The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (23 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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”It is, and even though I did eventually come
down from my roof, it was another two hours before I made that
decision. There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think of my wife,
but I’ve always believed I will get to see her again one day.”


”I believe that about my husband, but I don’t
want to wait,” said Jessica.


”Could I ask you your name?” he said, making
her stop to think.


”Jessica,” she said, quietly.


”Jessica, my name is Peter and I would
appreciate being able to talk with you before you decide anything,”
he said, sitting down where he’d stood.


Jessica turned around, and sat on the edge.
She felt this man had something in common with her, and deserved a
few minutes of her time.


”I can talk for a while, but I’ve made my
decision. I’m glad you honored your wife’s last wish, but I don’t
think I can be that strong,” she said, putting her head down.


Peter looked at her face, and watched the
tears running down her cheeks. He knew that feeling, and he knew
how hard it was to think positively about any kind of future.


”You’ve got to ask yourself Jessica, would he
want you to end your life? Or would he want you to find happiness
again, and move on? I suspect the later of the two, for if he truly
loved you, he wouldn’t want to see you come to harm.”


Jessica didn’t reply, she was deep in
thought, and whenever she closed her eyes she saw her husband’s
face. She looked up, and caught the smile beaming from Peter’s
face, and for a brief moment the corners of her mouth moved upward,
but then dropped again.


They’d talked for the next three hours, and
Peter started to get a faint hope that she was wavering. It had
taken him that long; just to get her to open up about her own life.
She now knew almost everything about Peter, as he’d done most of
the talking.


The turning point that night was the weather,
for suddenly it started to rain. Peter managed to persuade her to
get in out of the storm, and asked her to come for a coffee at a
café he knew of, which wasn’t far from their current location.


Once there, they talked for another two
hours, and Jessica finally stated that she was going to try and
carry on. From that day on, each day was a challenge, and Jessica
and Peter became close friends. It was a year later when they met
up for a drink in a pub, which happened to be Peter’s local. Peter
noticed how stunning Jessica looked, as soon as she walked through
the door, and told her so.


”Thank you Peter, that’s very sweet of you,”
she said, placing her bag on the table.


”What would you like to drink?” he said,


”G&T please,” she replied, taking her
jacket off and placing it over the chair.


She wore a knee length skirt, and a blouse
that hugged all the right places. When Peter came back with the
drinks, he told her how foxy she looked, and realized he’d made her


”You’re not used to compliments, are you?” he
said, smiling.


”I’m just not used to other men paying me
compliments, my husband did it all the time,” she replied.


”Anyway, let’s see now...I saw you last
month! So what’s been going on in your life since then?” said
Peter, quickly changing the subject.


”I came off the anti-depressants a week ago,
and so far I’m feeling all right. I also got another job, which I’m
enjoying,” replied Jessica, “how about you, anything interesting
happening?” she added.


”Not much, I’m still living alone, and I’m
still getting by from one day to the next. Although, I did book a
holiday abroad,” said Peter, taking a sip of his beer.


”Oh…anywhere special…?”


“America…or California to be more precise, I
always wanted to see the sights, and to soak up some sun for a
while,” he replied.


”When are you going?” asked Jessica.


”In two months, I had a couple of weeks due
so I thought I’d take them in the sun for a change.”


Jessica was quiet for a while after that,
until Peter asked her if anything was wrong.


”No, I was just thinking about going away
myself, but I couldn’t go alone, not like you. I’d feel out of
place, and not to mention lonely,” said Jessica.


”Well, why don’t you come with me, I think
we’ve known each other long enough to be able to share parts of our
lives together. We can have separate rooms, and we enjoy each
other’s company. What do you think?” said Peter, picking his drink
back up, and waiting for a response.


Jessica didn’t answer straight away; instead
she seemed to be digesting that proposal very carefully.


”Yes...why not. I haven’t been away in well
over a year, and it would be nice to get away from the same old
grindstone,” she replied, eventually, “how much will I need?”


”You’ll need a grand for the flight and
hotel, and whatever spending money you decide to take,” replied


The rest of the night was taken up with talk
about what they would see together, and Jessica actually laughed
out loud a few times, which Peter had never seen her do. When they
were going home Jessica asked Peter in for a nightcap before going
off, and he was delighted to hear her offer.


”What would you like to drink?” she said,
opening up the drinks cabinet.


”Let’s see, what have you got,” replied
Peter, looking over her shoulder, “I’ll have a whiskey please.”


Jessica poured two whiskeys, and closed the


”Cheers,” she said, handing him his


Peter took a mouthful, and then looked around
the room. It was the first time he’d actually seen inside Jessica’s
home, yet he’d dropped her off a number of times.


”You have a nice place here Jessica,” he
said, asking if he could sit down with a nod at the couch.


”Thank you, we always took pride in our home.
Like my husband used to say, “If we’ve got to live here most of our
lives, let’s make it as comfortable as possible.”


Jessica sat down beside Peter, adjusting the
cushion so that it was by her side instead of behind her, and
holding it as if for protection. Peter caught himself staring at
her legs, and a sudden realization dawned on him. Jessica was
flirting with him. At least that’s what his mind was telling him,
but what if he was wrong, what if he was misreading the situation.
He didn’t want to spoil the friendship they had together, by doing
something clumsy like kissing her if she wasn’t open for it.


”Peter...would you mind if I kissed you?” she
said, taking all doubt out of Peter’s mind.


Peter never answered he just leaned forward
and kissed her lips gently.


”No, I don’t mind,” he said, once their lips
parted, “I’ve wanted to do that all night,” he added.


