Read The Vampire's Bride Online
Authors: Amarinda Jones
“This is my home, Polly.” He wanted Josephine with him in it.
“As it is Richard’s.”
“The first one to marry owns it.” As far as Alaric knew, Richard, while pursuing some blonde woman, was not close to matrimony.
then he tells me only what he thinks I should hear, as I do him.
“I’m sure your bride will be flattered to hear why you need her.”
“It’s more than that, Polly—much more.”
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Polly sighed. “I know. I’m just dying to see how Josephine handles the news when she finds out—and she will.”
“Yeah, me too,” Alaric responded. The woman he loved was anything but tame.
* * * *
Josephine walked around the grounds thinking what to do. There were so many reasons she should just walk down the front drive, never to return. But that would solve nothing. Alaric would still be Alaric, and he would come and find her once more.
And I will fall into
his arms as I always do
because I love the big dope
. No matter how many times she convinced herself otherwise, that was the truth. She loved the vampire. He was irritating and annoying, and yet Josephine had the best times of her life when she was with him.
She still found it hard to believe he had been with no other woman. Alaric was a highly sexual man. Even if he had not been inside another’s woman’s body, Josephine still wondered how he had contained his need for blood. He was a vampire. They needed blood to sustain them.
Josephine turned and looked at the house. “What do you want from me, house? What do you want from him? Clearly this all comes back to you.” If only it could speak. She sighed. “I bet you’d only speak in riddles.” While it was true this was just a bunch of old stones, there was something more to this place, something that obsessed Alaric. But what? Why was he so caught up in it? She dismissed that childish idea it was just because his cousin wanted it.
Alaric wasn’t that shallow. He accepted her brief liaisons with his cousin as something she needed to do. So it had to be more. “Why do you bewitch these men?”
“Maybe you’re not meant to know, Josephine.”
The hair stood up on the back of her neck.
Oh, fuck—the other
. Josephine turned and looked at Richard. Darkly handsome with
The Vampire’s Bride
an intense energy vibrating off him. It was an energy that called to her, that demanded everything she had and would leave her weak afterwards. One cousin was so different to the other. Alaric was more playful and open. His needs were clear in his dark, sparkling eyes.
Richard was the exact opposite. She wasn’t sure what he wanted, and yet it made her all the more interested. It was like touching something you knew would be bad for you. There were so many reasons you shouldn’t, but yet, none of them were compelling enough to stop.
“How are you, Richard?” Josephine told herself she needed to act calm and not be sucked into the charisma of the man. That he knew her weaknesses scared her. It would take so little for her to succumb to him again. She loved Alaric, but Richard had a hold on her as well.
He understood her dark side. That scared yet exhilarated her. “Are you well?” It was a crazy to ask, as vampires were never sick.
“Ah, polite conversation, kind of funny considering the last time we were together my cock was buried in your ass and you were begging me to fuck you hard.”
She knew he was trying to make her react in anger. “It’s impolite to remind a lady of her past.” The smile he returned showed a glint of powerful fangs. Regardless of what Richard did to her, he was never allowed to bite her. They both knew that was solely for Alaric. Theirs was not a love match. It was based solely on lust and greed.
“Are you a lady? Do ladies whimper and moan and agree to anything to be fucked?”
Yes, she had done all that.
I will not feel ashamed
. “Probably not.
But then I see you are still no gentleman.”
“But you like that about me.” Richard moved towards her. “Did you miss me?”
“No.” That was the only answer she could give. Richard was like fine wine to Josephine— heady and bad for her, but she couldn’t help but give in and take more, or in this case, be taken.
“Liar.” Richards’s voice sounded confident. “No other man understands you like I do.” He waved his hand to dismiss her words.
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“Yes, yes, you love Alaric, and he is infatuated with you, but he doesn’t answer the dark needs you have. Only I can do that.”
