The Taste of Magic (39 page)

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Authors: Gina Rosavin

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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Adrian turned a sharp glance at the doctor, the wildness in his eyes revealing how much his carefully controlled composure slipped. Katerina's panic began to rise again. Her fingers tightened once more on his.


"Can you give her something to ease the pain?" Adrian asked, squeezing her hand gently in reassurance.


Vining shook his head. "She can use her own powers for that."


Adrian turned to look at her. She shrugged and frowned, not sure what the doctor had meant.


"Your energy, Kat. Focus your energy on the baby." Adrian's suggestion made sense, so she closed her eyes and concentrated all of her energy on her daughter. Almost immediately, another contraction began, but this one was different. This time, the sensation was mild and it felt right as her body relaxed and she lay back against the pillows. She had the sense she floated, and wondered if the energy had given her this euphoria.


Several minutes passed, and Adrian sat behind her, supporting her against him. His arms around her were a haven, where she felt safe and cherished. Another contraction built, but she focused the energy, and it mingled with the pain, lessening it. Still, it was the strongest so far, and it left her panting.


Vining positioned himself at the foot of the bed, and Adrian's grip tightened around her. She tilted her head back to meet his gaze.


"It's all right, Adrian, he's a doctor, remember?"


He nodded, but his mouth was set in a grim line and he focused a malevolent stare on the doctor, who ignored him as he stood.


"You're dilating nicely. I'd say your daughter is anxious to be here."


"Vining, exactly what is going on?


"Relax, du Lac. Katerina is progressing very well. Everything is fine. I suggest you fortify yourself, though. Once she begins to push, you will need all your strength."


Katerina realized for the first time how all the blood involved in delivering a baby might affect Adrian. Panic started anew, but this time, she controlled it, and didn't let it overwhelm her.


"What do you mean?" Adrian asked.


"He means there's going to be a lot of blood. You need to feed before…before…"


His eyes widened and he shook his head. His fingers cupped her cheek. "I wouldn't hurt you, or the baby."


"Adrian, it's better if you do as Vining suggests. Just in case."


He frowned, but nodded. "Very well. If you want me to."


She swallowed. She didn't want to make him angry, but the fear would not go away. "I want you to."


He studied her, then eased himself away from her. She grabbed his hand before he could walk away.


"Adrian, don't be angry."


He straightened, but his fingers tightened on hers. "I'm not. Whatever it takes to prove myself to you, I will do it."


She smiled, but did not feel joyful at the moment. From the look in his eyes, she'd hurt him with her request. But before she could offer an apology, another contraction kicked in, and distracted as she was, the pain was intense. Unable to focus herself, she arched against the spasm, and couldn't prevent her cry.


Adrian's arms were instantly around her, and he cradled her close as the pain built, reaching its peak before slowly fading away. She lay gasping in his embrace. He wiped her hair from her damp forehead and pressed a kiss there. "It's all right. I'm here."


She nodded and sighed. Exhaustion drained her and she longed to rest. Her eyes closed, barely aware when Adrian disentangled himself from her.


Adrian avoided Vining's curious gaze as he transported out of the chamber. He didn't want anyone to see how Katerina's mistrust of him had hurt. He arrived in the cavernous entertainment room, as far from Kat as possible. As he paced, he couldn't stop hearing her voice asking him to leave, telling him to feed or he might lose control. He would never allow it, how could she think him capable?


Because you turned her father. The other voice in his head was almost as loud as Katerina's. While fear for her child's safety was normal, that she feared he was the danger was more than he could bear.


Hunger gnawed at him, but he forced it back. He could control it. As he always would. After several moments, he realized his agitation was only increasing his need for sustenance. He would manage somehow. Still, if Katerina wanted him to feed, he would do it. Because she wanted it. He smiled and shook his head. She had him wrapped around her finger, and it was just where he wanted to stay.


He summoned a servant, who brought him several bottles from his private reserve. Lifting a crystal wineglass, he filled it and raised it high. A silent toast to his wife, and the daughter about to be born.




* * *




Katerina moaned as the contraction faded. Although she longed for Adrian's arms around her, she knew it was best he sated himself before he returned. She refused to open her mind to him.


Vining eased himself into the chair beside her bed and checked her pulse. "How do you feel?"


"Like I've been hit by a truck. How much longer?"


"Not much. I'll send for Adrian when I think you're ready."


She reached for the glass of water beside the bed. He handed it to her and she sipped it slowly. "Do you really think all the blood would cause Adrian to…and what about you?"


The doctor smiled again and patted her hand. "I've already prepared myself. And no, to be honest, I think Adrian would be able to control himself. But the heightened emotions surrounding a birth make it harder. There's no reason to subject him to that."


She nodded, as another pain started. She took a deep breath and let her energy rise and mingle with it. The ache eased, even as it intensified, and it took all her concentration to keep the healing power at a level where it would help. Finally though, the cramping felt more like a gentle squeezing. When it passed, Vining wiped her brow.


"When will we know what the baby is…capable of?"


Vining hesitated before answering. It was enough to set her heart to pounding in fear again. She inhaled sharply, maintaining her control. "Not long after she's here. I can take a blood sample and run some tests. I would know something in a matter of days."


"Do it. I have to know. What do you think are the possibilities?" She sipped the water again.


"There are several. Of course, her magical abilities would be quite impressive, but whatever skills she'll possess, it is too early to know. There is one possibility you should be aware of."


