The Syndicate (2 page)

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Authors: Shelena Shorts

BOOK: The Syndicate
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On cue, she enters. “Hel-
? Did you hear me calling you?”

I sit up and smile slightly. Seeing her, my only true blood relative still living, makes even the worst thoughts disappear.

“Yes, but why respond when I know you’re just going to barge in anyway?”

Not waiting for me to move over, she plops down beside me. “Oh, big brother, if you came to the door like a gentlemen, then I wouldn’t have to barge in.”

“Well, I’m not a gentlemen, so that’s out, and you can stop calling me big brother.”

“But you are. You know you like it. What are you, like, six feet six now?”



I laugh, almost wanting to turn on the light just so I can get a better glimpse of her. She takes after our mother, with dark hair and chocolate eyes. She’s also tall and athletic, but prefers to keep her nails refined as opposed to fighting beastly creatures like I do. Not to say she can’t hold her own if need be.

“Why are you here?” I ask.

I can feel her piercing glare in the darkness. “I’m your Scout, remember? What do you think I’ve been doing?”

“Rosie, there’s nothing to scout. The Readers aren’t even here until tomorrow. We have no assignment.”

“You think I shut off my skills just because there’s no Hybrid on the radar? It doesn’t work like that, brother. I’m always on the lookout.”

“Fine. I give. What did you see?”


I roll my eyes, about to give her the boot, when she corrects. “Well, maybe something.”

“All right. What is it?”

“Okay…I was sneaking in from, well, a friend’s house and thought I saw a Reader coming in the west entry. So I came to see if you guys got orders early.”

Sitting up completely now, I turn on the lamp. “You saw a Reader? Tonight? Here?”

“I think.”

“Which one?”

“Well, I didn’t see an actual Reader, but I saw a Shadow.”


“Couldn’t tell.”

Frustrated with the vague report, I sigh. “Rosie, then
did you know it was a Shadow?”

“It was just the way they were walking. Why are you so uptight about it?”

I know the Readers aren’t supposed to arrive until tomorrow afternoon, so it doesn’t make sense why one would arrive early. And the mention of the west entrance doesn’t sit well with me because that leads to Henri’s study. One of the rules of the Syndicate is that
meetings are held publicly.

The only reason we have lasted this long is because of the camaraderie instilled by our ancestors. No one ever breaks off to do their own thing, and because of our vow to discuss and make all decisions together, we have always stood strong, as one trusted unit. Never have there been secret meetings. Counting the one I just had, and if my sister is right, that makes two in one night.

“Hello?” Rosie waves her hand in front of my face. “What’s up?”

“I’m not sure. Just tell me if you see anything else.”

Fumbling through her purse, she pops a piece of bubble gum in her mouth. “Sure thing.”

She stands to leave, but turns back, sending her ponytail around to the opposite shoulder. “So you don’t know when we go hunting again?”

“No, little sis. But, I have a pretty good feeling we’ll find out tomorrow.”

In excitement, she rolls forward on the balls of her feet and hops out of my room.

Since my first Hybrid kill, sleeping has never been my strong suit, but I force myself to relax in hopes of getting some answers at the Circle tomorrow.



The first Reader arrives at three. Adela, a small, thin woman with fiery red hair, is my godmother, and I always look forward to seeing her. She steps out of the black Range Rover with her Shadow in tow, both wearing all back.

“Vasile! Oh, my dear. I’ve missed you truly.”

“Adela.” I kiss her on the cheek. “Can I help you carry anything?”

“Nonsense. What do you think I have Eugen for?”

I turn to her Shadow. “Eugen. Nice to see you.”

Eugen sighs and smiles. “You too, brother.” He gives me a firm hug and we begin walking to the house. As a Shadow, Eugen is responsible for protecting Adela. The older Hybrids have learned about the Readers’ ability to predict their locations, so it’s not uncommon for them to come after a Reader. Therefore, the Readers are never left unprotected, and ever since Eugen retired from the Guard several years ago, he’s been Adela’s Shadow.

Although he’s not my brother by blood, Eugen is my Syndicate brother, and it by all means feels like true blood. With Adela walking slowly ahead of us, I take the opportunity to whisper, “I see she hasn’t changed a bit.”

