The Sweet Wife (7 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Sweet Wife
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Linc put an arm protectively around Maureen’s shoulder and shouted back, “Sammy, don’t you go gettin this foxy lady all nervous and upset or old Travis likely to knock some sense into your head.”

“We jus want to see what’s under that coat, is all,” Sammy said. “Them pretty little white feet in them red fuck-me heels has got us lookin to eyeball the rest.”

Several of the men agreed. One of the white women at the bar leaned forward to get a better look at Maureen. “She’s such a tiny thing. I can’t believe she able to take that big piece of meat Travis got between his legs.” She stood and took a couple of steps toward Maureen. “You fuckin Travis?”

Before Maureen could answer, the door banged open and the huge bulk of Travis Henry filled the entrance. Linc laughed, “Hey, here’s the man hisself. Ask him, Ruby, ask him!”

Ruby was tall but grossly overweight. Acne scars covered her face. “We was just wonderin if this high tone lady was fuckin you. She seems too small, is all.”

Travis strode over to Maureen and put his huge hand on her shoulder. Linc moved away. Travis squeezed her shoulder slightly, “Tell them, baby, you fuckin me or what?”

Maureen glanced at the door thinking maybe she could escape, but Travis’s hand was heavy on her shoulder. Looking down at the bar top she said softly, “Yes, we…we...did it once.”

“Look up and speak up,” Travis demanded.

Maureen raised her head and looked around at the expectant faces, “We did it…we only did it once,” she said, her face scarlet.

“Did what?” Sammy yelled.

“Tell them,” Travis said.

Maureen never said the word, even though it had become commonplace. She wouldn’t even let Brian say it in the house or any place where she could hear it.

They sensed her reluctance. One of the men shouted, “Yeah, tell us what you and Travis did.”

Once more, she looked down. Travis gripped her shoulder tighter. She lifted her head, “We…we…did…I mean I let him….let him fuck me.”

Travis spun her around to face him. Placing both hands on her shoulders, he stared at her for a moment, his eyes hard, “And you got yourself all decked out and come here tonight wantin me to fuck you again. Ain’t that right?”

She was about to protest, but the pressure on her shoulders increased. “Yes,” she said.

Travis nodded and turned to the others, “Maybe she’ll get fucked. Maybe she won’t.” He turned back to Maureen, “Depends on how she treats her main man tonight.”

“What’s her name?” Ruby wanted to know. “And where she from? What she do?”

Travis took a step back indicating Maureen should answer. “I…I’m from the Briarcliff area. My name’s Maureen.”

“You got a job? A husband? Kids?”

Maureen glanced at Travis who nodded, “I’m a housewife and…yes I’m married.” She lowered her eyes, “I have two children.”

One of the black women got up from her table and crossed the dance floor to confront Maureen directly, “Now, ain’t that a bitch! Uppity woman with a husband and two kids, come down to Riverton to get herself laid by a black man! You ought to be ashamed!”

“I…I…I am, I’m terribly ashamed.” Maureen stuttered. “I shouldn’t have…I ought to go.” She looked at the bartender, “Is there a phone?”

Travis moved quickly to stand behind her stool. He slid his hands through the folds of her raincoat to squeeze her breasts. With his thumb and forefinger he pinched her nipples, which hardened instantly. Maureen gasped. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “No fuckin phone!”

He continued to roll her nipples between his fingers. She felt the heat travel to her crotch.

The bartender pointed to a dark corner, “Pay phone’s over there,” he said.

Loud enough for everyone to hear, Travis said, “You heard the man. Phone’s right there. You need change to call a cab?” He put four quarters on the bar.

Maureen shook her head. “No…I...I’ll stay for awhile.”

Someone down the bar shouted, “Hey, Trav, do you got her trained like the other ones?”

Travis continued to fondle Maureen’s breasts under her coat, “No, Roy.” He answered, “She’s just a beginner, but she’s learnin quick.”

“Well, maybe you can get her to take off that damn raincoat?” Roy chuckled.

Travis again whispered in Maureen’s ear, “This ain’t the place or the time to say no to anything.” To the others he announced, “Hell yeah! My little white bitch be glad to show you what she got.” He pulled Maureen off the stool and pointed to the dance floor. “Suppose you get your sweet ass out there and show my home boys what you got for me under that coat.”

