The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series (20 page)

Read The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series Online

Authors: LaDonna Cole

Tags: #quantum mechanics. quantum physics, #action, #time travel, #young adult fiction, #Romance, #time jumping, #sci-fi, #YA, #science-fiction, #star trek, #hunger games, #mazerunner, #Fiction, #young adult, #star wars, #fantasy, #troubled teens, #YA Fiction, #harry potter, #adventure

BOOK: The Source: Book III of the Holding Kate Series
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the security office and wrote down three more security sites that he wanted Tara and Trip to check out the next day. He saw Trip’s cloak in the corner and assumed he started already on his rounds. He turned to go home when he saw a pink ribbon tied to the doorknob and a note secured to it. He turned his head to the side, untied the ribbon and opened the parchment. Candol’s hurried handwriting spilled across the page.




Our house guest has put a damper on our time together. I need you now. Come to the third ledge that overlooks the gorge. I’ll be the naked one waiting for you in the moonlight.




Stealthlin shook his head and let out an amused snort. Candol never did this sort of brazen thing. She was a practical girl who planned and scheduled their lives to the minute. This was impetuous and completely out of character for her. Despite his suspicions, his face broke into a grin. It had been too long since they had some alone time.
This could be fun!
He left the ribbon, tucked the note in his pocket, and climbed the ridge behind the town.

When he got to the rock landing, he saw his naked wife lying in a seductive pose, waiting for him.

“Candol! You are going to freeze out here.”

She didn’t move. She must have fallen asleep. He walked up to her and began to take his cloak off to cover her when he felt a stabbing pain in his neck. He whirled around and saw Najwa standing there with a needle and syringe in her hand.

“Sorry, Stealthlin, but I can’t have you walking around town. It will ruin the lie that you and Kate ran off together. We can’t have that, now.”

Stealthlin staggered toward her and wrapped his hands around her throat, then slid to his knees as the drug kicked in. “No,” was the only thing he could say before blackest darkness closed around him.

Najwa stepped around his body, tied his hands in front of him, and led the horses out of the bracken. The rope hissed as she drew it over the back of one horse and secured it to the pommel of the other horse. Using him to lift Stealthlin up and over the saddle, she positioned him with head and feet dangling to opposite sides. She tied him into place, situated various bundles over him, and secured an oil-treated leather tarp over the top to disguise his form. She stepped back and viewed him from several angles.
Perfect, no one will ever suspect a human dangled over the back of this poor beast of burden
. The horse appeared to be weighted down with supplies. Stealthlin would be out for a long time. By then she and Kate would be far away.

The plan was working well so far, but the problematic part loomed ahead of her. Convincing Kate that she needed to see Corey after she had worked so hard to turn Kate away would be difficult.

When she first arrived at the village and saw how connected Corey and Kate were she thought her assignment was impossible. She would never be able to come between them. So she took the long term route and ferreted between them at every chance. Planting seedlings of doubt in Corey was the hardest. She still didn’t think they had taken root. He just refused to believe anything bad about Kate.

Kate was wholeheartedly devoted to Corey and seemed almost worshipful of him. They didn’t seem to have any significant weaknesses in their relationship. Whatever had happened between them in the past was completely and totally forgiven, as though it had never happened. Najwa couldn’t believe such a love existed. She almost regretted having to carry out her job.


It was necessary that she break them apart. The future was at stake. It was absolutely mandatory that they be separated before they jumped back home. The repercussions of them being together were too horrible. According to Greg, millions of lives depended on her success.

It was a good thing she was a professional, because she really did like Kate and Corey. They offered her love and friendship without reservation. Najwa had never felt acceptance to that degree before. A pang shot through her. She imagined the pain her plan would cause both of them. They were so interconnected that she doubted one would ever be happy without the other.

“I wish there was another way,” she spoke into the night.


Najwa covered Candol with a blanket. She’d be unconscious for several hours and didn’t want frostbite or sun scorching to harm her. Corey would need all of his friends to survive.

Again, a guilty ache lanced through her heart.
I’m doing what I have to.
She stiffened her resolve and turned away.

Najwa took the reins of the horses and led them down the path to find Kate.

She surveyed the town before she left the cover of the trees. Corey’s house remained dark and his office light still shone in the hospital window. She tied the horses to a tree and ran down the incline to Stealthlin and Candol’s front door.

She knocked quickly three times.

Kate came to the door. Her face fell into a tight grimace when she saw Najwa, and she instantly started to close the door.

