The Stallion (28 page)

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Authors: Georgina Brown

BOOK: The Stallion
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Penny knew better than to protest, and her wrists were tied anyway. Afterwards she enjoyed sweet compensation lying in Nadine’s arms and shivering with delight as the tall woman’s cool fingers soothed her burning flesh.

‘My brother will not be pleased,’ Nadine said against her hair. ‘You have a lot to make up to him, in time. Bear that in mind. Even now his desire for you is enormous, dammed up until I judge the moment to be right; only then will he take you. He will pleasure you to distraction time and time again, and you will be breathless, saturated with sex. You must not jeopardise that.’

As the fingers stroked her hair, the image of Alistair and his potentially mighty cock filled Penny’s mind. Now she knew for sure that Alistair did desire her – that he, the wager and the stallion would be hers. She was afraid to ask questions on what Nadine had said. It was almost as if one misplaced word would
enough to melt what she had just said to her. So she just snuggled down more securely and let her imagination run riot as to how much pleasure Alistair might subject her to.

To the Beaumont family, dining out did not mean pub restaurant, local amateur, and certainly not something hurried and served with chips. Dining out was something to be done with style and in the best place available. Tonight was no exception.

White linen and fine, clear glassware were the norm at a restaurant privately owned by a famous chef – by one as noted for his fiery temper as for his excellent cuisine.

Waiters hovered, all white jackets, slick hair and heavy French accents. Despite their eyes always being lowered, Penny saw the odd flicker, knew that beneath their dark lashes they discerned the outline of her naked body. There was little between her and them except for the clinging sheath of the red dress, a colour that flattered her glorious dark hair and creamy complexion, yet left nothing to the imagination.

Tonight her hair was fastened from crown to nape by a pearl-edged comb so it fell in crowning waves like a horse’s mane. Although her dress was silky and very short, she wore thigh-high boots of soft red suede. She had protested to Nadine that they weren’t really suitable for dining out, but Nadine, with unfamiliar humility and barely swallowed excitement, had knelt at her feet, pulling them up her legs and kissing her knees before they disappeared from view. As it turned out, the boots were well-suited to the dress. Both were red, both soft and pleasing to the touch.

Besides Alistair, Nadine, Gregory and Sir Reggie, Penny also found herself in the company of Dominic. His features were predominantly slavic; dark almond-shaped eyes – a hint of the Oriental. His hair, too, was dark and tied back in a ponytail.
shoulders promised a physique well worth looking at, the sturdiness of his legs perceptible beneath the classy cut of his trousers.

Alistair introduced the man. ‘An associate of mine, Dominic Torsky.’

Instinctively she knew Alistair was waiting for her reaction; a change in colour of her cheeks, an extra sparkle in her eyes. Very well. She would show him. If he wanted her to suck up to this guy, she would – and some!

‘Dominic,’ she enthused, smiling widely. ‘How nice to meet you. Alistair has told me so much about you.’ She accompanied her smile with a sudden flow of very obvious body language.

She saw the two men exchange glances. Then Dominic smiled – like a cat, intent on the bird he was about to capture or consume – yet she did not flinch.

‘Has he indeed?’ drawled an American accent. The eyebrows rose. The mouth widened further with amusement.

He was a man, Penny discerned, who was good-looking and knew it. To suck up to him would not be difficult at all. All the same, she cast a glance at Alistair, just to see how her attitude had affected him. His eyes glittered. Apart from that he appeared unmoved. Somehow that annoyed her. She determined to press the point a little more.

‘Well, of course! Alistair is such a dear old thing. Always willing to impart friendly little asides, amusing details about his business and the people he meets from all over the world – especially from America. What part of the States are you from?’

The whole statement was a complete fabrication, but she didn’t care. She wanted to goad Alistair, aimed to secure a reaction.

‘La Jolla, San Diego. Not too far from the border and Tijuana.’

‘Sunshine all the way, then.’

‘Most of the time, honey, most of the time.’ His eyes twinkled as he ran them over her body, his lips twitching around a faint smile.

Briefly Penny glanced at Alistair. He glared. His expression was unreadable.

