Read The Tin Ticket: The Heroic Journey of Australia's Convict Women Online
Authors: Deborah J. Swiss
Tags: #Convict labor, #Australia & New Zealand, #Australia, #Social Science, #Convict labor - Australia - Tasmania - History - 19th century, #Penology, #Political, #Women prisoners - Australia - Tasmania - History - 19th century, #General, #Penal transportation, #Exiles - Australia - Tasmania - History - 19th century, #Penal transportation - Australia - Tasmania - History - 19th century, #Social History, #Biography & Autobiography, #Tasmania, #Women, #Women's Studies, #Women prisoners, #19th Century, #History
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Alcohol consumption
All Saints Church
American Revolution
Anley, Charlotte
Anti-Gold License Association
Anti-Transportation League
Arthur, George
Ashton Chronicle
Association for the Improvement of Female Prisoners in Newgate
Atterwell, John
Auld Brig
“Auld Lang Syne,”
Australasian Anti-Transportation League
Australia (mainland).
See also specific states and cities of Australia
colonization strategy of
democratic foundation of
denial of entry into
flag of
Fry, Elizabeth, reform influence on
gold rush in
National Gallery of
record destroying overturn
slave labor strategy using
Tasmania’s relation to
Ayr, Scotland
Bach, Johann Christian
Bailey, Arthur
Bailey, Charles Napoleon (Warrior)
Bailey, Freeman
Bailey, James
Bailey, John
Bailey, Kate
Bailey, Mary
Bailey, Randolph
Bailey, Rebecca
Bailey, Robert
Bailey, Robert, Jr.
Bailey, Samuel
Bailey, Wallace
Bailey, William and Dinah
Bakery Hill revolt
Eureka Rebellion near
“Great Meeting of the Diggers,”
Red Ribbon Rebellion
Ballarat Reform League
Barbour, Elizabeth
Barclay family
Barry, David
Bass Strait
Bathhurst Free Press
Bedford, William “Holy Willie,”
See also
gold rush beginnings in
journey to
tent cities in
Bendigo Petition
Bentley, James
Binks, Mary
Bird, George
Birth control
Black Forest
Blincoe, Robert
Bloomsbury, London
Bone gatherers
“Bony off the Butt,”
Booth, Elizabeth
Booth, Sarah
The Borough
Boswell, Mary
Botany Bay
Boyd, Robert
Brady, Susan
Bribe system
Brickfields Hiring Depot
“The Brigs of Ayr” (Burns)
Brigstock (captain)
British government
Aboriginal extermination by
anarchy against
colonization rejection by
colonization strategy of
food exportation by
job competition fears of
Naval treatment monitoring by
potato famine response of
sexual abuse recourse investigation by
transportation abolition by
British Royal Navy
Brown, Henry
Bruhn, George
Bruny Island
Burns, Robert
Butler, Bridget
Buxton, Anna
Buxton, Hannah
Buxton, Thomas Fowell
Calder, James
California gold rush
Callinan, Bridget
Callinan, Patrick and Michael
Campbell, Daniel
arrest of
as fence
Campbell’s Creek
“Canvas Town,”
Cape of Good Hope
Caroline (queen of England)
Carpenter, Mary
Carpenter, Sarah
Cascades Female Factory.
See also
Crime Class
arrival and assignment at
children of
conditions of
constables of
escapes from
fire in
food at
Franklin, Jane, reform involvement of
Lovell and riots at
Matron role and duties at
opening of
Porter role and duties at
religious sermons and ethics at
rules and regulations
solitary confinement at
Superintendent role and duties at
underground economy in
Catholic, Roman, classes
Cato, Elizabeth
arrest of
role of
Cato, William
Certificate of Freedom.
See also
Chambers, William Manley
Champ, William Thomas Napier
Charles II (king of England)
Charles Street, Van Diemen’s Land
Charlotte (queen of England)
Chelmsford, London
See also
Queen’s Orphanage
bone gatherer
of Cascades
clothing for
coming-of-age demarcations for
as currency lads and lasses
death penalty exemption of
as house servants
of Irish potato famine
mill work by
street gangs of
working class care and role of
“Child stripping,”
Chisholm, Caroline
Churchill, Eliza
Church of England
Crime Class
Hobart Town ladies’
Queen’s Orphanage
upper class
allowance of
wool production for
Clyde, River
Collins, William
Colonial Times
Cascades child and infant deaths reported by
constable corruption report by
Flash Mob article by
Franklin, Lady Jane, involvement reported by
gold rush beginning reported by
marriage desertion notices in
Queen’s Orphanage conditions report by
Rules and Regulations for Young Ladies article by
Colonization plan
Conduct records
McMillan, Agnes
Mulligan, Bridget
Tedder, Ludlow
corruption of
role and duties of
Convict labor.