Najwa put her foot in the way. “Kate, I need to talk to you.”

“I don’t have anything to say to you, Najwa.”

“You need to hear me out. Corey sent me.”

“Corey?” Kate rocked back in disbelief, then her features contorted into rage.

“Please. Let me come in, I won’t take long and if you don’t like what I have to say then I’ll leave.”

Kate hesitated, then relented and opened the door.

Najwa stepped into the living room and turned, letting a tear slip down her cheek. “Oh Kate.”

Kate motioned for Najwa to sit down and then sat across from her.

“I won’t lie to you,” Najwa stated, voice trembling.

Kate snorted.

“No, I mean it. I think Corey and I have done enough of that already. You deserve the truth.”

Kate ground her palms together and stared at the floor.

“I love him,” Najwa said and the truth of it shocked her.

Kate snapped her eyes back up to Najwa and glared daggers.

“I love him with everything inside of me. He is the most pure-hearted, intelligent, self-sacrificing…well you know.” Najwa shrugged, then crossed her arms. “It pains me to say it, but he can’t get over you, Kate.”

Kate’s face lost its stoic glare and softened into sorrow.

“He loves you and doesn’t want to go on without you. I’m just not you.” Najwa let more tears flow down her cheeks.

Kate’s foot bounced up and down. She averted her gaze and gnawed on her bottom lip so hard it looked like it might bruise later.

“He knows you won’t speak to him. He fears you will never speak to him again.”

“Why does he think that? He hasn’t even tried to talk to me,” Kate whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks.

“Well he’s been occupied.” Najwa looked down, hoping she looked embarrassed.

“Occupied?” Kate growled.

Najwa backpedaled a bit. “With the hospital, of course.”

Kate winced.

“But it has been a week now, and he misses you.” Najwa let her voice crack as though it were impossible for her to admit. “He needs you and he wants you back.”

Najwa waited. This crucial moment would determine who would win and who would lose. The next person to speak would surrender. She watched Kate’s expressions pass through several changes.

Finally, Kate put her face into her hands and wept. “Why did he send you?” she cried. “It’s just so unlike him.”

“He was afraid you wouldn’t hear him out. He thought I would have a better chance of getting past Stealthlin. He has been very protective of you.”

Kate cocked her head to the side in confusion. “So go tell him I said he can come see me.” She pushed out of her chair and turned to show Najwa out.

“He sent me to get you. He wants to see you tonight. Now.”

Kate paused and turned around. “Now?”

Kate’s pulse bounded at her neck. Najwa had her. She concealed her triumph and nodded dejectedly.

“There’s a cabin a few miles south of here. He said you would know the one. He wants me to take you there.”

“I don’t need you to come, Najwa. I know the way.”

“He wants us both there. He wants to settle things once and for all as adults. All of us, face to face.”

Kate hesitated. Najwa saw the insecurity in Kate’s eyes and couldn’t believe how low her self-esteem was. She truly doubted her power with Corey, after all these years.

“He wants you to pack a bag, Kate. He told me not to bother packing one. I think that indicates his choice.”

Kate straightened her shoulders and took a shuddering breath, then nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

Najwa glanced around the kitchen area once Kate left, and found the perfect place to leave the notes. She tucked one under a fruit dish where Corey’s name could just be made out, then she stuck the other note behind it, marked for Candol.

She moved to the front door and peered out. The street was quiet tonight, but she still wanted to get away as quickly as possible. Corey was determined to talk to Kate which meant she needed to get her away, immediately.

Kate came out wrapped in a long traveling cloak and riding pants with a full saddle pack. “Let’s go.”

Najwa held open the door. “I have horses packed and ready out back.”

They crossed to the backyard and climbed the incline to the path where the horses were tethered. Just as Kate slipped through the bracken, Najwa saw Corey briskly walking down the street, head down and brows furrowed. Najwa closed the gap of branches behind her, cutting off her view and hurried Kate onto the horses and down the trail.








his bed staring at the ceiling, heartbroken. He had banged on the door for fifteen minutes, but no one would even answer it. He called out to Kate, begging her to talk to him. He even walked around to her window and cried and pleaded for her to come out to him.

“Kate!” he’d screamed, his voice ragged and raw. “Kate! Please. Come home, Kate. I can’t be without you. Kate!” He crumpled onto the ground at her window and sobbed.

Tara and Trip came out of their house and supported Corey’s weight between them as they carried him back to his home. Tara’s eyes spilled tears down onto her cheek. She kissed Corey’s brow and tucked him into bed.

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