copper-gold eyelashes. After a while he could date women again, and have more or less satisfying sex.


The week before his MBA graduation, he got a desperate phone call from his father and plunged into trying to save the Paxton Group from going under. He ate, slept and
breathed spreadsheets and meetings until the final downfall. His father had not mismanaged the company
. T
he market for their
specialized home gaming
products had just vanished when most of the middle class did. People still played video and
they just didn’t replace what they already had or bought used or gray market sets. Jeremy had seen that they needed to diversify and nearly had a deal that would make it possible for them to move into aftermarket auto parts. By that time, no one would finance the company. The deal fell through and his family was ruined. He hadn’t had time to miss Evan or have any kind of soci
al life for the past four years




Evan’s emotions ran riot. He hated holding Jeremy down so that someone else could hurt him. Even for
necessary pain
ould take to heal
. He hated it. But at the same time, he
noticed he was
half-hard. Something about holding Jeremy
turned him on fast. Jeremy had to have noticed. Once again, Evan tried to tell
himself that just touching, or being touched again, sparked an exaggerated response; but he knew better. He had always had a little dark side to him.


He had enjoyed holding Justin down and taking him rough and hard on occasion. Of course Justin claimed to enjoy it, too, but Evan? Evan always knew he enjoyed it a lot more than he was comfortable admitting. Watching Jeremy in pain, though, killed his erection almost instantly and Evan felt a little better about himself.




When Evan first straddled Jeremy to hold him down, Jeremy astonished himself by the strength and depth of the arousal evoked by feeling Evan’s weight holding him. Those feelings vanished immediately once Tom began treatment. After Tom cut away the affected tissue from the infected lesion and
stitched it up, he put two stitches each in four
more tears.


Once the pain o
f debridement had ended, Jeremy
tolerated the additional stitches well. They barely hurt in comparison. He removed the belt from his mouth, but Evan continued to sit on him. He certainly had noticed Evan’s brief arousal. He was in too much pain to be aroused in return, but it interested him. And he noted, without surprise, that once the severe pain passed, Evan’s soothing touches on his wrists flared hot against his skin. A tiny spark of hope glowed deep inside his chest.




om saw the douche kit and powder on the bedside table and without comment prepared it and asked Evan to get Jeremy stripped and into the tub. Jeremy was a shaking mess. The valium relaxed him a little bit, but the surge of adrenalin he had gotten from being held down and hurt, and the surprising wave of arousal he had felt when Evan  first exerted force to hold him down had worn him out, coming on top of the stress of putting himself up for sale. Tom showed Evan and Jeremy how to administer the antibiotic douche and started to pack up. Evan helped Jeremy into the bathroom in the hallway and left him to
select a water temperature and start filling the tub. Jeremy indicated that he could get the douche done on his own; Evan nodded dubiously and promised to check to see if he needed any help.


Going into his home office, Evan retrieved
the vasectomy certification and
approached Tom as he stood by the apartment door.


“I don’t know how to ask you this….” Evan admitted.


“Best way? Just ask.”


Evan huffed a small laugh. “The girl at the auction house payment desk gave me this and said Jeremy had to have a mandatory vasectomy.” He proffered the certificate to Tom.


om stared at Evan. “Are you
asking me, what I think


s some kind of inspector going to actually take a look at him physically to be sure it was done? Could he even tell?”


om regarded Evan suspiciously. “Look, Alexa and I are both
grateful that she’s getting her job back, but I think you’re
asking me to commit a felony here. I’m right aren’t I
you want
me to certify that he’s had the procedure without actually doing it? How do you know I won’t turn you in for this?”


Evan dropped his hand and his head and sighed. “I’m sorry. It just seems….so insulting and wrong. You seem like…someone who cares. I have to start trusting people sometime.” He looked up and met Tom’s eye. “We’re all told over and over that slaves just look like people but they’re really not. Do you believe that? I can’t.”


Tom cleared his throat. “No, I don’t believe that.”


“I mean if that’s true, then as a society we’ve given blanket approval for a limited form of bestiality, right? If Jeremy’s some kind of animal and everybody expects me to have sex with him, what does that make me? It’s even worse because it’s
. The man has an undergraduate degree and an MBA from Stanford. His
father graduated from Harvard Business School. His mother was a Ph.D. candidate in Art History. I mean
these people are suddenly animals because the economy failed? Some bureaucrat somewhere decided that Jeremy should never have children because…he might dilute the purity of the human bloodline or something?”