She looked up at him pleading with her eyes. He frowned and gestured toward the dance floor. The bartender threw a switch that lit a spotlight in the center of the floor. Frightened, Maureen moved toward it. The men yelped and laughed. Maureen’s legs shook. She felt her cheeks burning, and a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. Standing in the circle of light she hesitated.

Travis smiled and yelled, “Whose little white bitch are you? And tell us what you’re doin there in the spotlight.” The light blinded her so that she couldn’t see the grinning faces. She said nothing. “Damn it!” Travis roared, “Do what you’re fuckin told!”

For a moment she thought she might collapse and cry hysterically. She took a deep breath, “I…I’m yours…I mean I’m your woman.” There was laughter and a scatter of applause. They waited for her to go on. “I’m going to take off my coat.” Laughter again.

“You gonna show us your white pussy?” Sammy yelled.

Maureen shook her head vigorously, “…I’m not.”

Travis spoke up, “But you will if your man tells you to, ain’t that right?”

She realized now that it was hopeless to protest. “Yes,” she said bowing her head.

“Get on with it, then,” Travis said.

She fumbled with the belt buckle. With trembling hands she unbuttoned the buttons of the coat, finally letting it fall from her shoulders. The men hollered and clapped and stomped their feet. “Hey, Trav, you got yourself one fine lookin woman this time!” someone shouted.

“You gonna send her to the Captain?” Roy asked.

The second of the two the black women spoke for the first time, “What kind of fool question is that. Course he gonna send her to the Captain lessen he want his big balls stuffed up his big ass!” Everyone laughed again.

“That’s for damn sure!” the woman named Ruby said.

Travis spoke above the noise, “Yeah, yeah…all in due time, all in due time. My new bitch will have herself an interview with the Captain.”

“How about we have a look at her pussy?” Sammy asked. “I get hot just lookin at white pussy.”

Travis walked to the edge of the dance floor. “You got anything on under that top and skirt?” Maureen, her head still bowed, shook it. “Speak up, damn you. How many times you got to be told!” Travis yelled.

“No, there’s nothing under my blouse and skirt.”

“Why not? Why you comin into Jimmy’s Place without wearin a bra and panties?”

“I…I…don’t know. Because I thought you….thought you would…” she stopped.

“You wanted to get your black lover hot so maybe he’d fuck you. Ain’t that right?”

With her head still bowed she said softly, “Yes, that’s right.”

“Now you’re gonna show us your pussy.” She didn’t move. “Damnit!” Travis yelled, “lift the fuckin skirt and show the folks what you got there!”

The short skirt was tight, but the side slit made it easy to pull up. My God, she thought, how did it come to this? Why am I standing here exposing myself before these gross, ignorant, black low-lifes? The men were shouting again, their voices louder, huskier, “Fuckin cunt is shaved clean as a baby’s ass!”

“Hard to believe she can take Travis’s big prick.”

Travis grinned, “She took it alright and she fuckin loved it, didn’t you, baby?”

Maureen pushed her skirt down and lifted her head to face him, “Yes, yes I did.”

He nodded, “You give any of that pussy to your husband since I fucked you?”


“Did he want some?” She felt her face flush as she nodded her head. “He’s your husband. He’s supposed to get pussy when he wants it. Why you not give the poor bastard any?” The crowd laughed again.

Maureen felt tears form at the corners of her eyes, “You told me…I mean…I was doing what you asked me to.”

Someone said, “I think Trav got his little bitch trained.”

Travis looked at the speaker and shook his head “Not yet. But a month from now she gonna know what it means to be Travis Henry’s woman.” He turned back to Maureen, “You saving that pretty white cunt for me, right? You want my black cock inside you. Say it. Tell the folks.”

The color rose to her cheeks. She turned to face the men at the bar, “I was saving my…my myself for…for Travis.” She looked down at the floor then back at him. “I want you…your black cock inside me.”

Sammy yelled, “Hey Trav, she give good head.”

“Yeah, for a beginner she do OK.” He crooked a finger at her. Relieved, she crossed to stand next to him. He put a big arm around her waist. He spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, “You gonna get down on your knees and suck my dick tonight?’

She bowed her head not saying anything. His arm tightened on her waist, she winced and looked up at him, “Yes,” she said.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I...I’ll get on my knees and…and suck you.”

