The Vampire's Bride (6 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

BOOK: The Vampire's Bride
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Very funny.”

“You never take me seriously. Why is that?”

“Maybe because you never are, Alaric.” Josephine wanted to change the topic. His sudden hurt look got to her. “Looking around the place, I can see nothing has changed.”

Polly nodded. “Yep, nothing much changes here.”

“I guess not.” Josephine focused on the vampire. “Let’s cut to the chase. Why am I here?”

Alaric grinned. “You never change, baby. I like that about you.

You’re so sweet and even-tempered.”

More than ever, Josephine knew something more than his declaration of love was behind his need to see her. “What do you want?”


“Why? I know you turning up as you did is not about undying love for me, is it?”

“I do love you, and there doesn’t have to be a reason behind everything.”

Josephine laughed. “Yeah, with you there does.” She turned to Polly. “What’s going on?” The other woman knew too much to be in dark.

“Tell her, Fang.”

That made Josephine smile. She had forgotten Polly’s nickname for Alaric when he was being impossible. “Yeah, Fang, what is it?”

Alaric spread his hands in a plea. “Just remember what I’m about to say is only a really small part of why I want you here.”

“Oh yeah?” Josephine knew whatever he was going to say was going to piss her off. As much as she wanted to believe Alaric loved
The Vampire’s Bride


her and that there was a connection between them, she knew vampires, on the whole, were slaves to their desires. Alaric loved two things above all others—sex and Maverick house. Sex they had done, so this was about the house. “So, whatever this is about revolves around this pile of stone.”

“It’s more about you.”

“Uh-huh, how so?”

“I need you.”

Josephine’s needed to know more. “Why?”

Alaric looked uneasy. “Why all the questions, baby? That’s an annoying habit you have.”

“And your evading them is annoying to me. So be a big, brave vampire and just tell me.”

“You’ll get all emotional.”

After a statement like that, it was guaranteed she would. “I suppose you hate that too.”

“No, it’s kind of cute how worked up you get about things.”

Alaric reached out for her.

Josephine sidestepped him “Oh, piss off. Just tell me the truth.”

“Well, you see, it’s like this…”

Polly snorted in derision. “Oh, for God’s sake. Tell the woman.”

She faced Josephine. “He needs you here to solidify his claim to the house. If Alaric marries you, then he wins Maverick House.”

Josephine staggered slightly under those words. She was a means to an end. Any rekindling or acknowledging of feelings had been doused with cold water. “This is about Richard.” This had nothing to do with loving and needing her.

“Well, no, more so the house and—”

“When are you going to grow up?” Josephine had endured enough. She spun around and headed for the door.

Alaric followed. “I’m two hundred and seventy-five years old, so it’s a moot point.”


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“I’m leaving.” She grabbed hold of the front door handle and turned. It wouldn’t budge.


me!” Josephine pulled at the door. “I will not be used for the sake of this house. And why won’t the fucking door open?”

She kicked at it, then howled in pain. Pointy-toed white satin pumps were not practical door-kicking-in equipment.

Polly caught up with them. “You’re an idiot, Alaric.”

“Go away, Polly,” Alaric growled in annoyance.

“I live here.”

“I can change that,” he responded.

“No, you can’t, Fang. This house controls who lives here. Why do you think Josephine can’t get the door open?” Polly looked at him smugly. “Besides, Richard likes me.”

“The fucking house won’t let me go? Why can’t my life be normal?” Josephine wailed and beat her fists against the door.

“You’d be bored with normal.” Alaric pulled her from the door and into his arms

Josephine fought him. “You don’t need me. I’m sure you can charm any woman into marrying you.”

“But I love you.”

“And I hate you.” Josephine took a swing at him.

Alaric ducked. “Nah, you love me.”

“Oh, fuck off.”

Polly smiled. “I’ll let you two fight this out. Don’t take any crap from him.”

“I don’t intend to. I’m leaving.”

“No, you’re not.” With one swift move, Alaric hoisted Josephine up in his arms and over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift.

