Read The Taming of Jessica Online

Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

The Taming of Jessica (14 page)

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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‘Don’t let Damon know you can do that,’ Jason told her. ‘He’ll want to keep you here as one of his house girls.’

‘Oh, I think Max would have something to say if he tried that,’ she replied.

‘Yeah, and so would I. God, Jessica, I really need to fuck you.’

He reached for her, and they rolled over on the bed together. Jessica pushed him down on his back, and straddled his groin in one fluid movement. His cock stood up proudly, almost demanding that she sink down onto it, but she teased him for a moment, gyrating so her pussy lips brushed over his latex-covered helmet, but making no more contact than that.

‘Damn it, Jessica, stop tormenting me or I’ll spank you so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a day!’

‘Is that a threat or a promise?’ She grinned down at him, repeating the motion and frustrating him further.

‘Do as you’re told, you minx,’ he ordered, reaching round to give her arse a sharp, ringing slap.

Aware there was plenty more where that had come from, Jessica lowered her pussy slowly onto his length, sighing with pleasure as the thick meat spread her wide. Inch by inch, she took him inside her, until she was full of hot, gently pulsing man-flesh. The look of pure lust on Jason’s face let her know he was savouring the sensation every bit as much as she was.

For a moment, she didn’t move; just gave her inner muscles a little flex that had him groaning. From the open window, noises rose up from the beach – male laughter and a soft female squeal that contained much more lust than pain. Jessica ignored them, her whole attention on the man whose cock fitted so snugly inside her, and who lay patiently, waiting for her to ride him. She couldn’t deny him a moment longer, and she began to rock back and forth on him, her movements slow and undulating.

‘Oh yes,’ he murmured, as she squeezed his cock again. He half rose, and she leant forward, their mouths meeting in a tongue-twining kiss. Jason reached round to grasp her bum cheeks, and now he was sitting up too, his cock buried in her at a deeper angle, reaching parts of her that brought a gasp to her lips and triggered a fierce desire to come once more. As their passion mounted, she moved faster, Jason’s strength and flexibility allowing her to adopt more athletic positions than she normally managed with Max. She couldn’t get enough of it, of him. The scent of him, raw and earthy, inflamed her senses; sweat shone on his chest. Her fingernails raked at his back as he began to thrust up into her, moving in a rhythm that matched hers as he grew closer to his own climax.

‘Need to come,’ he grunted. ‘Need you to come with me.’

His cock jerked, and his grip on her buttocks grew tighter, holding her still as he came. The knowledge that his spunk was flooding into the condom, and the intense connection she felt to him, sparked another orgasm in Jessica. She clung to him, racked by convulsions that robbed her of speech, of rational thought.

It could only have been moments before he eased himself from her body and went to dispose of the condom, but time had lost its meaning. The groans and cries of the couple on the beach intruded briefly into her thoughts. She had no idea who might be fucking out there, but she hoped they were having as good a time as she and Jason just had.

When he returned from the bathroom, he made no move to reach for the chains that usually tethered her to his bed. Instead, he pulled the covers over the two of them, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter Fifteen

Jason could still taste the sweetness of Jessica’s lips on his own. He stared at himself in the bathroom mirror, unable to believe he’d done such a crazy thing last night. He shouldn’t have responded when she’d kissed him, shouldn’t have claimed her mouth, even though it had been there for the taking, shouldn’t have fucked her with all the passion he possessed, shouldn’t have slept with her curled up in his arms. But everything about the woman drove him to distraction, and he could no longer pretend to be only the dispassionate master, leading her along the path to submission.

This was all so fucked up. It had started as the most exciting game of his life – taking an inexperienced woman and teaching her to obey his every command – but somehow it had evolved into something much more serious. And he couldn’t allow himself to have any kind of real emotional feelings for her, not when she was another man’s wife. After all, it wasn’t as though he was taming her for his own benefit.

If circumstances had been different – if she’d been married to that self-satisfied bastard Voller, or an old fool like Malcolm Quinn, who only wanted a flesh-and-blood Barbie doll to hang off his arm – he’d have had no qualms about letting his feelings for Jessica deepen. But the worst part of all this was that he really liked Max Sheringham, and he didn’t want to do anything which might damage the couple’s marriage.

But it really wasn’t like him to fall for someone so fast. He’d experienced lust at first sight any number of times – and his initial reaction when Jessica had been brought to the auction block that night, half-dressed and in restraint, embodying every horny MILF fantasy he’d ever had, had been purely physical. If he hadn’t been so attracted to her, he’d have kept silent when Damon asked for someone to start the bidding, and spent the week letting the house girls attend to his needs. He wouldn’t have been sucked into the bitter battle of wills between Max and Voller, and he’d have gone back to London with enough happy memories of this week in paradise to last a lifetime. But now lust threatened to turn into something deeper, and he couldn’t afford to let that happen.

In his bed, Jessica still slept. The maid would be here any moment now, and he supposed he ought to wake her and shackle her in place before that happened; he wasn’t sure of the etiquette in these situations, but he felt he needed to make sure it was still obvious they were master and slave. But somehow he just couldn’t bear to wake her.

