The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies (31 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Ellen Guiley,Philip J. Imbrogno

Tags: #Gnostic Dementia, #Conspiracy Theories, #Retail, #21st Century,

BOOK: The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies
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How Real-Time Radio Sweep EVP Works

Because of his scientific background, Phil has been trained to question extraordinary claims; he was very skeptical when he first heard
about the "ghost box." However, after working with it a number
of times with Rosemary, he became convinced that it was picking
up voices that were beyond this realm of reality. Phil felt there was
no other explanation-according to our current understanding of
modern physics, the voices should not be there. What is most remarkable about the "ghost box" is that who- or whatever is on the
other end responds to questions the operator(s) ask.

The "ghost box" operates by scanning through an entire band
with the EVP being received over a number of adjacent frequencies in the AM, FM, and upper and lower sidebands. This means
the EVP is not on any particular channel, but is a signal with a
very wide bandwidth that our research shows is spread over 100
kHz or greater. In our opinion, this is what makes it so unusual.
In order for the device to work and pick up a "spirit voice" you
must have a strong standard signal, so the more crowded the band
with radio stations, the better chance you have of getting EVP. It
seems the EVP part of the signal is so weak that it needs a stronger standard AM signal on which to "piggyback" in order to be
heard. The piggyback effect is simple to understand: one weaker
radio signal on the same frequency rides on another stronger one to reach the receiver. This is what seems to be happening with the
mystery voices on the ghost box-they are riding (or piggybacking) on standard AM radio station transmissions to the receiver.
Due to the sweeping effect, the commercial AM transmission is
garbled, but the EVP comes through clearly with a different sound
and with fully formed words.

Light and radio signals follow the curvature of space, so theoretically, these messages should not be able to reach our reality from
another dimension unless tiny holes, perhaps the size of atoms, are
somehow created in the space-time continuum. Such holes could
create a bridge or tunnel to connect our world with the dimension
of the djinn. What makes matters so puzzling is that the operator uses no transmitting equipment at all! It seems that the voice
of the operator and the questions asked are heard by the entity
directly on the "other side." Or, it may be possible that the voice
of the operator is being transmitted through the circuits in the radio. It is interesting to note that sometimes, despite optimal conditions, the ghost box does not work at all. The person operating
the device seems to play an important part in its success-some
people never get results, while others frequently do. We believe
that the psychic makeup and attitude of the individual operating
the ghost box is an important component in its success though we
also must consider that the intelligence on "the other side" may
want to communicate only with certain people. There is a considerable amount of research and analysis to be done in this area, but
the one conclusion we have reached is that the ghost box, although
limited in its performance, does work.

Djinn Communication Using the MiniBox

One of our favorite real-time EVP devices is the MiniBox, developed by Ron Ricketts of Carrollton, Texas.24
The MiniBox features multiple scan methods, programmable memory, printed circuit boards, a long-lasting rechargeable gel battery, and a controllable rate of scan. We have taken the MiniBox to some of the stone chambers in upstate New York that Phil researched in connection with his UFO investigations. The chambers have been associated with apparitions, poltergeist activity, mysterious lights, visions, appearances of shadow people and hooded beings, and other phenomena. We believe the chambers sit on energized sites that serve as interdimensional portals. At one, we got quite a surprise when the communicators identified themselves as djinn!

On a hot summer day in 2009, we took the MiniBox to one of the most famous stone chambers (we prefer not to disclose the exact location in order to protect the site's integrity) and set it up at the entrance.

In a typical session, it takes five to ten minutes to synchronize with whoever is communicating. There is an initial warm-up period, after which intense communication usually begins. After about thirty to forty-five minutes of peak intensity, the links start breaking up and communication declines. We can only speculate that the energy can hold for just a certain amount of time. During the peak, various communicators come and go. We believe it is possible to get only a fraction of what is being issued from their side-and perhaps they only hear a fraction of what we say in return.

