The Taste of Magic (34 page)

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Authors: Gina Rosavin

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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Joshua shook his head. "I don't know, it's risky. You won't kill them, will you?" Adrian turned and fixed a steely glare on the hunter. "Machiavelli must be destroyed."


"What about Sophie?"


Adrian hesitated before answering, savoring the panicked anger in the younger man's eyes. He smiled. "I've given instructions she is not to be harmed."


Relief made the hunter's shoulders sag. Adrian knew Joshua's guard was down. He glanced at his watch. It was too early to attempt anything now. But he knew he had to turn the hunter soon. He needed him as a vampire to help him properly. Would another chance come before Saturday? As if sensing a difference in the air in the room, Joshua suddenly stiffened, and his heart sped up, his muscles tightening with anticipation. Adrian smiled. Yes, he definitely needed this young man on his team.


"If anything happens to Sophie, or Katerina, you'll answer to me, du Lac."


"I give you my word."


Joshua eyed him skeptically, certain Adrian's word wasn't enough. But then he nodded. "All right. I want to be there Saturday."


"Kat would expect you to be a guest. Of course, the ceremony won't begin until after sunset."


"Of course." Joshua headed for the door. "I've got more to check on. If anything turns up, I'll let you know."


Adrian nodded as the hunter left. Alone once more with his plans, he thought of Katerina. He reached out to her, and immediately was bombarded with a riot of tangled emotions. He knew he shouldn't have let her go to her mother.


Kat, what is wrong?


There was a sudden silence in the din of sensation, as if she'd shielded him. He smiled. Finally, she answered.


My mother. She hates you and can't get past it.


Adrian knew fully why Olga hated him, but was careful not to let the thoughts arise. She will accept me some day. Where are you?


On my way home. Are you alone?


He sensed her annoyance and frustration. No, your hulking bodyguard is driving me.


Satisfied she was safe, he smiled in relief. I will meet you there. He buzzed Greta and told her he was leaving. Within moments, he was in the great hall, and he could sense Katerina nearby. He turned. She stood at the top of the stairs, and even from the distance he could see the tear stains on her cheeks. A surge of anger at Olga for causing her daughter such distress rose, but he fought it back. He would deal with the older witch later. Right now, Katerina needed him. His anger was immediately replaced by a burst of joy that it was he who she'd come to. He was beside her, and guided her upstairs to his chamber. She remained silent, but leaned into him. His slid his arm around her waist, and took her hand in his free one.


"She hates you. I don't know why, she won't tell me."


"She resents me. For taking up so much of your life."


He opened the door and led her to the bed. She sank into it, and threw herself back, her arms stretched over her head. In spite of himself, the alluring picture she made drew forth a jolt of desire. He forced it back. Now was not the time. Instead, he stretched out beside her and propped his head in his hand.


"She will get over it." He reached out to stroke her cheek.


She shook her head and fixed him with a dark stare. "No, she won't. But I can't let her ruin things for us." She rolled to a sitting position, and turned to face him. "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I still have doubts. But I know you're not evil. She doesn't see that. I know you would never hurt me, or our baby. I trust you with our lives."


The swell of elation was almost impossible for him to contain. He wanted to howl with joy at her words. He sat up and cupped her face in his hands.


"Do you really? You truly trust me?"


She nodded, and he couldn't prevent his delighted grin. He pulled her close, then drew back to press his mouth against hers, his heart racing as she responded. But something was different this time. She was sweeter, more tender, and he'd never thought he could ever experience such sensations. Nothing that had ever come before could compare to this euphoria.


When he drew away, her eyes were once again moist with tears. One trailed down her cheek, and he brushed it away with his thumb. "What's wrong?" he asked.


"I'm still scared."


He drew her close and settled her comfortably into his lap. Her head fell to his shoulder. He brushed a kiss across her forehead.


"I will always protect you. You have nothing to fear."


She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breath against his neck was a tantalizing promise he found hard to resist. But he must. The days ahead would be difficult. It was enough that she trusted him. He held back a frown as he realized what lay ahead. There would be no more hiding for Dimitri. Or him.




Chapter Twenty-Four




Katerina pulled aside the curtain and peered into the circular drive below. The judge had arrived. The sun had set twenty minutes ago, the purple hue of the dusk fading.


The ceremony would begin soon.


She rubbed her damp palms on a handkerchief, not wanting to ruin the beautiful gown Adrian had arranged to be made for her. She still couldn't believe he'd gotten it so fast, but she suspected the tailor was a vampire, capable of whipping anything up in a short span. The ivory silk clung delicately to her curves, adorned with thousands of tiny seed pearls.


Adrian had sent a maid, a zombie, to assist her in dressing. It had felt strange to have the silent young girl tending her, but then, what about her whole life wasn't? She was about to marry a vampire, and bear his child. Her hands went to her ever-growing belly. Dr. Vining had confirmed the baby was a girl. Adrian was thrilled, the idea of a daughter delighted him. Katerina could already picture him doting on her as if she were royalty. Well, she was, sort of. Her father was the Vampire King.


Katerina's heart lurched at the thought. How would she survive marriage to him? The time would come when he'd want to turn her. Would the time come when she wanted him to?


A short series of knocks on the door made her spin about as Adrian entered the room. She gathered her scattered thoughts and focused on him. Although he wore a tuxedo frequently, tonight he looked more magnificent than ever. The high collar accentuated his sharp cheekbones and aristocratic nose, and his eyes sparkled with delight.


He was beside her quickly, taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss against it. His smile brightened his entire face.


"Are you ready?" he asked.


She swallowed nervously. "Yes."