Tom watched Evan intently throughout this speech. Silently he held out his hand and Evan slowly surrendered the vasectomy certification to him. Tom signed and dated it and handed it back.


“Thanks, Tom. One more indignity spared.” Evan flooded with relief. He had not wanted to explain this to Jeremy and force him to comply.


“One more thing Evan
you need to get Jeremy a proper collar. That plastic thing he has on right now will tear his skin up. If you go online you can find several different styles and materials that are in accordance with the law, but won’t do any damage. Some are actually kind of attractive. They’re expensive though.”


Evan shook Tom’s han
d and gave him a genuine smile.


“Alexa told me she would be coming in to work today. Is there anything else I can do for either of you? I really owe you.”


Tom snor
ted. “Wait until you get my bill.”


Chapter Nine


Smiling, Evan let the vet out. Stuffing the vasectomy certification in his pocket, he went to see if Jeremy needed any help with the douche. He found a disgruntled Jeremy just finishing up the process; the look of total disgust on his face made Evan have to hide a smile. He tried very, very hard not to gaze too longingly at Jeremy’s body.


“Feeling any better?”


Jeremy considered for a minute. “Yeah. The painkillers finally kicked in; but man
whatever’s in that powder stings something awful.”


Evan held up a fluffy towel for Jeremy and dried him off, trying to be as distant as possible. Jeremy made matters more difficult by leaning into Evan’s hands and smiling at him.


“Now I have to use this cream.” Jeremy waggled the tube.


“Uh, could you help? I mean you’ve seen up in there and you know where all the injuries are.” Jeremy flushed a deep crimson and dropped his eyes.


Evan’s heart kicked into overdrive and he took the tube with shaking hands, which, thankfully, Jeremy didn’t see. “Sure. If you’re sure you want me to.”


“Yeah. I’m tired of having my own hands up my ass.” Jeremy almost did a double take at himself. “I mean…not that I want any hands up my ass…shit.”


Evan chuckled and hugged Jeremy. “Can you walk back to the
bedroom, okay?”


“I think so.” Jerem
y started out the door and Evan
followed closely behind, ready to lend support if needed. Jeremy lay on his back on the bed and brought his knees up, putting his feet flat on the mattress the way he had opened up for Tom, covering his groin with a towel. “I’m starting to think that this is my default position.”


an stared at him openly.
If you really were my pleasure slave, it
be your default position.
Swallowing hard, Evan lubed up a couple of fingers. Jeremy’s sphincter still gaped slightly open from the speculum and the nozzle on the anal douche, but Evan wanted to be sure he didn’t cause Jeremy any further pain.


After satisfying himself that Jeremy’s opening was sufficiently relaxed, Evan knelt between Jeremy’s splayed knees and began using the cream to coat the inside of his damaged rectum, visualizing where the injuries were located. He stroked gently. He couldn’t help making contact with the back of Jeremy’s scrotum with his wrist and he saw Jeremy’s cock begin to tent the towel slightly. He needed to finish this fast. He wondered why Jeremy
seemed to respond so readily to him. He had always assumed the younger man was straight. Maybe he had assumed wrong?


Evan sat back on his heels, trying not to drool as he could see Jeremy’s semi-erect cock
just begging to be licked and sucked into submission.  He cleared his throat. “All done. Do you want a nap or lunch?”


Jeremy’s stomach chose that moment to rumble. “Lunch it is. Then, later, we should watch those orientation discs.”


Jeremy grinned at him. “Whatever you say, Master.” His tone, along with the bright smile, teased Evan into a state of near painful arousal.


After a light lunch, which was liquid for Jeremy
, Evan apologized and regretted
the toast he let Jeremy have earlier
e was certain Jeremy would regret it more
he men settled in the media room to watch the orientation disc. Before starting the disc, Evan explained about Justin’s death and why he had to have a personal slave.


“So, you haven’t been with anyone at all since Justin? And that’s the business of the board and the stockholders?”


Evan sighed. “The Paxton Group was held totally by your family, right? So it’s no wonder you weren’t aware of all the new rules about the sexual and mental health of upper management for publically held corporations. Dad told me that if I didn’t get a higher score on this year’s mental health evaluation, most of our investors were going to pull out. I was really insulted
at first,
but I’ve found out a few things about myself while on suspension that I don’t like at all. I turned into some kind of unfeeling machine
I alienated employees and clients. Everybody hated me.”

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