The Timekeeper (24 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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“The truth is, I’d much rather be taking on contracts and traveling around the world as an Assassin. I tire of politics easily. I’m sick of the game playing, the lying, the endless backstabbing.” I looked into his eyes and could tell he felt the same way.

“My poor Princess, you’re going to be giving up one part of your life that’s been all consuming. Once you’re no longer employed with the Council, you’ll have plenty of time to do what you want to do along with doing things you don’t
The difference is
you’ll have the opportunity to deal with them. You will, of course, need to spend some of those spare moments with me, but I’ll make sure it’s enjoyable.” I chuckled and laid my head against his arm.

“I’m sure you will.” We approached a gate and he slipped his key in with his available hand, turning it easily in the ancient iron
He pushed structure open, ushering me inside, quickly following the same protocol he had with the others. The number of gates and doors down here was insane, no wonder no one bothered to use them. It would take months to get from one end of the city to the other.

“This is all assuming Azazel is alright with our marriage. Please, no matter what he says to you, be honest with him. My father can smell a lie like a rotten egg. He will play games with you
Don’t participate. You won’t win. There’s also a good chance he’ll try and talk you into selling your soul
Don’t. He owns enough people and soon enough you’ll belong to me. Be respectful, but stand your ground. You’ll see what I mean.” He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek as we made our way to the entrance leading to the Embassy.

“I’m sure everything will be fine, Azriella. I’ve never let anyone get the best of me, Demon Lord or not.” He released me to unlock the door, which to my surprise had five locks and all seeming to require a different key.

“You think maybe five locks are a little overkill?”

He chuckled, “I told you, we’re not big on the idea of the Council murdering us in our sleep. This door leads right into the hall which houses our living quarters.” I nodded
Maybe they needed additional security.

I didn’t see the need to pester him about why they would snooze so close to a potential threat, but when I looked at how many gates and doors existed in this small section of tunnel, I supposed they probably weren’t too concerned.

He allowed me in, slipping in behind me to secure the entry way again. There were torches giving off very low lights, the perfect amount for a Vampire’s sensitive eyes. I waited patiently for him to turn.

“Head straight to the end of this hallway. That’s the portal room. I’ll pop up right in the network of tunnels at the Vampire Embassy in Belt ta `Demm. The sun’s not yet risen in the Deep Desert, if you would be so kind as to meet me outside of the Embassy, I shall accompany you to the palace.” I grinned at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I’d be proud to have you as my escort. Let’s just hope my father share the sentiment. I’ll wait for you in Belt ta `Demm.” My lips met his with a burst of passionate energy.

Each of my husbands had something the others did not. For Aldaren, the power I pulled from him, the emotional connection, reminded me of being in love for the first time. Neither of my other husbands could have forced me to hold my tongue with the Council, and Dex didn’t even have to try

He released me and walked toward the door, as soon as he closed it behind him, I vanished myself from the Embassy’s lower levels. Everything went dark as I fizzled out of Portlandia City, coming back to my astral reality outside of the Embassy in Belt ta `Demm. I glanced up and down the street at the smattering of local Djinn, Vampires and Demons wandering close to early morning.

Belt ta `Demm, a city that never slept. No wars, no enemies trying or threatening to invade the land of the Demon-Djinn. I reveled in the night’s dry desert air. This was my home and it was good to be back.


Chapter Ten



I leaned against the wall of the Embassy, taking in the cool desert night
The temperature still hovered around seventy. The smell of the cactus blooming in the distance made me recall everything I missed about this place. I stood, enjoying the atmosphere for several minutes before the door open next to me.

My lover walked down the steps of the old stone building and held out his arm. Our actions appeared large and deliberate, the last thing we needed was for the Royal Assassins to mistake my escort for a midnight stalker, putting their Princess in danger. The RA’s would swoop down from the buildings, out of alleyways, or wherever they chose to hide themselves and execute him immediately. They’d find out later what they’d done.

The people of my kingdom surely noted my presence. The ground itself welcomed me home and wept when I left. I’d been born of the earth, the sand, the clay and the darkness, just as the rest of my clan had been. One blood relative remained in the province all of the time
otherwise the land would start to unravel.

The citizens of the Deep Desert could locate royal family at any moment; they just had to put a hand to the ground. No need to announce myself to my father
he’d be waiting for me

We walked the short block from the Embassy to the Palace ta `Demm. The large structure of stone
stucco, wood and steel
was surrounded in concentric design that kept out the largest of enemies. The residence
centrally located in the city along with all government buildings, making the capital impossible to topple
If need be, the stronghold was capable of fitting every citizen of the district in its protective walls.

Belt ta `Demm had never been attacked, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared. In truth, no one would be crazy enough to strike a city ruled by a Demon, run by Djinn and patrolled by Assassins. A suicide mission
even by my standards and I specialized in poorly thought out attacks.

As we approached the gatehouse to my family’s sanctuary I spotted a Djinn woman dressed in the brown leather traditionally found in this area, leaning against the enceinte. She relaxed in a casual position, hiding that she was on guard duty.

She glanced up briefly, giving a slight bow, “Princess.”

The last time I’d seen this particular woman, although I couldn’t recall her name, she’d been in training with my mother, Cassandra, when I had gone to visit her. I gave her an insignificant smile

“Good to note you survived Mistress Carnadine. Congratulations, I’m happy to find another woman in the ranks. May the Desert wind be with you in your travels.” The Djinn didn’t move, not allowed to, but I noted a twinkle of appreciation. I led my escort into the walls of my home. His eyes flitted around what appeared to be a deserted inner ward.