“Put me down!” She clutched at his hips to steady herself.

“No, we have to talk.” Alaric turned around and headed up the staircase.

The Vampire’s Bride


“What about? How you interrupted my wedding to use me to get back at your cousin?”

Alaric slapped her butt. “Oh come on, you weren’t serious about marrying Dimwit. Besides, once I have sole possession of Maverick House, then we can live together in peace.”

The slap to her ass made her sigh in pleasure. After what Richard had done, it reignited all her needs once more. “Peace?” Josephine snorted. “You are the least peaceful person I know.”

“You’re not exactly the queen of serenity yourself, baby.”

“I’m plenty serene when I’m not with you.” She pummeled his ass. “Put me down. I’m getting a headache from hanging upside down.” He did, but only when they reached his bedroom. He dumped Josephine on the bed. Before she had a chance to move, he was on her.

“We need to talk.” Alaric pinned her body down and grabbed at her skirt. The sound of tearing rent the air.

“We never talk. We fuck.” Josephine struggled under him. Alaric continued ripping her dress. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to tie you up.”

Oh yes, please
. “Why?”

“Because I have a feeling you’ll enjoy it, and I need you still and quiet.” Alaric finished ripping the fabric and grabbed one of her hands.

Josephine made a halfhearted attempt to fight him, but the idea of being tied up appealed to her. Not even Richard had done that to her.

She willingly allowed him to bind her other hand to the bedhead.


“What, baby?”

“Who did you sleep with while we were apart?” Richard’s words still reverberated in her head.

“No one.” He reached for one of her legs.

“What about blood?” No vampire could live without that.


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Alaric lashed one hand to the bottom bedpost. “I don’t have to have sex to get blood. I prefer your blood, but there are ways to get what I need. I just have to—”

“Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” Josephine knew some things were better unknown. “Why are my legs spread so far apart?”

“For comfort.”

“Mine or yours?”

“Both.” Alaric lay between her thighs, his face level with hers, and he smiled. “Hello.”

Josephine sighed. He had a beautiful smile.
I could spend forever
with that smile.

“We need to stop arguing and just be together.”

Josephine went to speak. Alaric put a finger to her lips.

“I know I’m irresponsible and annoying and arrogant and I just expect you to fall into line with my plans, but I’m in love with you, and that makes me do crazy things.”

“Like pull me from my wedding?”

“And make love to you.”

“And tie me up?”

“And make love to you again.”

He was impossible and beautiful and just perfect for her. “Why?”

“Because I love having sex with you.”


“Because I adore you and I need to be with you and I’ll never leave you again.”

Josephine wanted to believe that. “Really?”

“You can trust me.” Alaric pushed back the hair from her face.

“Yeah, the idea of marrying you to get Maverick House did appeal to me, but not for the reasons you think. I missed you. I needed you.” He started kissing her neck.

“You were an idiot to let me go.”

“Yes.” His lips moved up to her jaw.

The Vampire’s Bride


Oh, that was so nice. Josephine felt like she was melting under his soft, sweet kisses. “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you.”

“Oh yes.” Alaric kissed all around her mouth, but not her lips.

Josephine closed her eyes and gave in to the tender pleasure. “But this doesn’t mean I forgive you.”

Alaric’s hands caressed her breasts. “No, I understand.”

Did he really? “I need more from you.”

“I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy.”

“Alaric?” The need to be filled as only he could was upon her.

She was wet and ready, and having the man she loved as close as her heartbeat was what she needed.

“Yes, baby?”

“Come inside me.”

“With pleasure.” He wasted no time. Alaric freed his cock and pushed into her cunt.

Alaric’s lips found hers, and they kissed as he fucked her with a slow, deep pace. She whimpered and cried out. She was tied up and at his mercy, and yet she wasn’t. This was exactly what Josephine wanted. Alaric made love to her without her having to urge him on with caresses. This was about him pleasing her.

Her eyes met his. “Please.” One more thing would make this perfect. She tilted her head to the side to expose her neck.

