The Sun and the Moon: The Remarkable True Account of Hoaxers, Showmen, Dueling Journalists, and Lunar Man-Bats in Nineteenth-Century New York (61 page)

BOOK: The Sun and the Moon: The Remarkable True Account of Hoaxers, Showmen, Dueling Journalists, and Lunar Man-Bats in Nineteenth-Century New York
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and fire of August 12, 126, 204

and lunar vegetation, 133, 165–166,

first issue of, 88–89

167, 170, 171, 179, 187–188, 193,

and Moon Hoax, 213–214, 231

203, 205, 206, 215, 216, 229

new office for, 285, 287–288

and man-bats, 171–173, 204–205,

rivalry between, 83, 84, 89,

206, 207, 228 (photo), 229 (photo)


new edition of, 292

Morning Post,
26–27, 88

payment for, 237

Morningside Heights, 266

and plagiarism, 161, 232, 234, 235,

“MS. Found in a Bottle” (Edgar Allan

236, 291

Poe), 154

and Poe, Edgar Allan (
see under

Mungo Park story, 269

Edgar Allan)

“Murder Considered as One of the Fine

and popular culture, 221–223

Arts” (De Quincey), 245

and religious astronomy, 277–280

Myths and Marvels of Astronomy

republication of, 273–274

(Proctor), 289

as satire, 277, 279, 280

(see under

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym

and true story vs. hoax, 178–180

(Edgar Allan Poe), 236

and woodcut illustrations, 142

National Archives of the United

and Yale College, 180–182

Kingdom, 53

– 344 –

0465002573-Goodman.qxd 8/25/08 9:57 AM Page 345


National Cyclopaedia of American

cost of, 20–21, 25–27


and fiction, 30

Native American Democratic

format of, 18–19, 27–28

Association, 203

growth of, 283–284

Natural philosophy, 235

and humbug, 30–31

Natural theology, 191, 196, 200, 276

location of, 21

Natural Theology
(Paley), 191, 196

and merchant papers, 21, 201

The Necessity of Philosophy to the

number of, 284–285

(Matthews), 59

and penny paper, 42, 88, 284

New England, 23

and politics, 19, 87

New Era,
59, 135, 236, 298

readership of, 12, 21, 35

circulation of, 268, 269

and recession of 1837, 268–269

first issue of, 265–266

rivalry between, 213

Locke, Richard Adams, as editor of,

sales of, 20–21

265–272, 273

and six-penny paper, 201

New York Medical Reports,

See also
Editors, newspaper;

and recession of 1837, 268–269

individual papers

and science, 266, 267

New-York American,
202, 243

See also
Democratic-Republican New

New-York Colonization Society, 40


New-York Enquirer,
86–87. See also

New Haven Daily Herald,
180, 182

Courier and Enquirer

New World,
273–274, 278

New-York Evangelist,
36, 37

New York Custom House/Customs

New-York Mirror,
265, 291

Service, 49, 66, 270–271, 294–297,

178, 202, 203, 264


Niblo, William, 110, 112, 113,

New York Gazette,

120–121, 122, 123

New York Herald Tribune,

Niblo’s Garden, 7, 9, 110, 174

New York Medical Reports,

and Heth, Joice, 120–125, 252

New York Menagerie, 224

Nichols, Mary Gove, 243, 244

New York Times,
23, 85, 90, 296

Nichols, Thomas Low, 243, 244

New York Transcript,
42, 77–78, 87, 93,

Nicollet, Jean-Nicolas, 288–289

122, 231

Noah, Mordecai Manuel, 84, 85, 86,

circulation of, 43

93, 123, 131, 181, 213, 259, 280,

and fire of August 12, 126, 204


and moon series, 205

and recession of 1837, 268

O’Brien, Frank, 53–54, 54–55

New York Tribune,
26, 88

Occupations, 22–23

Newsboys, 1–4, 26–27, 33–35,

Olbers, William, 187–188, 219


Olmstead, Francis W., 112–114

Newspapermen, vs. showmen, 262–263

Olmsted, Denison, 181–182

Newspapers, 9

“On the Origin, Nature, and Moral

and advertisements, 19

Appliance of Human Knowledge”

circulation of, 201, 284–285

(Richard Adams Locke), 57

competition between, 20

Osgood, Frances S., 11

– 345 –

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Outlines of Astronomy
(John Herschel),

physical appearance of, 149


and plagiarism, 152, 161, 232, 234,

235, 236, 291

Paley, William, 191, 196

poetry of, 151, 152, 153
(see also

Park, Mungo, 269

individual poems)