“Assassins are everywhere, I can overhear them, smell them, but for the life of me I can’t track them.” I chuckled, amused by his awe in my family’s choice in Guardians.

“We have employed Assassins as guards. My mother wouldn’t tolerate it any other way. They make the best defense for the city, everyone knows they’re around, but you can’t spot them. The fear factor kicks in
and no one bothers to try anything when the guy standing next to you might be one of them.” He nodded, still trying to trace the Assassins who allowed us to move through the empty bailey. I had forgotten he’d never been in the walls of the royal home, even as a child.

Approximately ten feet from the main entrance to the great hall, the large wooden planks started to move inward, allowing us to pass. I continued to walk
perceiving a little hesitancy in my partner. Everything about this castle had been designed to be intimidating. The Demon who ruled this land was frightening, but now wasn’t the time for my fiancé to prove Azazel’s tactics worked.

When we’d been together throughout our affair, I’d always met him somewhere other than the Palace ta `Demm for a reason. He would’ve never made it through the gates.

“Now is
a good time to be afraid, he’ll smell the fear on you. As long as I’m by your side
no harm will come to you.” He clutched my arm, then relaxed, attempting to gain control of his emotions. If he trusted me, he’d be fine. Azazel, once won over
was a loving and kind Demon. Well, assuming you treated his daughter right and stayed on his good side. Zev could give a detailed explanation of what happened to you if you betrayed the King or his family.

He loved his clan, but even if his own offspring crossed him, the Demon would deal with them accordingly. “Love has nothing to do with ruling a kingdom”, he told when I’d been a little girl.

I led him into the grand chamber where I’d find my father, not too far from his throne. He never seemed to leave unless he slept and he didn’t require much sleep in his old age, taking to the solar rather than his bedchamber
The need to be available for his people made him easy to find ninety percent of the time, something extremely important to him.

His sense of duty had always been noted as remarkable
and he showed his love for the citizens in his land regularly. We found him playing chess with one of his advisors, the set fashioned in marble Angels and obsidian Demons. Azazel moved the Demon pieces, of course.

“Good evening, daughter mine. I detect you’ve brought a friend with you, one who is most certainly not of the Dragon variety, for which I am quite pleased. The way Azul hovers over you is disgusting. I should’ve never allowed you to marry such a possessive beast. Especially, one who couldn’t produce children with a Demon-Djinn.”

He was broody as ever, and made no mention of my unannounced appearance, or the fact my presence wouldn’t be tolerated by my employers. No, not Azazel, all he wanted to do was insult Azul.

“Well, actually Father, you didn’t allow me to marry Azul. I made
decision on my own.” The Demon turned away from his chess match and his advisor, Relboron Mujardin, an old Djinn I’d grown up around who had always been by Azazel’s side. I smiled at him and he nodded his head, his long beard moving against his chest
well under the table.

The King gave me a piercing stare, and a slow smile slid onto his face. Azazel was older than most, but he still held the appearance of a striking man just past his prime, with pitch black hair and red eyes that glowed when angry, a regal nose, chin and high cheekbones. He stood up, his large onyx robes spreading wide with his arms.

“Come here, Azriella. I’ve missed you so much, especially your offensive attitude. I am a little surprised to see you. However did you convince them to allow you to visit?” I moved toward him, wrapping my arms around his waist, as his robes enveloped my small body. He kissed me once on each cheek then held me at arm’s length, looking me up and down.

“You are lovely as ever. Please sit. Would you or your Vampire friend like something to drink or eat?” Entertained by my father’s hospitality; sure the situation would change in a heartbeat as soon as he found out why we had come. I took a seat and gestured to Aldaren to sit next to me.

“Do you want anything?” I asked him graciously. He smiled and shook his head slightly

“Thank you, but no. I find myself a little too in awe of this marvelous place to consume a thing right now.”

Azazel sat with us and grinned at Aldaren, “You’ve brought a Vampire with manners as well as an official title, wearing the pendant of an Ambassador. I am most impressed, but judging by his age
I’m led to believe he is more than just a simply diplomat. Part of Kambuis I suspect. Tell me
daughter mine, why bring such an important man to our home?” My father studied the two of us with a raised eyebrow.

“I beg your pardon, Papé. This is Ambassador Dexter Maruis Sloan of Portlandia, also known as Chairman Aldaren Julian Zane of the Council of Kambuis. If I may be blunt, I’ve come to ask your permission for marriage.” Azazel didn’t move, but his eyes flash red, glowing in the dim light of the room.

The temperature dropped ten degrees and the irrelevant fire in the corner of the keep flared to in a roaring blaze. I frowned, great, not a good sign. Blunt might not have been the best way to go about introducing the idea.

“Is that so, Aldaren? Is this some Council plan?” Aldaren was taken aback, anger surged through his body, but I reached over and squeezed his hand under the table. He calmed, gaining control again.

“No, sir. I am no one’s pawn, nor do I ever plan to be. I’m a little past the age of playing games. I’ve been in love with your daughter since our youth, I proposed marriage long ago but she refused me. By some miracle she’s changed her mind. I’d be most honored to take her as my wife, to care for and protect her until the end of time.” My father didn’t bat a red eye, which still glowed in the darkness of the room

“Are you the gentleman who helped her get through the separation with Zev? I remember a young Vampire asking for her hand ages ago. You had a different name then. I denied you, not Azriella
If you are the same man, she begged to be with you.” I hadn’t thought Azazel had knowledge of my affair, but it appeared he remained aware of more about what went on in my life than he led me to believe.

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