The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957 (54 page)

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Li Xiu interviewed by Max Hastings,
The Korean War
, p. 172.

The details of Mao’s repeated interventions are in Zhang,
Mao’s Military Romanticism
, p. 137.

Jianguo yilai
, vol. 2, p. 152.

Chang and Halliday,
, p. 367.

International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, ‘Refusal of Repatriation’, 25 July 1951, BAG 210-056-003.03, pp. 70–4; on the POWs see David Cheng Chang, ‘To Return Home or “Return to Taiwan”: Conflicts and Survival in the “Voluntary Repatriation” of Chinese POWs in the Korean War’, doctoral dissertation, University of California, San Diego, 2011.

Peters and Li (eds),
Voices from the Korean War
, p. 178.

Pete Schulz, letter to Max Hastings, quoted in
The Korean War
, p. 196.

The numbers vary and these are the most accepted ones, quoted for instance in Chang and Halliday,
, p. 378.

Escape from Red
, pp. 56–7; Report on attitudes towards the government among ordinary people, Nanjing, 4003-1-20, 5 July 1950, p. 143;
Neibu cankao
, 13 July 1950, pp. 41–2.

Neibu cankao
, 7 Nov. 1950, p. 23; Opinion Survey, Nanjing, 22 Nov. 1950, 4003-3-89, pp. 72–7.

Neibu cankao
, 30 Nov. 1950, pp. 151–7.

Nanfang ribao
, translated in
Current Background
, no. 55, American Consulate-General, Hong Kong, 22 Jan. 1951, quoted in Walker,
China under Communism
, p. 302, with a few stylistic changes.

China under Communism
, pp. 302–5; Lum,
Peking, 1950–1953
, p. 62.

Central Directive, 19 Dec. 1950, Guangdong, 204-1-245, p. 101.

Escape from Red China
, pp. 57–8.

Gansu, Report on the Hate America, Aid Korea Campaign, 25 March 1951, 91-1-314, p. 13; Guangdong, 1 April 1951, 204-1-36, pp. 41–2; Guangdong, 1 April 1951, 204-1-36, p. 51.

Escape from Red China
, p. 59.

Report from the North-east China Bureau, 9 Oct. 1951, Gansu, 91-1-244, pp. 80–90; Report at the Politburo by Deng Xiaoping, Sichuan,6 Nov. 1951, JX1-809, p. 41.

Neibu cankao
, 16 July 1951, p. 92; 30 Aug. 1951, pp. 102–3.

Neibu cankao
, 31 Aug. 1951, p. 108; 16 July 1951, p. 92; 23 Oct. 1951, p. 60.

Neibu cankao
, 30 Aug. 1951, pp. 102–3.

Neibu cankao
, 18 Sept. 1951, p. 90; 25 July 1951, p. 148.

Guangdong, 1 April 1951, 204-1-36, pp. 41–2; Li,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao
, p. 56.

Jilin, 16 March 1951, 2-7-56, p. 15; Report by the Wendeng County Party Committee, Shandong, 28 Sept. 1951, A1-2-74, pp. 106–8; Report from the North China Region, Hebei, 10 May 1951, 855-1-84, pp. 77–8.

Report from the North China Region, Hebei, 10 May 1951, 855-1-84, pp. 77–8; the case from Yueyang is in
Neibu cankao
, 23 July 1951, p. 140.

Report from the North China Region, Hebei, 10 May 1951, 855-1-84, pp. 77–8;
Neibu cankao
, 23 July 1951, p. 140.

Shandong, 5 Dec. 1951, A1-4-9, pp. 122–5.

Report to the People’s Congress, Jilin, 30 Dec. 1950, 2-7-47, pp. 59–60; Reports on Cooperativisation, Jilin, 19 Jan., 16 and 22 March and23 June 1951, 2-7-56, pp. 2, 14–15, 26 and 84.