Penny looked instead to Nadine. Nadine’s expression was like fire: powerful and all-consuming. In an instant, Penny’s exuberance dissolved, almost as if it had never existed. In sudden panic, her eyes fluttered around the restaurant. It was as if it had suddenly been pointed out to her that she was naked except for her flimsy dress and high boots. As her face flushed, she lowered her eyes, bent her head and studied a spot somewhere between her feet.

She stayed quiet for the rest of the evening. Though she was not invited to join the conversation, she was very often the subject of it. There were comments made about her hair, her very blue eyes and her very well-made body. To her acute embarrassment, both Nadine and Sir Reggie gave an account of the sex scenes she had been the subject of since arriving at Beaumont Place. But it was strange how her embarrassment disappeared as their words continued. There was a glowing admiration laced like toffee in their words. They spoke of using her, doing this to her, doing that; and yet, adoration and fascination danced on their tongues.

Disbelieving the compliance of someone who appeared to have a strong character, Dominic asked Nadine to prove it. Smiling, she turned her face to Penny who was looking down now at her cutlery.

‘Open your legs, my pretty pussy,’ said Nadine once the waiters were out of earshot. Those at the table listened. Penny did as ordered, aware that the hem of her very short dress was riding up over her thighs so her sex was completely exposed.
hand tugged it a little higher. Her nails scraped Penny’s thigh.

‘Lift your bottom,’ Nadine ordered.

Again, Penny complied. The dress went higher, covering her bottom, but exposing her cheeks and pussy to the coldness of the chair covering. There were sighs of satisfaction from those around the table. Napkins dabbed at the residue of wine that clung to smiling lips. In confirmation, Dominic came round to get a light from Nadine for his cigar. Inconspicuously, he moved the tablecloth and looked down into Penny’s lap. Penny felt her face redden even more as he sucked in his breath. Briefly her eyes surveyed the restaurant beyond her own little party. No one looked their way. They looked ordinary, even conservative. Once he had looked his fill, Dominic ran his hand down her back and, without anyone seeing, lifted her skirt. He groaned very low and very appreciatively before he let her hem fall and went back to his seat.

‘Beautiful,’ murmured Dominic. ‘And compliant.’

Am I really compliant? Penny asked herself. But she knew she was. She revelled in what was happening to her. In this tight circle, she was the centre of attention. She was exposed and she was theirs for the asking. When had this happened? she again asked herself. When had she become willing to bend to the will of others, and how could such a thing endow her with a greater sense of security than she had ever known?

‘She still needs breaking in,’ said Nadine amid a whirl of blue smoke and in a low voice that made the others smile with glee.

‘Good!’ exclaimed Dominic, as a waiter refilled his glass. ‘Glad to hear it!’

Even Gregory, whose eyes had avoided her for most of the evening, appeared unduly excited and more involved with the others at the table than with her.

For the briefest moment her eyes caught those of the wine waiter. He was staring at her cleavage. She felt Nadine’s hand run up her thigh and her fingers tangle in her pubic hair. She turned to look at Nadine. Though the order was unspoken, Penny knew instinctively what was required of her. She hugged herself as though she was cold. As she did so, her breasts kissed each other and bulged upwards. Her nipples peeked over the top of her dress.

The wine bottle shook in the young waiter’s hand. He managed to finish pouring but, once he was gone, those around the table clapped and told Nadine, rather than her, what a success the action had been.

They left the warmth, dim lights and excellent service behind. Outside the night was touched with silver by the light of a glassy moon in a cloudless sky. The breeze was warm, still loyal to summer although autumn was just a month away.

Gregory had the job of driving. Alistair sat in the passenger seat beside him, Penny squeezed between Reggie and Nadine at the back, and the headlights of Dominic’s hired Range Rover shone into the back window.

Street lights and buildings were soon left behind as they entered the countryside, dark blankets pierced only with the odd island of farmhouse or cottage light.

Nadine kissed her ear. Rich breath assaulted her nostrils at the same time as the long fingers circled over her bare knee and crept upwards beneath the short red dress. ‘Open your legs wider, pussy-cat,’ she ordered, pulling Penny’s knee towards her.

