The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2)
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Indeed, [at His thundering] my heart also trembles and leaps out of its place. Hear, oh, hear the roar of His voice and the sound of rumbling that goes out of His mouth. Under the whole heaven, He lets it loose, and His lightning to the ends of the earth. After it His voice roars; He thunders with the voice of His majesty, and He restrains not [His lightings against His adversaries] when His voice is heard. God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things that we can
not comprehend. Job 37:1-5, AMP


is inspiration being the vision of the night before, Joshua began exploring the mechanics of sound on the sub-atomic level. Submerged under a mountain of data that covered every possible square inch of his workspace, he was absentmindedly drumming his fingers to the beat of the music blaring through his ear buds and neither saw nor heard Caleb when he entered the lab.

Caleb’s intentions weren’t to startle, just the opposite, the light rap on the desktop
was meant merely to give notice of his presence. Consequentially, he too was shocked when Joshua jumped with such force it resulted in sending the stool he sat on and a number of books crashing to the floor.

“Dear Lord, Caleb! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Joshua struggl
ed to regain his composure and at the same time keep his laptop from crashing to the floor. He did not realize he was shouting. Steadying first the laptop, and then righting the lopsided stool he demanded, “What in the world are you thinking?”

stifling a laugh, Caleb drew his lips tightly across his teeth and pulled at Joshua’s ear-buds. “If you wouldn’t turn the sound up so loud you could probably hear something.” Then teasing, he whispered very softly, “And besides that, you probably wouldn’t be going deaf.”

Sucking in his breath, Joshua yanked his ear-buds from Caleb’s hand and responded with a sarcastic tirade
. “By all means, make your jokes while I look for my myogenic muscular organ. I’m sure it’s on the floor somewhere.”

“Surprise-surprise, I know what that is
.” Caleb still scoffing bent at the waist and casually picked up one of the scattered books off the floor. “It’s your heart, so there!” Raising an eyebrow Caleb suddenly became serious, “I really didn’t mean to make you jump. I came in here to ask what you are doing about my request.”

“Actually, I’m sort of working on what you asked me for.”

“Really, what have you discovered?”

“Are you feeling brainy?”

Caleb arched an eyebrow and sardonically replied, “Always; it’s natural.”

Using his foot, Joshua pushed the stool toward Caleb, and mockingly retorted, “Well, la-te-da, then sit down because this will take all of your brain power.”

Tucking the toes of his shoes around the legs of the stool, Caleb lifted a hand and motioned, “Bring it on.”

“Okay, be sure to stop me if you fail to follow any of my
points.” Joshua put both hands in the pockets of his lab coat and began to pace. “The quantum world is made of things that we can’t see, such as sound and light. We live in a biosphere that has a perfect atmosphere for sound and light.” Josh, not one to talk without hand movements, first took one hand and then the other from his pockets and began using them visually transferring his thoughts. The more intense the message, the more animated he became. “God gave us bodies that are capable of producing sound so we communicate. But for you to hear what I’m saying it requires you have the capability to hear, just as it requires that I have the ability to produce sound. I’ve the necessary equipment to speak; you’ve the necessary equipment to hear, with me?”

smirked, “Got it.”

“However we also must have a cooperative medium; the sound I produce must travel from me to you. The mixture of gaseous molecules between us is that medium
that promotes or enables, so we accomplish our task of projecting and hearing sound. Sound actually travels faster through liquids than gases. However...” Pausing, Joshua looked at his brother and asked, “You following so far?”

“Yes, yes, please go on.” Rolling his hazel eyes, Caleb shook his head and ardently stated, “Please don’t worry about me. I can keep up.”

“Yeah, but I can talk faster than you hear.” Ducking as Caleb pretend to throw a book, Joshua continued to provoke, “Some of us have greater capabilities than others.”

Caleb put the book back on the worktable
and motioned for Josh to continue, “Would you just get on with it?”

“Hey, I’m just trying to help you out
.” Josh throwing his hands in the air as a mock surrender, scoffed, “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay, but, hey if you fall between the cracks, please let me know.”

“Joshua! Enough!”