The other’s laughed again. Someone yelled, “I’d sure like to see them hot red lips wrapped around Travis’ black meat!”

Enjoying this, Travis chuckled, “She can’t take but about half, but she licks my balls and gets her little white nose up in my ass crack. She likes the honey spot don’t you, babe?”

She looked across at him, her eyes filling with tears, “Yes, I do. I like it.”

Travis led her back to the bar and placed her on a stool. He leaned close whispering, “How about you start callin me ‘honey’, and put my hand on your tit. Then look up at me and ask for a kiss.”

Maureen glanced at his huge hand remembering that she’d sucked one of his fingers. Although she was frightened and humiliated, she also felt the tingling in the pit of her stomach and knew that her pussy was moist. Most of the men at the bar were still watching them. She took Travis’ hand and moved it up her body until it covered her breast.

“White bitch ain’t nothing but a slut,” Ruby said.

Maureen pretending not to hear her, looked up into Travis’ face. His thick lips were wet. She circled her lips with her tongue. His fingers pinched her nipple. She groaned inwardly. “Please, honey,” she said loud enough for them to hear, “please kiss me.”

“Yeah, baby, but first tell us what you done this past week so you could come on down here tonight to be with your man.”

She hated to think of what she’d done. To speak of it before these strangers was painful. “I bought these new clothes and shoes so that…so that… hoping you would be pleased.”

“How much that stuff cost?”

Her face was scarlet, “Almost three hundred dollars.”

“Yeah!” Ruby shouted, “Them fuck-me shoes got to cost a hundred fifty.”

Travis smiled, “My baby knows I like to see her little white feet in classy heels.” He squeezed her breast and toyed with her stiff nipple, “That’s a lot a money just so you could see your main man. No matter what it costs, you always gonna look good for me, right?”

“Yes, honey, I’ll try to look good for you, always.” He leaned down and wrapping his arms around her, pulled her tight against him. She tilted her head and parted her lips. His open mouth covered hers. Their tongues touched. She closed her eyes and felt only his warm lips and the taste of his mouth.

The kiss was just as she’d remembered and had longed for these past weeks. His size and strength frightened and also aroused her. The smell of his sweat also excited her. It was strong yet not unpleasant. She breathed him in as she moved her tongue against his. His soft puffy black lips slid over hers. She felt almost drawn out of herself. The barroom and the others disappeared. This was why she took the Christmas money. This was why she came here tonight.

As he pulled away, she heard herself whispering, “Please honey, oh, please!”

She tried to pull his head back toward hers. Roughly, he grabbed her wrists and forced her back down onto the stool.

Sammy leaned across the bar, “Wheee!” he cried, “She one hot little bitch now!”

Travis chuckled, “Yeah, I knew after the first kiss in her fuckin house that this one was gonna give it up to me and keep on givin it up to me.”

Roy shouted, “That right? You gonna keep on givin it up to old Travis?”

Maureen placed both hands on the bar and stared down at them. She’d forgotten to take off the gold band of her wedding ring. She remembered the beautiful ceremony and Brian placing it on her finger. She was still breathing heavily. Without looking up she said, “Yes, I’m going to keep giving it up to Travis.”

Travis put his hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him, “You come to me when I want you. You do what I tell you.”

She could feel the warm secretions oozing along her slit, “I’ll come when you want me. I’ll do what you tell me.”

At the far end of the bar sat an old skinny black man who had not spoken all evening although he’d stood up to look at Maureen when she was in the spotlight. “Hey, Goose!” Travis yelled, “How you like this hot young white woman I got here?”

The old man pulled at his crotch as he peered down the bar. His rheumy eyes were sunk deep into his skull. His bald head was ringed with a fringe of gray hair that hung over his ears. His wide mouth stretched into a grin revealing purple gums and a few broken teeth. His lips were dry and badly cracked. “She damn pretty, Trav,” he cackled.

“What if I told you she don’t kiss or fuck nobody but black men,” Travis shouted.

Goose thought a moment, “Well, I guess that be good for black men.”

“She just told me she feels sorry for you and she’d like to give you a big wet kiss.” Travis said. Everyone whooped and hollered.

Maureen quickly grabbed Travis’s hand with both of hers. She looked up at him pleading, “Oh, God no! I can’t. I can’t do that. I really can’t.”

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