“Thank you.”

The razor-sharp slice into her vein barely registered as his cock pumped in and out of her body. She cried out at each deep thrust, wanting it to never end. The heat from his dick and his mouth had started off a chain reaction that was pushing from her pelvis up her back. Josephine started to tremble as the orgasm gripped her.


Alaric, in turn, pushed harder in and out of her, his mouth fastened on her neck and sucking in time with his thrusts. He kissed her hard as he jerked and came against her.


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The warm cum flowed from him as her blood flowed from her. It was perfect. Alaric lay between her legs as they both caught their breath.

“Untie me.” Josephine wanted to wrap her arms around his body and snuggle against him.

“No.” Alaric lifted up from her.

“Why not?” The cool air on her skin came as a shock.

“You’re all mellow and calm now. Soon you won’t be, and you’ll be thinking what a bastard I am, and you’ll want to leave.” Alaric crawled off the bed. “I want you to stay a little longer and work past that.”

Josephine began to see red. “Work past that? Have you been reading self-help books?”

“I’ll be back, and we’ll play some more.” He headed to the door.

He has to be kidding surely?

“Think about us.”

“You bastard!”

He chuckled and left the room.

The Vampire’s Bride


Chapter Six

“Hello, what do we have here?” Richard appeared out of thin air ten minutes later.

Oh, great. That that was all she needed. Trussed up with Richard in the room. “Go away.”

“And miss this opportunity?” He moved to the top of the bed.

Josephine watched as he climbed onto the bed. “What are you doing?”

Richard unzipped his trousers. “I know how much you like to suck cock.”

She did, but not now. “Are you out of your mind?”

“No, I just want to please you.” He moved up so his knees were on either side of her head.

“You are a pig.” And Josephine was almost ashamed that this was turning her on.
Helpless and sucking cock? She trembled.

“Suck me.”

“No.” His cock pushed against her lips. Josephine was fighting herself. She enjoyed sucking cock and seeing a man lose control. It gave her a strange sense of power.
But it’s so naughty and wrong to
be tied up and told to do it…or is it?

“You know you want to see me come and get weak for a while.”

Richard rubbed his dick across her lips.

Yes, she did. Josephine allowed her tongue flicked out and licked at the tip. “You’re not normal.”

“I’m a vampire. None of us are. Now suck me.” He pushed his cock inside her mouth.


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The shaft was in before she could speak. Natural instinct kicked in. Some women would bite at such an intrusion. Josephine gave in to need and sucked. The groans from Richard were her reward. Even tied up, he was under her control now. Josephine sucked and lapped, teasing the cock until it was ready to blow.

Richard pushed away from her. As she did, cum splattered her breasts as he growled his release. “Oh, you’re good at that.”

“I know.” She licked her lips in satisfaction.

“I’ll be back.”

“I also know that.” The dark animal lust was their weakness.

* * * *

Polly freed her and supplied her with some of Alaric’s clothes to wear. “You know you’re screwed, don’t you?” Josephine raised her eyebrow at her. “I mean in the sense that you and I both know you love Alaric, no matter how much he irritates you.”

Josephine sighed as she rubbed her wrists. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to put up with being manipulated.”
Even though I just
have been in the most delicious ways
. Her knees were still wobbly from being shagged so intently by the two vampires.

“Here’s the thing. You’re here now. Alaric knows he’s done the wrong thing. The next move is yours. What are you going to do? Go home and forget about him?”

As if I could
. “No, but I just can’t accept this as normal.”

“Hell, girl, it’s not normal. It’s strange and odd. They’re vampires and naturally weird.”

That made Josephine laugh. “Yes.” Vampires were truly in a world of their own.

“They’re never going to be normal.”

“Alaric told me he will lose his immortality if we marry.”

Josephine wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Could she ask him to give up an important part of his life for her?

The Vampire’s Bride


“Yes, that’s true, but he will always be a vampire, and they’re selfish men who need to have sense beaten into them by a strong woman.”

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