He sounded ominous. Katerina swallowed. "And what is that?"


"She may be immortal."


It sounded impossible, but she knew it could be true. "You mean, she'd be a baby, forever?"


He shook his head. "She would grow and develop and age, just like any other child. Well, perhaps a bit…faster, but she would grow to adulthood. Anytime after the age of 25 the aging process will completely shut down."


Katerina's mind whirled. "How do you know this?"


"There are a handful of such people in the world. Your daughter will be the first born in centuries. There's an antigen in the blood. If she possesses it, it will be present almost immediately."


She would have asked more, but another contraction started, and she had to focus, or the pain would be unbearable. From that point on, everything sped up, each contraction coming with greater frequency. It was getting harder for her to maintain her power and the pain increased. Soon, she was limp with fatigue, unable to do anything but allow the contractions to ripple through her.


She sensed something different though, and fought against the sleep trying to claim her. Adrian's arms came around her then, and soothed her just before the frantic urge to push her child out consumed her. Aware of Vining giving Adrian instructions, she leaned against her husband and let him guide her through this. He held her as she cried out and struggled to help her daughter into the world. She tried to recall the breathing exercises she'd learned, but the strain on her body made her mind unfocused, especially since her energy level had not had a chance to recover. Finally, with one great push, the pain and pressure faded all at once. A tiny gasping cry reached her ears.


Katerina choked on a sob as her daughter began to wail. Her weariness fled, replaced by euphoria unlike anything she'd felt before. Vining stood and held her daughter to her.


Katerina didn't know if she was laughing or crying as the doctor placed the wet pink bundle in her arms. The baby still cried, but Katerina had never heard anything more beautiful. She cuddled the baby to her, and looked at Adrian. Tears blurred her vision, and she wiped them away.


The look of awe on his face dissolved her further into tears. His throat worked, but he didn't speak. He tentatively reached a finger out to touch the tiny head, and a slow smile spread across his lips.


"She's beautiful," he whispered.


Katerina nodded, blinking so she could see again. "Yes, she is. We made her, Adrian. You and me."


Spellbound by her daughter, Katerina allowed Adrian to draw her close, his arms wrapping around both her and the baby. They sat there for what seemed like forever, until Vining cleared his throat.


"I'm not finished, Katerina. Adrian, would you hold the baby while I see to your wife?'


Adrian's eyes widened, and Katerina couldn't contain her giggle. "It's okay. You'd better start getting used to it now. I expect you to help with everything."


Katerina held the baby out, and he took his daughter and settled her against his chest. Then his eyes widened yet again.


"What do you mean?" he asked, his eyes narrowing at her.


"Exactly what I said. Ouch!" She fell back against the pillows when Vining poked her.


"Sorry," said the doctor. "Call me when you're changing diapers some time, du Lac. I'd like to see that."


"Vining, please finish so you can leave. My wife and I would like to be alone with our daughter."


"I'm staying the night, du Lac. Just in case." He grinned as Adrian started to protest. "You won't even know I'm here. But I should be nearby. To make sure your wife and daughter don't need anything."


Katerina didn't want to dwell on what that might mean.




* * *




A knock on the door drew Sophie's attention. She smiled as Niccolo entered the room. The dark, smoldering vampire had become everything to her these last weeks. He had showered her with gifts and sensual delights. Only one thing was missing. They hadn't captured Adrian and destroyed the witch. But the time was coming. Niccolo had promised her she could have Adrian once he'd been caught.


"I'm almost ready. I'm excited, I haven't been to the opera in months." Machiavelli smiled as he moved closer, drawing her against him. She melted against his taller frame, her head falling back to expose her throat.


She purred in desire as his fangs pierced her flesh, the gentle drawing of his mouth bringing her to a quick climax. He lifted his head and chuckled.


"My pet." He drew a long fingernail along her cheek. "Soon, we will have all we desire."


"What do you mean?"


Machiavelli grinned. He had received word of another of du Lac's weaknesses. His former mentor was becoming more human every day. Soon, Machiavelli would destroy his master. Then he would turn his sights on the world.


"du Lac's daughter was born last night."


His pet's eyes widened in delight. "Really? That's wonderful."


Machiavelli nodded. "Yes, another way to get at du Lac."


Sophie shook her head. "He'll protect them."


"You'll find a way."




"Yes, kill the witch and bring the baby to me. He will soon follow."


Sophie's eyes glittered with gold.


"And we'll have him. I have his cell ready for him. I can't wait until he gets here."


Machiavelli released her and turned away to hide the laughter threatening to erupt. His pet thought he would allow du Lac to remain alive, as a prisoner. That could never happen.




Chapter Twenty-Seven




Katerina rocked her daughter as she stared at Vining. But Victoria must have sensed her tension, for she fussed and wouldn't settle. "Doctor, are you sure?" she asked, and patted the infant's back.


"Positive. The antigen is present in her blood. It's what makes vampires immortal."


Katerina closed her eyes for a moment. She'd hoped, prayed, but her daughter was immortal, half vampire, like her father.


"Will she need to feed on…I mean, in order to…'


"No. She'll be a normal child. Until she's in her twenties, though, there's no way to know for sure when her latent immortality will kick in."


How could she bear this? Her husband, and now her child, were immortal. To live for eternity. Knowing what could happen after she was gone left her afraid.

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