See also
Cascades Female Factory; House servants
colonization strategy using
descendants of
emancipation of
escapes and attempts from
free immigrants
Hobart Town development by
impregnation of
lobbies against
marriage of
by men
probation system for
road gang
“vandemonian” prejudice against
“Convict Maid,”
Convicts Prevention Act
Cook, James
Cook, Thomas
bribe system
of constables
underground economy
Corry, Anne
Corry, John
Corry, Margaret
Corry, Patrick
County Cavan, Ireland
Justice system
Cow, John
Crabbe, George
Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park
Crawford, William
Crime Class
Flash Mob subculture of
Houston, Janet, in
McMillan, Agnes, in
Overseer and Task Mistress of
Roberts, William, in
task mistress role of
Tedder, Ludlow, in
Currency lads and lasses
Dame Schools
Dance, George
Darwin, Charles
Davy, Samuel
Dean Castle
of Bailey, William Houston
on Bakery Hill
bell toll ritual for
of Booth, Elizabeth
of Butler, Bridget
Cascades children
of Chambers, William Manly
of Corry, Patrick
execution days
of Fry, Betsy
of Fry, Elizabeth
in Great Britain
of McLauchlan, Mary
mourning periods for
at Newgate Prison
of Rennicks, Mary
on ships
of Smith, Eliza
of Tedder, Frances
of Tedder, John
of Thompson, Jane
of Vowles, Thomas
of Waters, Isaac
of Withely, Frederick
Death penalty
Defoe, Daniel
Denison, William Thomas
Derwent, River
Description records
of Houston, Janet
keeping of
of McMillan, Agnes
of Mulligan, Bridget
of Roberts, William
of Tedder, Ludlow
of Wild, John
Devereux, Mary
Devonport, Tasmania
Dickens, Charles
Diggers Right Society
Disease and illness
Newgate Prison outbreaks of
prevention of
religious beliefs and
scarlet fever
at sea
Dobbs, Samuel
Domville, William
Donahoo, Mr. (householder)
Donahue, Jack
Dublin, Ireland
Duchess of Northumberland
Duke, Anne
Dunne, Alicia
Dynnyrne House nursery
Eaton, William
Edinburgh Review
Dame Schools for child servants
of farmers
Fry’s, Elizabeth, founding of schools
prison reform through
at Queen’s Orphanage
religion in
Ellis, James
description records kept by
diary entries of
discipline theories of
inspections and orders given by
medical treatment by
competition for
wages and
of women
Employment of Children in Manufactories
England. See Great Britain; London
Flash Mob
in Glasgow
at Newgate Prison
sly-grog shops for
for working class
Essay on the Principle of Population
Eureka Rebellion
Execution days.
See also
Death penalty
Factories Labour Regulation Bill
Family Colonization Loan Society
Farm work
Farrell, Julia
Fielding, Henry
“First-footing” custom
Flash Mob
British government’s exportation of
Burns holiday
at Newgate prison
poorhouse rations of
ship rations of
stagecoach traveler’s
upper class
working class
Forster, William
Fox, George
Franklin, Jane
arrival of
immigrant land investment strategy of
prison reform involvement of
snake killing reward from
Tasmania name change campaign by
Franklin, John
Franklin, Van Diemen’s Land
Fraser, James
Free settlers.
Fry, Betsy
Fry, Elizabeth Gurney
accomplishments overview of
Association for the Improvement of Female Prisoners in Newgate
Australia mainland influence of
birthings by
Cascades opening contribution of
death of
fears of
female warden/matron lobbying by
financial troubles for
household duties of
Irish convict labor comments by
motherhood opinions of
Newgate Prison contributions by
as news spectacle
numbering system of
prisoner organization by
prisoner ship visits by
prisoner transport lobbying by
prison reform theories of
Queen Charlotte’s address to
schools founded by
Scottish prison inspections by
Society for the Reformation of Female Prisoners
Windsor Castle visit by
Fry, Joseph
Fry, Katherine
Fulton, Helen
arrest of
at Glasgow Fair
in Kilmarnock
Kilmarnock journey of
thievery by
Gaol fever (typhus)
Garland Grove
Gazzard, Mrs. (Queen’s Orphanage matron)
George III (king of England)
George IV (king of England)
(clean green place)
child gangs of
entertainment in
Goosedubs Street
growth and downturn of
Houston, Janet, childhood in
McMillan, Agnes, in
unemployment in
working class marriages in
Glasgow Courier
Gloucester (bishop)
Gloucester (duke)
Godfrey’s Cordial
Gold Coast
Gold rush.
See also
Ballarat; Bendigo
beginning of
end of
Eureka Rebellion
inflation caused by
license for digging rights
marriage during
McMillan, Agnes, and Roberts, William during
in Melbourne
Red Ribbon Rebellion
“Sarah Sands” nugget found in
Tedder, Ludlow and Arabella
traveling during
women during
Goosedubbs Street, Glasgow
An Gorta Mór
British government
Grady, Mary
Granger, John
Gran’s Van mobile soup kitchen
Great Britain.
See also
British government; London; Scotland