The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series (8 page)

Read The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series Online

Authors: LaDonna Cole

Tags: #quantum mechanics. quantum physics, #action, #time travel, #young adult fiction, #Romance, #time jumping, #sci-fi, #YA, #science-fiction, #star trek, #hunger games, #mazerunner, #Fiction, #young adult, #star wars, #fantasy, #troubled teens, #YA Fiction, #harry potter, #adventure

BOOK: The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series
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too small for the gathering, so The Keepers grilled burgers for the Chartreuse team and the Cheleuthi warriors and hung out by the pool.

Trip and Dirk manned the grill while Kate and Corey circulated with a tray of food and drinks, picking up on various conversations.

“So, it is a cold bath for pleasure?” The one named Drayse quizzed Ash about the swimming pool.

“Uh, yeah,” Ash laughed. “I guess so.”

“And the small one is a warm bath without soap?” Drayse had a confused expression as he looked back and forth between the pool and the hot tub.

Corey translated to Kate, and she sniggered as they moved on. Navarro and Caitlyn spoke with the warrior named Brashtor about horses and how the Cheleuthi had bred them for sturdy mountain climbing.

They offered them drinks and moved to the next group. Donnie and Mel were talking with Krenne, the perky blonde warrior. Eunavae and Kail were talking to her husband, the Bard Manifus.

“The Chief Bard of Ampeliagia was Lady Milliscent when we were at the Certosa, though we never met her personally,” Kail said.

“Fascinating! You entered our world twice? Once for this religious quest when you trained as bards, and once when you settled Cheulseti?” Manifus leaned forward with eagerness.

“Well, actually, I think we were there three times. Kate and Corey were there another time too. Now that I think of it, a lot of our jumps are there.”

Corey stopped and regarded Eunavae. “I think you’re right. I wonder why we keep going there. I wish I could talk to Mama Ty about it.”

“Maybe Wallace, our new white coat, can help you,” Kate suggested.

Eunavae returned to Manifus and Ampelese. “So what study did you Ascend in?”

Corey and Kate took the tray to the next group beside the grill. Starlythe and Staid were giving a play by play to Tara and Trip of a battle with an even larger dragon called the Bicka. Their arms flailed and jabbed to punctuate the story. Tara interpreted while Trip and Dirk listened in fascination.

Corey and Kate refilled the tray with burgers and moved to another group. Candol demonstrated some fighting moves for Joey and Andrew. No one in that group was going to want to break away for more food, so they passed them by and rounded the pool to the last group.

Stealthlin sat at the covered table with Jose teaching him a game of strategy. Corey noticed a resemblance between the two of them. They had the same skin tone and coloring. Something around the eyes, the shape maybe, favored the other.

They each took another burger and drink.

“Sit with us and learn the game of Skirmish,” Stealthlin invited.

“I would love to, but I need to speak to someone urgently. Kate, would you like to stay and play with them?” Corey asked her.

“If Jose will translate for me, I would be honored.” She sparkled at them and immediately they were drawn into her circle of warmth.

“Of course, Kate of a Thousand Years! It would be an honor.” Jose slid over to make room for her.

Corey left the tray with them and hastened to the boathouse to try to find Wallace. He had an idea about where to take Kate, but needed to confirm his thoughts with the quantum technician. A plan took form in his mind and he required more information to carry it out. Wallace would know just what to look for.


Later that evening, Corey invited Starlythe and Staid to meet with the Keepers in his study. The Chartreuse team had said their goodbyes and left for their own cabin. The Keepers bunked down all of the Cheleuthi warriors in the living room and in Donnie and Mel’s extra bedroom and living room.

“Wallace told me that your world is usually considered a safe place for the jumps, because it is scarcely populated, has a fairly peaceful political environment, and a feudal system based on respect and honor.”

“It is true. Only in recent years have we experienced such civil strife. Our history has been fairly peaceful. The Dragon Wars were the one exception to that,” Staid confirmed.

“We have recently returned from a campaign that restored our kingdom to its rightful and peaceful existence. The dragons are eradicated and we are rebuilding our world,” Starlythe added. “You may be surprised to hear that I saw your great ancestor, Tsian the Wise, back to the veil only a year ago.”

“I can believe it. Time is not static between our worlds,” Corey said.

