The Sweet Wife (5 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Sweet Wife
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There it was again, his confident belief that this insane thing was going to continue beyond tonight. She decided she better remind him that she’d agreed to no more than one night. He seemed to be waiting for her to speak. She took a deep breath, “I admit that…that…this is different than I’d expected, that I feel differently than I’d imagined I might. You frighten me and yet…I’m…I’m…”

“You’re hotter than you ever been in your fuckin life and you know it. Look at that cock you got in your hands. You ain’t never seen a cock like that. You ain’t ever had a chance to get fucked by a cock like that. If this is gonna be just a one night stand, I’m walkin out of here right now.” He sat back and asked indifferently, “You want me to walk or stay?”

She had to tell him to leave. If she didn’t the implication was clear. It would mean she was agreeing to see him again. She couldn’t do that. She just couldn’t. There was her marriage. More importantly, there were the children. My God, he gave her the opportunity to bring this to an end right now. All she had to do was tell him to go. She felt his hard cock begin to subside. “Stay,” she said.

He leaned forward, his face close to hers. “You know what you’re sayin? You know that stay don’t mean just tonight.”

She looked away from him. It was several moments before she answered. She felt her heart pounding and heard a voice inside crying out for her to order him out of her house and her life. She turned back and looked up into his arrogant face and hard eyes. “I know what I’m saying,” she answered.

He nodded, “Good. You belong to me then. Whenever I want you, you’re mine. Say it.”

“I…I...can’t say it.” She paused, “I can’t. Not right now, anyway.”

He pulled her up and kissed her. His thick lips were warm. She slid her tongue into his mouth. Her breasts were pressed tight against him. His hands kneaded her bare ass cheeks. She held his face to hers and when he pulled away she groaned inwardly. He was so massive, so terribly black, so demanding…and his cock, the thought of it stretching her, imagining the full length of it inside her, remembering the hot musky taste of it. She knew she couldn’t have let him walk out. Although the fact that she’d said “stay” meant she was agreeing to meet him again, there was no reason she had to keep her word. After tonight that would be the end of it.

He pushed her away and gestured toward the bed, “Sit over there and keep your legs spread,” he said. She sat on the bed and was surprised to see Brian still standing in the doorway. She’d forgotten all about him. Quickly he moved his hand from his crotch and turned away. How pathetically weak he is, she thought. Travis had removed his pants and shirt. His chest and enormous belly were streaked with sweat. His huge cock swung between his legs as he crossed to stand before her. “You like showin me your white cunt?” he asked.

She felt herself blushing again, “Yes.” He waited. “Yes, I like showing you white cunt.”

“Who does that white cunt belong to now?”

“You. It belongs to you.”

He lifted his heavy cock and let it drop. “You think you can take this? Take all of it?”

She had seen a cock this size only once. They’d taken the children to a farm animal exhibit. There was a donkey in the farmyard with an erection. Staring at the monstrous cock dangling in front of her she said, “No…not all. It will tear me...but…but…I’ll try.”

“Yeah, well you look like you might turn out to be somethin worth keepin. I’m gonna break you in right, go slow. In a little while you gonna be wantin my dick so bad you’ll do anything to have it.” He paused to look hard at her. “You know what I’m sayin….anything.”

She felt a tremor of fear and a sinking sensation in her stomach. It was as if she were, for the first time, about to hurtle down the highest drop of a terrifying roller coaster ride. She turned her head and saw their images in the full mirror. He loomed over her like a grotesque black giant. Her nakedness once more brought the color to her cheeks. Next to him she seemed so very tiny and delicate, her milk white skin almost luminous against the deep black of his. He pointed to the floor in front of him, “Get on your knees and take the position,” he said matter-of-factly.

He took her place on the bed and parted his legs. She knelt before him once more with her hands clasped behind her neck, her breasts pushed forward, her long nipples stiff. He nodded in approval. “You got that right. Now, you need to learn some things to say when you’re in the position.” He stared at her for a moment. There was something about his eyes that scared her. They were black and bright and hard. “You got to say, ‘I’m on my knees to worship my black lover’s cock.’ You got to keep sayin it over and over till I hold up my hand which is a signal for you to stop. All the time you’re sayin them words you got to look at my prick, look at nothing else till your mouth fills with spit. You got that?”

“Yes, I understand.”

