The Timekeeper (13 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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“Ilana, when is this going to end?” I glanced at him in the mirror as I finished putting on my mascara.

“What are you talking about?” I hope he’d been speaking about my deal with the Council, and not my relationship with Dexter. His eyes hardened
My luck had apparently run out today. I’d been avoiding this question for so long
I didn’t know how to respond
I’d played this out in my head over and over again for centuries. Why did he find it necessary to start this first thing in the morning?

“You are acutely aware of what I’m talking about. Your father expects you to take more than one husband, and you did, but I think he wants you to marry someone you want to spend time with, one you might have children with. When are you going to propose to Dexter?” I spun on him
I wouldn’t look at him through a mirror

This particular conversation we needed conduct face to face. I had no idea how to address the situation, which is exactly why I’d been avoiding this for centuries now. Had this been the thing that had been bothering him these past couple of days?

“What brought this up? The only reason I’ve got more than one husband now is because I can’t divorce Zev. Why would you even bring up Dex? This isn’t about him
It’s my father pressuring you again. I wasn’t aware you were speaking to him again.”

Azazel liked to cause problems between Azul and me
In fact
I didn’t possess a single husband or suitor the old bastard approved of. At least he let Azul into the kingdom when we visited.

“Yeah, I’ve been speaking to Azazel. You’re not the only one who’s got business in the Aliis, sweetheart. I’m sworn to protect you, which includes dealing with your good old dad. He’s right
You should take another husband
You need to provide Belt ta `Demm with an heir. The realm needs this. I can’t father a child with you, and so our marriage is useless. There’s a little political benefit, but the Dragon Lords keep to themselves
”  Shocked. That was the best word to describe the varying degrees of emotions running through me. I glared at him as he continued.

“I’m okay with this, babe. He’s finally convinced me you need to marry again. The prophecy already foretold a third husband and another heir. It’s past time to accept your destiny, my beloved. Besides, I get you for a lifetime to myself, I suppose fifty years of sharing won’t kill me.” I snorted. I couldn’t believe he’d sided with my father. What an impressive event for the history books.

“Let me explain something to you. I benefit from our relationship because I love you
and you make me happy. If Aural and Amelia aren’t good enough for the King, I’m not capable of ever having a child that’s going to be. The only reason you’re okay with this little scheme of his, is because you don’t have a fucking clue what it’s like to share me with someone who claims an equal right to me. Not to mention there is no telling if Dexter is even willing to marry me
He’s not the sharing type either. Prophecy or not, I’ve got no intention of taking another husband.” Darius turned to leave, speaking
but refusing to look at me.

“Just think about it, that’s all I’m asking. Dex will learn to live with sharing you
Coping with being away from you for lifetimes might kill him. Although, I’m sure the both of you are already used to it. You don’t spend time with him the way you should, your heart longs for him
I can feel the ache, don’t try and lie to me
I hate being lied to. The Vamp makes you happy
You come home suffering from guilt for leaving him and coming back to me. To top everything off you’re racked with a remorseful conscience while trying to hide it from me

“I’ll deal
Don’t worry about me, Ilana, I’m not as fragile as you think I am. Azazel is right, for once. You need another child. If you won’t, I’ll ask Dexter to marry you and father a lovely Demon-Djinn-Vampire prince with you.”  I couldn’t believe he had just threatened to propose to my lover for me. I wonder how often that threat got used successfully. He glared back at me, but only briefly.

“I can’t think of anyone else you care about as much as you love him, I’ve also never seen a man look at you with worship filled eyes like he does. You should be together, you’re happiness means everything to me
The only way you’ll be truly happy is if you spend time with Dexter
Make it official and take him as your husband.” He spun on his heels, and this time kept walking.

I turned back to the mirror, scowling at my teary eyes
I loved Dexter and I ached to be with him, but I couldn’t stand the thought of the King interfering in my love life again
Nor was I excited about my husband’s behavior toward the issue. Azazel wanted me to marry one more time, but he loathed every man I ever loved.

I suppose he understood my dilemma
He’d never particularly cared for his third wife
the same way I despised Zev. He’s been forced into a simply political marriage and he detested Katarina Noire
Had she not belonged to one of the most powerful families in the Colony, he would’ve ditched the wretch

I didn’t think this would be any different
Azazel was going to abhor the idea. I might be able convince my father to finally condone the marriage with Dexter. He met the qualifications. Dex was a race that could give me another child
The one thing that would agree with the old man was the potential of an heir. He needed to take my choice and deal if he planned on forcing me into this.

I wasn’t Azazel, I wouldn’t be a part of an arranged political marriage. This hadn’t been the way I’d wanted to start my morning. It was bad enough my heart still ached from the night before, now I was forced to deal with this shit as well
My plate started out full
I didn’t appreciate the ill-timed additions.

I stormed down the stairs and walked out to my car, late for work as usual. Like everything in my life, getting to the shop on time seemed completely out of my control. No sleep, a conversation with Azul that should’ve never happened, and a serious lack of coffee were enough to make me wish for death and the end of the world right now. So why not add to this train wreck? I left the house with the sensation of being followed, and it wasn’t by Darius.