And that fact scared her more than she was willing to admit. That Josephine craved rough treatment appalled her. While Alaric was a spirited lover, he was also tender and caring. Only Alaric could taste her blood. That was a right she would only ever bestow on him. With Alaric, it was more personal and possessive than sexual. It was a deep-seated need to connect with the one you loved.
“I no longer have those
dark needs
as you call them.” It was a bad lie, but she would use whatever she needed to stop herself succumbing to Richard. Her life was already complicated without adding him back into the mix.
Richard threw back his head and laughed. “You’re always so much fun. Now come here.” He crooked his finger towards her.
I have to be strong.
If Richard overwhelmed her with lust as he did last time, she would never leave Maverick House. Two intense vampires having an unbreakable hold on her would be impossible to leave.
“I command it.”
If it was anyone else, Josephine would have laughed in his face.
But this was different. Her mouth went dry, and her hands twisted together as she willed herself to be strong. “I am not yours to command.”
“Aren’t you?”
“No.” She wasn’t frightened. Josephine was excited as once more she thought about Richard’s body, hard and relentless, on hers.
“Defiance won’t work, you know. I’ll still have you, but maybe I won’t make you come. I may just fill you and fuck you and then walk away.”
The thought of him taking her solely for his own pleasure made her tremble. Richard always did so without asking. And she fought it.
But he always won.
And I crave that. “
You’re an arrogant sod.”
He laughed. “But you need me.”
The Vampire’s Bride
“Come here, or do you want me to take you?”
Yes, please. Take me. Make me. Break me.
After the simple sweetness of Jimmy, to the robust loving of Alaric, this was all too much for her. “No, Richard…” Josephine knew what would happen next.
Richard strode over and grabbed her hand and started to drag her to the nearby gazebo. It was a large, old-fashioned wooden structure belonging to a time when outdoor tea parties had been popular.
Josephine yelled, slapping at his hand as she tried to dig her feet in. It was impossible, of course. Richard was bigger and stronger and completely in control of this game. And that’s what it was. He knew what she liked. “Leave me alone.”
“You don’t want that.” Richard kicked open the elaborate wooden gate and pushed her inside.
“I do.” Her heels skittered over the rustic marble floor as she tried to break free from him.
“Liar.” He let go of her. “Lift your skirt, Josephine.” His eyes were hot and predatory on hers.
She felt the wetness rush between her thighs. “Richard—”
“Do it.”
He grabbed her and spun her around so her back was to his front.
Richard frog-marched Josephine to the large wrought-iron table. He stopped before it and pushed her forward so her breasts were squashed against it. He lifted her skirts so her bare ass was exposed.
“My cousin fucked you yet?” The vampire slapped her ass.
“None of your business.”
Once more his hand came down on her ass.
Slap, slap, slap
“Stop that!”
“I’ll do whatever I want when I want, and you’ll love it.”
slap, slap.
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The sting of his palm made her whole body heat up. She moaned in excitement. He was right. Josephine loved every second of this. It was so wrong and bad that it made her hot with need to be filled.
“Bet he never fucks you like I do.” His hands pulled her legs apart.
Richard’s rough touch made her gasp and wiggle around for more.
“He’s sweet, tender, and passionate.” Josephine heard his zipper slide down.
Oh yes.
“That doesn’t sound like Alaric. Did you wonder who he was shagging while he was gone from you?”
“No.” Josephine felt his cock head against her butt cheek. Richard loved anal sex.
“Yeah, you did.” He pulled her cheeks apart and slid two fingers inside her anus.
Richard never asked if she was ready. He just took. “You’re hurting me.” He wasn’t. She wanted more and harder. She was a completely different woman to the one who made love with Alaric.
But then this wasn’t love. This was lust.
He leaned in over her and whispered hot against her ear. “You have to stop lying so much, Josephine.” He inserted a third finger.
She stiffened as those digits began to move inside. “I hate you.”
Josephine instinctively pushed her ass back against him.
“I know.” He removed his fingers.