“It distresses me to hear that this evil man is after your wife.” Starlythe glanced at Kate. “He would not touch her if she were in my care. I promise you that.” Starlythe’s countenance glowed with fiery vengeance. Corey believed her.

“You must come home.” Staid swung his arms wide.

“Yes, Cheulseti is calling her creators to return. Come and see your descendants and how we have thrived from your seed,” Starlythe invited.

Corey turned to Kate. “They want us to come home with them. They are offering you their protection.”

Kate looked at the fierce warrior and young girl who looked so much like Tara. She stood and walked across the floor, knelt beside Starlythe’s chair and kissed her hand.

“Thank you great warrior, I accept your offer of protection.”

Starlythe beamed when Corey translated Kate’s words and lifted her up to sit beside her. “You remind me of Queen Daenara in so many ways. I hope you get the chance to meet her. Your hospitality to us has kindled a flame of friendship. I trust we will become fast friends.”

Corey translated for Kate and thought he saw a tear shining in her eye.

“We will leave first thing in the morning,” Corey told them.

Staid and Starlythe were going to sleep in the office, so they all left them to their slumber and slipped off to their own beds.

Corey led Kate into their room and closed the door. She began pulling off her clothes and tossing them into the hamper. He slipped up behind her and threaded his arms around her waist.

“Kate, my bride,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, husband?” She turned in his arms and gazed into his face, her eyes shining with devotion.

“This is our wedding night, you know.”

“Again?” she giggled. “How many more of those are we going to have?”

“A few,” he laughed.

She purred and began undressing him with caresses and kisses. “And how is a wedding night different from any other night?”

“Fireflies,” he replied, stretching her out on the bed. He reached over and turned off the lights.

Kate crooned. The ceiling was alive with tiny twinkling lights of soft firefly colors. “Corey, how did you do this?”

“I enlisted some help.” Gently caressing her face, neck, and shoulder, he began softly singing the Immortal Song between kisses. He only got as far as “where fireflies bask in afterglow,” and then Kate took his breath away.









front door awakened the inhabitants of First Cabin the next morning. Corey rolled over and squinted at the clock. Five—something-blurry—AM and the sun hadn’t even peeked out of the covers of darkness yet. Corey grabbed a robe and moved down the hall toward the urgent sounds.

“Whoa! Now, who are you? Where’s Dirk and Corey?” The drawling voice sounded alarmed.

An answer in Ampelese sounded groggy.

“What language are ya talkin’ there boy? What the devil’s going on here?”

“Hey, Chaps, morning,” Corey yawned, rubbing his eyes to better focus on the cowboy preacher standing in the doorway.

“Corey, thank God! The whole village is like a rodeo from Hades! Spheres falling all over the place, not our spheres, weird lookin’. They ain’t taking people. They’re leaving horrible creatures.”


“Dragons, enormous insects, some zombie looking beings, it’s the Apocalypse out there. Rouse your team! We need your fightin’ skills.”

The team, roused already, poked their heads out of their doors. Stealthlin and Candol had been sleeping on the couches and were immediately alert. Corey explained in Ampelese what Chaps had described. They slapped on their swords and boots. Starlythe and Staid also came out of the office readied for battle.

“Who, who are all these people?” Chaps’ eyes darted back and forth across the faces of the Cheleuthi warriors, taking in their strange apparel and blue tattoos.

“They came through a sphere yesterday with two dragons. They are the descendants of Jewel City.”

“You mean the city y’all settled on your two century jump?”

Corey nodded. Trip and Dirk came down the stairs dressed and ready to go.

Eunavae said, “I’ll get Mel and Donnie.” Then in Ampelese, “I’ll get the other Cheleuthi warriors.”

Chaps seemed startled that they were speaking a different language. Kate came out of the bedroom yawning with her hair disheveled. Chaps ground his jaw at her, then pierced Corey with a frustrated glare, and cocked an eyebrow. Corey ignored him.

“We will take these warriors and head back with Chaps. You all come in the other cart when you are ready,” Dirk commanded.

“I’m ready. I’m with you.” Tara ran out of her bedroom, braiding her hair.

Trip grabbed their weapons from the corner, and they rushed out. Kate and Corey ran to dress and follow closely behind with the others.

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