The Unmaking of Israel (42 page)

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Authors: Gershom Gorenberg

BOOK: The Unmaking of Israel
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Im Tirtzu:
Israel’s Security Fence:
Jerusalem Institute of Israel Studies:
The Knesset:
Manhigut Yehudit:
Menachem Begin Heritage Center:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
New Israel Fund:
Peace Now:
She’ilat Shlomo:
Shvut Ami:
State Comptroller:
U.S. State Department:
Yeshivat Hahesder Akko:
Yeshivat Od Yosef Hai:

Laws (Israel)

Dinei Hamoatzot Hamekomiot Vehamoatzot Ha’eizoriot Be’eizor Yehudah Veshomron, 1996
Hok Ha’ezrahut, 1952
Hok Hama’avar, 1949
Hok Hashvut, 1950
Hok Hinukh Mamlakhti, 1953
Hok Leha’arakhat Tokpan Shel Takanot Sha’at Herum (Aveirot Bashtahim Hamuhzakim—Shiput Ve’ezrah Mishpatit), 1967, 1977
Hok Limmud Hovah, 1949
Hok Ma’amad Hahistadrut Hatzionit—Hasokhnut Hayehudit Le’eretz Yisrael, 1952
Hok Mosdot Hinukh Tarbutiim Yihudiim, 2008
Hok Nikhsei Nifkadim, 1950
Hok Sherut Bitahon, 1949
Hok Yesod: Hofesh Ha’isuk, 1992
Hok Yesod: Kvod Ha’adam Veheruto, 1992

Legal Cases (Israel)

Chief Army Prosecutor v. Capt. Moshe Peretz Botavia Gonen
Administrative Appeal 1789/10,
Esther Saba et al. v. Israel Lands Authority et al.
CA 72/62,
Oswald Rufeisen v. Minister of the Interior
CA 6821/93,
Bank Mizrahi v. Migdal Kfar Shitufi
HCJ 73/53,
Kol Ha’am v. Minister of the Interior
HCJ 390/79,
Duweikat et al. v. Government of Israel et al.
HCJ 6698/95,
Aadel and Iman Ka’adan v. Israel Lands Authority et al
HCJ 7622/02,
David Zonshein et al. v. Judge-Advocate General
HCJ 10296/02,
Union of Teachers in High Schools, Seminaries and Colleges v. Minister of Education
HCJ 8060/03,
Aadel and Iman Ka’adan v. Israel Lands Authority et al
HCJ 11163/03,
Higher Monitoring Committee for Arab Affairs et al. v. Prime Minister of Israel
HCJ 1661/05,
Hof Aza Regional Council et al. v. Knesset et al.
HCJ 6357/05,
Peace Now et al. v. Minister of Defense et al.
HCJ 8414/05,
Yassin v. Government of Israel et al.
HCG 9051/05,
Peace Now et al. v. Minister of Defense et al.
HCG 3008/06,
Peace Now et al. v. Minister of Defense et al.
HCJ 8887/06,
Yussuf Musa Abed a-Razek al-Nabut et al. v. Minister of Defense et al.
HCJ 4805/07,
Israel Religious Action Center v. Ministry of Education et al.
HCJ 8036/07,
Fatina Ebriq Zubeidat et al. v. The Israel Land Administration et al.
HCJ 9060/08,
Nadmi Hassan Muhammad Salman et al. v. Minister of Defense et al.
PCA 5716/08,
Chief Army Prosecutor v. Capt. Moshe Botavia


