Authors: Matthew Goodman
39–41, 42, 290
Supplement to the Edinburgh Journal of
and fire of August 12, 125–127
11, 136, 137, 138, 140,
first issue of, 17–18, 28–31
format of, 18–19, 27–28
– 348 –
0465002573-Goodman.qxd 8/25/08 9:57 AM Page 349
A Survey of Somerset
(Richard Locke,
U.S. Senate Select Committee on the
grandfather of Richard Adams
Oregon Territory, 236
Locke), 50
Ussher, James, 191
Tales of the Folio Club
(Edgar Allan
Vendors, street, 67, 173
Poe), 154
Vivalla, Signor, 112
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
Von Kempelen, Wolfgang, 247–248
(Edgar Allan Poe), 159, 234
“Von Kempelen and His Discovery”
Tall tales, 30, 174
(Poe), 292
Tamerland and Other Poems
A Voyage to the Moon
(Tucker), 159
Allan Poe), 151
Tammany Society, 270
Wagenen, Isabella Van.
Tappan, Arthur, 7, 40, 91, 92, 94,
Washington, Augustine, 116
Tappan, Lewis, 40
Webb, James Watson, 20, 45, 80, 81,
Tarbox, Thomas, 204–205, 214
82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 122–123, 131,
Taylor, Phineas, 99–100, 101–102, 104,
203, 213, 216, 272
as editor of
Courier and Enquirer,
Taylor, Samuel, 68
Telescope, 134, 136, 137–141, 142, 145,
and slavery, 91, 92
153, 163, 165–167, 169, 197, 200,
Weeks, Caleb, 223–227
The Western Rebellion
(Richard Locke,
and pluralism, 188, 190
grandfather of Richard Adams
Tenements, 22
Locke), 50
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 236
Weston Mercury and Somersetshire
Theology, and science, 13
Thompson, George, 93
“What Is a Newspaper?”, 44
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 195, 275–276
story, 30–31
A Treatise on Astronomy
White, Thomas Willis, 233
Herschel), 10, 145–146, 147, 155,
Whitman, Walt, 84, 197, 268, 284
159–161, 162–163, 185, 192,
Why I Am a Universalist
(Phineas Taylor
Barnum), 99
Trinity Church, 8, 8 (photo)
Wilkins, John, 188–189
True Sun,
135, 283
Williams, Barney.
Flaherty, Bernard
Truth, Sojourner (Isabella Van
Willis, N. P., 11
Wagenen), 73
Willis, Robert, 248, 249
Tucker, George (pseud. Joseph Atterly),
Wilson, Effingham, 226
Wilson, James G., 37
the Turk (automaton chess player),
Wisner, George Washington, 45, 69, 71,
247–250, 251
as co-editor/co-owner of
Universalism, 98–99
“The Universe Restored” (Richard
as police-court reporter of
Adams Locke), 133
36–39, 78–79
– 349 –
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Wisner, George Washington (
Workingman’s Advocate,
radical politics of, 43–44, 89
Wright, Elizur, 7
and slavery, 93
Wyatt, Daniel, 125–126
retirement from, 79–80,
Yale College, 180–182
Wooler, T. J., 55
Yellow fever, 296
– 350 –