Eugen winks. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Seeing my raised brow, he adds, “Let’s just say life never gets boring with her.”

“I hear you two,” Adela sings.

We laugh, and it’ll probably be the last time for a while. Being an active member of the Guard, I’m about to find out where to find a Hybrid, and that means business and no play.

After helping Adela and Eugen settle in, I make it a point to watch and count the arrivals of the remaining Readers. There are five, counting Adela, and I want to identify the early arriver through process of elimination.

I park myself with a book in the living room, just off the main entryway. Camelia arrives next, with her Shadow Paul. Followed by Joana and her Shadow Jean. But, neither Dorina nor Ramona arrive.

Confused, I wait as long as possible until Rosie comes to get me. “Vasile, it’s time. You need to change.”

“What about the Readers who aren’t here?”

Rosie scrunches up her face. “What are you talking about? Everyone’s here.”

“I didn’t see Dorina or Ramona.”

“They’re here.”

She goes to pull me by the arm, but then it registers. “Wait a minute,” she says. “You were waiting to see who didn’t arrive today, because you wanted to see if I was right about last night.”

I don’t argue.

it!” she nearly hisses. “Which one? And what does it mean?”

I sense a million questions coming, and my brain can’t handle hers on top of the ones already running through my mind, so I cut her off.

“Rosie, I’m just curious. Relax. I’m sure I’ll find out what’s going on at the Circle.”

“Which you are going to be late for if you don’t hurry up.”

Tradition has always been for the Syndicate to wear black, so I stop by my room to change. My choice of a black hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants is certainly on the casual side, but still acceptable.

At six o’clock, I make my way to the west passage, into the basement, and toward the chamber where the Elders and the Readers await. Although this is my fifth time making this walk, it somehow feels very much like the first. A little anxious and apprehensive.

Approaching the ornately carved door, I see the eight Scouts and five Shadows mingling outside. They are not part of the inner Circle. Not because they aren’t trusted, but because their orders will come directly from their Guards.

Nodding respectfully to each of my brothers and sisters, I open the door to see fifteen high-ranking Syndicate members sitting around, waiting for me, the sixteenth member. They immediately turn and look my way.

“About time,” Daniel shouts. He, too, is in sweatpants. Only a year older than me, he is by far my closest Guard member. Our mothers were inseparable, and, even though his father is Henri, we are best friends. I think we both equally dislike taking orders from Henri, and I smile as that thought crosses my mind.

Just then, someone to my right clears his throat. Alexandru. Cocky Alexandru. He’s over the top about everything, from his Benz to his designer underwear. He’s living the high life and not afraid to show it. After all, what’s anyone going to do about it? When he was in high school, a kid tried to challenge him, and Alexandru broke his nose with an open hand. Then he sent the kid the dry-cleaning bill because he bled on his sleeve. He has no problem doing and saying whatever he wants, because he has the money and the ego to back it up.

If he wasn’t my brother, there would be no love lost between us. But, I keep that to myself, because really, if it ever came down to it, he’d have my back and I’d have his, without a doubt.

I apologize for being thirty seconds late, and then find my seat. The Circle is laid out so that the three Elders—Henri, Stefan, and Valentin—are seated on a pulpit-like structure, facing us. Their chairs are two hundred years old, handcrafted of mahogany and upholstered in green velvet.

Henri, of course, sits in the middle, because he is the numărul unu. Three years ago my father sat there, but I shake the memory, because things are just the way they are now. My father isn’t here, and I’m not ready, willing, or qualified to be in charge, so I try to be grateful for the effective back-up plan.

My eyes shift to the row of chairs in front of me. The Readers are situated in a semicircle, making a half circle facing the Elders. The eight Guards, including me, are in a larger one behind the Readers.

I immediately seek out Dorina and Ramona, who are both here, in the flesh, despite their Houdini arrival. I’m tempted to tap them on the shoulder and ask what the hell is going on and why one of them is sneaking around the halls at night.

However, Guards are only supposed to listen and wait for Henri to begin, so I check out my other brothers. We all maintain a room in the house, but the older ones—Alexandru, Nicolae, Ovidui, and Simon—have primary homes nearby. Elders Stefan and Valentin do as well. None of them are married, and it provides more freedom to date and such. Even Stefan and Valentin, who are in their sixties, are no strangers to attractive women. Both of them have been married more than once.

