The Unsuspecting Mage (33 page)

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Authors: Brian S. Pratt

BOOK: The Unsuspecting Mage
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“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” James replies nervously.

“It would seem that the other night, four people died in a house not far from here. Two others were seen leaving that very same house around that time. Those same people were also observed to go and bury these in a refuse pile not too far from here. Interesting wouldn’t you say?” The man sits back in his chair and looks at the reaction his words are having on him.

James shifts nervously in his chair, eyes flicking from the man, to the boards and back again, but doesn’t say anything.

The man continues, “Now, we know that the people who died in the house were working under the orders of someone working on behalf of a Lord Colerain from Bearn, whether they knew it themselves or not. What we want to know is why Lord Colerain has an interest in you?”

“You’re not with the city guards?” James asks.
Laughing, the man replies, “If we were, you wouldn’t be here now would you?”
“No, I suppose not. Why this interest in me?” he asks.
“Anything of interest to Lord Colerain, interests us,” the man answers.
Gesturing to the boards, James asks, “What do you plan to do with those?”
“Probably throw them away,” he replies. “They were merely instrumental in gaining your attention. Now, why this interest in you?”

“I really don’t know,” James explains. “For some reason he’s been after me since Bearn. I was unfortunate enough to accidentally be on his estate several days ago. He saw me there and ever since has been trying to get hold of me.”

“So he is after you because you are a trespasser?” he asks with disbelief. “You don’t really expect me to believe that do you?”

“As far as I know, that is the reason,” James repeats emphatically. “I swear it!”

The guard who escorted James crosses over and whispers into the man’s ear. The man’s eyes widen slightly and then slowly nods. He sits back a moment and appears to be considering something. “I believe you.”

“Just who are you guys?” James asks, more confident now that it seems they mean him no harm.
“Who we are is no concern of yours,” the man says. “How did you manage to kill those men?”
“Me and my friend took them by surprise and killed them,” replies James.

“Hmmmm…” the man says, “doesn’t seem likely, but then again, they are dead and you are here. You can go,” he tells James. “Just be careful, Lord Colerain wants you in a bad way it would seem.” Motioning to the guard who brought James in, he says, “Orrin, see that James is escorted to the city gates.”

James gets up to go and suddenly realizes the man said his name.
How does he know me?

“Yes, sir,” Orrin says then comes over to James and says, “Let’s go.”

Once they left the building, James asks Orrin, “Who was that?”

Orrin doesn’t offer a reply, simply escorts him down the road toward the gates into the city proper. He tries several times to engage Orrin in conversation but the man remains quiet, failing to respond to any of James’ questions or comments.

Just before they arrive at the gate, Orrin says, “This is where I leave you,” then abruptly turns about and returns back the way they had come without so much as a goodbye.

“Bye Orrin,” James says as Orrin goes down the road.

James enters through the gate and follows the now somewhat familiar street, through the middle wall, until he once again is back at the Silver Bells. When he enters the room discovers Miko has already returned.

Miko hands James a letter, “When I got to the gate, they had me wait while a guard delivered Perrilin’s letter to the Archive Custodian. I sat there and waited for about an hour before they returned with this letter and told me to get out of there.”

Turning the letter over, James sees that it has a wax seal bearing the imprint of a feather. Perrilin glances at it when James shows him the seal and says, “That’s his seal alright, no one else would dare to use it but him. Go ahead and open it.”

James breaks the seal and they quietly wait as he reads the letter. “He says to come this afternoon to the Archives for a meeting,” he announces, then looks up at the bard.

“You will find him a very nice fellow,” Perrilin says, “if a bit of a stickler where his books are concerned.”
Smiling, James adds, “Yeah, I know someone that’s like that too.”
“Did you meet with whoever sent the package?” Perrilin asks.
“Something going on?” Miko interjects.

Turning to Miko, James explains, “Just after you left, a package was delivered. Within it was one of the boards that I used to kill those guys the other night.”

“How did someone get those?” Miko asks anxiously.

James summarizes his meeting with the man for Miko and Perrilin. “So I am not too sure just who they are, or why they are concerned with the goings on of Lord Colerain. At least they seem to hold no ill will toward me however, for which I am grateful.” Just then his stomach rumbles loudly and he realizes he is quite hungry.

“Miko, go downstairs and have them send up some food for us. I’m starving and want to eat before I go meet with Ellinwyrd,” he tells him.

“Alright,” Miko replies, “I’ll be right back.” He gets up and goes out the door, closing it as he leaves.

“So what do you plan to do about Lord Colerain?” Perrilin asks.

“I don’t know,” he replies. “Hopefully I’ll find out what I need to know at the Archives and then can get out of here before he locates me again. I wish I knew why he is so interested in me. If I did then maybe I could get him off my back.”

The door opens as Miko returns. “They will send it up in a few minutes,” he tells them then takes a seat at the table.

“Thanks,” James says to him. Turning back to Perrilin, he says, “Speaking of troubles, just what kind of trouble did I save you from last night?”

“I was wondering if you were going to ask me about that again,” he says. “As much as I owe you, there are simply some things better left unsaid. Suffice it to say that those men from whose hands you rescued me are not interested in anything or anybody other than themselves and their own concerns.” When he sees the look in James’ eye he goes on, “What you don’t know can’t be tortured out of you.”

“I think I understand,” he assures him. “Are you still in danger from them?”

“If they knew where I was, perhaps,” he says. “They most likely wouldn’t try anything again so soon, especially since you wiped out that group.”

“I didn’t get all of them,” James admits. “Unfortunately, one of them escaped on horse back.”

“At least you got me out of there alive,” he says.