He crooked a finger at her motioning for her to move closer. “Say it and keep sayin it,” he ordered.

Staring at his cock, she began, “I’m on my knees to worship my black lover’s cock. I’m on my knees to worship my black lover’s cock.” As she continued to say the words and concentrate on his penis, the phrase took on the quality of a mantra. With each repetition she became more aroused and began to have some vague sense that this was where she belonged, kneeling before him, naked, preparing to worship his great cock, the saliva flowing, wanting to taste him, to take the satiny black head into her mouth, wanting to circle the deep rim with her tongue, wanting to slavishly lick his huge testicles and that sensitive place between them and his ass crack. “I am on my knees to worship my black lover’s cock,” she said again and again until he held up his hand.

He lifted his cock as he had done before, offering her his balls. She moved forward and licked them for several minutes, feeling his cock stiffen above her. Without being told she turned and, sitting beneath him, licked what he called “the honey spot.” This time, however, she pushed her tongue further along his ass crack, almost to his anal opening. There was a sweetness to the rancid odor. His sweat was salty, but she found neither the scent nor taste of him to be offensive.

He tapped her shoulder indicating she was to kneel again. When she was on her knees between his legs, he held his cock out to her. “Take it in your hands. Suck it till it’s good and hard, then I’m gonna fuck you.”

“Please,” she whispered, “please.” Once more she said, “Please.” She licked and sucked. She took more of him into her mouth this time before gagging. She found herself wanting to take the whole terrible length of him, but the most she could accommodate was half. She held his cock back against his stomach and opened her mouth wide to suck one of his testicles and swirl her tongue around it, then the other. Her lips were swollen. His prick and balls were bathed in her saliva.

Suddenly, he leaned forward and held her head between both his hands. “You want fucked, little white bitch? Beg for it.”

Her lips were wet, her eyes lustrous, “Please, I’m begging you, here on my knees begging you, please fuck me.”

“You’re mine. You belong to me. And not for just tonight?” It was a question.

Her breathing was rapid. She could feel the warm secretions oozing from her slit. “Oh, God, yes. Whatever you say. I…I belong to you. I’m yours. Not for just tonight. Whenever you want me. I’ll come to you whenever you want me.”

He pulled her up onto the bed. Quickly she lay on her back and opened herself to him. He knelt over her. His cock was as hard as a police club but longer and twice as thick. Very slowly he eased the head into her, stretching her painfully. She cried out, gasping for breath. He lowered his head to kiss her. She groaned when he lifted his head again. Looking up at him, she nodded. Carefully he pushed more of his cock into her. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip. After a moment, she opened her eyes, “More,” she rasped, “I want it all.” Very slowly, little by little, he sunk his cock into her until its full length was buried inside the tight grip of her cunt. “Ohh, God,” she moaned, “I never…I never…oh my God…”

He began to fuck her, moving gently in and withdrawing no more than an inch. He kept this up in a rocking motion. Supporting himself with his arms on either side of her head, he didn’t press his body weight down on her. She began to move her hips in rhythm to his easing thrusts. Gradually he withdrew further and drove his cock deeper. The pace began to quicken. “Yes!” she cried. “Like that! Harder! Fuck me harder!” The thought flashed across her mind that he wasn’t wearing a condom, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to feel him shoot his cum inside her. She tried, unsuccessfully, to wrap her legs around him. She reached up to pull his massive head down to hers and parted her lips to hungrily accept his tongue. Again and again he brought her to the edge of an orgasm and abruptly stopped.

Holding her still, his cock buried in her, he said, “Squeeze it. Tighten your cunt and squeeze it.” She did as he instructed. Although he didn’t move, she could feel his cock throbbing deep inside her. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensation. I have him inside me, she thought. This huge black stranger is on top of me. His magnificent black cock is inside me, the entire impossible length of it deep deep inside me, the incredible thickness of it stretching me, filling me, filling my cunt. It’s as if I’ve never experienced sex till now. Never dreamed it could be like this.

Slowly, he began to fuck her once more. Soon he was withdrawing almost the full length before plunging it back into her. Her rhythm matched his perfectly. She felt her orgasm building. He knew she was on the edge. “You want my cum?”

Breathless she gasped, “Cum in me. Please cum in me!”

