The Truth Behind The Lies (5 page)

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Authors: Lolah Lace

Tags: #interracial romance fiction

BOOK: The Truth Behind The Lies
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“We are not good together.”

“We were. We are. We can be.” He pleaded.

“No we weren’t and it’s okay. You win some. You lose some.”

“I never lose.”

You lost me homeboy. “It’s over David.”

“You have to give me another chance.”

No I really don’t. “We were over a long time ago. We are over now. I told you this before. I am telling you again. Just leave me alone. You have your side chicks. Take one of them and make them your main chick.”

“Only you can fill that vacancy.”

What the fuck? He sounds like a damn dummy. Ain’t nobody got time for this foolishness. “I don’t want to fill any vacancies. I want you to kick rocks.” I felt an urge to hang up on him. I didn’t want him to think this was a game. The, I hang up on you so you can call me back and hang on me game.

I dried my hands on a towel near the tub. I can’t do this anymore. It’s over Range Rover. I reached for my cell and hung up. I quickly blocked this new number. I just added it to the graveyard of numbers that David had once called me from.

He ruined my high. I placed my phone back on the shelf by the tub. I closed my eyes and sank down in the tub as far as I could without getting my hair wet. I cupped my breasts in my hands and I thought of him. Only him. Sebastian Vandervol.




I was back to smiling. Tangie showed up an hour after she said she would. It was an hour after her call. I was dressed in sweats when she showed up. She helped herself to my refrigerator. Her normal routine was to hug me and then go into my kitchen.

Tangie was one of those skinny bitches that could eat anything. She’s the one that got me in the gym. She works in human resources. We met years ago when I was hired. She had to put in all my paperwork.

It was funny because when I sat down at her desk to turn in my insurance forms she looked at me and said. You look like you could be my friend. I asked her why? She told me it was the way I dressed.

She then said she knew I was smart to land the job I had at the time. She said she doesn’t hang with dummies. She also said that I was pretty. She said she doesn’t hang with no ugly chicks and I thought that was funny. We have been friends ever since. It has been like fourteen years.

Tangie finally emerged from my refrigerator with a single piece of chocolate cake.

“Can I have this?”

“Yeah.” As much I want that cake I know I don’t need it. My cell phone vibrated. I grabbed it off the kitchen counter. A text. From Bash. [I can’t wait to see you tonight.]

A smile hit my face instantly. [I can’t wait to see you too.] I texted back. I looked up to see Tangie stuffing chocolate cake in her mouth.

“Why you look like a Cheesecake Factory?” She asked.

“I have a dinner date tonight?”

“I know it’s not with Mr. Jenkins.”

“No way. I’m done done with that bum bum.”

“Okay well Nina Mae how the hell did you met somebody so fast?”

“I just did.” I shrugged.

“You never date after a break-up. You stay single for six months. You have a pattern.”

“I do? Yeah I do. I need time to reflect.”

“So your reflection period obviously is over.”

“Well this guy I met today was different.”

“Different? Girl all these fools the same.” She laughed out loud. Tangie talked so much shit but she was a softy.

“Well first this man is white.”

“You and a white man.” Her neck snapped back. “I’m not feeling that.”

“I dated ah what’s his name. He was white.”

“I’m sure he still is white but he was seventeen and you were seventeen. All yall did was kiss and hold hands.”

“Damn you remember everything.” She didn’t even know me then. I can tell her a story one time and she will remember every little detail.

“Well yeah that’s true. He was almost like my first real boyfriend.”

“No you never had sex with him so he doesn’t count.”

“He fingered me and felt me up.”

“That doesn’t count.” It sure counted when Bash did it. “So whatever, you going on a date with some white man.”


“What’s this devil’s name?”

I rolled my eyes. She laughed and I did too. “Sebastian.”

“Did you meet him at work?”

“No at the police station.”

“He’s a cop?”

“No he said he developed computer software. I’m not sure what that means.”

“What kind of White man is he?”

“The white kind?”

“Is he trying to be black?”


“Is he like biker construction worker type?”

“No, he wasn’t in a suit and tie when we met. But I think he’s the suit and tie type. I don’t know much about him. He’s divorced. He drives a Porsche. He has a friend from high school that’s a detective. And the computer software thing.”

“Do you know his last name?”


“Do you want me to do an Internet search on him?”

“Yes, no, yes, no. I don’t want to know anything yet. It’s just the first date and I just want to see what happens.”

“Oh-Em-Gee. You like this Cracker.”

“Girl stop. I don’t like him. He’s just different. He’s such a good kisser.”

“Damn, you kissed him?”

“He kissed me.”

“Did you kiss his ass back or was you acting stuck up?”

I pressed my lips. I will ignore that question. “He even texted me just now. I just saw him and he texted me.”

“That’s against guy code. That’s pretty smooth. What time is your date?”

“At seven, separate cars. I’m meeting him at La Bistro Cabernet.”

“That place is nice. You’ll love it.”

“He is so fine.”

“What’s fine for a white man?”

“He’s tall, blonde, with these silver blue eyes. And his body is like a Calvin Klein model. I just hope he’s not a jerk.”

“Think good thoughts.” I rolled my eyes. “He got a date with you fresh off a breakup so he must be a good guy. You are a total bitch to every guy that comes at you after a breakup. So he must be cool if he broke down that six month reflection mirror four months ahead of schedule.”

“I love you. You always make me feel better.”

