Come Home With Me: Part 1

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Authors: Laura Cooper

Tags: #bisexual, #orgy, #group, #hot tub, #gang bang, #oral, #cock sucking, #vegetable sex, #cucumber, #food play, #foot ball

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Come Home With Me: Part 1


Laura B. Cooper


* * * * *


Laura B. Cooper on Smashwords

Come Home With Me: Part 1

Copyright © 2011 by Laura B. Cooper

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About the Author

I obsess over all things naughty and
spontaneous. Growing up in the deep Romantic South, I was raised in
a prominent family who prided themselves on their ability to appear
normal to other socialites.

Straying from my historical roots, I learned
to find pleasure within the secret world of swinging. In the eyes
of those who see me in the luxurious downtown Charleston shops, I
am the typical southern woman. In the eyes of those who know me
best, I am a sensual creature who thrives on spontaneous sexual

My motto is that it is best to try anything
at least once; if i derive pleasure from the experience, then I add
it to my repertoire of erotic journeys.

For years I have kept track of my various
exploits in several purple spiral bound notebooks. It was on the
urging of my husband that some of be released for public enjoyment.
Actual occurrences are often further expanded on by descriptions of
the locations in which they happened, otherwise all stories are
fairly true to fact.

I enjoy sensual “treats,” as I call them,
with women and men. But the thrill comes from spontaneity. With
every moment of my life having been planned and executed to the
minutest detail, I find a rush in the unexpected. Fondest locations
have been bank ATM enclosures, downtown Charleston alleyways, the
bow of yachts docked in the harbor, and even a fire truck.

When I am not writing about my naughty
adventures, I maintain the appearance of structure. With two
children in college, I now have time to explore avenues that were
previously filled with family life. My husband and I now reside
outside the city limits of Charleston with my rescued dogs and a

When I’m not delving between the legs of my
“treats,” I also enjoy paranormal investigations, interior design,
and helping homeless animals.

Remember “the Queen of Diamonds will beat you
if she’s able; the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet.”

[email protected]


Karma is a strange thing, I have spent hours
reading through book after book on how to strengthen and align my
karma. I understood how it worked but had never hit on the actual
alignment until a year ago. Finding my inner slut through the Tramp
Stamp Club had set into motion the chain of events that landed me
where I was now, in the foyer of the home of my dreams. Just
standing here made my clit throb as the house was everything that
we had ever wanted and needed all these years.

Chris had come for the closing, but needed to
get back to the other house to tend to the animals. He would be
back in a week. He knew that I wouldn’t rest until the house was as
I wanted it to be, and that I would be up in the middle of the
night wandering around arranging things. There was no need for him
to endure that. Besides, someone needed to be with our pets until
the new kennel was ready for them to move with us.

I wish he had at least come with me to the
house the first time though, I thought miserably. This was so
exciting that I needed a release, and I needed it now. My mind was
already imagining his prick rubbing against my breasts. If this
house turned me on this much, he was in serious trouble! I
desperately needed to get this orgasm out of my body or I wouldn’t
be able to think for the rest of the day.

The staircase on the right side of the
massive two story foyer was one of the features that originally
attracted me to the house. It floated in mid air with seemingly no
structural support. I sat down on the second step and propped my
feet on the step below me. My underwear were little more than a few
strings that covered my partially shaved pussy. I slid my fingers
gently underneath my short skirt and spreading my legs on the steps
I slid my fingers onto my pounding clit, pressing deeply on the nub
until it recognized being answered. The flush swept through my body
as I massaged my ache until it slowly maneuvered itself into my
pussy. Reaching into my purse that I had haphazardly thrown on the
step beside me, I took out the tampon shaped container that I kept
there for emergencies such as this. The tiny vibrator came to life
with the touch of a button, and I mounted it with extreme need onto
my clit. Sliding my fingers into my pussy, I already felt the
passion unleashing itself.

Moving my fingers in and out of my pussy was
not giving me the satisfaction that I needed and I was desperate
for this orgasm. I moved the small vibrator inside me and the
fingers of my other hand onto my trembling clit. I was forcefully
thrusting it in and out of my pussy when the massive front door
opened. Though my head was thrown backwards with my impending
orgasm, I sensed the man standing at the open doorway.

In a quick glance he appeared young, rugged
and handsome. Having lost any trace of embarrassment as a member of
the “club,” I simply looked at him. Taking my hand from my clit, I
motioned for him to join me. He strode across the foyer without
abandon, unzipping his jeans as he walked. His cock sprang from his
jeans instantly upon being released. Without a word he offered the
long, thick snake to my mouth.