The session at this particular chamber was exceptionally long, about seventy minutes. The communicators accurately told us our first names as recognition. We asked, "Who built this chamber?" and heard back, "God did... weapon... Satan." Was the chamber a
portal or tool of some sort in the perpetual struggle between good
and evil, we wondered. It was not the answer we expected.

"Who are you?" we asked the unseen speakers. "Djinn," was
the immediate answer. They also told us they liked our box device for communication, and that the chamber was a portal. "Do
you come through the chamber?" we asked. "Through," they said.
"Where are you?" we asked. "In the park" and "in the chamber" they
said (the chamber is located in a state park, deep in the woods). It
seemed as though the communicators had come through an interdimensional portal and manifested in the space around us.

We usually repeat questions to see if we get consistent responses.
"Are you human?" we asked.

"Negative... demon. "

"Are you djinn?"

"Unh-huh... surprises. "

"Who is here besides demons?"

"Satan ... demons... monster. " (After this reply, we heard strangesounding laughter.)

"Tell us who you are," we repeated.

"Djinn. "

"Is anyone here besides djinn?"


"Give us more information."

"No. "This was followed by more weird laughter.

We could not get past this Trickster-like exchange for the remainder of the session.

During the peak intensity, we both felt enveloped by a strange
energy or atmosphere, as though the air around us was being electromagnetically charged. Neither of us had expected djinn to show
up and identify themselves-in fact, in all the years that both of
us have been experimenting with EVP of varying types, neither of us had ever heard directly from djinn in a manner such as this.
We have heard communicators identify themselves as the dead,
entities in other realms, and as extraterrestrials. Perhaps the djinn
decided to reveal themselves because they knew about the research
we were conducting for this book!

Our results made us wonder just how many other EVP communications are a summoning of djinn who masquerade as the
dead, aliens, angels, and other entities. Given the present limits
of technology, we have little way of knowing for certain who is at
the other end of the connection. At the very best, we might be the
victims of a Trickster. At worst, we could be already led astray in
accordance with the djinn agenda.

Future EVP Experimentation

The success of picking up complex EVP on the standard AM band
has produced limited success, but it has proved to us that communication can be established with another reality using standard
electromagnetic radiation. One of the problems with the commercial AM band is that it is simply too noisy! If the djinn exist
in another nearby dimension, it seems the only way for them to
get clear reception of possible EVP signals is to punch "holes" in
the earth's magnetosphere and dimensional rift. As stated earlier,
occurence of these "holes" may be natural and dependent on the
amount of solar radiation reaching earth.

Theoretically, one might have more success in obtaining clear
EVP by eavesdropping on a frequency that is able to pick up signals from beyond the ionosphere (a portion of earth's upper atmosphere). The section of the radio band best suited for this is the
Very Low Frequency (VLF) area of the electromagnetic spectrum.
VLF receivers are simple but relatively uncommon. Consisting
only of an antenna and an audio amplifier, they are sensitive to radio waves with frequencies between a few hundred hertz and sev eral hundred kHz. For comparison, AM broadcast band radioslike the ones in the ghost boxes and most automobiles-span the
much higher frequency range 540 kHz to 1.6 mHz.

A signal on this frequency possesses a very long wavelength and
would be able to reach us from the magnetic field that encompasses
our planet. This band is very quiet with few man-made transmissions. For many years, scientists, researchers, and radio enthusiasts
have picked up strange signals from this region that have not been
fully understood.

If the human body had radio antennas instead of ears, people
would hear a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from
the space that surrounds our planet. Scientists call them "tweeks,"
"whistlers," and "snap, crackle, and pop." At times, these sounds
picked up in the VLF band are so strange they seem suited for the
background noise of a science fiction film. These remarkable radio
emissions are real and although scientists don't fully understand
how they are produced, they are around us all the time.

