The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series (30 page)

Read The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series Online

Authors: LaDonna Cole

Tags: #quantum mechanics. quantum physics, #action, #time travel, #young adult fiction, #Romance, #time jumping, #sci-fi, #YA, #science-fiction, #star trek, #hunger games, #mazerunner, #Fiction, #young adult, #star wars, #fantasy, #troubled teens, #YA Fiction, #harry potter, #adventure

BOOK: The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series
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passed since Kate came to live with Gregory. They spent their days riding into the hills, searching for the dragons or enjoying the various distractions around the castle.

Kate had poured herself into caring for the horses and she loved when they traveled to other cities to bid on a mare or stud to add to their breeding stock.

Gregory once again found her in the stables brushing down their newest purchase. “Of course I would find you here, Kate, love.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into an embrace.

She smiled into his eyes and he bent to kiss her lips. When he closed his eyes her smile died and when he drew back again, she schooled her features into the dutiful companion she had chosen to be.

Gregory bent down and examined the forelock of the mare she had been tending to. He patted the rump of the horse. “Good stock. Good stock. Kate, come and dress for dinner. I have a surprise for you.”

“Okay.” She set the brush down and pulled off the thick leather gloves. Gregory took her hand, led her into the castle, and deposited her in her chambers with a lingering kiss.

When he left she turned away and began stripping off her riding clothes, her lip quivering. She stepped into the bubbles, and Janaki appeared to scrub her down.

Time had dulled the ache in her breast, but there was no life, no joy, only drudgery toiling through existence.

The two things Gregory wanted from her she could not give. First, he wanted the dragons to find their way back home and he hoped Kate could use the device he had created to contact them. They did not answer, though, when she called and she secretly wondered if it was because she truly did not want them back in her life. But she kept up the pretense of searching for them, because it seemed to be Greg’s one passion in life other than her.

The other thing she could not give him, that he so desperately wanted, was her love. There was no way she could ever love another man after
. After all these years just thinking of him had the ability to slice her apart. She tried her best to be devoted and loving to the man who had saved her life and rescued her from a dismal future.

It was one thing for Corey to fall in love with someone who reminded him of his first wife, but to have him fall in love with her best friend would have killed her. Kate was thankful to Greg for sparing her that scenario.

She still dreamed of it some nights, though; Corey in Najwa’s arms, Corey making love to Tara’s perfect body. Her nightmares haunted her days.

When Janaki pronounced her presentable, she sauntered to the dining room, carrying her favorite book along with her.

Gregory looked up at the sound of her swishing skirt and beamed. “Kate, darling, you look ravishing!” He twirled her around and set her down.

She laughed. It was almost real.

Gregory’s face fell slightly and Kate felt a pang of guilt. She was doing a poor job of pretending to be with him. She needed to step it up a notch. She didn’t want to hurt him. He had been so kind to take her in when she had nowhere else to go.

Kate stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Straightening his collar and smoothing his lapel, she beamed into his eyes and cocked an eyebrow. “You mentioned a surprise?”

His eyes smoldered with desire as they slipped over her frame.
There, that should do it for a day or two.

“Yes, come to the veranda with me.” He grinned, leaned and kissed her nose, then pulled her along behind him.

They stepped into the twilight where Gregory had constructed an intimate setting. He covered one of the swing beds with white gauzy fabric that spiraled down the chain links and enclosed the floating bed in folds and folds of sheer fabric.

“Come away with me, my love.” He grinned and held back the flap to allow Kate entrance.

Kate giggled and climbed inside. A picnic of cheese, grapes and wine sat chilling in the center of the netted floating gazebo. Gregory snuggled her down into the soft fleeces and furs.

She picked up the grapes, fed them to him and then kissed him. His kisses were so different than Corey’s or Trip’s had been. Corey’s kisses were the best. They seemed to give more than they took. It was as though he transferred a part of his soul to Kate with every kiss, as though he sacrificed a part of himself to her willingly and cheerfully with each tender blessing. Trip’s kisses were urgent and commanding, he dictated the terms of the kiss and you followed along. Greg’s kisses were tender, but reserved. At times Kate felt consumed by his kisses, as though he couldn’t get enough of her and demanded more, yet at the same time they were guarded as though he was reluctant to give of himself in return.

She avoided kisses whenever she could. It was still just too painful. But Gregory was so completely devoted to her happiness, that she felt obligated to show affection.

“You’re very pensive tonight my love,” he whispered in her ear and nibbled at her earlobe.

“I suppose.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”

“Not really.”