I resumed the plunging of the vibrator into
my pussy. Taking his cock into my mouth, I noticed the warmth of
his skin as I ran my tongue across the head teasing him and wetting
my new playground. My own need was far too great for serious play
at the moment. I needed his cock and I needed to feel his hot cum
shooting down my throat. I opened wide and took him into the back
of my throat in one movement. I was a desperate woman, and this
required desperate measures I thought to myself as I moved my head
quickly back and forth over his hard dick. My saliva running down
my face as I moved fast to bring him up to my pace, when I felt his
balls tighten over my chin I knew I had succeeded. I matched my
sucking to the plunging of the vibrator in my pussy. The young man
moaned and I tasted his pre-cum in the far back of my throat. My
entire body was working to fuck my pussy with the tiny but powerful
silver bullet as my mouth sucked his prick with my need. He thrust
his cock onto my tonsils as the hot cum shot down my throat. My
pussy registered with the taste and shot out its own stream of
wetness onto the step below me. My entire body shivered with the
orgasm and my legs pulled themselves together without my knowledge
to capture my fingers and the toy together.

I was still shaking as I slowly lightened my
grip on his member. Sliding it out to my lips I gently kissed its
head and swallowed it’s cum. I looked up to the man’s face and he
was looking down at me, appreciating my deep red fingernails still
clasped around his relaxing cock. He smiled down at me; I gave his
prick one last adoring kiss before he moved to zip his jeans.

“Forgive me for being so rude,” I admired his
graceful movements as he sat on the step below me. “Who exactly are

“If you are Laura then I believe I am your
new veterinarian.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “So we will be
working together every day then!”

He joined me in my humor. “It appears as
though it will be a long lasting, and quite delightful

Salad Anyone?

We had been in the house for a month when
football season started. Normally we are anxious to occupy our box
seats with our dear friends, but on this opening day we found
ourselves still attempting to arrange our new lives. Boxes still
needed unpacking, furniture was still crammed into the garage
awaiting movement to its eventual placement, and in my mind our
entire lives seemed unorganized and disheveled. Cranking up the RV
and driving the three and a half hours to the stadium and devoting
the entire weekend to football just didn’t seem feasible at the

I had suggested that he go without me, but
true to form there was no way he was going to be separated from me
for that amount of time. Still, I felt sorry for Chris, he lived
his life around this team and football season, and it didn’t seem
fair to totally eliminate a celebration. I made a few calls to his
best friends and explained my predicament. They agreed to come over
tomorrow afternoon for a small get together and to watch the game.
I invited them to bring their wives and in Josh’s case, his dog, if
they liked. Steve would definitely bring Karen, Ryan would bring
Prissy, and Connor would ask Belinda if she wanted to come. Josh
would bring Spike, as he rarely went anywhere without the boxer, so
it was merely a courtesy to invite him as well.

I grocery shopped and arranged snacks that I
knew the men would love. I also stopped by the Wine store and
bought one of the German wines that I knew that Prissy could finish
off in the afternoon. Karen and Prissy were both members of the
“Tramp Stamp Club,” and we all knew one another well. Belinda was a
member of the Welfare League with us all, but was a little too prim
and proper for anything more. I hoped that if she did come with
Connor that she would not dampen our activities.

Everything was set up, and I was in the
kitchen fixing up trays of snacks for Chris’s office. His dark
paneled office was one of those rooms that oozed manliness. He had
not disappointed me by decorating it with deep brown bronze nailed
leather sofas and a giant UFO sized ottoman. His desk was in front
of the massive and heavily draped windows that overlooked the horse
pasture. I had laughed at his placement of the desk as it seemed
rather White House-ish to me.

Karen bounded into the kitchen with her usual
flair; the woman had energy that practically beamed from her every
moment. She flung her arms around me and brought my lips to hers.
Sending her tender tongue into my mouth with a flare of passion to
get the party started, no doubt. Her kisses always made my nipples
hard, and as I pulled away from her I looked down at them to

“Yep! You still have it girl!” I gestured at
my nipples poking through the orange sheer bra that I had chosen to
wear underneath the white tank top.

“Give me your hand and I will show you why I
do it.” Karen took my hand and slid it under her sleek crimson mini
skirt. She guided my fingers directly to her pussy opening and I
felt the wetness sloshing against my forefinger.

“Hmmm...” I moaned taking my hand back and
tasting my fingers. “How about a quickie for an appetizer?” I

Karen was already hopping on top of my black
granite countertop as I spoke. She spread her legs and hiked her
skirt above the part of skin it covered, revealing her wet pussy
devoid of underwear.

“What? Couldn’t find panties to match today?”
I teased as I bent before her to inspect my treat.

“Not at all. I just wanted to be convenient
today!” Karen joked as she pulled my head into her clit with a
playful force.

I used my fingers to spread her lips wide
noticing the new silver jewelry she wore attached to her clit.
“What is this?” I exclaimed delighted by the new addition.

“Clit ring! It’s supposed to make you licking
me even more enticing.”

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