Read The Spell of Binding (Part One) Online
Authors: Glen Johnson
“Also creatures of nightmares walked the land, creatures we are all too familiar with.” His tired eyes drifted to a long white scar that snaked its way up the back of his hand, disappearing up his sleeve before running right up his arm to his thin shoulder. Slowly his gaze drifted out the sparkling crystal window. He stared for what seemed like an eternity. The other council members looked at each other and wondered if they should speak.
Simeon seemed to snap back to the moment at hand.
“They came together and joined their magical abilities in the most powerful s pell ever uttered; the Spell of Binding. All the evil, vile creatures that walked and crawled over the land were swept away – contained.” He sighed. The others looked around at each other. They all knew this ; everyone knew the ancient stories, even the smallest child did.
“But the Great – so-called – War made cracks appear, the magic was failing. Slowly the vile creatures started to pour back in. We had to hide, use large amounts of our magical ability just to keep the protective w alls in place. Time has gone on. A n unknown number of generations have come and gone. Now I believe we don’t even know the powers we were once capable of, because so much of our resources go into keeping the barriers up . Keeping them out.” He looked away from the window and peered around the white Spartan room.
“The Book mentions a s tone; a Tablet of rock which the ancient magi engraved the words of their powerful Spell on. The Spell that would return the creatures back into their bondage, releasing us from our fear and hiding.” They looked at each other.
Had he, Simeon their leader, really broken the ancient code? Was it possible he really did know the tablets location?
“I have finally cracked the code, after decades of relentless studying. And even as we speak the message I have sent would have reached its location. Even now Minika would; with a group of helpers, be on her way to the s tones location.” He stood, turned and placed his wrinkled old hands on the shimmering clear crystal glass of the thick sparkling window.
They all knew who Minika was, what the significance of her being picked meant. Knew he was referring to her as soon as he said none of them would be going. Even at Second Level they knew it was her destiny, the ancient prophecy had foretold it, even though she was their greatest shame.
“She is our last hope my brothers. There is no time for us to make the journey, and we all know she is more powerful than all of us put together, even if she doesn’t even realize it.”
They all watched him, checking his emotions.
“I also fear they have already guessed we have cracked the code. At this very moment I can feel them gathering, getting ready for one last all-out assault. And who knows , this time they might succeed in penetrating the barriers.” He turned to face the council members.
“You will have to forgive me for not telling you more. For not giving you the t ablets location. But you must find it strange that they can predict our every move? So you will indulge an old mans paranoia when I tell you that only myself and Minika know of the powerful s tones location.” He waited for an uproar, but none was fourth coming.
“See we are growing weak. None of you even speak up like you use d to, all like sheep doing anything I ask.” None could meet his eyes –they knew h e was right.
“Within a few days we will know if sh e ha s succeeded. Mainly, because if she doesn’t we won’t be around long enough to try again. You see there’s a downside to all this, that which I can gather from the Ancient Book. The down side being, if we let them reach the s tone first, they can use the Spell to do the same to us, as we intend to do to them .”
Chapter Three
he great King Vorr sat on the throne; his throne. He had worked long and hard to gain the position he now had, and it was all about to fall apart because of one sniveling human being.
“They know its location,” Vorr said between his talon hands, which were cupping his narrow face. Long red fingers tapp ed his protruding fangs as he talked.
“I can feel them stirring. I can feel their anticipation.” His voice was deep and gravelly. Spittle fleck ed from his long teeth.
“But sssire we are ssstill awaiting conformation from your ssssssource,” Slis hissed between his gummed mouth. A creature which was groveling before the large throne. The creature looked like the cross between a snake, a mutated fish and a dripping hosepipe. It was all scaly, tubular and had countless appendages, all w ere at present prostrate down before the throne.
“Bah. She has grown weak and frightened, but then that’s why she approached us in the beginning…” he tailored off. “The weakling,” he spat.
One of the creatures bowed low to the ground; it could lick the ground if it wanted to from its position.
