The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 (135 page)

BOOK: The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945
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Arab-Israeli wars 161, 166, 307–12, 314, 322

boycott of SC 266–7, 277

China’s seat at UN, issue of 266, 277–8

Cold War 495–6

collapse of 314

Congo 160, 169–70, 172, 501

Cuban Missile Crisis 496–7

disarmament 18–19

Eastern Europe, influence in 505

Egypt 312

GA, role of 278

Gulf War (1991) 385

Hungary (1956), intervention in 160, 164–5, 505

India-Pakistan wars 324, 326, 335, 339, 345

Iran-Iraq War (1980–8) 369, 371–2, 378, 380

Korean War 266–8, 270–2, 275–8, 495–6

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) 326

peacekeeping operations 169–71

Second Kashmir War (1965) 324

spheres of influence 165, 504–5

Suez crisis 283, 285, 287, 290–4, 296

UN Charter 171

Uniting for Peace Resolution 155–61, 164–6, 169–73


Cold War 495

India-Pakistan wars 326, 335, 339, 345

Korean War 272, 273, 277–8

Uniting for Peace Resolution 155, 156–60, 173

Yugoslavia, former 411, 414


GA Res. 39 (1946) 158

Iraq War (2003) 401

Madrid Bombings (2004) 620, 622–3

Special Representatives of the SG

Afghanistan 458

Côte d’Ivoire 483

East Timor 351, 352

Liberia 472–3, 475

Sierra Leone 476, 479

West Africa 472–3, 475–6, 479, 488

spheres of influence
165, 504–5

436, 447–50

massacre 27, 116, 127, 196, 199, 235–6, 436, 447, 511

safe area 232, 239, 428, 435, 448–50

Sri Lanka

Stalin, Joseph
65–6, 78, 496

stand-by arrangements for peacekeeping forces
116, 118

standing forces
99–130, 250

Agenda for Peace
(1992) 106, 114–16, 129

air force 100

Brahimi Report (Report of the Panel on Peace Operations) 121–2

Canadian study on rapid-reaction capability (1995) 118–19

Cold War 100–6

collective security 106, 129

criticisms 125–30

decision-making body, suitability of SC as military 127

decline of standing force idea since 1995 120–5

EU rapid reaction capacities 123–4

financial contributions 113, 128

flexibility of options, lack of 112–13

full-time standing force, proposal for 73

GA resolutions 102–3

Group of 77 in GA, criticism by 127

Guard Force, proposal for 101–2

humanitarian intervention 114, 124, 126–7

International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty 122

Joint Inspection Unit, report of 120–1

Korean War 103

Military Staff Committee 100–1

national contributions 100–1, 113, 128–30

Netherlands Non-paper for UN Rapid Deployment Brigade (1995) 117–18, 120–1

peace-enforcement units 106

permanent forces 106–7

Quick Reaction Force 107, 125–6

rapid-response capability 99–100, 106–7, 114–22

UNPROFOR (UN Protection Force) 116–17

regional partnerships 122–4, 127, 128, 130

reports 1995–2006 120–3

SC Res. 998 (1995) 116, 436

SHIRBRIG initiative (1995) 119–20

size of forces required 125–6

standby arrangements 20, 73, 114–15, 119, 122–4, 129–30

UN Charter provisions 8, 87–8, 100–2, 106, 119–20, 122, 128

UN Emergency Peace Service 128

UN Field Service 103

UN High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change 122

UN Joint Inspection Unit, report of 120–1

UN Legion, proposal for 103

UN Panel of Field Observers 103

UN peace force, proposal for 104

UN peace force reserve, proposal for 104

UN Rapid Deployment Brigade 117–18

UN Rapid Reaction Force 114–17

UN Standby Arrangements System (UNSAS) 114

UN Volunteer Reserve 103

United States 102, 104, 107, 115, 121, 127

Urquhart proposal (1993) 107–8, 117–18

voluntary individually recruited UN Force 107–8

World Summit Outcome document (2005) 123

Stanley, Timothy

state sovereignty

Afghanistan 455

Bosnia and Herzegovina 424, 429, 431

decolonization 17

International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) 29, 122, 547, 557–8