Jilin, 20 Feb., 25 March and 5 Aug. 1952, 1-1(8)-37, pp. 1, 2 and 14–15; Jilin, 2 and 29 Feb. 1952, 2-8-32, pp. 91–4 and 107.

Neibu cankao
, 28 May 1951, pp. 47–8; 3 June 1951, p. 36; General report by Deng Xiaoping, Sichuan, 30 Nov. 1951, JX1-809, p. 31;
Neibu cankao
, 18 March 1952, pp. 155–7; 24 March 1952, pp. 227–8; 7 April 1952,pp. 68–9.

Kenneth G. Lieberthal,
Revolution and Tradition in Tientsin, 1949–1952
, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1980, pp. 98–9.

Report on Germ Warfare from the Centre, Shandong, 2 April 1952, A1-5-58, p. 104.

On the Needham expedition, see Ruth Rogaski, ‘Nature, Annihilation, and Modernity: China’s Korean War Germ-Warfare Experience Reconsidered’, 
Journal of Asian Studies
, 61, no. 2 (May 2002), p. 382; when interviewed by Jonathan Mirsky in 1961, Needham admitted not having seen any evidence at all, but added that he trusted what he was told by Chinese bacteriologists; Jonathan Mirsky, email correspondence, 28 June 2012.

Peking, 1950–1953
, p. 122.

‘Transfusions of Hate’,
, 23 June 1952; Raja Hutheesing,
Window on China
, London: Derek Verschoyle, 1953, pp. 169–70.

Frank Moraes is quoted extensively in ‘Transfusions of Hate’,
,23 June 1952; on Unit 731 and the United States see Stephen L. Endicott, ‘Germ Warfare and “Plausible Denial”: The Korean War, 1952–1953’,
Modern China
, 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1979), pp. 79–104; Li,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao
, p. 56.

Waldemar Kaempffert, ‘Science in Review’,
New York Times
, 6 April 1952;
Neibu cankao
, 14 March 1952, p. 111; 24 March 1952, pp. 220 and 222.

Neibu cankao
, 24 March 1952, pp. 220–2; 6 May 1952, p. 31; 28 March 1952, p. 275.

Neibu cankao
, 6 May 1952, pp. 30–3; on Dehui, see Jilin, 22 April 1951, 2-7-56, pp. 14–15; on the recurrence of cases of holy water after 1952 one should read Steve A. Smith, ‘Local Cadres Confront the Supernatural: The Politics of Holy Water (
) in the PRC, 1949–1966’,
China Quarterly
, no. 188 (2006), pp. 999–1022.

Rogaski, ‘Nature, Annihilation, and Modernity’, p. 384.

Report by the Shandong Commission for Discipline Inspection, 17 Nov. 1952, Sichuan, JK1-729, p. 5; Report from the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, 13 Oct. 1953, Shandong, A1-5-75, p. 220.

Peking, 1950–1953
, p. 124; on Tianjin, see Rogaski, ‘Nature, Annihilation, and Modernity’, p. 394.

On the impact of the campaign on the urban landscape, see Rogaski, ‘Nature, Annihilation, and Modernity’, p. 394.

William Kinmond,
No Dogs in China: A Report on China Today
, New York: Thomas Nelson, 1957, p. 164.

Peking, 1950–1953
, p. 125; Report to Zhu De from Qian Ying, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, 25 March 1953, Sichuan, JK1-730, p. 31; Ministry of Health to Mao Zedong, Report on achievements in health care of the past four years, 10 Oct. 1953, Gansu, 91-2-185, pp. 37–8.

Report on hygiene circulated by the Centre, 7 Jan. 1953, Shandong, A1-5-84, pp. 63 and 74–5; Ministry of Health to Mao Zedong, Report on achievements in health care of the past four years, 10 Oct. 1953, Gansu, 91-2-185, pp. 37–8; Report from the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, 13 Oct. 1953, Shandong, A1-5-75, p. 220.