“What do you wish us to do sire?” Qwat, the second groveling creature, inquired. Qwat, when stationary, looked like a square lump of brown, warty, flesh. It wasn’t until he moved that arms and legs could be discerned.
Many creatures filled Vorr’s chamber –his throne room. The two stood before him were messengers – lackeys, willing to do any menial task just to get recognition from their Lord. There was a time when these creatures saw none as their equal, more-or-less one to rule over them. But times have changed. Being sent into another dimension by the powerful Spell of eons past changed some of their views. Once they had fought each other, with no leadership and no direction. But then they never thought they would be sent away and imprisoned. They d idn’t even believe it was possible .
Vorr had crawled and kicked his way to the top, many lay dead beneath him. He had many scars to prove his ascension to leadership. All the other species leaders bowed down to him.
Vorr was what some would call a demon. But that name conquered up false images, ones of a tall red humanoid creature with a whip tail, large leathery bat like wings and long twisted sharp horns , living in Hades, or as some called it, Hell. But it was a big misunderstanding , they didn’t live in Hades they lived on e arth .
Stories and false ideas passed down from generation to generation had warped the true story . They appeared long ago in the struggle for life, along with all the other creatures ; vampires, ghouls, dragons, werewolves, trolls, humans, dwarves and elves just to name a very few. But the humans saw themselves to high and mighty to share the same space as the lower animals –as they referred to them. The humans had become powerful in magic, hearing the Voice loud and clear. The other inhabitants of their world were too busy fighting each other to notice the humans gathering together –whispering and scheming. Too busy to notice the humans banding together until it was too late. The humans called upon all their joint magical talents, and wiped all the others away in one mighty s pell – the Spell of Binding.
Over time these others became nothing but fantasy and stories. But they had been poised, always waiting for a chance to get back through, and take their anger out on the ancestors of those that imprisoned them. And now they had a leader to help them achieve just that.
“They know its location, and before long we will once again be crawling on our bellies in a prison of their making.” He roused himself from his huge throne, pull ing his immense powerful body from the seat. His wings unfolded . He stretched them wide , releasing pent up tension. His tail flick ed from side to side. His c law ed feet gripped the ground as his eleven foot of height strolled around the throne while thinking. It looked as if his whole body was just one huge bunched up red muscle.
“They will obviously have to send a party after it ; someone to verify its location.” One hand stroked a curled horn on his head, a habit he picked up while thinking.
Everyone in the vast , cavernous chamber waited. No one would interrupt him while he was thinking –none had the nerve t o. They had seen what happened to the last creature t hat interrupt his musing; some even had to clean it up.
“This is what we shall do.” He retook his seat, his wings tucking in behind him, his red pointed tail flicking casually over the thick black obsidian stone , caved armrest.
“My commanders,” as he said this a large group –one of each species –walked, crawled, slithered and flapped to place themselves before him. It was a gruesome sight, one born of nightmares. Each of the respective Houses bowed (if they cou ld) .
“Each of you will rally your armies , call them fourth from their dwellings and hiding places. Each will watch and surround a location I will give you forthwith. The time is now brothers, we also have a prophecy such as their own, but in this one we are the ones to come out on top. We will control this world that was almost destroyed in ages past. We will find the Stone of Power before them and use its power on them.” This was met with an uproar, screaming, screeching, howling, and banging of all manner of different types of hands, feet, coils and appendages.
“Prophecy… you say? What prophecy?” asked a sharp crisp voice from the back of the crowd. Those around the voice moved away, letting the figure have space to ‘breathe’.
“THE PROPHECY I HAVE JUST ANNOUNCED!” shouted a thunderous roar from the throne. Vorr’s breathing lowered danger ously. Droplets of anger spread across his high domed forehead, and dripped from his protruding , twisted black horns –horns that looked like monstrous ram horns that curled around each side of his bold crimson head. His c lawed hands clench ed and unclench ed on the grotesquely carved black stone throne s armrests –a chair that was sculptured in the image of naked humans twisting and convulsing in what appears to be excruciating pain.