Peale’s Museum, 8–9, 127–128

and puzzles, 246–247

Pennsylvania Inquirer,

Saturday Visiter
literary contest,


153–155, 163

Penny paper, 42, 88

and telescope story, 163

impact of, 284

and telescopes, 153

See also

and the Turk, 247–250


at West Point, 151–152

and religion, 59–60, 188, 192,

Poe, Eliza, 149, 150, 151


Poe, Neilson, 234

and science, 278–279

Poe, Virginia, 147, 150, 233, 234, 237,

Pierce, Benjamin, 196


Pierson, Elijah, 44

Poetical economy, 266–267

Plagiarism, and moon series, 161, 232,

Poetical Economy
(Richard Adams

234, 235, 236, 291

Locke), 266–267

Pluralism, 188–191, 194, 196

Poets, and pluralism, 190

Poe, David, 149

Politics, 6, 19, 22, 87, 270, 294–295

Poe, Edgar Allan, 10–11, 12, 46, 73,

Popular culture, and moon series,

131, 147–153, 148 (photo), 165,


168, 178, 243, 269, 273, 279, 284,

Population, 5, 21–22, 201, 284–285

290–293, 294

Pray, Isaac Clark, 42

and astronomy, 147

Price, Joseph, 265, 270

and Balloon Hoax, 237–238,

Proctor, Richard A., 289

238–242, 246

Progressive creation, 191

death of, 293

Publishers, 132

and diddle, 245–246, 263

Puzzles, 246–247

as editor of
Southern Literary


Quarterly Review,

education of, 150, 152

family of, 147, 149–150, 152, 233,

Racism, 22, 70, 84, 91–95, 255

234, 237, 238, 292

Rags-to-riches, tales of, 23

”Hans Phaall—A Tale,” 10, 147, 153,

Raising the Wind
(Kenney), 245

154, 155, 157–161, 161–163,

Ramsay, Dave, 25

231–232, 234, 236–237, 249,

“The Raven” (Edgar Allan Poe),



and hoax stories, 235–237

Raymond, Henry, 85, 90

and hoaxes, 245–246

Reading, 262

literary fame of, 291–292

Recession of 1837, 237, 268–269

in military, 151

Rees, Abraham, 161

and moon series, 157–159

Religion, 185–186

– 346 –

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and astronomy, 191–192, 196–197,

Royal Astronomical Society, 141


Royal Society, 140

and colleges, 195–196, 276

Rudd, Theron, 270

and Locke, Richard Adams, 280–282

and philosophy, 59–60, 188, 192,

Sanitation, 4–5


Saturday Courier,

and pluralism, 188–191

Saturday Visiter
literary contest,

and science, 74–75, 185–188,

153–155, 163

191–192, 196, 200, 219, 275–277,

Savage rotary magnetic machine, 293


Schröter, Johann Hieronymus, 186, 193

Religious astronomy, 276–277, 277–280

Science, 182–183

Religious beliefs, and intellectual

and Locke, Richard Adams, 275–277

freedom, 282

and lunar inhabitants, 133–135

Religious nonconformism, 282

New Era,
266, 267

Remarks on the Ellipsoidal Balloon,

and philosophy, 278–279

propelled by the Archimedean

and religion, 74–75, 185–188,

Screw, described as the New Aerial

191–192, 196, 200, 219, 275–277,

(Mason), 241, 242


“Reminiscences of Edgar Allan Poe”

