The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957 (58 page)

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Two examples of a provincial party committee that later confessed to ignoring the meeting of 17 May are Jilin and Shandong: see its self-criticism in Jilin, August 1955, 1-7(4)-1, pp. 72–9, and Report from the Provincial Party Committee, 17 Aug. 1955, Shandong, A1-1-188,pp. 204–6; the meeting on 11 July is detailed in Pang and Jin,
Mao Zedong zhuan, 1949–1976
, pp. 380–1; see also Liu and Wang, ‘The Origins of the General Line’, p. 730.

Mao Zedong, On the Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture, Shandong, 31 July 1955, A1-2-292, pp. 19–42.

Meeting with Provincial and Municipal Party Secretaries, Shandong, 15 Aug. 1955, A1-2-292, pp. 11–17; Peng Yihu wrote a letter critical of the grain monopoly to the Central Committee.

These statistics, as well as the overall development of the co-operatives during the Socialist High Tide, have been provided many times, and I take them from Kenneth R. Walker, ‘Collectivisation in Retrospect: The “Socialist High Tide” of Autumn 1955–Spring 1956’,
China Quarterly
, no. 26 (June 1966), pp. 1–43; the ban on the blind was passed in Hailong county; see Jilin, 4 Feb. 1956, 2-12-37, pp. 87–90.

Instructions from the Centre, 15 March 1956, Guangdong, 217-1-8, p. 2.

Li Choh-ming, ‘Economic Development’,
China Quarterly
, no. 1 (March 1960), p. 42.

Escape from Red China
, pp. 149–50; Guo Dihuo, ‘Wo he Pan Hannian tongzhi de jiaowang’,
Shanghai wenshi ziliao xuanji
, vol. 43 (1983), pp. 26–8, quoted in Bergère, ‘Les Capitalistes shanghaïens et la période de transition entre le régime Guomindang et le communisme (1948–1952)’, p. 29; the reasons behind the arrest of Pan and Yang, who were rehabilitated decades later, are complex, and the most up-to-date guide is Xiaohong Xiao-Planes, ‘The Pan Hannian Affair and Power Struggles at the Top of the CCP (1953–1955)’,
China Perspectives
, no. 4 (Autumn 2010), pp. 116–27.

Report from the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, 27 Sept. 1955, Hebei, 855-3-617, pp. 24–31.

Pang and Jin,
Mao Zedong zhuan, 1949–1976
, pp. 448–9.

Escape from Red China
, pp. 179–80.

Ibid., p. 188.

Ibid., pp. 181–92; Rong Yiren’s later career is described in Becker,
C. C. Lee
, p. 63.

12: The Gulag

On the early period, the work of Patricia Griffin remains the best on the subject; see Patricia E. Griffin,
The Chinese Communist Treatment of Counterrevolutionaries, 1924–1949
, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976; on Shandong, see Frank Dikötter, ‘The Emergence of Labour Camps in Shandong Province, 1942–1950’,
China Quarterly
, no. 175 (Sept. 2003), pp. 803–17; for a more general history of the Chinese gulag, nothing to date surpasses Jean-Luc Domenach,
L’Archipel oublié
, Paris: Fayard, 1992; in English, the work of Harry Wu is essential: Harry Hongda Wu,
Laogai: The Chinese Gulag
, Boulder: Westview Press, 1992; see also Philip F. Williams and Yenna Wu,
The Great Wall of Confinement: The Chinese Prison Camp through Contemporary Fiction and Reportage
, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.

Crime, Punishment and the Prison in Modern China

Frank Dikötter, ‘Crime and Punishment in Post-Liberation China: The Prisoners of a Beijing Gaol in the 1950s’,
China Quarterly
, no. 149 (March 1997), pp. 147–59; the terms for these political crimes were

The figure of over 1 million appears in Report from the Third Conference on Public Security, 1 June 1951, Sichuan, JX1-834, p. 101; on Hunan see Report on Labour Camps, 8 June 1951 and Report from Li Xiannian on the Campaign against Counter-Revolutionaries, 1951, Hubei, SZ1-2-60, pp. 51, 79–85 and 115; Report from the Guangxi Provincial Party Committee, 7 July 1951, Sichuan, JX1-836, pp. 78–82, also Hebei, 7 July 1951, 684-1-59, pp. 12–15.

