The Taming of Jessica (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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Automatically, Jessica dropped to the floor, facing the front door, linked her hands behind her head, and spread her thighs wide to reveal her pussy. The position had become second nature to her, and she no longer needed Max’s approving murmur to let her know she’d adopted it to his satisfaction.

In the three weeks since they’d returned from Isla Barada, Max had begun to assert his dominance over her. One of his rules was that she should be waiting in the hall, naked and in the display position, ready for his return home. On a number of occasions, he’d walked in with Mickey in tow; the first time this had happened she’d felt a flush of embarrassment at the driver seeing her so completely exposed, but the sweet thrill of humiliation had overtaken her, and now she felt almost disappointed if Mickey wasn’t around to admire her body and flash the wolfish grin that let her know how much he’d enjoy the privilege of being allowed to use her mouth, or her tight pussy. She had the feeling it wouldn’t be too much longer before her husband granted him that privilege.

Today was different, though: Max hadn’t been to his office, or spent the day in one dull, interminable business meeting after another. Instead, he’d been hard at work in his study upstairs, ploughing through sales projections and sheaves of figures, pondering whether to make a bid to outfit a chain of upmarket health clubs with a new lighting system. She’d spent most of the day taking him one cup of coffee after another, and now Jessica was required to display herself because a guest would shortly be arriving.

‘Jason rang me when he got to Kew Bridge Station. He should be here any minute now.’

Sometimes, she had to pinch herself to make sure this was real, and that Max and Jason really had come to an arrangement. Waiting for the moment Jason would ring the doorbell, announcing his presence at their home, her mind drifted back to the day they’d left the island resort. Jason had been waiting for them in reception, clearly baffled by Max’s talk of a proposition, and as one of the boat’s crew had carried their bags down to the beachside berth, Max had put a companionable arm around Jason’s shoulders and begun to outline what he had in mind.

It was, he’d explained, an unorthodox arrangement. He didn’t know whether it was usual in the BDSM lifestyle for a submissive to have one full-time master and another who took on domination duties whenever it might be required, but that was his proposal. As he freely admitted, he still had much to learn about disciplining a wayward wife; even here, where one could play out a scene – or any number of scenes – 24 hours a day, he still felt like he’d only scratched the surface. Which was where Jason’s expertise came into play.

Jessica had held her breath, waiting for Jason’s response. Would he contemplate such an outrageous suggestion, or would he decide he wanted nothing more to do with the couple? She prayed he wouldn’t walk away, knowing she needed him in her life, not only to guide Max but to give her the loving chastisement she supplied so masterfully. Anxious moments had passed before he’d finally nodded and said he’d be delighted to help Max keep her in line.

She remembered little of the journey back to London. The boat ride had caused her some discomfort; she’d spent most of it kneeling on the floor of the boat, as that had been the position which placed the least pressure on her welted bottom. She’d been relieved Voller was staying on the island for another week; he’d have taken smug satisfaction from knowing she was still suffering the after-effects of her cropping, though she doubted he’d have been quite so pleased if he knew what Max and Jason had been plotting between them. The German might have bested Max in the boardroom, but she knew which one of them she would rather have as her lord and master.

The flight from St Thomas to Antigua had been short and uneventful, and when they’d arrived at V.C. Bird airport, Max had used his charm on the girl on the check-in desk to persuade her to upgrade Jason to a first class seat alongside theirs. As they’d boarded the plane Jessica had kept an eye out for Darragh, remembering their antics in the bathroom on the flight out, but he wasn’t part of the crew. Instead, they’d been looked after by a solicitous, slightly matronly blonde, who’d kept them supplied with champagne. Jessica supposed Jason had made the most of his surroundings, but she’d fallen asleep somewhere over the Atlantic, and only woken as the Surrey countryside began to become visible through gaps in the cloud cover.

Mickey had been waiting for them once they’d cleared customs at Gatwick, and Jason had accepted Max’s offer of a lift back into the centre of London. If the chauffeur wondered who the Sheringhams’ travelling companion might be, and why he and Max each had a hand high on Jessica’s thigh as the car sped along the Westway, he was discreet enough not to say anything. He’d certainly learnt enough about their arrangement – and Jessica’s new role as Max’s submissive, as well as his wife – to satisfy any curiosity since then.

Max and Jason had exchanged numbers, and Jason had made a promise that he’d be round to discipline Jessica very soon. Except work commitments on the parts of both men had meant he’d only been in contact with her via phone and text message since then. Deeply filthy text messages, she had to admit, in which he told her exactly what he intended to do to her the next time he had her naked and bound before him. They’d stoked the fires of her imagination, so that now, as she waited for him to walk through the door, she was already wet in anticipation of his first command.

The doorbell sounded, and Max went to let their visitor in. Jessica’s heart beat a crazy tattoo in her chest. What if it wasn’t Jason, but some charity collector, or local council official, checking whether their property was in need of loft insulation? The thought she might find herself exposing her wet, spread pussy to some spotty young jobsworth with a clipboard alarmed her – and stoked the same feelings of shame and arousal that fuelled her desire to submit.

To her relief, Jason strode into the hallway. He must have come straight from a training session, as he wore a hooded top, which he pulled off to reveal a sleeveless muscle vest, and cycling shorts that clung to his thick thighs and outlined his cock, not yet hard but every bit as enticing as Jessica remembered.

‘Max, it’s good to see you, mate,’ he said, clapping Max on the back as the two embraced like old friends. ‘And Jessica – just as lovely and obedient as ever.’

‘The position comes naturally to her now,’ Max replied, referring to Jessica in the dispassionate fashion that never failed to excite her further. ‘And her training’s coming along nicely in other respects.’

‘Well, I’ll need to make sure of that. Have you been keeping a list of her demerits, like I asked?’

‘Oh yes, and they’ve certainly been mounting up. In fact, she received her credit card bill this morning, and I’d venture to suggest that her spending is in danger of getting out of control.’

Jason shook his head. ‘We can’t have that kind of behaviour, now can we? What do you reckon, Max? She’s swapped the thrill of prowling for young flesh for the thrill of flashing the cash in Harvey Nicks?’

The two had fallen into an easy companionship, their minds running on a parallel track which Jessica knew was destined to lead to some kind of punishment for her. She might have objected if her pussy wasn’t already clenching with need. The need to feel a warming hand on her bottom; the need to be penetrated by a hard, thick cock as the reward for taking her punishment.

‘And you’ve set up a punishment room in the house, as I suggested?’ Jason asked.

‘Well, I discipline her in my study, but it’s the perfect environment. I’m having a whipping stool delivered next week, one that I can keep stowed in a cupboard up there till I need it. You’ll have to come round and see it when it’s in place.’

‘So –’ Jason stalked in a slow circle round Jessica as he spoke, and she knew he was admiring her naked body, and the submissive posture in which she continued to hold herself, from the back as well as the front ‘– what were you planning on using to discipline her today?’

‘I’ve been thinking about it, and she hasn’t actually had the cane used on her as yet. Damon supplied me with a nice, thin, whippy one, but I thought I’d take some guidance from you as how best to lay the strokes on. I’ve a feeling it’s an instrument that requires a little more delicacy than the paddle.’

‘You’re right there, Max.’ The grin on Jason’s face told Jessica just how much he would enjoy imparting this particular lesson in discipline.

‘Jessica, come with us!’ Max barked out the order, and she rose to her feet. The two men began to lead the way upstairs, where the cane waited, and punishment would be applied in the manner they felt best. Revelling in her newfound status as submissive slut to the two men she loved best in the world, she knew she wouldn’t want it any other way.

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