The Stallion (23 page)

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Authors: Georgina Brown

BOOK: The Stallion
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She nodded automatically.

‘I thought you might.’ David grinned.

Almost in defiance at her restricted limbs, she writhed on the flat stone. The feelings that were tingling her body were snaring her voice. It was trapped in her throat, and she could do nothing – nothing at all – to let it free.

Gripping the rock with one hand, his other keeping her sex wide open, David nudged it in regular time against the dewy moistness of her clit.

‘You’re soaking wet,’ he said, and sounded full of wonder.

She didn’t answer. She was lost in a labyrinth of her own senses, her eyes closed and her will put on hold whilst the hands held her and the hard stone did its work.

‘That should be about enough,’ said Auberon suddenly.

His voice surprised her. Even though it was him holding on to her wrists, she had almost forgotten he was there. So had Stephen and David. Above her, they both looked across her and at him, then at each other.

For the moment, they seemed to have forgotten Alistair altogether. Penny hadn’t. She was intent on knowing exactly what his reactions were. Twisting herself against the restraining hands and the hard and cold intruder, Penny peered through the crook of David’s arm.

Alistair was sitting on a rock, his eyes glazed, wineglass in one hand and newly opened bottle in the other. Even from where she was, she could hear the quickness of his breathing. He was with them, but only in mind. Only his eyes was enjoying what she and the boys were experiencing. His loins were still held in check: with them, wanting to be with them, yet seemingly unable to be.

The rock was removed and Penny was helped to her feet. She began to protest. Stephen smacked her bottom in rebuke.

‘Now, now. Naughty, naughty!’

‘Now you have to play with us.’ This was Auberon saying this, with an odd brightness in his eyes which she had never seen before. Up until now, Stephen and David had dominated the action. Now, with eyes gleaming, Auberon seemed to be taking over.

‘Kneel down,’ Stephen ordered. ‘Mr Harding’s right. It’s your turn to play with us.’ He grinned again, that cheeky, boyish grin that made her think whatever he had in store for her might be a lot better or a lot worse than it looked – mostly the latter.

‘On this,’ Auberon added, and with a consideration that she much appreciated, he placed the folded tablecloth on the rough sand. Obviously, she decided, she would be kneeling for some time.

And so she knelt, supremely aware that her climax had been just a few strokes away and that her nether lips were hot, wet with juice, and just begging for the finishing line.

The three naked young men gathered around her, their
glistening with fresh sweat, their young muscles taut and well-formed beneath their unblemished skin.

Three erect penises were but inches from her face. They were all fine specimens, one sprouting from a nest of ginger hair, one from a fair and sparse covering, and David’s standing strongly erect like a young oak from a bush of thick black hair. Between each set of thighs hung their precious sacs. How soft they looked, she thought, her eyes assessing each set and imagining which pair would feel like peaches, which like velvet and which like cream.

That for later, she told herself. For now, her eyes travelled irresistibly back to the three proud members, each one jerking with rising passion and determination. Each glans glistened, and on one a dewy pearl of pre-come sat like a precious diadem. In response, her tongue slid out from between her lips; her need to taste such beautiful weapons was as urgent as her need to see them.

‘Take one in your mouth,’ ordered Stephen, his hand gently caressing her head as though she were a child or a pet dog. ‘And one in each hand,’ he added, a certain hoarseness now apparent in his voice.

Even without the benefit of a mirror, Penny knew that her eyes must be shining and her face slightly flushed. Her eyes opened wide as she studied each one. It was as though three birthdays had all come at once. Three beautiful cocks were straining with anticipation, just waiting for her lips to fold around one of them and her hands to work on the others.

But this was a choice she couldn’t face. She closed her eyes. ‘It’s hard to choose,’ she said breathlessly. ‘I don’t want to upset anyone.’

‘Soon fix that!’ said Stephen. The linen towel that had earlier graced a wine bottle was bound over her eyes. It was cool, slightly damp and not unpleasant.

‘This is like blind man’s buff,’ laughed David. ‘We go round you, and when you reach out and point, that’s the one for your mouth. OK?’