Sichuan, 1951, JX1-839, pp. 486–7; Inspection Report on the Chongqing County Prison, 24 July 1951, Sichuan, JX1-342, pp. 33–4; see also Public Security Bureau Report on Prisons in Western Sichuan, 1951, Sichuan, JX1-342, pp. 92–3; on death rates in south-west China see Sichuan, 5 Sept. 1951, JX1-839, pp. 386–7; Hebei, 31 May 1951, 855-1-137, p. 47; Quentin K. Y. Huang,
Now I Can Tell: The Story of a Christian Bishop under Communist Persecution
, New York: Morehouse-Gorham, 1954, p. 22.

Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping, Rao Shushi, Deng Zihui, Ye Jianying, Xi Zhongxun and Gao Gang, 20 April 1951, Sichuan, JX1-834, pp. 75–7.

The decision to put 300,000 prisoners to work is in Minutes of the Third National Conference on Public Security, Shandong, 16 and 22 May 1951, A1-4-9, pp. 14, 38 and 43; Report by Luo Ruiqing, Shandong, 4 June 1951, A1-5-20, pp. 149–51.

Report from Luo Ruiqing to Mao Zedong, 5 Dec. 1951, Sichuan, JX1-834, pp. 240–5; the tin mines at Lianxian are mentioned in Report from Qian Ying, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to Zhu De, 25 March 1953, Sichuan, JK1-730, p. 36.

Yearly report from the Ministry of Public Security, 28 April 1956, Shandong, A1-1-233, pp. 57–60; Sichuan, 21 June 1953, JK1-13, pp. 40–1; the experts in the gulag are mentioned in Order from Deng Xiaoping, 24 July and 13 Aug. 1956, Shandong, A1-1-233, pp. 74–5.

Zhanfan zishu
; Report from the Inspectorate, 14 March 1953, Hebei, 855-2-298, pp. 16–27; Report from North-west China to the Centre, 21 March 1953, Hebei, 855-2-298, p. 30.

Sichuan, 20 March 1953, JK1-729, p. 29; Report on the Three-Anti Campaign in Judicial System, 16 March 1953, Beijing, 2-5-18, p. 6; the electric device is described in Huang,
Now I Can Tell
, pp. 22–7 and 89.

The comment about the Auschwitz of the mind is from Harry Wu, who is quoted alongside Robert Ford and Wang Tsunming in Kate Saunders,
Eighteen Layers of Hell: Stories from the Chinese Gulag
, London: Cassell Wellington House, 1996, p. 73; a good description of cellmates being forced to beat each other appears in Harold W. Rigney,
Four Years in a Red Hell: The Story of Father Rigney
, Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1956, p. 156; see also Huang,
Now I Can Tell
, pp. 106–10; Simon Leys commented a long time ago on the two alternatives facing anyone caught up in the gulag, one being suicide, the other a complete renunciation of one’s former self: see Simon Leys,
Broken Images: Essays on Chinese Culture and Politics
, New York: St Martin’s Press, 1980, p. 146.

Report on Re-education through Labour Camps, 10 Jan. 1956, Shandong, A1-1-233, pp. 33–7; the figure of 300,000 comes from the Third National Conference of the Ministry of Public Security on Reform through Labour, 27 Oct. 1955, Shandong, A1-1-233, p. 39.

Report on Western Sichuan to the Fourth National Conference on Public Security, 19 July 1952, Sichuan, JX1-843, pp. 53–5; Report by Changwei County Party Committee, 22 May and 1 June 1953, Shandong, A1-5-85, pp. 86 and 992–4; Report by Luo Ruiqing, 6 Feb. 1953, Shandong, A1-5-85, pp. 20–3.

Escape from Red China
, p. 69.

