The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (51 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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By the time he finished coming, she was
exhausted and collapsed down onto his chest. After lying in that
position, with his cock still inside her for what seemed like
hours, he pulled it out eliciting a sweet moan from her mouth. They
stood up and got dressed, and then thanking him for a nice fuck,
she left saying she would see him later. Richard poured himself
another drink, thinking how good life could be.


Chapter 7


Richard was in his favorite place, the peep
show, watching two girls touching and making love to each other,
behind a wall of glass. He often came here between jobs, just to
while away the time. To him it was an escape from the norm, that of
releasing the trapped souls of people who were dying, often in very
sad circumstances.


His attention at this moment though rested on
the two females, who were both playing with each other's breasts in
a very seductive manner. Then as usual a man appeared on the scene,
to which they both gave attention, he wore the usual thong type
pouch, which barely covered his cock. They untied it at both sides
allowing it to fall onto the floor, and revealing a fully erect
cock beneath. Then they started to swap it with each other, sucking
the end with the occasional deep throat, clearly getting him
excited. When they'd taken him to the edge, they stopped, and stood
up, both running their hands over his chest. He started to kiss
them, and fondle their breasts; they in turn kept their hands on
his hardened cock, rubbing him slowly.


He placed a finger between both their
pussies, making them squirm and move their hips in a grinding
fashion, attempting to get the full benefit from his probing.
Richard moved uncomfortably in the chair, discretely shifting his
own cock, into a position that felt a little freer. One of the
girls bent over in front of the naked man, looking behind with one
hand on her butt, and trying to pull her cheeks apart, in an effort
to invite him in. He didn't need a second invite, his cock in hand
he guided it to her entrance, pushing it in with ease. The other
girl got behind him, and started to massage his ass, egging him on
as he thrust into the other's pussy. The face of the woman being
fucked gave away the pleasure she was feeling even if Richard
couldn't hear her moans, he knew she was having an orgasm. The show
ended when his cum hit her ass, making her rub it in and taste the
salty cream.


Richard got up, bowed his head in a way of
thanks and then left the building. He still had another hour before
his next call, so decided to walk home. He'd just arrived and
opened the door when he heard his phone ringing, so without taking
his cloak off he entered the apartment. He entered the lounge to
find Alice had gotten back from her mother’s, and was reaching for
the phone herself. Turning back to remove his cloak, Death left the
lounge, and then the building shook as the explosion ripped through
his apartment.


For a second he wasn't sure what had
happened, and then he remembered Alice. Getting to his feet, he
climbed over the rubble that was once his apartment, only to find
Alice's smashed and broken body. Dropping to his knees, he checked
to see if her soul had been released, finding that it had, he
brushed his hand through her blood soaked hair, and whispered,
'they will regret this day, I promise you.' Getting to his feet, he
brushed his cloak with his hands, knowing that it saved his life
and then strode with anger in his eyes towards the exit.


He knew who was responsible, for he had
recently scared him, but he foolishly believed that that would be
the end of the matter. Once he reached the seedy little club, where
he knew the order for the bomb had originated, he entered via the
front door. The two goons guarding the entrance never noticed him,
until he pushed the two swinging doors open, and then they drew
small hand weapons. Death ignored them, even as they started to
fire, being consumed by just one thought. Their bullets bounced off
his body as though it was made of concrete. He headed for the
office, where he'd seen the boss on his last visit, but entered it
to find he wasn't there. Quickly getting hold of one of the guards,
he lifted him off his feet pinning him to the wall.


"You have exactly five seconds to tell me
where your boss is, if you don't I think you know what will happen
next," he said, looking into his eyes.


The guard looked down seeing death in his
eyes and decided to talk.


"He's gone to his country house, along with
the entire gang," he nervously replied.


Death dropped him, and then asked where,
before departing.


Once back on the street, he heard the voice
that had given him this job all those years ago.


"We understand the need for retribution and
are prepared to look the other way, but we wish that you only
punish the guilty and not the innocent," it said.


"If, by that you mean the guy who gave the
order, then that is my intention," he replied, walking on.


Death decided to free a couple of souls
before he went to the country, feeling that they shouldn't be made
to suffer for his need of revenge. Then he appropriated a parked
car and was on his way.


When he arrived at his destination, he
stopped the car behind some trees that blocked their view of his
approach. Then walked down the long drive he spotted snipers along
the way, who were totally ignorant of his arrival. The house was a
large affair, with pillars being the dominant feature, and large
windows. He approached the front door, and then changed his mind,
for at the moment they were not aware of his presence. Looking
through several windows he eventually found what he was looking
for, and walked straight through. The glass blasted the room in all
directions as he entered. Three people were in the room, a goon,
his boss and Julia. The boss got to his feet, having ducked with
Death's entrance, and started for the door. Death pushed the goon
with such force that he hit the back wall, and slumped to the floor
unconscious. Then without loosing his stride he intercepted the
boss, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck.


"Please don't hurt him," he heard Julia


Death looked at Julia, keeping her father
pinned to the wall.


"He killed Alice, the only woman I ever felt
I could be happy with, and you expect me to let him go?" he


"He is my father. I would be alone if you
killed him." she sobbed.


"He tried to have me beaten up, just because
I made love to you," he said, strengthening his grip.