and theology, 13

(Mary Gove Nichols), 243

Science fiction, 231

Report of the Trial of the Rev. Ephraim

Scudder’s American Museum, 9, 105,

K. Avery, Methodist Minister, for

112, 127, 139

the Murder of Sarah Maria Cornell,

and property sale, 286–288

at Tiverton, in the County of

See also
American Museum

Newport, Rhode Island, Before the

Second Great Awakening, 98, 276

Supreme Judicial Court of that

Selenotopographische Fragmente

State, May 6th, 1833

(Schröter), 186

Adams Locke), 68–69

A Series of Discourses on the Christian


Revelation Viewed in Connection

Republicanism, 54–56, 61–62, 69–70

with the Modern Astronomy

Republicans, 282

(Chalmers), 190

Restell, Madame, 85

Seward, William H., 71

A Review
(Richard Adams Locke),

Sheppard, Horatio, 25–27, 88


Sherwood, Henry Hall, 293

Reynolds, Eveline, 77–78

Showmen, vs. newspapermen, 262–263

“Richard Adams Locke” (Edgar Allan

The Sidereal Heavens
(Dick), 193

Poe), 159–160

Six-penny paper, 201.
See also

Richmond County Democratic Union


Club, 296

Slavery, 22, 40–41, 55, 79, 91–95,

Riots, 6–7, 91, 94

118–119, 220–221, 280, 281.

Robin, Augustus, 45, 47


Rogers, David L., 254–258, 259–261,

Smallpox, 182


Smith, Seba, 222

Royal Adelaide Gallery, 241

Snake story, 43–44, 263

– 347 –

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Some Account of the Great

Great Astronomical Discoveries

Astronomical Discoveries Lately

(Richard Adams Locke), 136, 147,

Made by Sir John Herschel at the

170, 174–175, 178, 202, 205, 210,

Cape of Good Hope
(Wilson), 226

218, 220, 221, 230, 231, 235, 259,

Southcott, Joanna, 74

274, 277, 279, 280, 282 (
see also

Southern Literary Messenger,
10, 155,

Moon series)

161–162, 163, 232, 235, 248

and Heth, Joice, 122, 123, 255,

Poe, Edgar Allan, as editor of,



The Life of Davy Crockett
serial, 41

“Space” (Richard Adams Locke), 57

and Matthias the Prophet series,

Spirit of ‘76,

44–45, 72–76, 80, 81, 82, 83

Springfield Republican,

and Moon Hoax, 12–13, 213–215,

St. Paul’s Church, 8

215–216, 218–221, 225, 230, 231,

Stanley, William J., 41–42

264, 297


and moon series, 11–13, 19, 96, 128,

Stenography, Or the Art of Shorthand

135–136, 136–141, 163, 165, 168,

(Taylor), 68

170, 173–177, 199, 201, 202, 203,

Stodart, William, 68

204, 205, 206, 209, 223, 282, 291

Stone, William Leete, 20, 123, 202

(see also
Great Astronomical

Story, Francis, 26–27


Street vendors, 67, 173

and moon series, apologia for, 221

Struggles and Triumphs
(Phineas Taylor

and moon series woodcut

Barnum), 262–263

illustrations, 142

Sullivan, Eliza, 71

Morning Herald,
rivalry between,

2–4, 8, 9, 10

83, 84, 89, 90

and astronomy, 133

and page enlargement, 177

and Balloon Hoax, 238–242,

police-court reporter of, 36–39,



Beach, Moses Yale, as editor of, 114,

radical politics of, 40–41, 43–44


and recession of 1837, 268

Beach, Moses Yale, as owner of,

sale of, 283


and slavery, 93–95, 220–221, 280,

and Bennett, James Gordon, rejection


of, 87

and snake story, 43–44, 263

circulation of, 35, 41, 90, 127,

“What Is a Newspaper?”, 44

177–178, 201, 203, 209, 216, 259,

Wisner, George Washington, as co-

264, 285

editor/co-owner of, 39–41, 42

contents of, 41

and working-class issues, 24

cost of, 28

and Yale College, 181

Day, Benjamin, as editor/owner of,

Sunday News,

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