Daniel (who goes by Dani), myself, Andre, and Petric still live here full-time. We’re all under twenty-one, and none of us concentrate on how much our clothes cost or how many girls we can pick up. We just want to play football or basketball and fight. I guess that’s why we’re wearing tennis shoes and our older brothers are wearing Ferragamos.

I smile slightly and shake my head, hoping to never turn into them, just as Henri’s voice reminds me that we have serious business to attend to.

“Good evening,” he says. “It gives me great pleasure to see my family here, looking so beautiful, wise, and ready for the challenges that face our world. This year, our chapter alone has already eliminated thirty-six Hybrids, and our government could not be more grateful.

“As I look out at our gifted Readers, I see concern in some of your eyes, but hear me this: Have no fear. The Hybrids that you see will be eliminated swiftly, and we will continue to protect the people and to be victorious.

“Now, I ask you to close your eyes and remember your visions. Remember what you have seen. Concentrate on those images.”

Henri stands and hands black pens to Valentin and stacks of mini parchment paper to Stefan. The three make their way down from the platform.

“Now,” Henri continues, “We will give each of you your tools and bear witness as the images God has shown you come forth onto the paper. Share with us what you see. Share with us what you know. Share with us what needs to be done.”

Each of the Readers takes their pen and paper and begins to write. Adela, my godmother, writes assertively as always and is finished first. It is hard for me to see, but it looks like she wrote on three papers. That means three names.

Camelia and Joana write slowly, with their eyes closed, as if struggling to see the visions. When they are done, it looks like they only have two sheets each. That’s seven total names so far, which causes me to sit up further.

My eyes lock next on Ramona, who is now writing rather quickly and purposefully. Four sheets when she’s done. Lastly is Dorina, who is sitting with her eyes closed. It’s hard to see her lap from my angle, but it looks as though she has a few sheets completed already, but something is holding her up. A vision she perhaps can’t make out or remember. We all wait. Finally she pries open her eyes and sighs deeply. For the first time, I see her hand shaking as she writes. Henri pats her on the shoulder and thanks her when she’s done. Five sheets.

Counting all, there are sixteen sheets. That means sixteen Hybrids have been located. I’m stunned. That is by far the most in one month. No wonder Ramona looks rattled. I’m feeling a little uneasy myself. Killing a Hybrid is no walk in the park, and sixteen divided by eight is simple. I take a deep breath, realizing that, for the first time, I will have to kill two Hybrids in one rotation. Another thing my father never got a chance to prepare me for.

Chapter 2

nce Henri collects all the papers, he lays them on the table, which rests against the back wall. We watch as they huddle below the backdrop of our Syndicate symbol: a large wrought-iron wall-hanging resembling a circular maze. It’s the symbol that represents our lives. It’s everywhere: the wall, the furnishings throughout the house. We each have it tattooed on one of our biceps as a constant reminder of who we are.

It takes only a few minutes for Henri, Stefan, and Valentin to determine that there are no duplicate names on the sheets. Then, Henri transfers each name into our record book for accountability purposes, and then orders the Guards to stand. We remain still until he calls us up one by one to receive our assignments.

As the most recent member of the Circle, I’m last. When it’s my turn, I just put the small pieces of paper in my pocket. It doesn’t really matter who they are. It’s a job, and I’ll treat it that way as soon as I leave the circle, but for now I wait.

Once I’m back in my seat, Henri goes through the spiel about having faith in our abilities and knowing we will all succeed. I look around at my brothers. Andre and Petric are each bouncing their knees in anticipation, like pit bulls waiting to get out of their pen. They love to take out a Hybrid. They’re good attackers, but that’s what makes them loose cannons.

The government expects us to keep what we do private. The Hybrids have been walking this earth for a couple hundred years now, but only recently have they resurfaced in great numbers. The Syndicate is no secret to the government, but, to the public, we are non-existent. And so are the Hybrids, for now. We kill for them, they pay us, and no one has to know that Hybrids are walking around threatening civilization. All is kosher except for the fact that Andre and Dani are messy. They’ve drawn attention to themselves during kills, and the government has had to cover it up.

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