“It was the least I could do. I ate your last piece of chocolate cake.”








I sang in the car as I drove to La Bistro Cabernet. I needed something to calm me. I tried Chaka Khan. Then I tried Rihanna. Badgalriri fit the mood. I put
Rude Boy
on repeat. I was nervous and I hated myself for it.

This man had my mind messed up from the moment I laid eyes on him. I had tried on three dresses before I settled on this ivory one. I had to give off an air of confidence with a man that made me cum in my car a few hours ago.

I felt sexy. No, scratch that. I am sexy. I rocked my nude patent leather pumps. My dress was sitting in my closet waiting for the right occasion, the right man. A man that I could get down and dirty with, without me having regrets. Yes I was a sexy beast tonight. He made me feel that way.

I had on more make-up tonight. Restaurants usually had dim lighting and I was trying to really be in runway model mode. I wanted Naomi Campbell and Tyra to think I was doing my thing.

I parked and got out my car. I walked over to the stairs that lead to the restaurant. Bash was waiting for me at the entrance of the restaurant. Bash met me at the bottom of the steps. He took my arm and led me up the stairs. He was a perfect crutch. A lifesaver because falling in these high heels on this cobblestone was really not sexy at all.

“Wow, you look great.” His eyes lit up and made my cheeks blossom.

“Thank you.”

“Our table is ready early.” He phrased it perfectly because I knew I wasn’t late.


He took my hand and led me into the restaurant and right over to our table. Bash was so damn tall. He was like a tree. He could shade me with his height and just completely block the sun out if it wasn’t already about the set.

La Bistro Cabernet was elegant but dimly lit with candles at every table. The place had a purplish hue to it but that was probably the lighting.

Bash was wearing a reflective silver button up shirt that hugged his chest and showed off all the time he put in at the gym. I hope he works out because if he was naturally fit I was way out of my league.

He was wearing black pants that were fitted but not tight. They were straight legged like he was young or European. They looked good on his tall frame. He really looked yummy. There was something about his clothes that made me feel like I was with a young mafia don. He pulled out my chair. I smoothed the back of my dress and took my seat. He sat across from me as I tucked myself under the table.

“I wasn’t sure if it was okay but I took a cue from earlier today and ordered for you.”

“No that’s fine.”

Silence took over the table. We glared at each other like we were looking at celebrities. His fingertips rubbed the tablecloth and I flashed back to his fingers on my clit. I blinked the images away.

“How was your free day?”


“Did you get some things taken care of or did some rude guy distract you?”

“The guy wasn’t rude.” I was just listening to
Rude Boy
in my car. I swear Bash can read my mind.

“He wasn’t.”

“No he was a little handsy, fingery.”

Bash chuckled and it looked good on his face. “You’re funny.”

“So Bash, how was work today?”

“It wasn’t the best day. I tried to acquire a start up company and lost it to a competitor. After that debacle all I could think about was seeing you again. Our time together in your car was the highlight of my day.”


“No, I’m lying. It was the highlight of my year.”

I couldn’t contain my smile but I was trying to. “That was a real compliment.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Try to hold back your emotions.”

“I don’t think I do.”

“You do. Granted I don’t know you well. But you can be whoever you want to be around me. I would never judge you.”

“People say that but it isn’t true.”

“I’m not people. I’m Sebastian.”

“You say one thing that people don’t agree with and they judge you for it and use it to threw back in your face at a later date and time.”

“I don’t do that.”

“Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t.”

The waiter walked over to our table. We all exchanged pleasantries as he poured wine into our glasses. Bash must have picked it before I arrived.
We had Cuisses de Grenouilles à la Provençale. Which was Frog Legs, Garlic Spinach and Brown Butter Sauce for hors d’oeuvres.

The food came moments later. We both had
Filet Mignon de Bœuf Grillé Au Jus De Cuisson. Bash told me it was Beef Tenderloin Grilled in a Thyme Au Jus. We also had Mushroom fricassee, Mashed Potatoes and Haricots Verts.

The food was delicious but did I honestly think anything less of Bash. He had excellent taste. I didn’t mean me per say but I think any guy that picks me has good taste. I’m not ever bashing myself again. That was the old me. That was the thirty year old me. I’m thirty-eight but I look thirty-two. So yeah any guy that picks me has damn good taste.

It was nice to eat without reservation. I wasn’t nervous like at first. The more time I was around him the more at ease I felt. We talked a little through dinner. Once the waiter removed our plates, I had a feeling things would get a little deeper than it had before.

I wanted to get to know him better. I knew there was more to this man. He gave up a lot. I can’t complain. I just wanted more. So I asked.

“Nina, tell me something bad about you.”

“You go first.” I tossed the ball back in his court.

He chuckled. “Are you going to judge me harshly when I share?”

“I don’t know. Honestly I just don’t know.”

“Why don’t you just ask me a question and I will answer it honestly. Then I can do the same to you.”

“Okay.” I agreed.

“You go first.” He took a sip from his wine glass.

“Have you ever called anybody a nigger?” I don’t know why I asked that. I mean was I really trying to ruin this date? Sometimes words fly right out of my big mouth.

Bash smiled. “Before I answer can I ask why you asked me that question?”

I felt terrible but it was out there now. “Sure, I asked because of a stereotype. You are German and you seem pretty proud of it. You know you are that quote-unquote master race.”

“Nina Nina you are a treasure.” He chuckled. “That master race comment is so funny.”

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