Club Secrets: Club Secrets USA Book 1

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Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

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Club Secrets

(Club Secrets USA Book 1)

Layla Wilcox

Club Secrets (Club Secrets USA Book 1)

Copyright © 2014 by Layla Wilcox

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems—except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, whether living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Chapter One

David Hauser got a pleasant surprise when he booted up the computer in his bedroom. He was about thirty minutes into his short stay at home between graduating college and starting medical school, and already he was restless. He could have unpacked his laptop or gone online via his phone, but the clunky old machine was within arm’s reach, so he took a chance.

When the screen went live, it opened with a window full of images of hot, naked women in suggestive poses. As David clicked on the photos, profiles opened up on a website.
Hot damn, this baby’s still hooked up to the Internet, and someone has connected to a porn site!

Had his father been using this computer on the sly? Not likely. He’d use the one in his home office, which was much more private. Besides, his mom was sure to see it here, since she was the one who still used this computer occasionally.

Although she had gotten a new laptop a couple of years ago, David knew she came into his bedroom to check email occasionally. More than once, she had invaded his privacy at the most inopportune times during his home visits.

He wasn’t sure who had bookmarked the page and left the window open on his computer, but he was grateful. This was not just some site to look at naked women. These babes were asking to get fucked. Their profiles spelled out exactly what they wanted, and David felt his cock swell in his jeans as he flicked through the photographs and read the accompanying copy.

He was searching for a link that would tell him where the women were located when something else caught his eye. One of these hotties looked familiar. He enlarged the image on the screen.
Wasn’t that Andrea Whitney, the single mom who lived down the street?

David sat back in the desk chair and brought up her profile. The description matched what he knew about his neighbor. Divorced, thirty-four, a graphic designer, two children, living in South Florida. David enlarged the photo again and recognized a small tattoo on her upper arm.
Holy crap, it was her!

During one of his visits home, his parents had a neighborhood gathering in their backyard, and he remembered Andrea playing in the pool with her kids. David recalled having to wrap a towel around his waist to cover the erection that sprung into place as he watched her boobs bouncing up and down while she frolicked with the children.

A few years before that, he babysat for her son. To the fifteen-year-old David, Andrea was the epitome of womanly perfection, and he had a wild crush on her. She starred in more than a few of his wet dreams. Once he turned sixteen and had a car, he was able to turn his dreams into reality with high-school girls, but he never entirely got over his hots for Andrea.

David clicked away on the site, trying to find out how to make contact, but a window popped up that said his session had expired. Finally, he found a page that asked him to log in or become a member, and he wasted no time pulling out his credit card.

He tried to input his information, but the damned computer was slow as slugs. David got up to get his laptop and close the bedroom door. He sat on his bed and navigated to the website, leaving the old desktop computer monitor on so he could look at Andrea’s photos while he completed his membership application on the faster computer.

It was hard to concentrate on the task with her naked image right in his face. Andrea was a shapely blonde with huge natural breasts, curvy hips, and long legs. In her profile photo, she was posing nude, sitting upright in the center of a bed draped in red silk. The positioning revealed little detail, but was suggestive as hell.

She sat with her right leg flat on the bed, bent at the knee with her foot facing backward, almost tucked under her butt. Her left leg was crossed over the right, knee bent up. She leaned into the camera, her arms draped loosely over her upright knee, obscuring the view of her chest. Although her nipples remained hidden, the cleavage formed by her arms pressing in and pushing her breasts together was impressive.

David felt a driving urge to see the hidden areas behind her crossed arms and legs. He forced his eyes back to the laptop and quickly completed the registration, which was required to see more photos and get contact information.

Yeah! Now we’re getting somewhere.
David eagerly opened Andrea’s gallery of nude portraits. In the first set of photos, Andrea posed to show her assets front and back. She was gorgeous from every angle, and the photos omitted nothing.

As he flipped through the images, he felt his cock straining against his pants, begging to be let out and stroked. By the time he viewed the second group—a discreet set of images that showed her pleasuring herself, focusing more on her facial expression than her lower extremities—he had pulled out his swollen cock and was pumping away, trying to relieve the surge of desire that flooded his genitals.
God, he wanted to be where her fingers were.

The third and final gallery showcased close-up photos of Andrea. David lingered over the detailed shots of her pussy. The delicate layers of her velvety smooth red and pink folds, moist with her juices, were more beautiful than the flowers in any rose garden he’d ever seen. If he could have rammed his cock through his computer screen and into her dripping cunt, he’d have done it.

Desperate to sate the fire blasting through his dick, he took his second best option. He leaned back against the pillows on the bed, closed his eyes, and worked his erection with gusto. He felt the contractions in his balls and heat shooting up his shaft. As a mega-sized flood of cum shot through the air, creating a pool of oozing fluid on the bed, the door opened and his mother stepped in.