“Kate.” His voice broke and she turned over to search his face. “I know I can never replace him in your heart. But I beg you to give me a chance. Open your heart to me and let me show you what you are missing.”

He reached down and loosened her bodice and held her gaze. A huge lump formed in the back of her throat and tears welled in her eyes. Here it was. The moment she had dreaded for three years. Gregory was pressing her for more.

“I love you, Kate.”

“I know.”

“You could learn to love me, in time.”

“I do. I, I do have strong feelings for you, Gregory.” Tears puddled on the bridge of her nose and spilled down her cheek into her hair. “I am so grateful for everything you have done for me.”

He leaned forward and kissed her, a ravenous predator. She trembled in dread of hurting him and even more dread of going through with his desire. His hands explored her curves and she let them, intensity building with every touch. She hadn’t felt the need of a man in so long. Part of her craved to be held, to be ravished, but another deeper part of her felt revulsion and that this was wrong, terribly wrong.

The sun set as he explored her body and his kisses became more and more demanding. She broke away for breath and he kissed down her neck. She opened her dead eyes to stare at the peak of the swinging canopy.

She strained her eyes to see. Tiny lights blinked in and out in varied hues.


The netting had drawn dozens of fireflies. She froze in horror as their blinking colors accosted her.

Gregory had not even noticed her withdrawal.

“No,” she whispered.

“Yes,” he replied and grabbed her securely.

“No.” Her voice found some volume.

He drew back and looked at her. “What is wrong, Kate?”

“Fireflies!” She choked out and pushed him off her. She scrambled away from him and tore out of the netting, slinging it off her arms as though it were dead flesh. She ran her hands up and down her arms trying to cleanse herself of his touch, then she turned and ran blindly into the castle to find a dark corner to crawl into.









Tara took one last walk through Spear Cathair. Trip and Tara were mostly there for Corey’s support. He needed to revisit some of the old sites that were his and Kate’s favorites. He had to say goodbye to the townspeople for both of them.

He knew he would not return to this beautiful mountain village. He and Kate had made a home here, but their hearts belonged to another world. That world had the technology to find her.

He stopped in front of their house and gazed at the window boxes that he and Kate had planted. He walked over to the grave of a dog they had raised the first fifteen years they were in Spear Cathair. When he passed, Kate didn’t have the heart to replace him.

Corey knelt down and placed his palm on the marker stone. “Good bye, Jumper.” He smiled at the name Kate had given the puppy that would leap three feet in the air for a treat.

They had assigned the houses to patients who had recovered and had no one left alive to return home to. They would build a good home here. He remembered the stories that Stealthlin told about the Spear Cathair of his time. It was a beautiful and prosperous city.

He sighed. “Let’s go,” he muttered to Trip and Tara.

They walked to the commons and turned to face each other.

“I’ll give you three of my days, if you don’t return to the QHR, then I’m coming to find you,” Corey vowed.

“Three days, that would be what? About a thousand years?” Tara asked. “Hey, then we’ll be as old as you.”

Corey smiled, then the smile slid off his face. “Be safe. I love you.” He wrapped his arms around Tara. She held onto him and breathed in his scent, planting the memory deep in her soul.

He turned to Trip and hugged him. “You’re my best friend and brother. I’m gonna need you to help me find Kate when you’re done.”

Trip’s voice was husky and he blinked furiously. “We’ll get this done and be back as soon as possible. Then we will find Kate together.”

“Corey,” Tara began with a slight pause. “Why did you marry Eunavae and Drayse before they left?” She cut her eyes nervously to Trip. He perked up a bit.

“They barely knew each other. They were going to need a firm commitment to one another to make it work. I saw that Eunavae already had strong feelings for him and Drayse was clearly in love with her. It seemed the right thing to do.”

Tara nodded and looked down.

“Tara?” Trip took her hands and turned her to face him. “Do you want Corey to marry us?”

She swayed a bit, her eyes locked on Trip’s. “That’s…that’s well.” She drew a shaky breath.

He stood with his eyebrows lifted, waiting for her answer.

“Trip, you know I love you. We are already sworn as lifelong partners in battle. We already have a strong commitment between us. I don’t need anything else. As long as I have your love, I’m good.”

“Are you sure? I want to marry you, Tara. I want to make you mine forever.”

“I am yours, forever.” She kissed him quickly, then turned to Corey.

“Your services won’t be needed right now, Reverend.”

Corey laughed and hugged them both again, then they stepped to opposite sides of the commons and jumped simultaneously, Corey to Heartwork Village and Trip and Tara to the Northern Islands of Ampeliagia.


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