Rwanda 547, 548

Somalia 541

UN Charter 251

Yugoslavia, former 408–11, 414–15, 418, 420, 423–4

status of forces agreements

Stettinius, Edward
69, 72–3, 77, 78

Stoltenberg, Thorvald

Suchetgarh Agreement (1972)
340, 342

see also
AMIS; Darfur, Sudan; UNAMID; UNMIS

African Union mission 124–5, 492, 506, 509, 514, 559–61

Annan, Kofi 558–9

consent 96, 124–5, 409, 561–2

genocide 560

humanitarian intervention 96, 124, 558–61

International Criminal Court, reference to 560–1

sanctions 211, 213, 214, 221, 223, 558–9, 611

SC Res. 1547 (2004) 522, 559

SC Res. 1556 (2004) 124, 506, 525, 559

SC Res. 1564 (2004) 525, 527, 560,

SC Res. 1574 (2004) 524

SC Res. 1590 (2005) 202

SC Res. 1591 (2005) 526, 528, 560

SC Res. 1593 (2005) 526, 560,

SC Res. 1672 (2006) 525, 526, 528

SC Res. 1679 (2006) 561

SC Res. 1706 (2006) 124

SC Res. 1769 (2007) 561

standing forces 124–5

UN failures 53, 57, 96, 124–5, 253, 260, 499, 536, 561

UN reluctance to act 559

United States 504, 559–60

use of force, authorization of 561

Suez crisis (1956)
280–97, 304–06
see also

air attacks on Egypt, launch of 290–1, 293–4

Australia 297

Canada 293

ceasefire 291–2, 294

Commonwealth 283–4, 297

decolonization 297

France 284–5, 287–96, 304

GA 283–5, 291, 294–6, 304–5

GA Resolutions 154, 285, 291, 293, 305, 500

Hungary, Russian attack on 290, 293–4, 296

India 297

Israel 284–5, 287–95

maritime conference, proposal for 283, 287

nationalization of Canal Company, reversal of 287–8

peacekeeping operation, proposal for 292–3, 295–7, 305

police operation, British and French claims to be conducting 288–9, 294

prelude to crisis at UN 285–8

SC Res. 118 (1956) 287

SC Res. 119 (1956) 160, 285, 291

Sèvres Accord 287

six principles of 13

October 1956 287

Soviet Union 283, 285, 287, 290–4, 296

unilateral action 281–4

United Kingdom 280–97

United States 281, 283–4, 290–2, 297

Uniting For Peace Resolution 154–5, 160, 167, 171–2, 285, 291

veto 285, 289–90, 500

352, 353, 355–6, 364–5




Arab-Israeli wars 319, 320–1

Lebanon, influence on elections in 320–1

non-permanent membership of SC 319

United States 321

266, 497–9, 502

456–64, 594–5
see also

arms embargo 218–20, 460

financial assets, freezing of 460

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 462–3

Pakistan 461

sanctions 218–20, 221, 457, 459–61, 528, 611, 613–14, 618, 619, 623

terrorism 218–20, 221, 457, 463–4, 611, 613–14, 618, 619, 623

travel bans 219–20

United States 456, 459–61

Tashkent Agreement (1966)
325, 337–8, 345

Taylor, Charles
211, 215, 221, 469, 471, 473–4, 476, 479, 488, 489, 490

technical assistance

territorial administration
see also

accountability 573–6

Brahimi Report (Report of the Panel on Peace Operations) 575

capacity-building 567

conflict management, as 563

conservatorship concept 568

decolonization 565–6

dependent territories 565

gender mainstreaming 577, 578

governance, provision of 567, 570, 577

independence, promotion of 567

Jerusalem, proposal for administration of 569

jurisdiction of local courts 575–6

legitimacy, challenge to 28–9

military occupation, as distinguished from 571–2

non-self-governing territories 564–5

Permanent Mandates Commission of League of Nations 574, 576

purpose 566–7

reconstruction 577

reintegration, promotion of 567

reporting obligations 573–4

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