Report by Luo Ruiqing, 6 Feb. 1953, Shandong, A1-5-85, pp. 20–3.

Neibu cankao
, 27 May 1950, pp. 80–1.

Report on the Huai River, 14 Oct. 1950, Nanjing, 4003-3-84, pp. 143–4.

Neibu cankao
, 24 March 1951.

Neibu cankao
, 23 March 1953, pp. 548–55.

Report on the Jingzhou region, 15 Dec. 1951, Hubei, SZ37-1-63, p. 3; Shaanxi, 27 Dec. 1953, 123-1-490, n.p., first document in folder.

Beijing, 30 March 1956, 2-8-58, p. 17.

Beijing, 1 Dec. 1956, 2-8-58, p. 34; Report by Xie Juezai on Migration, 27 July 1956, Beijing, 2-8-47, p. 4; Letters from the Public, 8 Dec. 1956, Beijing, 2-8-247, pp. 113–14.

Wild West China
, pp. 192–5.

13: Behind the Scenes

Valentin Chu,
The Inside Story of Communist China: Ta Ta, Tan Tan
, London: Allen & Unwin, 1964, pp. 13–14.

Ibid., pp. 37–48.

Mandarin Red
, pp. 33–5; see also Hung Chang-tai,
Mao’s New World: Political Culture in the Early People’s Republic
, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011, pp. 92–108; letter fom Cai Shuli, 24 April 1957, Beijing, 2-9-230, p. 58; Liang Jun, one of China’s first female tractor drivers, was eulogised in posters, novels and films after 1953 (later she appeared on 1-yuan banknotes).

Some wonderful pages on this sense of idealism appear in Sheila Fitzpatrick,
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s
, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 67–72.

No Dogs in China
, pp. 27 and 171; see also the chapter on China in the excellent book by Paul Hollander,
Political Pilgrims: Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society
, Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers, pp. 278–346.

Escape from Red China
, pp. 161–2.

Some of the best pages on the tourist circuit are in Chu,
The Inside Story of Communist China
, pp. 256–61; see also Hollander,
Political Pilgrims

Peter Schmid,
The New Face of China
, London: Harrap, 1958, p. 52; Wu,
Remaking Beijing
, p. 105; on Beijing, see also Wang Jun,
Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing
, London: World Scientific, 2011; Hung,
Mao’s New World
, pp. 25–50.

J. M. Addis and Douglas Hurd, ‘A Visit to South-West China’ and ‘A Visit to North-West China’, 25 Oct. to 21 Nov. 1955, FO371-115169, pp. 4, 16 and 29; Kinmond,
No Dogs in China
, p. 113.

Sun Jingwen, Report at the First National Conference on City Building, 14 June 1954, Shandong, A107-2-307, pp. 49–67; Report by Gao Gang on capital construction at the Second National Conference on Financial and Economic Work, 29 June 1953, Shandong, A1-2-144, pp. 53–9.

No Dogs in China
, p. 26.

Sun Jingwen, Report at the First National Conference on City Building, 14 June 1954, Shandong, A107-2-309, pp. 49–67, quotation on p. 55; see also the report on urban planning by the Soviet expert Balakin, 15 June 1954, Shandong, A107-2-309, pp. 68–89; besides these official reports, complaints about housing figure prominently in letters from the public written to the People’s Congress, for instance in Beijing, 27 Dec. 1956, 2-8-247, pp. 125–6 and 181; Instructions by Liu Shaoqi to the Ministry of Textile Industry, 22 Feb. 1956, Shandong, A1-2-387, p. 72; the Dongjiao Railway Station is mentioned in Beijing, 10 Nov. 1956, 2-8-247, p. 52.

Li Fuchun, Report at the First National Design Conference, 24 Sept. 1957, Shandong, A107-1-67, pp. 138–47.

Report from Anshan Party Committee, 22 March 1956, Shandong, A1-2-393, pp. 42–3.

Report from the Workers’ Union, 25 June 1956, Nanjing, 4003-1-107, pp. 370–6.

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