Chasing the Dragon
, p. 50;
Renmin ribao
, 12 Sept. 1949, p. 5; 27 Dec. 1950, p. 6; Lum,
Peking, 1950–1953
, pp. 100 and 121; Confidential letter from the British Embassy, 8 May 1952, PRO, FO371-99236,p. 137; Cheo,
Black Country Girl in Red China
, pp. 46–8.

Peking, 1950–1953
, p. 129; Cheo,
Black Country Girl in Red China
, pp. 46–8.

Black Country Girl in Red China
, pp. 46–8.

Report from Qian Ying, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to Zhu De, Sichuan, 25 March 1953, JK1-730, p. 32; Report from People’s Council, Shandong, 16 Dec. 1952, A101-3-228,p. 59; Shandong, 6 Dec. 1954, A101-3-318, pp. 81–4.

Mao’s Military Romanticism
, pp. 181–3; Chen,
China’s Road to the Korean War
; Kathryn Weathersby, ‘Deceiving the Deceivers: Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang, and the Allegations of Bacteriological Weapons Use in Korea’,
Cold War International History Project Bulletin
, no. 11 (1998), pp. 181 and 183; see also Milton Leitenberg, ‘New Russian Evidence on the Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations: Background and Analysis’,
Cold War International History Project Bulletin
, no. 11 (1998),pp. 185–99; Milton Leitenberg, ‘The Korean War Biological Weapon Allegations: Additional Information and Disclosures’,
Asian Perspective
, 24, no. 3 (2000), pp. 159–72.

8: The Purge

Bing Lu,
Xin Zhongguo fan fubai diyi da’an: Qiangbi Liu Qingshan
Zhang Zishan jishi
(New China’s first big case against corruption: The execution of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan), Beijing: Falü chubanshe, 1990; a copy of the report on Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan by Bo Yibo and Liu Lantao to Mao Zedong, which triggered the Three-Anti Campaign, is in Gansu, 91-13-19, 29 Nov. 1951, p. 10.

Ruogan zhongda shijian yu juece de huigu
, vol. 1, pp. 157–8.

Ibid., pp. 160–1.

Geremie Barmé,
The Forbidden City
, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008, p. 144.

Gao Hua,
Hong taiyang shi zenyang shengqi de. Yan’an zhengfeng yundong de lailong qumai 
(How did the red sun rise over Yan’an? A history of the Rectification Campaign), Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2000, pp. 1, 530, 580 and 593; see also David E. Apter and Tony Saich, 
Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic
, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994; Chen Yung-fa, 
Yan’an de yinying 
(Yan’an’s Shadow), Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 1990.

Orders from the Centre on the Three-Anti Campaign, Hebei, 1 Dec. 1951, 855-1-75, pp. 73–4; Mao,
Jianguo yilao
, vol. 2, p. 528.

Instruction by Mao to all local units, Sichuan, 30 Dec. 1951, JX1-813, p. 56; on Zhou, see the seminal article of Michael M. Sheng, ‘Mao Zedong and the Three-Anti Campaign (November 1951 to April 1952): A Revisionist Interpretation’,
Twentieth-Century China
, 32, no. 1 (Nov. 2006), pp. 56–80; see also Zhang Ming, ‘Zhizheng de daode kunjing yu tuwei zhi dao: Sanfan wufan yundong jiexi’ (Analysis of the Three-Anti and Five-Anti Campaign),
Ershiyi shiji
, no. 92 (Dec. 2005), pp. 46–58.

Jianguo yilai
, vol. 2, p. 535.

Directives from the Centre, 9 Jan. 1952, Guangdong, 204-1-278,pp. 23–8; partially reprinted in Mao,
Jianguo yilai
, vol. 3, pp. 30–1; Directives from the Centre, 5 and 11 Feb. 1952, Guangdong, 204-1-278,pp. 148–53; these reports are partially reproduced, without some of the figures, in Mao,
Jianguo yilai
, vol. 3, pp. 154–5 and 192; Report from Bo Yibo, 28 Feb. 1952, Guangdong, 204-1-253, pp. 33–5.

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