He timed his explosive orgasm to hers. He grunted thrusting hard. She screamed, her arms flailing, her toes curling, her hips thrusting up and gyrating. She could feel the powerful hot spurts of his cum shooting into her. He grunted as he continued to cum. His jism filled her and began to seep out of her cunt and ooze down his testicles. He lay on her then, his weight pressing her into the mattress. She all but disappeared under him. He was still inside her, his massive bulk on top of her. She felt herself smiling and moved her head slightly to lick a trickle of sweat from his distended belly. He rose up again and kissed her. Then, he rolled over on his side, drawing her close to him. “Bend your knees and spread your legs,” he said. She could feel his cum slowly running out of her vagina. He rose up and gestured to her husband. “Hey boy, get your sorry ass over here and clean your wife’s cunt.”

Brian wasn’t sure what he meant but hurried to the side of the bed. Travis pointed to Maureen’s pussy. “See all my cum? I want you to lick it up. Make your little wife nice and clean. When you finish, you can lick the cum off my balls.” Brian started to back away. Travis made a move to get out of bed and roared, “You fuckin do what I say or I’ll send you to the fuckin hospital!” Brian climbed up on the bed and kneeling between Maureen’s legs, began to lap up the cum.

Travis had her head cradled in his arm and kissed her gently as he fondled her breasts. Her small left hand rested on his cock. She felt her husband’s tongue on her clitoris, but the tender kisses of her black lover pleased her more.

She kept repeating in her head, ‘this is only for tonight. Enjoy it now, but after tonight it’s over. You’re a wife and mother, not some black stranger’s whore.’ The idea of Brian cleaning her was somewhat disconcerting but it was exactly what he deserved. This crazy experiment was his idea. She parted her lips to accept Travis’s tongue. She had always enjoyed kissing, but never as much as this. Her black lover was bringing her down slowly and gently. She recalled how Brian would quickly roll over and fall asleep as soon as he was satisfied. Travis had reached to pull Brian’s head from her crotch, “Now, boy, clean my balls,” he growled. Maureen hesitated, then rose up on one elbow to watch her husband obediently begin to lick her black lover’s balls. She smiled and immediately felt guilty for doing so.

What an odd sight they must be, she thought. Except for her shoes, she was naked in her bed. There was this monstrous black man beside her, leaning over her, kissing her. Her hand still rested on his huge cock. She could feel the top of her husband’s head as he licked the balls of her black lover.

“OK, boy, that’s enough,” Travis said, and pointed toward the door. “Go get me another beer and wait in the kitchen with it. I’ll be down in a couple minutes.” Brian hurried away, not looking at either of them.

Travis got out of the bed and dressed quickly. Suddenly embarrassed, Maureen pulled the sheet over herself. Travis stood beside the bed, looking down at her, his face set. “You done good. Next week, my place.”

She still feared him but knew she had to stop this now. “Thank you, Mr…Mr…”

“Henry,” he said.

“Uh…I’d forgotten, please excuse me. Mr. Henry, I admit the…the…experience was much different…better than I expected and I’m grateful to you for…for…coming to see me, but this arrangement was for one evening only. That’s all I agreed to. I won’t be seeing you again.”

Travis crossed to her make-up table and with one of her lipsticks scrawled a number on a scrap of paper. He then picked up the framed photograph of her sister. “This a relative?” he asked.

“Yes, my young sister, Eileen.”

He studied the picture, “How old?”


“Where she live?”

“Most of the time with my father. He has a bad heart. But she goes to the local college and sometimes stays with us. She’s very good with the kids.”

“Your mother? What about her?”

Why was he asking these questions about her family? She was about to refuse to answer but decided that instead of prolonging things she’d tell him what he wanted to know and get him on his way. “My mother died in childbirth, while she was having my sister.”

He nodded. “That’s too bad.”

Replacing the photograph, he returned to the bedside. “I don’t want you havin any sex with your husband. No fuckin, no suckin. Don’t let him go down on you neither.” Folding the paper once he dropped it next to her. “Next Saturday between noon and one o’clock call me. In the meantime, buy another sexy outfit and a new pair of them fuck-me shoes.” He started toward the door. In the doorway he turned back to face her. “There’s a place on Grant Street down by the river. It’s called Larry’s Adult Shop. Go there on Monday and get a set of what they call anal plugs, from small to large. I want you to be able to take the large one by Saturday. Get a big tube of KY jelly, too.” He paused for a moment looking hard at her, “You got a last name?”

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