Aasi, Samir
14 Dec. 2009
Abou Shehadeh, Sami
8 July 2010
Admoni, Yehiel
12 Dec. 2003
Agbariya, Ahmad
8 July 1999
Ahmed, Abdulkarim Ayoub
2 Jan. 2008
Alfon, Dov
14 Apr. 2010
Alpher, Yossi
21 Feb. 2002
Ariel, Noa
28 Oct. 2009
Ariel, Yisrael
28 Oct. 2009
Azaryahu, Arnan (Sini)
5 Nov. 2003
Bar, Carmel
3 Nov. 2003
Bareli, Avi
3 Sept. 2009
Bauer, Ze’ev
14 Sept. 2009
Ben-Porat, Eran
27 Oct. 2009
Ben-Shushan, Eliad Eliahu
10 Dec. 2009
Billig, Miriam
15 Dec. 2009
Brasher, Brenda
5 Sept. 2000
Caplan, Kimmy
10 Sept. 2009
Cohen, Bezalel
3 Sept. 2009
Cohen, Liat
10 Dec. 2009
Cohen, Nachshon
9 Dec. 2009
Cohen, Stuart
20 Mar. 2009
Dabit, Busayna
20 Dec. 2009
Dahan, Sharon
9 Dec. 2009
de Hartog, Amnon
6 Dec. 2009
Drori , Ze’ev
26 Apr. 2009
Eisenstadt, David
21 Jan. 2003
Ehrlich, Yifat
24 Feb. 2003
Eliahu, Ariel
4 Nov. 2009
Eliraz, Kobi
28 July 2010
Etkes, Dror
3 Mar. 2009, 16 Oct. 2009, 12 July 2010
Ezrahi, Yaron
11 May 2009, 16 Aug. 2009
Fine, Jonathan
13 Dec. 2009
Fischer, Shlomo
4 Oct. 2009
Friedman, Menachem
29 Mar. 2009, 11 Oct. 2010
Genad, Roni
17 Mar. 2009
Golani, Motti
9 July 2007
Goldschmidt, Ronny
22 Aug. 2010
Gottlieb, Daniel
25 Nov. 2009
Gouri, Haim
6 Aug. 2003, 12 Sept. 2003, 28 Oct. 2003, 9 July 2004
Grinberg, Lev
11 Sept. 2009
Hagar, Moshe
26 Oct. 2009
Harel, Itay
17 Mar. 2009
Harel, Yehudah
4 Nov. 2003
Harel, Yisrael
23 Mar. 2004
Haviv, Itai
12 June 2002
Hawary, Sami
8 Dec. 2009
Horovitz, Pnina
18 July 2010
Hurvitz, Einat
3 Jan. 2011
Ilany, Yudit
12 Aug. 2010
Jabareen, Tawfiq
2 June 2003
Jabarin, Shawan
8 Aug. 2010
Jbarah, Hussein
29 July 2010
Karlinsky, Nahum
1 Nov. 2009
Karp, Yehudit
8 Aug. 2010
Khalil, Suheila
8 Dec. 2009
Kirshenbaum, Fania
15 Oct. 2006
Krebs, Ronald
25 July 2010
Kretzmer, David
2 Feb. 2006, 29 June 2006, 21 Sept. 2010
Kuttab, Jonathan
16 July 2010
Lahat, Shlomo
26 Aug. 2003
Lein, Yehezkel
23 Feb. 2003
Levy, Yagil
8 Mar. 2009, 15 Mar. 2009
Lieberman, Avigdor
15 Nov. 2006
Mahameed, Hashem
2 June 2003
Mali, Eliyahu
12 Aug. 2010
Maswari, Abd al-Aziz Abu Isba
29 July 2010
Meinrat, Gershon
4 Nov. 2003
Melchior, Michael
16 Mar. 2009
Meron, Theodor
12 June 2007
Mirsky, Yehudah
23 Aug. 2009, 14 Sept. 2009
Moskovic, Moshe
24 Dec. 2003, 31 Dec. 2003, 12 Jan. 2004
Naeh, Eli
27 Oct. 2009
Naor, Arye
21 Dec. 2009
Negbi, Moshe
11 Nov. 2005, 7 July 2010
Nevo, Galit
10 Dec. 2009
Nissim, Yitzhak
25 Mar. 2009
Odeh, Ahmed
8 Dec. 2009
Ofran, Hagit
24 Nov. 2010
Omari, Suheil
8 Dec. 2009
Paparin, Sara
8 Dec. 2009
Paz, Ilan
16 Sept. 2010
Perry, Yaakov
9 July 2007
Peters, Gretchen
24 Mar. 2009
Porat, Hanan
3 Sept. 2003, 30 Oct. 2003, 27 May 2004
Raz, Avi
31 Aug. 2009
Reznikovich, Naftali
9 Dec. 2009
Rozovsky, Yosef
27 Oct. 2009
Rubin, Yishai
9 Dec. 2009
Rubinstein, Meir
27 Oct. 2009
Saifi, Johayna
10 Dec. 2009
Sasson, Talia
17 Mar. 2009
Sat, Eytan
5 Nov. 2003
Sfard, Michael
20 Dec. 2009
Shalev, Nir
15 Sept. 2010
Shamgar, Meir
13 July 2010
Shbaytah, Fadi
8 July 2010
Shehadeh, Raja
14 July 2010
Shilhav, Yosseph
19 Nov. 2009
Shoval, Ronen
4 Feb. 2010
Shushan, Itzik
5 July 2010
Siksek, Omar
11 July 2010, 21 July 2010
Skali, Cheftziba
29 Oct. 2010
Sklar, Lea
28 Feb. 2003
Spiegel, Dror
4 Nov. 2009
Sullaiman, Mohammed
12 July 2010
Tikochinski, Shlomo
27 Oct. 2009
Tirza, Dany
7 Apr. 7, 2003
Tzaban, Dror
5 Feb. 2003
Wallerstein, Pinchas
22 June 2010, 9 Aug. 2010
Wreshner, Noam
8 Dec. 2009
Yinon, Avigail
15 Dec. 2009
Zabari, Menachem
23 Aug. 2010
Zar, Itai
28 Oct. 2009
Zecharia, Shlomy
20 Dec. 2009, 7 Nov. 2010
Zohar, Zvi
15 May 2008

Students at Elisha and Beit Yatir academies and Akko
yeshivah; soldiers of the Netzah Yehudah brigade; and residents of outposts, Akko, and
locales—names withheld.


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.


abortion law, 175
Absentees’ Property Law (1950), 52–53, 80–81, 205
Adam settlement, 132
Adei Ad, 100
Adva Center, 112
Agranat, Shimon, 33–35
Agudat Yisrael, 31, 38, 40–41, 167–68, 170, 173–75, 180
Ahdut Ha’avodah, 28, 54, 63, 66
Ahmed, Abdulkarim Ayoub, 115
Akko (Akka, Acre), 49, 195–201, 203
riots of 2008, 199–201, 203
Al-Aqsa Mosque
Sharon visit of 2000, 112–13
Albeck, Plia, 69, 83–85
Alexandroni Brigade, 20
(newspaper), 32
Allon, Yigal
and, 22, 27–28, 30
maps and, 66–67
settlements and, 69–71
Six-Day War and, 62–63, 65
Allon Plan, 65, 68–69
crisis, 16–28, 162, 235
Amana, 88, 102, 121, 128
American Jews, 70–71, 247
Amir, Yigal, 107–8
Amital, Yehudah, 149
Amonah, 118, 126–31
anti-Semitism, 36, 38, 211, 216, 243–44
Arab (Palestinian) citizens of Israel, 246
civil service and, 205, 214
disenfranchised, 219
early policies toward, 7, 45, 49–50, 52–54
East Jerusalem Palestinians vs., 64
education and, 205–6

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