Just then a knock is heard at the door, Miko goes over and takes the food from the server, not letting him come in so as to preserve the secrecy of Perrilin’s presence at the Silver Bells. He then closes the door and places the tray upon the table. Taking one of the plates, he puts several pieces of baked chicken and some bread on it before taking it over to Perrilin. He then returns and starts in on his own share.

Not much is said over lunch, each being deep in thought about recent events. When James finishes eating he gets up and grabs his backpack. Miko comes to his feet as well and starts getting ready to accompany him.

Placing a hand on Miko’s shoulder, James says, “I need you to stay here and take care of Perrilin. I’m sure I’ll be fine by myself.”

Miko is obviously disappointed at not being allowed to go to the Archives. He says, “Okay,” but is none too happy about it.

“Bye, Perrilin,” he says as he opens the door. “You too Miko. I’ll see you when I get back.” Then he walks out the door and closes it behind him.

With the letter in his pocket he travels down the road and it doesn’t take him very long to reach the gates to the castle area.

As he approaches the gates one of the guards on duty sees him coming and says, “Halt! Declare your business.”

James shows him the letter from Ellinwyrd. The guard takes notice of the symbol of the Archive Custodian at the bottom and says, “Wait here a moment.” Turning to a younger guard he says, “Run and see if the Archive Custodian is expecting a visitor.” As the other guard runs off, the first one turns back to James and says, “Just be a moment sir, can’t let anyone in without authorization.”

“I understand,” he replies. While he waits for permission to enter, he looks out over the castle complex, excited about being so close to a real live castle. He sees several buildings bordering the street leading from the gatehouse wherein he waits, and through the opening between the buildings, the castle itself. Majestic and grand are what come to mind when he sees it. Tall, shining towers and an imposing central keep, quite impressive.

The guard returns in the company of a boy wearing a tabard bearing the king’s coat of arms. The guard says, “If you will follow the page, sir, he shall lead you to the Archives.”

“Okay, and thank you,” James tells the guard who only nods in reply. Turning, he follows the page as he is led into the castle area.





Chapter Fourteen





He marvels at the majestic buildings by which the page leads him. Tall, impressive, he is completely in awe at being in their presence. For one who had long desired to visit England and the castles of the British Isles, this was a dream come true. In stark contrast to the imposing edifices, the people they encounter were rather ordinary. Perhaps he had inflated expectations for those residing in such places, but their clothing aside, men and women alike were rather ordinary in their appearance. Not the bigger than life aura about them the movie industry led one to believe they possess.

He nods to several, even offering a ‘hello’ to one grim looking individual wearing richly attire. But all that was given back was indifference, if they even took the time to glance his way that is. Despite the cold reception, he is ecstatic at being in such close proximity to a real, bona fide, castle!

Their path takes them down a short lane passing between two stone structures which had to have been at least four stories tall where it opened onto a courtyard with a magnificent four tiered fountain amidst many beautifully flowering plants and bushes. Situated upon pedestals, statues and sculptures rose above the flowering bushes about the area. James takes note of several young ladies talking and laughing as they take their ease on a pair of benches placed near the fountain. One girl in particular, with flowing auburn hair, makes James’ heart skip a beat when he spies her standing there by the fountains with naught but her profile visible to him. But what a vision of beauty that profile was. His eyes lingered on her for a second too long, for she turns and their eyes meet. About to turn his gaze away, he stops when she gives him a smile and waves at him as he passes through.

James waves back, feeling a little weak in the knees and awkwardly stumbles into a bush bordering the walkway. The unexpected obstruction causes him to trip and tumble to the ground. Red-faced and feeling the fool, he quickly gets back to his feet. The laughter of the girls by the fountain only worsens the feeling of embarrassment. He turns to find them pointing over toward him, laughing. Ears burning and feeling for all the world like curling up and dying right there, he hesitantly looks to the auburn haired girl only to find her smiling. But such is the manner in which she smiles that his pride is at least in a small portion restored. Giving her a quick, shy smile, he hurries to catch up with the page who has almost reached the other side of the courtyard.

Catching up with him he asks, “Who was that girl by the fountain?”
The page pauses and turns his head to glance back at the group by the fountain, “Which girl?”
Pointing, he says, “That one.”
“Oh, that is the Princess Alliende,” the page replies as he continues toward the edge of the courtyard.

A Princess!
real honest to goodness princess, and she smiled at me!
Reaching the edge of the courtyard, he looks back before he leaves and sees Princess Alliende still watching him. Seeing that he is looking, she waves at him one more time. Smiling a crooked smile, he waves back and then leaves the courtyard hurrying after the page.

Once out of the courtyard, he’s led down another avenue until arriving at a medium sized building made of stone, with a single large wooden door standing open at the top of several steps. Leading James up the steps and in through the door, the page takes him down a hallway, past several doors until coming to a pair of double wooden doors at the end. Upon each of the doors is engraved the same symbol that had sealed the letter Ellinwyrd sent. The page taps upon the door and from within comes a muffled, “Enter!” at which the page opens the door and steps to the side, motioning for James to enter the room.

The room is cluttered, papers and books lining every surface including the floor, not at all what he had expected of a place called the Royal Archives. An elderly man sits behind a table, bent over a large book laid out before him. A shaft of sunlight streams in over his shoulder from the window behind him illuminating the pages of the book. Hearing the door open and glancing up to see James enter he says, “Thank you Berin, you may go now.” The page bows to Ellinwyrd, for that is who this man must be, and then leaves, closing the door behind him.

Ellinwyrd motions for James to come forward and sit in the chair opposite him saying, “Please, sit down.”

James walks over toward the table, having to step carefully around several books lying abandoned on the floor and then sits in the chair. “Thank you sir, for taking time to see me,” he says.

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