His mind flashed back to Jessica as she’d been in his arms the night before, so open and soft and vulnerable. Everything he wanted in a submissive, in a lover …

‘Good morning, sir!’ a voice called from the other room. Jason splashed cold water on his face, grabbed a towel, and emerged from the bathroom. The maid’s interested gaze, hovering somewhere around his groin, reminded him that he hadn’t bothered to pull his shorts on. Let her look; she’d probably seen every other man on the island naked, and been fucked by most of them too, most likely.

Jessica had woken at the girl’s entrance, and was sitting up with the bedsheets pulled around her body. The maid said nothing; Jason suspected the girl simply assumed Jessica must be chained to the bed, as always, and had taken advantage of his absence from the room to sneak a little in the way of comfort.

‘Jessica, did I tell you that you could get under the covers?’ he snapped. He hoped the maid didn’t see the quick little wink he aimed in Jessica’s direction, letting her know his wrath was feigned for the benefit of the newcomer.

‘I’m sorry, sir,’ Jessica replied. She started to push the sheets aside, but Jason stepped in before she could reveal the lack of a cuff around her ankle.

He took the breakfast tray from the maid. ‘I’d invite you to stay and watch her punishment,’ he said, ‘but I’d hate to keep anyone waiting for their breakfast. Don’t worry, I’ll make her display her stripes to you the next time she sees you – she hates having to do that.’

‘Of course, sir. Enjoy your breakfast, sir.’ The girl retreated from the room.’

‘Wow, that was close,’ Jason said. ‘I didn’t want her reporting back to anyone that I’d given you the privilege of sleeping in the bed. Might cause a riot among Honey and the others.’

‘And you wouldn’t want to be on the end of Honey’s anger, now would you?’ Jessica grinned.

‘Oh, I could deal with her, don’t you worry about that. But I’d far rather have the job of making sure you behave yourself. Which you’re not, may I remind you?’ He clicked his fingers. ‘Get on the floor, Jessica, if you want any breakfast.’

His words, and the firmness with which they were delivered, re-established the boundaries between them instantly. Last night had been a delicious one-off; a shared moment when he’d allowed himself to fantasise that they might become something other than purely dominant and submissive. The truth was he only had a couple more days to train Jessica to do his – and Max’s – bidding. After that, they would go their separate ways, and nothing he could do would alter that.

‘I have something very special lined up for you today, Jessica.’

She had just emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered, swathed in a towel and with her wet hair fastened in a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck. While she’d been in the shower, one of the maids had paid a visit to the room, bringing her outfit for the day.

It should have stopped surprising her well before now that every outfit she was expected to wear was designed to make her appear slutty and available, but this one outdid all the rest. Lying on the bed was a babydoll nightie in diaphanous black nylon, along with a pair of matching panties so tiny they barely qualified as an item of clothing. White stockings completed the ensemble. She couldn’t see any shoes, which suited her just fine, given the previous evening’s footwear malfunction and its consequences. Perhaps it meant they wouldn’t be leaving the room today. God knew she’d given Jason enough reasons to discipline her over the last 12 hours, not to mention all the little things she’d done which appeared to have gone unpunished so far.

When she picked up the clothes, in order to take them into the bathroom and change, her master shook his head. ‘There’s no time for that.’

She dropped the towel, aware of Jason’s hungry gaze on her body. He’d seen her naked on enough occasions that it should no longer be of any special interest to him – but, she remembered, he only had a couple more days to enjoy the sight. Presumably he had to make the most of it while he had the chance.

The nightie, when she put it on, felt cheap against her skin – the kind of thing that could be picked up for a couple of pounds in any market back in London – and barely concealed the outline of her jutting nipples. The panties had stiff, scratchy lace around the leg holes, and the thin, elasticated waistband felt as though it would snap with one swift tug. Already she was gaining the impression that this outfit was designed to rip as it was removed, a thought that shouldn’t have excited her, but did. She pulled on the stockings, which came halfway up her thighs and were held in place by thick, tightly gripping elastic, and she was ready.

Or at least, she thought she was. ‘Just one last thing,’ Jason said, and produced a thick black scarf from behind his back. He folded it in half along its length, and wrapped it around Jessica’s head, tying it in place with a tight knot and effectively blindfolding her.

‘Right, now let’s go.’

‘Go? Go where?’ Jessica tried to keep the note of panic out of her voice. The last thing she’d expected was to be deprived of her sight, and now he wanted her to leave the room.

‘Come on, you’ll be OK.’ He took hold of her hand and led her towards the door. She heard it open, and took a couple of steps out into the corridor. The lock clicked shut behind her, and Jason began to guide her in the direction he wanted her to go.