Mellowed to resignation by the heady mix of old wine and soft caresses, she did as ordered. Her right knee was pulled open by Nadine’s hand, her left by Reggie’s. Now there was no table to hide under.

Their hands pushed under her dress, folding it upwards so
sweet drift of her musky scent escaped to the night. Nadine’s hand on the right and Reggie’s on the left began to caress the soft skin of her inner thighs. The car stopped suddenly, but the caresses did not. Gregory got out of the car. Through the wind-screen, she could see him unlocking a high wrought-iron gate. Stark letters on a dark sign shouted
PRIVATE. Trespassers will be prosecuted, if not shot
. They drove through. Gregory got out again and locked the gate behind them. The car began to bounce along a roughly gravelled path. At times the moon’s light was intercepted by black battalions of fir and pine which stood like silent sentinels at the side of the road.

Each hand climbed higher up the soft skin of her inner thighs, which were now wide open. Hot lips mouthed at her neck and breathed moist breath against her ears. Her own arms spread along the back of the seat, and she viewed via the mirror the spark of excitement in the eyes of Alistair Beaumont. Her own eyes narrowed as whispers of blissful rapture issued freely from her lips.

As their prying fingers explored her, their free hands pulled down the bodice of her strapless dress until her breasts popped forward, exposed to the night and to their sucking mouths.

Unable to control her own delighted reactions, she moaned as the two hands prodded at her flooding pussy. Nadine’s four fingers held one furry lip open, Reggie’s four fingers the other. Two thumbs – one long and tipped with black nail varnish, the other, thicker and cleanly blunt – were positioned either side of her straining pink button, both squeezing towards the other.

Muffling her cries into her shoulder, she threw her head back and closed her eyes. Sir Reggie and Nadine took as much delight in watching her reactions as they did in assaulting her.

‘You are so wet,’ cooed Nadine close to her ear before dropping once again to suckle her hardening nipples. Her lips sucked at it, her teeth held it, pulled it hard and long to the point where
wanted to scream. But she didn’t scream. She bit her lip, held her voice and let whatever was happening to her happen without protest.

Alistair, too, was watching, and even from here she could hear the quickness of his breathing; she could almost taste just how much he wanted her.

Through half-closed eyes, she saw him turn in his seat. She felt the intensity of his gaze on her face before his eyes dropped to the two heads sucking at her breasts, which then dropped again. He gasped, almost in agony, as he stared at her pink nether-lips that were held so open, her sex so exposed.

Penny felt no shame in him looking at her open sex, the glistening and reddening of her clitoris as the thumbs of Nadine and Reggie squeezed it to full prominence and coaxed it out of the protection of its folded hood. She wanted him to look, wanted to please him, arouse him. How could he not be aroused when she was being so exposed, so used?

Just when she thought the sucking mouths and probing thumbs would bring her to climax, the car stopped and the action ceased.

She started to pull her bodice back up over her breasts. Alistair’s trembling voice stopped her.

‘No. Leave your breasts exposed. It’s a warm night.’

‘A very warm night,’ added Nadine before nibbling one last time at one of Penny’s already red and stretched nipples. ‘One moment,’ she ordered suddenly.

From the seat beside her, Nadine brought out a collar. Even in the dimness of the car, Penny could see it was made of leather, but covered with velvet and set with what looked like diamonds, but were more likely rhinestones.

‘For you, pretty pussy,’ said Nadine as she kissed Penny’s cheeks and fastened the collar around her neck with a strong buckle. ‘And this,’ she said, ‘is for me.’

A chain was fastened to the collar and attached to the thick leather bracelet that Nadine was wearing.

As usual Nadine’s outfit was black, but strangely unprepossessing for her. Suddenly she took it off. Beneath it was something more to her style, similar to the sort of thing Roman gladiators or charioteers had worn, except that, over the metal breastplate, Nadine’s nipples protruded, rouged bright red and very prominent.

‘Follow me,’ she said to Penny, whose dress was still wound down to her waist, its hem high and showing her rounded bottom and naked sex. It was nothing much more than a red band around her middle that just happened to match the high boots she wore.

The heels of her red suede boots sank into the soft ground but, once Nadine guided her to the path, her step was sure, though somewhat artificial; a bit like a ballerina going on points for the first time.

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