Josephine knew what that meant. “I’m not ready yet.” She was, but Josephine didn’t want to give him any satisfaction for it.
“This is my game and my rules. Besides, you’re always ready for me. I only have to slap your ass for you to spread your legs.”
His words were disgusting and crude, yet they excited more than they repelled. She felt the sudden icy chill of lube at the tight, puckered hole of her butt. Like Alaric, Richard could produce anything with a snap of his fingers.
The Vampire’s Bride
“I don’t want this,” she spat out as she pushed up against him.
This was greeted by another volley of slaps to her ass. She moaned.
That felt so good.
“Be a good girl, and shut up and submit.” He centered his cock on her anus and started to push inside.
“Never.” Josephine shrieked as he jammed his cock in hard all the way without any mercy. It was exactly what she wanted—hard and painful and with no choice in the matter.
“See? Bad girls get what they really want.” Richard began thrusting hard and deep.
“I didn’t want this,” Josephine whimpered as her fingers gripped at the table underneath, nails breaking under the onslaught of his body slamming into hers.
“Oh yeah you did.”
“Bastard.” Her ass was on fire. Her clit was rubbing against the metal of the table. It would take so very little to come.
Richard laughed and pulled out from her body. “Beg me to come back inside.”
“Fuck off,” Josephine yelled in defiance.
“Okay then.” He stepped away.
The sudden loss of his body heat alarmed her. “No!”
I want more.
“No what?”
“You can’t leave me like this.” Josephine turned her head to Richard. He looked very pleased with himself.
“What? With your skirt up and your ass out, ready for anyone to fuck you?”
“Please!” He knew what Josephine needed.
“You know.” She ground her clit against the table, seeking release.
“No, I don’t.”
“Fuck me!” Josephine shoved her ass back at him.
“Where?” He moved forward and slapped her backside.
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“In the ass.”
“Because I like it hard and deep.” She sighed as he slid back inside her and began thrusting so hard and fast she could barely catch her breath. “I still hate you.”
But I love this.
Richard laughed. “Just for that, I’m not going to make you come.”
He pulled out for the last time.
Josephine felt the spurts of cum land wet and hot on the small of her back. He never came in her. It was always on her. She turned over and watched him zip up. “What about me?”
“Play with yourself.”
“Then you won’t come.” Richard snapped his fingers and disappeared.
The Vampire’s Bride
“Enjoy your walk, dear?” Polly smiled at Josephine.
Her legs were stiff, her fingernails broken, and her ass was aching and red raw from the pounding she had just enjoyed. She was tingling all over from Richard and the orgasm she had driven herself on to with her own fingers. Did it show? Could they see she’d been taken and used and liked it?
“Yes, but I need to go home now.” Maverick House was not for her. These vampires were not for her. They played for keeps, and being kept scared her.
“Not back to the wedding?” Alaric raised a speculative eyebrow.
“Like I could now.” Jimmy would think she was an ill-mannered coward for leaving as she did.
How do I apologize for that? How do I
explain that?
You see, Jimmy, the thing is I like to be fucked hard and
often by vampires. I forgot how much I did. I’m sure you’ll agree this
probably doesn’t indicate you and I are compatible.
“And don’t look so pleased.” Alaric’s smile was telling enough. He knew she was conflicted.
“I’m just happy.”
“Uh-huh. Messing with my life does that for you, does it?”
Though, if she was honest, she had messed her own life up pretty well without any help from him.
Alaric shook his head. “No, you make me happy, baby.”
Josephine blinked. Was he serious? She wanted to believe so, but how serious could a man be if he left her for months to sit and wonder what she’d done wrong? The soft, possessive look in Alaric’s eyes was confusing. What did he want from her? Was it just sex? While
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fucking the vampire was amazing and she never had so much fun naked with anyone, when they were not naked, they were impossible together. Both of them were stubborn and opinionated. Both wanted what the other couldn’t give. It was better that she laugh this off and move on. The day had been confusing in so many ways. “Oh, ha ha.