Chortling, Joshua turned his back and continued, “Okay, I trust you will let me know if I move too fast...” Joshua paused, glanced over his shoulder and seeing the irritation decided it best to proceed with his lecture. “Atoms cling together and make the gases on which sound waves travel. Oh, I forgot to tell you that sound travels in waves, didn’t I? Well, it does, and also there are very few places in our universe where sound doesn’t exist, bet you didn’t know that, huh?” This time Josh didn’t allow for a response but continued to explain, “Everything known to man creates a sound. Even our DNA vibrates. We measure the intensity of sound with decibels; high decibel readings indicate sound is very intense. This is simply a way of measuring the level of atmospheric disturbance. The higher the decibel the greater the disturbance; the more violent the propulsion of the molecules, the higher the decibel.

“The human ear is geared to receive sound in frequencies we call hertz, and again
using the simplest explanation, hertz is merely a measurement of the range of vibration. Sounds vibrate at different frequencies and the higher the frequency of vibration, the higher the pitch. In the music scale, there are seven major keys. Just as we have seven primary colors, and oh, speaking of color, color is actually just the distribution of light. To understand light, you must examine both the cause and the effect, as we do with sound. They both must have a source, an origin, and respondent action.

“The bottom line of what I just said
is this; the ear and the eye were designed by God to receive the waves on which sound and light travel. They are equipped to decode and interpret the meanings of these communications for intelligent reaction. If the ear didn’t exist, there would be no need for vocal chords. Now moving on with this, scientists have discovered that sound impacts matter and can actually reconfigure matter.”


“What don’t you get?”

“No, I got it
. But that’s an extremely powerful statement. Sound can reconfigure matter?”

“Yes, it’s called Cymatics. Cymatics studies the phenomena of sound waves, which create patterns in various materials, such as water, sand, salt, etc. Sound waves can also cause liquids to protrude upward
. Sounds can shatter glass and cause metals to vibrate. To put this more simply, thunder shakes the windows, or maybe I should say my motorcycle can vibrate your car windows.”

Caleb held up a hand, “Yes, yes, I get your point, but how does sound create energy? That’s what I really want to know.”

“You’ve heard of Nikola Tesla but did you know he established the principles between frequencies and power? I read somewhere in one of these books that Tesla believed vibrations could be made powerful enough to bring down any building. Faraday established the relationship between light and electro-magnetism. He also established the relationship of radio waves or frequencies and plasma.” Joshua noted a flicker of confusion crossing over Caleb’s face,

, let me put that into English for you. If the sound has the right frequency or if the light is condensed into the right strength, energy is released. From the quantum perspective there’s a vast world we cannot see. Atoms, sub-atomic particles down to super-strings are in an alternative universe of behavior. The physical universe broken down into sub-atomic particles makes up new rules and regulations that do not necessarily fit the classical, physical world. Yet the classical, physical world comes from the matter of atoms. Is that part clear?”

Josh waited for Caleb to nod before continuing, “Particles masses form matter, and as they adhere together we have molecular struc
ture. We can then measure and perceive vibrations and frequencies in matter, but particles begin as the voice of God. Here let me show you.” Joshua reached for his Bible and thumbed to the verse he wanted to read. “Here it is, ‘He is the sole expression of the glory of God the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine, and He is the perfect imprint and very image of God’s nature, upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power.’ See, Jesus is light and sound working together.”

Caleb stood, “But how do sound and light work together?”

“Well, Jesus said that his words are Spirit. He is the light of the world. According to many theoretical physicists, it is believed that the most elementary building blocks of quantum are super or minute strings of energy that vibrate, they are commonly called super-strings. Some sub-atomic particles move faster than light but this only works if we also allow for the existence of other dimensions, because we have something called non-local matter.”

Caleb sat back down as he slapped his thigh, “Okay, now you are losing me.”

“Alrighty, then the one thing you need to remember is, sound and light are actually derived from the same sub-atomic particles, and both are waves of energy reacting either as electro-magnetic forces or as vibration and frequencies.

Joshua laid his Bible on the worktable and held out both of his hands
. “First,” he lifted his right hand higher than his left, “waves, sound waves are longitudinal and composed of compressions and rarefactions. Sound vibrations travel through the air in waves,” he moved his right hand up and down and across his chest to illustrate his point. “But the individual molecules themselves don’t move. The sound is not acting as individual particles but as a single wave. On the other hand,” he put his right hand down and lifted his left higher, “light waves are actually electromagnetic waves, which are produced from the accelerated motion of electrons.” He jabbed his left hand out away from his body in a fast forward motion, “You see light travels with intensity. The most common understanding of light is that it reflects or it refracts so light bounces off the receptacle and continues to travel, but sound moves along until it penetrates.