Twining his fingers with hers, he led her to the great hall. Atop the stairs, he paused, and let her look at how he'd prepared everything. For several moments, all she could do was gape at the cascades of white flowers adorning the walls and banisters, hanging from the ceiling. Roses and mums, gardenias and lilies, how had he gotten so many? Their sweet fragrance filled the room. She glanced at him, and couldn't prevent a smile at his expectant gaze.


"It's beautiful."


The resultant relief and joy mingled in his gaze revealed so much more than his grand gesture had. She looked down at the hall. Her father stood near Vining, Joshua nearby. Small, private. But she preferred it that way.


The judge awaited them, his assistant at his side. Adrian led her down the stairs, and her father approached. Since she'd been back, she'd hardly spent any time with him, and she was glad he had come, even if her mother hadn't. She drew him in for a hug.


"Katerina, Adrian will make you happy," Dimitri whispered.


She nodded, her throat too tight to speak. At least one of her parents believed she was doing the right thing. She drew away and wiped her eyes. "Thank you, Papa."


She looked over at Joshua and nodded to Vining, and allowed Adrian to lead her over to the judge.


"Katerina, this is Judge Heinrich. He is a close personal friend."


The tall balding man smiled warmly at her. "Ms. Romanov, I was delighted when Monsieur du Lac asked me to perform your wedding. It is an honor."


Katerina smiled, willing the kicking baby to settle. Her daughter must sense her excitement and nervous tension. "Thank you."


"Shall we begin?" asked Adrian. He twined his fingers with hers, and when she met his gaze, he offered a reassuring smile.


She nodded. "I'm ready."


Judge Heinrich began to speak, and while she heard what he said, her mind raced too frantically to pay close attention. Somehow, she managed to repeat the vows he put to her. When Adrian spoke, she held his gaze, as he vowed to honor and cherish her, protect her and care for her all the rest of their days. Hers would be considerably less than his. The thought gave her a jolt, but she pushed it aside. Then he slid a ring onto her finger, and it was over. Adrian grinned at her, and she managed to smile back, but her stomach was still dancing erratically, and she feared she might be ill.


"Adrian, you may kiss your bride." The judge's words echoed in her head, but as Adrian drew her near, a serenity arose to quell the panic. His hands slid along her jaw to pull her close, the sparkle in his blue eyes held intense heat. This was right, it was meant to be.


Closer still he drew her, until finally, his cool lips brushed lightly against hers, full of promise and desire. Her hands went to his shoulders, her fingers curling as his tongue lightly brushed her mouth before he drew away. She could barely catch her breath when the doors at the top of the stairs crashed open.




Adrian shoved her behind him. His bellow of outrage made her shiver in fear. "How the hell did you get in here?"


Stefan Malinay appeared on the other side of Machiavelli. "I aided him."


No! Struck speechless for several moments, Katerina sprang to life, darting past Adrian. He grabbed her and pulled her back.


"You bastard!" she screamed. Adrian's arms restrained her as fury pulsed through her.


Her former teacher stood beside Adrian's enemy, a triumphant gleam in his dark eyes. Katerina waved her hand, and the suit of armor at the doorway tumbled over, the sword narrowly missing Stefan's shoulder as he rolled down the stairs and out of the way.


He scrambled to his feet, eyes filled with hatred. "You will pay for that."


"Leave her for now. I want du Lac." As Machiavelli spoke, he transported to stand before Adrian.


Katerina was shoved further back, out of Machiavelli's reach as Adrian evolved into vampire state. She could do nothing but watch in horror as the two vampires went at each other, the howls and screams emanating from them making her cover her ears for fear they would shatter.


She turned to find her father and Joshua advancing on Sophie. The young vampire laughed as she teleported in and out around them. As Katerina made her way toward them, a hand clamped on her arm. She tried to jerk free, but Stefan dragged her toward the stairs.


"Let me go, you son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" she screamed. She waved her hand, but he evaded the candlesticks she sent at his head. Still he dragged her, and she finally spied one of the swords mounted on the wall. She concentrated and one of them was suddenly in her hand. As she pointed it at her former teacher, he released her.


"Katerina, you don't know what you are doing," he said.


"I know exactly what I'm doing, you traitorous bastard. You helped that monster?" She waved a hand at where Adrian held Machiavelli against the wall, his clawed fingers tearing at his enemy's throat. But Machiavelli held him off, breaking his grip and throwing him to the ground. The urge to run to Adrian's aid was overpowering, but she had to escape the crazed wizard first.


"du Lac must be destroyed. If he doesn't, he will ruin the world!"


Katerina shook her head and advanced further on Stefan. The wizard backed away a few more steps, then suddenly brandished a weapon of his own. With a wicked smile, he forced Katerina to retreat.


"I warned you once not to come up against me. Now you will regret your foolishness."


Katerina turned and ran, scrambling past Joshua and Sophie, aware Stefan trailed right behind her. As she reached the top of the stairs, her mother suddenly appeared. Thinking her mother meant to help her, Katerina reached out a hand, stopping short when Olga spoke.


"No! Stefan, let me handle this. You'll ruin everything!" Katerina turned. Stefan had lowered his weapon, and remained motionless on the landing. Katerina took the opportunity to dart past her mother and up the winding stairs to her chamber. She burst through the door and yanked open her dresser drawers. Tossing clothing aside, she finally found the lead lined pouch, and carefully removed the Sacred Pentagram. How was she going to do this without hurting Adrian? She placed the amulet back in the pouch and slipped it inside her bodice. As she turned to go back to the hall, her mother and Stefan blocked the doorway.


"Get out of my way," she said, advancing on them, still holding the sword before her.


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