The Timekeeper (15 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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I feared the consequences of our actions when the Veil finally fell. I refused to peek into the future to find out what would happen when Angels had no reason to conceal themselves from humans any longer, just as we wouldn’t. Angels, Demons, Elves, Fey, Djinn, would all become a nightmarish reality humanity simply couldn’t prepared for.

When everything came crashing down, every carefully constructed perception would mean nothing. The Vampires would come out of hiding
The Weres would mark their territories more furiously than before. It would be Hell on Earth

Days like this made me wish we didn’t have to wait for the end


Chapter Six



I sat next to Ro, waiting to run out of the NA meeting I’d been banished to the moment the clock struck. I’d finally reached the last session, and I poised to bail out of this damn church at warp speed. I never wanted to come back here ever again. In a matter of moments the loose ends would be tied up. All I had left to do was send my record into the court
My community service had been completed last month, and I’d paid my fines and fees.

In minutes I’d be free of this unnatural hell. Unfortunately, the joyous occasion would be cut short
Zev stood in the hallway, gawking at me. I wished they’d close the door when NA meetings were in session
I really didn’t appreciate my husband eye-fucking me
Well, not
one anyway.

Zev and I sat across from each other for most of the assemblage of dope heads, glaring at each other. Okay, I gave him the evil eye and he grinned like a fool, attempting to appear as charming as physically possible. His beautiful smile was so full of promise and his honey
colored eyes as hopeful as a child at Christmas time. I had no intention of letting him rain on my parade. I would deal with him. There had to be a way out of here without being caught, and I planned on finding it.

With any luck, Dex should be dealing with Zev soon. I prayed Darius didn’t find out about the favor I’d asked of Dex. The last thing I wanted was for him to be pissed off I didn’t give him the honor of dispatching Zev. In truth, Dex had been waiting longer
I had a duty to ensure my current husband had some kind of plausible deniability. In no way, shape, or form was I willing to risk my Dragon.

When the meeting finally concluded, I lumped myself into the crowd, hiding on the opposite side of Ro, attempting to sneak by Zev without being noticed. The plan worked until I got outside, and my cover took off in the other direction. Damn hooker, I would’ve smacked the shit out of her if I’d been able to reach her. She left me completely exposed as I walked toward Payne.

Darius planned on meeting me at the club. Echo had taken my car home for me. No one wanted me alone after my run in with Asher and Zamir. I don’t think anyone considered the time it would take me to walk from the church to the watering hole. Darius wouldn’t pick me up for a half an hour, so I’d be forced to entertain Zev until the rescue party showed
Zev caught up to me on the street before I reached my destination, lucky me.

“Please talk to me.” He said as he grabbed my arm to stop me from continuing on. I was still about a block from the designated safe area. Fucking hookers, I might never forgive Ro for abandoning me, not that she had been aware of the issue

“I’ve got nothing to say to you Zev. I’m sure we’ve covered this before
and not a damn thing’s changed.” I tried to walk away, but he held on to me. I spun around to face him, furious he laid a hand on me, enraged my stomach still did flips and my heart sped up every time he touched me. When I peered into his eyes, I warred with myself over wanting to hit him or kiss him. The only thing I sought from him was outright abandonment.

“Please, Azriella. I’m still your husband, your Premier Prince. My claim is greater than Azul’s, and the least you can do is speak to me.” How dare he pull the first spouse shit with me! If I could’ve divorced the arrogant ass, I would have. The laws of the land prohibited such actions.

He knew the law, I hated the customs, and Azul abhorred the agreement. Zev didn’t appear to have any intention of letting anyone forget it either. He had more authority than Azul did by law, and more than any other hubby to come. The power he still held sickened me.

“What do you want?” I shot at him, rapidly losing my patience. He’d never been able to figure out when enough was enough. Zev let go of me and I considered walking away, but he would follow me
so I didn’t bother. I had no intention of letting someone overhear what he had to say to me. This was the only way to get Zev to leave me in peace, and he’s right, he’s still my husband. Because of the laws of our race, I would never be rid of the legal ties we shared.  This state of affairs would remain an undoable mess.

“I love you, Azriella. I want to try this again with you. We both did things we regretted, but we were so young. I’ve never loved anyone as much as you. We can make this work this time. I’ll assert my rightful place by your side as Premier Prince, like we always intended. I’m completely honest, my dear, I’ve no desire to try to lay claim to the throne, no aspiration to overthrow Azazel. I only want to be the consort I used to be.” I always smelled a lie, and Zev knew better than to try it. The truth didn’t make this any easier.

“What kind of partner is that, Zev? The one who lies to me constantly? Who betrays me every chance he gets? Or the one that violates the sacred laws of matrimony? I don’t think I should ever trust you again. You can apologize to me, even beg me, and nothing will change the fact you desecrated our sacrament. You cheated on me, Zev, you slept with Nicolette. I may not be capable of divorcing you, I can’t permanently leave you, but I aspire to shun you and pretend you don’t exist.

“You forgot, so long ago, I’m the Princess. I’m the one with the birthright, not you. You will always be the Premier Prince, but you have no right to anything I possess. You can barely claim dibs on me. You can’t even conjure up a good reason to consider forgiving you.”

This time I did manage to walk away and I shrugged him off when he latched on to my arm again. He was following me, and it would only buy me a couple of seconds respite from the argument, but I needed to drag my emotions back under control.