‘OK,’ she replied, glad that the decision had been taken from her.

Blindfolded, it was impossible to judge who was the first she pointed at. Whose member it was, she didn’t know and didn’t care. His helmet sat like a rich and tasty mushroom on her tongue. She sucked at him, drew him in, then traced all round the well-defined ridge that parted crown from stem. She had a yearning to take in more; to grab his balls with one hand and his stem with another so he could not escape.

But her hands had other tasks. Other hands guided them around firm rods which she immediately proceeded to pleasure, pummel and squeeze within her warm palm and exploring fingers. Each tip was wet, each length was hard and promising.

So here she was, knelt before them, and like the goddess Kali who she’d seen on Indian icons, her mouth and hands were full, though full with much more pleasurable demons than Kali’s.

Even so, she was slightly disappointed. The first penis came fast and was closely followed by the next throbbing manhood to be placed upon her tongue.

‘Enough!’ she called, breathless now after two insertions and her own sex still aching with the desire aroused by the unyielding sensation of the rock.

‘Enough?’ she heard Stephen exclaim. ‘Then that means a forfeit’s in order. Now, work your hand on this a while.’

The blindfold was taken off her. Now she could see that the penis she held in her hand was David’s. He tousled her hair as she rolled his stiffening cock between her hands and kissed its dewy head. Was this the one that had been omitted? She wasn’t sure, especially seeing as Auberon’s was still fully erect.

In a brief moment of panic, she wondered if Alistair was still watching. He was. She could see him there, still sat on the rock, glass and bottle now completely empty. He looked mesmerised but he also looked slightly angry, as though something had been stolen from or denied him. But her attention was diverted.

‘I’m ready,’ David said suddenly, and he lay himself out on the floor. She stared at his well-muscled body, brown and covered with dark hair on his chest, over his limbs, and thick as a forest around his upright member. It stood straight and proud from amid the cushion of dark, springy hair. Looking at it, the ache between her thighs increased in its intensity and her labia and pert clitoris felt swollen and almost painful.

David was irresistible. She had to have him. There could, of course, also be a bonus gained from this. With hope in her heart, she wondered if this little tableau would be enough to get Alistair going; to induce him to want her.

Without being told, she straddled David and held herself just an inch from his pulsating helmet. Then, slowly and surely, she lowered herself on to its rigid length.

Pleasurable sounds poured from her as she drew him in. She couldn’t help but close her eyes, and even when Stephen told her to bend forward she didn’t open them.

Breasts jiggling, she leant forward, palms flat on the ground. David’s swollen member tightly filled her as she rode his rigid length. It felt as though her body was clamped to his; like two pieces of a stiff jigsaw puzzle, they were incapable of breaking apart.

‘Take this.’ Stephen’s demand broke into her pleasant thoughts. Quickly she opened her eyes. His cock was just an inch from her mouth. Obligingly, she wetted her lips, opened her mouth and took him in.

Her eyes closed again once she felt his dewy-tipped and satin-smooth penis on her tongue. In the midst of intense delight, she
fingers prising back the round hills of her buttocks, and stroking the dark cleft in between. There was a familiar touch of something slightly greasy and pleasantly cool being applied around her tightened sphincter. Perhaps it was butter again, the same as Nadine had used on her at dinner. Now her anus and its running cleft would be as shiny as her juicy lips, and both would be filled to capacity.

But this time it was not a thumb or a finger that entered her nether hole. It was Auberon, and he was using his penis.

Her gasp as Auberon penetrated her sphincter was silenced by Stephen pressing her head against his cock. His hands manoeuvred her head to suit himself. Her mouth moved at his bidding.

Burning heat radiated from her besieged anus, though shivers of delicious expectation ran in a swift current from there to her yearning sex.

At first only the tip of his penis entered her. She likened it to someone dipping one toe in a bath of hot water. Her muscles contracted at first and clenched the wouldbe invader in a vice like grip as he pushed further into her body. But then, as shivers of electric delight ran through her flesh, her muscles relaxed and allowed the intruder to travel further.

Once he felt no resistance from her, Auberon pushed in a little more length.

