The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 (136 page)

BOOK: The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945
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role of SC 570–8

San Francisco negotiations 568

self-determination 565

Trieste, plans for establishment of Free Territory of 568–9

UN Trusteeship Council 565

Trusteeship System, comparison with 564–5, 574–6

UN Peacebuilding Commission 576

territorial integrity

Kosovo 439, 549–50

threats by mercenaries 634, 635, 637

Yugoslavia, former 407, 411–12, 419, 421–2


Afghanistan 457, 461–5

al Qaeda 611–14, 617–18

Israel-Palestinian conflict 316, 318, 321, 322

assassination, condemnation of 609

Assessment and Technical Assistance Office 616

capacity-building 615

Cold War 608, 609–10

compensation fund 617

condemnations 609, 611, 620

cooperative measures 612

Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) 614–17, 619–20

Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) 616, 619, 620

decolonization, consequence of 49

definition of terrorism 610, 619–21

East Africa, attacks on embassies in 218–19, 457, 461, 463, 611

financing 612, 614–15

freezing financial assets 617

reporting requirements 614–15, 618

G7 609–10, 621

GA 610–11, 612, 620–2

Hamas 316

hijackings 609, 610

hostages in US embassy in Teheran, taking of 371–2

human rights and use of force 622–3

humanitarian law, SC resolutions on 529–30, 532

incitement 616

independence struggles 610

India-Pakistan wars 325, 344, 497–8

Information and Administrative Office 616

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 615–16

international conventions 610

Iraq War (2003) 396–7

Libya, handing over of terrorist suspects by 610–11

London bombings (2005) 612, 622–3

Madrid Bombings (2004) 620, 622–3

methods of attacks, conventions dealing with 610

Munich Olympics (1972), attack on Israelis at 609

national liberation movements, terrorists distinguished from 95

national measures to ensure non-support of terrorist activity 612, 613–15, 617

P5 609, 621

reporting requirements 614–16, 618–20

SC committees

1267 Committee 613–14, 618

1540 Committee 617, 618

ad hoc committee 610

Counter Terrorism Committee 614–17

experts, use of 619

mass destruction, weapons of 617, 618

reporting requirements 614–16, 618–19

Taliban, sanctions on 613–14, 618, 619

SC Res. 286 (1970) 609

SC Res. 731 (1992) 611

SC Res. 748 (1992) 611

SC Res. 883 (1993) 217, 611

SC Res. 1044 (1996) 611

SC Res. 1054 (1996) 611

SC Res. 1070 (1996) 611

SC Res. 1189 (1998) 463

SC Res. 1192 (1998) 218

SC Res. 1269 (1999) 529, 611, 621

SC Res. 1368 (2001) 43, 97, 453, 463, 611

SC Res. 1373 (2001) 35, 43, 97, 214, 219, 318, 404, 453, 532, 612, 618

SC Res. 1377 (2001) 615

SC Res. 1378 (2001) 523, 524

SC Res. 1390 (2002) 219

SC Res. 1456 (2003) 224, 529

SC Res. 1530 (2004) 50

SC Res. 1535 (2004) 522, 601

SC Res. 1540 (2004) 35, 404, 532, 612, 618

SC Res. 1566 (2004) 35, 522, 529, 617

SC Res. 1624 (2005) 16, 529, 612

self-defence 97, 463–4, 611, 622

September 11, 2001 attacks on United States 97, 463, 611–12, 620, 622–3

Sudan, handing over suspects by 610–11

Taliban 457, 463–4, 611, 613–14, 618, 623

technical assistance 616–17

threats to international peace and security 621

training camps 461, 497

treaties and conventions 610, 621

UN Charter 95, 97, 620–1

UN High-Level Panel Report on Threats, Challenges and Change 622

UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 615–16

United Kingdom 612, 622–3

United States

Afghanistan 457, 462

East Africa, attacks on embassies in 218–19, 457, 461, 463, 611

self-defence 622–3

September 11, 2001 attacks on United States 611–12, 620, 622–3

use of force and human rights 622–3

victims’ compensation fund 617–18

war on terrorism 97, 463–5, 622–3

weapons of mass destruction 612–3, 617, 618

working group 1666 618

Tevoedjre, Albert
481, 483

Thant, U
181, 306–7, 336, 501, 502, 537

Tharoor, Shashi
195–6, 200, 315, 433

threats to international peace and security
see also
UN Charter

Angola 254

collective security 14

definition of threats 35

determination of 5, 7, 35, 64, 71

Haiti 541–2

human rights, massive and systematic breaches of 548

humanitarian intervention 537–53

India-Pakistan wars 328–9

internal armed conflicts 35

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 370

Iraq 370, 538–9

Korean War 267–8

Kosovo 591

League of Nations 7

multiple threats 64–70

new threats, existence of 96–7

Rwanda 548

terrorism 621–2

UN Charter 7–8

Uniting for Peace Resolution 163–4

Yugoslavia, former 411, 416


Tickler, Peter

Timor Leste
East Timor

Touval, Saadie

traditional norms, conflict with

training camps for terrorists
461, 497

travel bans

al-Qaeda 218–20

Bonn-Berlin Process 222

Liberia 479

Taliban 219–20

targeted sanctions 213–14, 222

treaties and conventions
see also
Geneva Conventions (1949)

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) (1996) 341

disarmament 18–19

Genocide Convention (1948) 524, 545

humanitarian law, SC resolutions on 524

Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) (1968) 27–8

terrorism 610, 621

UN Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries (1989) 627–8

UN Convention on Rights of Child 1989, support for protocol on children in armed conflict to 532

international criminal tribunals



Arab-Israeli wars 301–3, 310

India-Pakistan wars 332

resolutions 302

Truce Commission 301–2

UNTSO (UN Truce Supervision Organization) 302–3

Yom Kippur war 310

Truman, Harry S
72, 80, 268–9, 274–5, 300

trust territories

accountability 574–5

cessation of status of 565

colonialism 575

Jerusalem 569

non-self-governing territories 565

petitions from inhabitants, acceptance of 574

revival of, proposals for 564–5

territorial administration, comparison with 574–5

UN Charter 574–5

UN Trusteeship Council 565

Tudjman, Franjo
409, 432, 572


UN-authorized military operations
24–5, 123–30
see also
enforcement operations; Gulf War (1991); Korean War; standing forces; use of force

Afghanistan 170, 245, 462–3, 594–6

Bosnia and Herzegovina 116–17, 127, 170, 226–47, 425, 427–37

command and control 24–5

Congo 123, 198

Darfur, Sudan 559–61

East Timor 347, 359, 593

EU battlegroups 123–4

forceful intervention within states 25

global context 250

Haiti 509, 541–4, 580–90

humanitarian intervention 535–6

Iraq 25, 385–8

Iraq (since 2003) 89, 91, 604–5

Kosovo 91, 96, 438–9, 548–50

implementation of peace agreements 25

Rhodesia 88

Rwanda 109–10, 113, 546–8

sanctions, coercion in support of 25

self-defence 25

Somalia 539–41

Standing forces 109–10, 132–5

UN Charter 7–9, 20–1, 25, 88–91

Uniting for Peace Resolution 20, 170–1

West Africa 467

UN Charter
see also
GA; reform of UN; SC; threats to international peace and security

accountability of SC 40–2

aggression, definition of 7, 11, 35, 67–70

amendments 82, 260–1

Chapter I

Chapter V

Chapter VI
6–7, 119–20, 180, 350

Chapter VII
7–9, 254

humanitarian intervention, use of force for 536, 558, 561

standing forces 101, 111

territorial administration 568

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