“You still love me. It should be all the reason you need. I want to give you another child, Azriella. Your father’s been harassing you and Azul. He can’t gift you with offspring, but I can. I’ve given you one of the most beautiful daughters the kingdom has ever seen. She looks just like you, she is happy and healthy with a daughter of her own. Doesn’t that count for anything?”

How had he found out my father had been pushing me to deliver the colony a progeny? He must have someone on the inside, near Azazel. I needed to bring this to the Demon King’s attention. Spies weren’t welcome folks in the city of Belt ta `Demm, certainly not in the palace. Treason didn’t happen in the city often, the sentence of beheading carried a lot of clout with anyone who thought they would give it a shot. 

is none of your concern. Regardless of Azul’s inability to father a baby, you aren’t the only one in the world capable of such duties, Zev. I’ll take a third husband before I have one more babe with you. Amelia and you are identical, ambition built on the back of someone else’s work. I love her because she is my daughter, but you’ve ruined her.

“Thankfully, Aural turned out akin to me, and not you or her mother. Besides, hubby number two isn’t fond of you
I can’t see him backing this plan of yours.” I didn’t try to shake him, and he followed me into the bar, walking next to me rather presumptuously. This mildly irritated me.

“I’ll do anything to find myself in your good graces again.” His statement closely resembled pleading. Apparently in the time we’d been separated
he had learned some humility.

“Don’t you mean, what will you be forced to endure to earn a ticket into my pants?”

“I’m not at all concerned with sex, Azriella. I’ve got no problem getting into women’s beds,” He snorted.

“I believe that exact attitude got you into this situation in the first place.” I scoffed. He gazed at the floor, ashamed of the past. I’d never seen him like this, not since we had separated. “That’s not what I meant. Sex isn’t the only reason I long to be with you.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Tell me, Zev, when was the last time you got laid? You didn’t keep your vows to me then, I’ve got no grounds to believe you’ve been doing so while we’ve been separated.” I sat down at the bar, and smiled as Drake set a rum and coke in front of me. He glanced at Zev, and back to me
I shook my head. Calling Darius wouldn’t be needed. He’d be here shortly. I glared at Zev and waited for the answer.

“You are the last person I slept with, Azriella. I tried to after your father banished me, but I couldn’t. I didn’t intend to sleep with anyone but you after our wedding. I grasped that I’d fucked up with no way to fix it. I realize exactly what I lost when you had me banished, and I’ve never regretted anything more in my life.” The pain in his eye made me want to weep.

I couldn’t believe the truth spilling from his lips. He hadn’t been with anyone for the past twelve centuries on the evening I married Azul. I remember how I felt when our sketchy relationship had shattered without any hope of repair that night.

“I had no idea I ever meant so much to you.” I said quietly. I’d been thinking out loud rather than talking to him, but he didn’t recognize my personal moment.

“How could you? I never showed you the respect you deserved
None of this will ever be your fault
I don’t blame your reaction. I yearn for us to be a family again. Please believe me when I say you are the lone woman who consumes my thoughts, the only one I’ll ever want to be with. I’ve learned my lesson, Azriella. I hope you’ll forgive me. Let me come home, back to you.” I stared at him, looking and hoping for a lie. He could’ve made this so much easier on me if he’d remained the lying dog he had been

“Zev, do you understand how difficult this is for me? You killed my trust once. I’m not the sole person who’s got a say in this, you might be the Premier, but you’re not unrivaled. As we speak, Azul is leaving a meeting with the man he hopes will be my third mate. If everything goes according to plan
I’ll soon be married.

“My life is complicated and I can’t make any decisions without consulting with the other men. Betray me again, Zev, and I’ll have you killed.” Even though my words seemed shocking, he didn’t come across as phased, but instead smiled with hope in his eyes. Stupid man.

“Does this mean you’ll talk to Azul? There’s still a chance for us? I’ll wait until my last breath, whatever it takes for you to understand I’ll never make the mistakes I made before. If you’ll talk to him, even if he says no, I’ll hold out hope he’ll one day change his mind. I swear if I ever betray you again, I will take my own life.” I’d never seen his as serious as he was at that moment. I didn’t have time to respond before Darius entered the bar.

“Get away from her, Zev.” Zev stood up, nose to nose with him

“I’ll speak to her when I chose, she’s my wife.” Darius appeared shocked and shook his head in disbelief

“I’ve been granted the right to drop you where you stand, she’s my wife as well
and you’ve been warned too many times.” Zev glanced at me and I nodded. It was his time to leave
This wasn’t the place for him to pick a fight. In the mortal world, Zev was no match for Darius, especially since Drake would back Darius. He’d have to trust I’d bring up his proposition to the Dragon. I planned to, but I didn’t want him around for the discussion. This colloquy needed take place in private, just the two of us.

“I’m not seeking confrontation, Dragon Lord. Azriella, I’ll take leave of you for now, you’ll find me when you have an answer.” Zev gave the man in front of him one last hard stare.

He made his departure, sauntering away
I contemplated his words as he left with a little longing in my heart. I didn’t know what to think and I certainly had no idea what to tell Darius, who was angrily standing in front of me. This week seemed to go on forever, and just kept getting better.

“What did he want now, Ilana?” I tapped the bar for a double. I was going to need a copious amount of booze to get through this conversation. Drake nodded and poured my rum and coke, two shots of Jack Daniel for me, and two for Darius.

“You’re gonna want these my friend
if you’re planning on listening to the answer to
question.” I glared at Drake and he shrugged. The damn Demon was right. Darius was going to need more than a couple shots to get through this mess without blowing his top

“He wants to resume our relationship.” I threw back a shot as Darius glowered at me.

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