My awareness grew stronger when I stopped at the Starbucks in Conifer, chatting up the baristas I made a effort to become acquainted with. By the time I’d entered Turkey Creek Canyon I was positive a pair of Angels had taken up stalking me. I considered calling Darius, but I figured I could handle even-tempered Gideon and hotheaded Chester by myself. With my already existing foul mood
those damn Angels didn’t stand a chance. Gideon would back off immediately
and he’d drag Chester with him.

I hadn’t forgotten Neal’s warning about Chester. If I needed to, I’d be more than happy to put Chester in his place. I hoped he started some shit with me. I was in one of those moods when you pray for someone to fuck with you just so you can blow some steam
It always seems to make the rest of the day better. After the way this morning had played out, it might take more than a head to head with Chester to fix this mess, or at least make it bearable.

I flew into the parking lot behind the building of the store and slammed my car into park. This promised to be exciting
I’d always wanted to start a fight with a couple of Angels behind the business my mother and I owned. My mortal mom, who had no clue about mythical creatures and other dimensions, or her daughter’s alter ego and alternate life, would now be exposed to my true nature.

She’d love this, I anticipated spending the next four hours attempting to make something mundane out of it
I suspected my fabrication would include drug dealers pissed off at me and having no idea whom the people who harassed me were
Everyone believed I was a criminal mastermind. This day just kept on giving.

I stepped out of my car
and before I managed to close the door, two men approached, and not whom I expected. They were definitely Angels, but this pair defined hardcore. The man towered over me at a meager six foot ten, dressed in a wife-beater tank and black jeans, biker boots, and leather jacket to top the ensemble off. He was completely tatted up from what I saw, this Angel had seen some battles according to the scars, and judging by his tattoos
I had proof of a high rank in one of the Angel organization.

His brown hair was slicked back, a trimmed goatee and mustache adorned his scared face, broad shoulders built his frame
and he had a stern jaw and heavy black eyes. He seemed more like a Demon than an Angel.

His partner wasn’t nearly as tall as his buddy, only about five-ten. Lean
unlike the bruiser accompanying him, but still muscular enough to hold his own in a fight, the man was oddly appealing. Long black hair hung over one side of his face, but was short cut in the back. Cold blue eyes caught my attention
along with a cruel intelligence, soft features and darker complexion reminded me of an evil version of Warde. They had obviously been ripped from the same cloth
only this Angel’s fabric appeared to be much more sinister.

“Hello gentlemen, something I can help you with?” I smiled, trying to hide my nervousness. These two were up to no good, and while I held my own on the other side of the Veil, I am mortal here. I suffered from limited capabilities; getting myself out of this one without some help would be rather tricky
I’m competent on this side, but not invincible
Realistically, I had a shot at taking down the dark haired Angel. There wasn’t a chance in hell that I could overpower the larger guy

The smaller of the two men stepped toward me, backing me against my car. He moved close enough to smell me
and I wished I were still in Aliis, in a body capable of loosing consistency. I caught a whiff of him on the wind
and he didn’t reek like I thought he would. I figured he would’ve smelled putrid, something rotten, but I found quite the opposite. Lavender. The damn Angel smelt wonderful, meaning he hadn’t Fallen, not even close. This Angel was a renegade
No Seraphim dared approached me in such a manner

“Lovely, just like roses. You are a most beautiful woman
Ilana. That is your name this lifetime, isn’t it Ilana? No wonder everyone wants to hop into bed with you, I’m not sure I’m capable of containing myself either. I’d been told you had caused several Angels to fall, but I didn’t believe them. They also said your true form in Aliis Mundi surpassed the mortal form tenfold
I can’t comprehend how anything could surpass what’s standing in front of me.”

He moved closer, if that was even possible, pressing his body up against mine and nuzzling his face into my neck. His tongue licked up the side of my throat. I cringed, but had no room to back away from him
He had me pinned.

“How rude of me, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Zamir, and the big guy lurking about is Asher. He’s not talkative, not because he’s all brawn and no brain, he just doesn’t have a lot to say or the tongue to say it with. Where is your Guardian, Princess? Shouldn’t he be with you all of the time? Guess he’s not going to save you. Such a pity, I hoped for a challenge today.” He spoke softly as he pulled a dagger out of the back of his jeans.

It appeared I’d find myself back in Aliis sooner than I’d expected. Well, I’m not the type to lie down and die; the knife never touched my body. I kneed Zamir in the balls, completely unsure if it would do any good, but at this point
I had nothing to lose. Angel’s could father children
Logically, the blow should drop him. Zamir’s face ended up down around my knees when I spotted Darius taking on Asher, and he wasn’t alone.

Dalvin and Echo had joined on the fight with him. I kicked Zamir in the nose, popping him up to eye level with me before he stumbled backward, tripping over the curb and landing on his ass. I pulled my own long
silver handled assassin’s blade out of my boot as he scrambled back up
Every girl should learn how to accessorize
First lesson, silver matched black leather perfectly.

“Sorry, Zamir, you aren’t my type and I’m not ready to die.” Echo ran to my aid, kicking the Angels legs out from him. He fell to the ground and glared at me.

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