Seeing the tears in her eyes, started to calm
him down, but then the room was suddenly filled with her father's
goons, all pointing some kind of weapon at him. Julia's father
defiantly ordered them to open fire, and the next few seconds were
a blur. Death released her father, who immediately received several
bullets to the chest and head that were intended for his assailant.
Death had gotten Julia out of the way, and then proceeded to
rearrange the room, using the goons as a new form of decoration. By
the time he left that house, one person was dead and the others
wished they were. He left Julia at the gate, telling her to look
him up at his next apartment.


He walked back into town, not sure where to
stay, and also feeling empty at what he'd just accomplished. He
still didn't have Alice, and probably would never find anyone that
could replace her.


Chapter 8


Death stood next to the headstone, looking at
the photograph embedded in the centre. His thoughts of Alice's
smile foremost in his mind, and after touching the headstone in a
symbolic gesture, he whispered goodbye, and then walked away.


He had been the target of a mobster, who had
planted a bomb in his apartment, and although the bomb hadn't
succeeded in taking him out, it had killed his lover and friend


He walked from the graveyard, heading back to
his new apartment, knowing that his next mission would soon be upon
him. Once there he removed the cloak that gave him his powers, and
then poured a drink.


It had now been twenty-six years since the
voice had contacted him, offering him the chance to make a
difference in life. He was informed that the souls of those that
died, sometimes needed to be set free, and was given the
opportunity to do just that. He hadn't known at first that the
cloak he was given possessed great powers, but soon came to
appreciate how precious life really was, while using it.


There was a knock on the door, upon opening
it, he found to his surprise, Julia. He wasn't sure what to say, so
let her in without saying anything; she walked past him entering
the small hallway that led to the lounge.


"How did you know I lived here?" he


"I asked the landlord of your old apartment,
he informed me of where your mail was being redirected to," she


"Why would you want to see me?" said


"For two reasons, first I wanted to apologize
for what my father did, I had no idea he had come after you," she
said, putting her head down.


"And the second?" he replied.


"I also came to warn you, my father had some
very powerful friends, these friends have placed a bounty on your
head, in retribution of his death," she said, getting Richards


"Then you'd better not be here, for I
wouldn't want to be responsible for your death too," he said,
pointing to the door.


She sat down, a stubborn look appearing on
her face. She liked him, ever since that first night, and wanted to
somehow makeup for what her father had done. Richard didn't argue
he just poured two more drinks, and then handed her one before
sitting down. She removed her jacket, revealing a low cut top;
Richard couldn't help noticing, as she sat back in the chair how
her breasts moved. He realized she wasn't wearing a bra, which
always turned him on.


They talked for a while, and then Richard
informed her he had to go and take care of some business. She asked
if she could come back later, to which he replied yes, and then
donning his cloak they left.


Death was soon at his destination, yet
another car accident, the victim being trapped behind the steering
wheel. Reaching through the broken windscreen, he placed his hand
onto his blood-drenched forehead releasing the trapped soul. He
watched it rise, and then disappear, his job done he returned to
his apartment.


He was about to enter the apartment block,
when he spotted Julia returning to see him; she wouldn't be able to
perceive his presence however, for he was still wearing the cloak.
Then he spotted two guys getting out of a car, and checking their
weapon holsters. He knew who they were, as they walked towards the
building, but he had to get Julia out of harms way. He allowed the
two men to enter before him, and then walked over to meet Julia.
Upon touching her arm she suddenly became aware of his


"Oh, where did you come from, I didn't see
you?" she said, startled.


Death's ability of not being perceived, until
he showed him self had always been a favorite power of his, which
the cloak bestowed on him very effectively.


"I have two uninvited guests, who at this
moment are going to my apartment, so stay here until I deal with
them," he said, pointing to the doorway of the building next to his


Julia moved over to the doorway, as Death
started to enter his apartment block. When he got upstairs, they
were on the landing, presumably awaiting his return.


"Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?" he
said, knowing that as soon as he spoke they could see him.


They both drew their weapons, and started to
open fire, he walked up to them with bullets bouncing of his body,
and they suddenly stopped firing.


"What the hell gives?" one of them said,
turning to the other.


Death hit him, sending him flying down the
corridor. The other one managed to punch him back, but was rewarded
with a painful wrist, unable to affect Death in any way. Death
raised his arm sharply, sending the second goon sprawling. Getting
to their feet they both backed them selves into a corner.


"I am getting tired of these games, so if you
want to live another day, you will tell me who sent you?" he said,
in as menacing way as possible.


They both said Edward Garibaldi together, and
then went on to say that he had put a price of fifty thousand on
the first person who took you out.


"When I pay this Garibaldi a visit, I suggest
you be elsewhere, because he won't be forgetting it in a hurry,"
said Death.


They both left, leaving Death with yet
another mission he didn't want; he entered his apartment, and
removed his cloak. Then he heard a knock on the door, he answered
it to find Julia, He'd momentarily forgotten she was out there.


"Come in…let me take your jacket," he said,
reaching for her collar.


She removed her jacket, once again revealing
the same low cut top that she wore earlier. They started to talk
about what had just happened, but after a while it was forgotten
for the time being, as they drank Scotch and started to loosen up.
Richard started to remember the first time he had seen her; she was
on the way to a party which he crashed. Then he'd had sex with both
Julia and her friend, remembering that, he suddenly started to get
a boner.

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