The source of most VLF emissions on earth is lightning. Lightning bolts emit a broadband pulse of radio waves, just as they unleash a visible flash of light. VLF signals from nearby lightning,
heard through the loudspeaker of a radio, sound like bacon frying
in a pan or the crackling and popping of a campfire. Even if there
is no lighting in your area, depending on the size and efficiency of
your antenna and the sensitivity of the receiver, you can still hear
VLF lightning crackles from storms thousands of kilometers away.
Sometimes the ionosphere leaks lightning pulses into space. These
pulses exit the atmosphere entirely and follow earth's magnetic
field lines that guide them more than 13,000 kilometers above the
surface, and back into our planet's magnetosphere. It is this phenomenon that scientists think are responsible for the "whistlers"
because they sound like slowly descending tones. Whistlers are
dispersed because they travel great distances through magnetized plasmas, which coincidently enough are strongly dispersive media for VLF signals.

It is theorized by scientists at the NASA Marshall Space Center that some of these returning flashes of lightning produce plasma that could create holes in the magnetic field of our planet. This theory intrigued us since this is what might be needed to connect the world of the djinn with our own.

In 2009, Rosemary was able to purchase a Panasonic RF-4900 radio receiver, a model the company no longer manufactures. This receiver was one of the great radios from an earlier period before the days of satellite transmissions. It is amazing that she was able to find one, as the few that are left are owned by die-hard, oldtime ham radio operators and SWLs who see them as a collector's item.25
Although the receiver has the potential to become a super EVP box, it lacks one feature-it does not receive in the VLF area. Rosemary was able to find a converter, and with Phil's know-how (being an old ham radio operator himself), we were able to connect the receiver and get the converter working properly. However, at that low frequency, the wavelength is very long and one needs an antenna several hundred feet long to even hope of picking up signals from the upper atmosphere and beyond.

As a temporary fix, we hooked up twenty feet of 20-gauge insulated copper wire to act as an antenna. On our first attempt, at a frequency of 100 kHz, we picked up a strange series of faint tones that sounded like navigation signals. The sounds lasted for about five minutes, then grew fainter, and eventually vanished. The tones sounded artificial in nature and definitely should not have been there. It seemed odd to us that we turned on the receiver at the exact time and frequency to pick up this transient signal. Perhaps some other intelligence was involved and wanted us to hear some thing on our first attempt. Was the signal coming from another
dimension or a parallel reality? We might never know for sure, but
two things are certain: the signals should not have been there, and
we never picked them up again.

Over the next several weeks of listening in the wee hours of
the morning, Phil was able to pick up sounds that sounded like
popping and crackling, which he was able to identify as electrical
bursts in the upper atmosphere. However, on more than one occasion, he picked up unusual sounds that were almost musical in nature. After considerable research, we found out that NASA, in addition to a number of independent researchers around the globe,
had also been receiving the sounds for years-no one can fully explain them. The sounds have been attributed to natural discharges
of plasma energy in the magnetosphere. Again, the word plasma
caught our attention, as it relates to djinn physiology. It is possible they might discharge energy in the same way as other celestial
bodies, resulting in some of it spreading across the VLF spectrum.
Of course, this is pure speculation, but speculation often leads to

A Bold Experiment

We intend to do more research with both the MiniBox and the
Panasonic, and to use the VLF band and fully document these signals. We plan to find a large field where we can set up a series of
very long dipole antennas, which will greatly expand our capabilities in receiving the mysterious signals on the low-frequency radio
band. As EVP is rather weak, we are also in the process of designing a low-power transmitter that will produce a signal with a "dead
carrier," which will allow the EVP to piggyback on it.

Besides the many technical difficulties that await us, the biggest
problem still lies ahead: communication is a two-way street and if
the other side is not interested in conversation, there will not be any results. Perhaps the djinn like using the crowded radio bands
to communicate with us, since most of the messages are partial
and almost cryptic in nature. Perhaps the communication is a
game that green djinn play with humans. We cannot tell you what
the chances of success are, but one thing is for sure: if we do not
try, our results definitely will be zero. In the months that follow
the publication of this book, we will publish any successful results.
Our readers are invited to get in touch with us at the emails and
website listed in the "About the Authors" section.

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