Their eyes met briefly, and then both sets of eyes gravitated to the huge, dark wet spot spreading across the light blue blanket.

Chapter Two

Jen Hauser froze in the doorway. Her eyes traveled from the bed to the computer screen on the desk.

David thought he saw a look of guilty dismay cross her face, like she was the one who’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but it passed quickly. She cleared her throat and forced a smile.

“Good, I see you’re making yourself right at home. When you’re done cleaning up, come downstairs and join your father and me for lunch.”

She closed the door.

David groaned and looked around for something to wipe the goo from his fingers. Not finding anything, he rubbed his hand on the bed covering. He yanked the blanket off the bed and threw it into the bottom of his closet with the rest of the dirty laundry he had brought home.

Damn his mother, anyway. Why didn’t she knock before opening his door? Well, maybe this would teach her that he wasn’t her little boy anymore and to keep the hell out of his room. Fuck lunch. He wasn’t going downstairs now.

He heard a ding from the old computer and saw an instant message box appear on the screen. He went over to read the message, and his eyes widened in disbelief. It was from Andrea!

“Jen, I finally got someone to watch the kids, and I’ll be at the club tonight after all. Hope to see you later.”

What the fuck? Had he tapped into his mother’s account on this porn site?

No wonder she looked guilty. David decided lunch right now might be a good idea. He wanted to pump his mom for information about the website and the club where Andrea was headed.

His mother and father were seated at the table when he ambled into the kitchen. Typical of his mother, she had put out enough food to feed a family of eight. Platters of sliced turkey, ham, roast beef, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions were arranged in the center of the table around a basket of bread and rolls. Bowls with potato salad, coleslaw, and chips were placed on the side.

David hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he saw all the food in front of him. He forgot all about Andrea and the website. He took his seat and dug into the spread, filling his plate and constructing a multi-layered sandwich. The first time he looked up at his parents, he had a mouth full of food and was readying a forkful of potato salad to shove in as well.

Both his parents had stopped eating and were watching him. David finished chewing what was in his mouth and swallowed.

“What?” he asked.

Jen and Mark Hauser exchanged glances, as if to decide who should speak first.

“First, I’d like to apologize for coming into your room without knocking. I won’t do that again,” Jen said.

“Good.” David nodded and sucked in two more huge bites from his sandwich, chewing while he looked back and forth between his parents. They looked uncomfortable, but not embarrassed or mortified that he stumbled onto a porn site where at least his mother was an active participant.

David shrugged. Maybe his father was into it, too. He took a long drink from the glass of water set out in front of him.

“Second, I’d like to explain about what you found on your computer,” Jen continued.

“Yeah, those photos were a surprise, all right, Mom. If it was you who left them up there, though, I guess I ought to thank you.”

Jen bit her lip. “David, what did you think of the photos you saw? I mean, you’re over twenty-one now, and I’m sure you’ve seen nude pictures of women before. How did the ones you saw today compare?”

David couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Not what he expected at all. He took a deep breath and sat back, pushing his plate away. “Well, I was just getting started when you came in. I mean—”

David blushed, realizing what his mother had witnessed, and he said he was only getting started. But his parents were straight-faced, waiting for him to continue.

“I mean, the first photos I saw were the ones you see before you sign up, right? So, those were sexy, but nothing like what I saw after I joined. And, that’s pretty much when you opened the door, Mom.”

David blushed again.

Jen leaned over and put her hand on his, which was gripping the table edge as he rocked his chair backward on two legs. “Tell me what you thought about the pictures you saw after you joined.”

David was confused. Why the hell did his mom want to know what he thought about the photos?

“What the fuck, Mom? You saw how I liked them!”

“Don’t use that kind of language with your mother,” Mark warned.

He took a deep breath and continued in lower, softer voice. “There’s a reason why your mother is asking about the photographs. Tell her what you liked.”

David stared at his parents. Was this some kind of fucking joke, or what?

He shrugged again. “If you have to know, I was pretty surprised to find Andrea from down the street among the photos. Since I knew her, she was the first one I checked out after becoming a member, and, wow, is all I can say. She had three galleries of photos, each hotter than the next. The woman is a knockout!”

He looked at his mom. “Is that what you wanted to know?”

Jen looked him squarely in the face, nonplussed. “Yes. Is there anything you’d like to ask me?”

“Yeah. Whose been using that old computer and pulling up pics of naked chicks? You, Mom?”

His parents exchanged glances again. This time, his father spoke first. “We both use that computer once in a while, David. The site that you paid to join belongs to me, and your mom is the one who takes many of the photographs.”

David opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again while he tried to process the information his father had shared.

He shook his head, as if to clear it. “You and mom are porn dealers?”

Mark made a face. “Come on, David. You mean to tell me you haven’t been on any dating sites?”

David snorted. “What I saw today wasn’t exactly your typical dating site.”

“No, it’s not,” said Jen. “That’s why we created it.”

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