Jessica smiled, and kissed him harder, and
with a little more passion. Peter placed his right hand onto her
cheek, and felt her tongue entering his mouth. In that moment, time
seemed to stand still, and nothing else mattered. Jessica reached
up with one hand, and gently ran it around the back of his neck.
Peter ran his free hand down her shoulder, and felt the sweet
shiver of one who hadn’t been touched by someone of the opposite
sex for some time.


”Peter...please make love to me,” whispered


Suddenly, it was like they’d both wanted to
do this for some time, for no sooner did Peter begin to caress her
thigh than she ran her hands down his shirt and began to unbutton
it. When she felt his fingers lightly brushing her womanhood
through her panties, she responded by opening her legs a little
more. Peter took the cue, and slipped a finger around the hem of
her panties, and gently rubbed her clitoris. Jessica closed her
eyes, and sighed deeply. When she felt his finger probing her
entrance, she kissed him harder. He then placed one hand onto her
left breast, and squeezed it gently. He could feel her nipple
hardening in the palm of his hand, as his flesh tightened around


She then felt his finger entering her sex,
and let out a sigh of built up passion, which culminated with her
eyes closing, and her body shuddering with an imminent orgasm. The
last man that had touched her in this way was her husband. Yet she
felt it was time to let go, and in that moment she felt an urge to
make love like never before.


Pushing Peter back, she ran her hand down the
front of his pants, and felt the hardness beneath. She then quickly
unzipped them and pulled them down, with one swift movement. At the
same time she bent her legs and knelt on the floor, taking Peter’s
hardened member between her lips for the very first time.


Peter never said anything; he just stood
there looking down as Jessica’s head bobbed back and forth, sending
shivers of excitement through his body. The feeling of her tongue
sliding along his cock as she kept sucking it in, soon made Peter
realize if he didn’t stop her he was going to explode inside her
mouth, and he didn’t want that.


Reaching down, Peter stopped her, and asked
her to stand up. When she did, he then picked her up in both arms
and carried her into the bedroom. Laying her gently onto the bed,
he then removed what little clothing he still had on, and climbed
onto the bed next to her. They kissed as he positioned himself
between her legs, and she closed her eyes as she felt his hardness
pressing against her delicate skin.


When he started to slide into her body, she
held her breath, only letting out the air once more as Peter picked
up the pace. He looked down between their two bodies watching his
cock entering her womanhood, and then looked into her eyes. She
smiled up at him, and then they kissed passionately. They made love
for another hour, before finally laying next to each other and


”You are the first since my husband,” she
muttered, feeling it needed to be said.


”I’ve wanted to do that for some time now,
but I didn’t know if you did,” replied Peter.


”I’ve always considered you as my savior, and
it felt proper some how,” she said, kissing his cheek.


”If anyone was your savior, it was your
husband!” he stated.


”What do you mean?” said Jessica, looking at


”I have a confession to make Jessica, I knew
your husband. I met him a few times when visiting my wife and it
was he who suspected what you would do once he’d gone. So, he made
me promise to watch over you, which is why I was there that night.
I just happened to be in the hospital when your husband died, and I
kept my word by following you.”


”Why didn’t you tell me all this?” she said,
sitting up on her elbows.


”I was going to a few times, but I never
counted on falling in love with you,” replied Peter, smiling.


Jessica just looked up through the window and
beyond the clouds, and then mouthed the words ‘thank you,’ to the
heavens, before kissing Peter one more time. As they kissed, she
realized that what he’d said to her on that roof was true; you can
brave the storm and find happiness again, for she knew she’d fallen
in love.


The End




Mind Reader


Kirsty was having a bad day the sort of day
that starts off bad and just gets worse. She was late for work for
one thing, and she knew how fussy her boss was about tardiness.
She’d also discovered upon opening the shed door that her pushbike
had a flat tire, which did nothing to brighten her day. So when she
ran across that busy road on this particular Monday morning, she
wasn’t paying close enough attention to the traffic.


Which would explain why, the bus clipped her
shoulder and sent her spinning towards the sidewalk. At first she
lay there too stunned to move, and seeing lots of people converging
from all directions in their desire to help out, she attempted to
get back on her feet. But raising her head didn’t even seem an
option, and she was quickly told to lie still and that an ambulance
had been called.


That’s all she could remember of the
accident, in fact she didn’t even know what hit her. When she awoke
she found herself in the hospital with her father sitting next to
the bed.


“Ah, you’re awake at last?” he said, leaning
forward and taking her hand.


“Hi dad, how long have I been here?” replied


“Two days, you had us all worried…


Suddenly the doctor was there and interrupted
Kristy’s father.


“I see you’ve decided to join us in the land
of the living young lady. Now then, I have a few things to tell
you, and then I’ll leave you alone. First of all your injuries
weren’t severe in them selves, but the brain swelling after the
initial impact was life threatening? We had to give you a new drug
to control the swelling, otherwise you wouldn’t be here now,” said
the Doctor, as he walked slowly around the bed.


Kirsty listened intently but kept hearing
other sounds in the background. She ignored them, thinking they
were probably the kind of ringing noises one gets when you bang
your head.


Soon after that Kirsty was asleep again, and
her father was being told she should be alright to leave in the
morning. When morning did arrive Kirsty was full of life and eager
to get out of that stuffy bed. She found herself feeling
surprisingly alert and her hearing seemed to be acute in the
extreme. She could hear a conversation from across the ward,
between two nurses that sounded like it was taking place right next
to her.

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