Deprived of her sight, she found her other senses becoming keener to compensate. The carpet felt thick and soft beneath her stockinged feet, and she caught the scent of hibiscus on the air. Obediently, she followed her master along the corridor, but they couldn’t have walked more than a few yards before he brought her to a halt and knocked on a door. So they must have come to the suite that neighboured Jason’s on the right. But who did it belong to? Not Max, she was sure of that, and after everything Jason had said last night about Sebastian Voller, she couldn’t believe he’d be delivering her to that man. Which left plenty of other candidates, but …

The door opened. ‘I’ve brought her,’ Jason said.

She strained her ears, but whoever had answered the door made no response. None the wiser, Jessica found herself being ushered inside. Here, the air smelled of exotic spices and musk; it reminded her of a cologne she’d smelled at dinner last night, but who had been wearing it? Damon Barada? Malcolm Quinn? Cyrus, the man too famous to need a surname?

Jason’s next words did nothing to enlighten her. She’d expected that once he’d brought her to this stranger, he would withdraw. Instead, he said, ‘I’ve been very impressed with your progress over the week, Jessica, but there are others who are keen to see how obedient you really are. So we’ve arranged this little gathering, and you’re going to show everyone here what you can do, and just how good you are at following instructions.’

Everyone? So there was more than one person here besides the suite’s registered occupant? And in that case, how many more? Two? Three? Every man on the island? And, most importantly, was any of them Max? ‘Of course, master, but who is everyone?’

‘Now, Jessica, that’s really not a question you should be asking. You see, a good submissive must be willing and able to pleasure whoever her master requires, but it’s in the nature of all of us to sometimes be a little squeamish where a potential partner is concerned. We might think they’re too old for us, or too overweight, or too ugly, and we might hurt the feelings of that person by expressing that view, even if we phrase a refusal nicely. So today is all about learning to look beyond the surface – and the best way to do that is by not being able to see the surface in the first place. Hence the blindfold.’

She wasn’t sure his logic would hold up if examined too closely, and she suspected he simply liked the way she looked with the scarf tied round her eyes, and the fact it rendered her almost helpless. But Jason continued outlining the event he had planned for her.

‘So, in this room are a number of men. I’m not going to tell you who they are, or how many, and the point of this exercise isn’t for you to try to guess. You’re simply here to give pleasure to all of us, in whichever way we require it.’

So at least he was going to be part of this, she reassured herself, even as the names and faces of the other male guests flashed through her mind. Some of them, she realised, she didn’t actually know. But she couldn’t think of anyone who was so physically repulsive she might draw the line at letting them touch her. She just had to trust that Jason wouldn’t let her fall into the clutches of anyone who might do her harm, as he’d suggested Voller would – and though he hadn’t said as much, allowing him to bring her into this suite had been all about trust.

‘One more thing,’ Jason added. ‘No one apart from me will speak to you at any point. So they may find … other ways of letting you know what they want. Now, gentleman, shall we begin?’

Jessica gasped as someone took hold of her from behind. She was pulled backwards, her bottom coming to rest against an unknown groin. A cool metal belt buckle bumped against the small of her back; the hard length of an erection sought to lodge itself between her cheeks. How long had these men been waiting here, she wondered, letting their anticipation, their horniness build with thoughts of having her under their control, blindfolded and vulnerable?

While the first man held her in place, a second began to explore the front of her body. He grasped her breasts, pushing them together as he caressed them in hard, circular motions. This was the cologne wearer; she could smell that arousing blend of spices on his skin as he pressed close to her, and despite Jason’s instructions to forget about the possible identities of the men here, she couldn’t help trying to work out who this was. Not Malcolm; she’d seen his hands at the dinner table, and they were bony, liver-spotted things, not the big paws that worked on her tits with such assurance. A sharp pinch of her nipple halted her guessing game, as she let out a little surprised mew. The pinch was repeated, more cruelly than the first time, yet the sensation that stabbed down from her tormented bud to her clit mingled pain with pleasure.

One of the hands that held her by the hips was removed, and she heard the clunk of the heavy buckle being unfastened, and the rapid grating of a zip being pulled down. Whoever was behind her clearly didn’t bother with underwear, as, when he guided her back against his crotch, she could feel his bare cock, thick and hot, through the skimpy nylon of her nightdress.

Somewhere to her right, she swore she could hear whispering, though the voice was pitched too low for her to make out the words. Whoever it was had obviously been speaking to her master, for he now spoke up. ‘Gentlemen, I’ve had a request to see more.’

In response, Cologne Man, as she was coming to think of him, gripped the babydoll in his meaty fists, and began to tug. It seemed as though everyone in the room, Jessica included, took a collective intake of breath as the material began to tear. The sound of the cheap fabric parting without resistance seemed indecently loud, as the nightdress was ripped in two from neckline to hem. Her breasts had already been as good as on show through the sheer nylon, but now they were revealed to all the watching eyes, defiantly bare. Jessica heard a vague murmur of appreciation among the men present, but, following the rules of this bizarre game, nobody openly verbalised their approval of her body.

While Cologne Man returned to his manipulation of her aching nipples, the man behind her raised the stakes a little further by slipping his fingers into the waistband of her panties. Splaying them out over her mound, he pressed the middle one between her already soaking pussy lips. He grunted, conveying his satisfaction at her finding her so wet.

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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