“Fine, fine, just clearing that up. So now you’re a prophet as well? Just checking, thought I heard wrong. All cleared up now thank you.” The talking figure stood in a long black cloak that was tightly wrapped around itself, in a now empty and expanding space.
In one movement Vorr flung himself from his throne, which wobbled dangerous backwards, almost tipping over, but its immense stone weight made it right itself with a deafening thud. He leaped through the air with an astonishing amount of speed for a c reature so large. He landed in front of the lone speaker, cracking the ground. He stood with h is feet apart, chest heaving, wings completely outstretched, slightly encircling the lone being, in its huge dark wingspan. His tail lashing about like a thing possessed.
The figure didn’t even flinch, he just stood his ground , while picking a bit of imaginary lint of his black and red silk cloak and flick ed it to the caverns floor.
“Once again you question MY AUTHORITY VROCOS?” Vorr was shaking with rage, his clawed hands twitch ed . Small flecks of fire were flickering out of his large wide , inflamed nostrils.
“My Lord–” the last word spoke with a snarl “–I am but a humble servant. I was simply clarifying the point for those not so , shall we say, completely with it…” He l eant forwards a little to speak. “I f you get my meaning?”
Vrocos was the head of the Order of Vampires, the only one to have the nerve to stand up to Vorr – and the only one with enough power behind him to back his words up. It was also rumored that he covets the throne for himself. Vorr also knew this. At the moment he didn’t need rivalry or divisions, they needed to fight the humans, not war between themselves, so all he could do was try and come out on top of the word games they played. Vrocos showed his distaste by not moving forward when the head of each House was ordered to stand before the throne.
“If any of your people–” Vorr swept his hand to encompass all the vampires in one shad owy section of the vast chamber “–don’t understand my words, then I suggest you talk with them in your own time.” This gave way to sniggering and laughter all around the immense , echoing chamber.
Vrocos didn’t even twitch at the sarcasm , he simple bent a fraction at the waste, in a feeble attempt to show his servitude. He then turned without another word to Vorr, and ambled back towards his brethren who stood at the far back in the deep shadows, all jostling like hungry bats.
Vorr eyed Vrocos’ back.
I could kill him, rid my self of that annoying vampire. Time , he though to himself. In time, once we have rid the world of the human parasites I will kill you, and then I will not have to put up with your constant interfering anymore.
In a sudden swift move Vorr turned around to face most in the chamber. His features changed instantly.
“Bbbbbrothers… and… sssssisters… soon all will be ours. Soon we will be the dominant species as in times past. SOON WE WILL CONTROL ALL!” He had his arms spread out wide. His wings flapp ed behind him. His mouth was twisted in a terrible attempt at a fake smile ; his lips twitch ed at the effort.
But the applause that followed was only half hearted, and soon faded out into murmuring and whispers.
Vorr walked back through the crowd towards his throne . The beasts parted like a foul sea. As he approached he walked past Slis –one of his lackeys who was still applauding with wild enthusiasm with its many boneless arms. With one powerful swipe he smacked Slis across the face sending him somersaulting through the air to land in a pile of coils on the other side of the throne. Slis untangled himself and smiled through a split lip ; smiling at the attention his Lord was giving him.
Vorr slumped himself back down in his throne, and turned his attention back to matters at hand: the destruction of the human vermin. But first he needed that bloody Stone Tablet. If only he had destroyed the thing thousands of years ago when he had the chance.
Hindsight was one hell of a bitch, he decided.
Chapter Four
o, I wi ll not sit down,” Pramos stated while standing behind his chair with his hands clenching and un clenching on the seats backrest. His face was flushed scarlet from shouting. He c alm ed down a little as he lowered his head and saw his red face reflected in the polished tabletop . “What you are suggesting is suicide, nothing less .”