Now she was full as she’d never been full before. A length of penis throbbed on her tongue, another throbbed inside her, and another had entered her most secret orifice and was edging its way further in.

Sex and sensuality were smothering her senses and numbing her mind. She felt sex, she knew sex, she
sex, and wanted even more.

What picture, she asked herself, was she presenting to Alistair? But she could not see him. She could only hear his
breathing as the three penises thrust like welcome invaders into her body.

Beneath her, David shuddered and moaned ecstatically. Behind her, Auberon mewed, his fingers holding her buttocks apart whilst he manoeuvred a further portion into her tight hole. Her legs trembled, but he held her firm, pulling her hips toward him with each thrust of his pelvis.

Above her, Stephen seemed to be humming in unison to his thrusting, though not to any tune. It reminded her of the buzzing of a contented bee on a very hot day.

Stephen held her head steady, moving it up and down his stem to his own requirements. With swift, deft strokes of her flicking tongue, she followed the flood of his orgasm as it rose up the thick vein that ran up the back of his penis.

Beneath her, David’s hips were slamming upwards with greater intensity. He, too, was nearing his climax. Behind her, Auberon yelled, his cry echoed by the wheeling seagulls, white triangles in a clear blue sky.

The power of her own orgasm overtook and surprised her. For the first time in her life, she had been full and her body had completely indulged itself in the experience. Her thighs shook and, as David sucked and rubbed at her swinging breasts, she slammed the last echo of orgasm from her spent and satisfied sex.

Alistair awaited the right moment. He had watched, fascinated, all afternoon as Penny had courted and submitted to what had been planned for her. He, too, had been so naive as to think that Nadine had been left behind them. Nadine was never left behind; she was always there beside him, no matter where he was. Penny would learn that, too. Did Penny know, he wondered, that some of her sexual liaisons were orchestrated by his sister for his benefit?

She couldn’t of course. But sometimes he caught a look in her eye, a questioning curiosity, that made him think she might know that her friend Ariadne had recommended her, that Nadine was playing her like a concert violinist does a favourite instrument.

Now he could wait no longer. He had to ask her face to face, even though his penis would swell unbearably against the firm restraint of his rubber underwear as his eyes wandered over her body. But he had to know. So he waited, then he followed.

In late afternoon and following a dip in the sea, Penny went behind some convenient rocks to relieve herself. He smiled at that. It seemed so contradictory. After all, she had been studied most intimately by the three men who had taken her body so completely, so why choose privacy when it came to having a pee?

He watched from the shelter of a large rock as the sand dampened beneath her. She was crouching, her buttocks towards him. She’d spread her legs. It was a delightful position, he thought, as though she’d adopted it especially for him. In that position, her cheeks were spread slightly and her anus was exposed.

He could also see the dark, pink folds of her sex which hung rather delightfully, so he thought, beyond her outer lips. All in all, it was a lewd spectacle.

Although he had originally had every intention of letting her finish peeing before he stepped forwards, he judged that surprise sometimes yielded answers closer to the truth than considered replies could do.

‘Miss Bennet. I want to ask you something.’

Her plait tossed girlishly and quickly to one side as she looked over her shoulder at him. She looked startled, but stayed silent. Her liquid still flowed, and the sand got damper. Now, he judged, she couldn’t stop. She was in full flow, and even
she looked surprised, she appeared unwilling or unable to cease what she was doing.

She didn’t say anything and couldn’t run away in her present position, so he pressed on.

‘I firstly want to know if you like it at Beaumont Place.’

Pert arse flesh and parted thighs went round and round in his mind.

‘Yes,’ Penny answered hesitantly. How was he to know that her hand was just eliciting the last tremor of a secondary orgasm from her swollen clit? Her hand continued, though her concentration was now somewhat distracted.

‘You have no complaints?’ he asked, his eyes dropping from her bright-blue eyes, and down over her back to her rounded bottom.

‘No,’ she murmured with a knowing smile and a twinkle in her eye as her fingers played on.

‘Is there anything I can do for you?’ he asked, edging closer. The huskiness of his voice intensified once it had struck him exactly what her fingers were doing.

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