“And that’s as simple as I know how to make it. Sound and light are the causal effect of sub-atomic particles reacting to the true energy source, which I believe is God. To put a
capstone on it for you, according to the Hebrews 1:3 text, God guides and propels the universe at the command of his force. So what I’m saying, God speaks and energy exists. The two are inseparable, because God makes sound energy, or light to exist, and because he exists these elements exist. God is the most supreme and intelligent being in existence and the energy he produces has design. Everything he does has purpose. His thoughts design and his word becomes the energy that forms the thought. His word is the blueprint for the design, because his word is birthed from the intent of his thought. The blueprint or word replicates and creates by the sound within his word.”




And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:1-4, AMP


ll right, Brother Josh,” Caleb feeling intimidated waggled a finger in a mocking manner and voiced his thoughts. “I think I’ve followed you, so I guess my question should be do you think it’s possible for Satan to harness light and sound for his purposes?” Standing slowly, Caleb began to walk in the opposite direction of where his brother stood. “Think about this question in terms of the Tower of Babel, could they have known how to control sound and light?”

Moving to sit on the stool vacated by his brother, Joshua thought for a moment, “Wow! That’s an interesting question! Can you expound a little on what you are trying to get to?”

Caleb leaning against the nearest lab table crossed his arms over his chest and began to explain his thoughts. “Well, like I told you yesterday, I’m studying the Tower of Babel, and I don’t think the tower’s purpose was to reach the heavens by building a tall building. I think they planned to enter into the heavens to wage war with God. Perhaps they were attempting to harness energy in such a way the Tower of Babel would act like a portal for transporting them back and forth between the dimensions of the second and or even the third heaven. I put a caveat on the word ‘they,’ because I am not sure if ‘they’ would have been exclusively the fallen angels, or if ‘they’ would have been fallen angels and men. But my speculation is the Tower of Babel was to be the principal portal from where ‘they’ would activate a scheme of Biblical proportions. The tower and the other pyramids and ziggurats around the world would be connected somehow by electro-magnetic fields of energy.

“And now I’ve said it aloud, and in this way, I know how crazy it sounds
. But believing that I’m onto something, I’m seeking to understand what materials were available that would facilitate this endeavor for world control. How would they obtain access to the dimensions of the second or third heavens from Earth? From the scriptures in Genesis, we know they used brick and that they burned or baked them, and for mortar, they used slime. The Book of Jasher indicates that they used fire to bake the bricks, which meant they were oven baked. I can’t help but think since the Bible makes a point of telling us they used bricks, we should realize the materials they used were somehow important to what they were doing.

“I know t
hey used bricks because stones were not in great quantity in Shinar, which by the way is Babylon, or current day Iraq. The slime I referred to is actually bitumen or asphalt, it was the first petroleum product used by man. It’s a great adhesive. The terrain between the Tigris and the Euphrates had an abundance of bitumen pits. One of the things we know about bitumen, it muffles sound. We know the Sumerians, who were the first people of Shinar, used loaf-shaped bricks making them flat on one side and convex on the other. The Sumerians covered their bricks with bitumen. The Sumerians also invented kilns. Of course, that’s another reason why I believe the bricks were oven baked rather than sun baked. The harder the brick, the more weight it can support. Sun baked bricks are not perfected to the same hardness as oven-baked bricks.

“They would have waterproofed the bricks by covering them in bitumen and baking them a second time. Bricks are porous so they absorb the bitumen, and when bitumen was then applied as mortar both the bricks and the mortar solidified into a single unit. By the time they had finished the process, the tower structure would have withstood as much weight...well, actually more psi, than if they had used stone.

“Over the years, many scholars have speculated as to how high the tower was. I read several articles indicating it was taller than modern day skyscrapers. But I think worrying over its height distracts from its purpose. We should ask, what was at the apex of this ziggurat, and we know that it was a ziggurat and not an Egyptian-type pyramid. But my ultimate question:  what was its purpose?” Caleb, uncrossing his arms shrugged his shoulders. “Was it, as I have said, some sort of star gate portal, or perhaps a temple, or an observatory or a combination of all these? It wasn’t uncommon for ziggurats of that time to have temple altars on their pinnacle platform. In Central America, many were observatories. Honestly, I think this particular ziggurat was multi-purposed.”

Nodding Joshua stood, “I see where you going
, and why you want to know about gold and crystal.” Walking around his workstation, he began to move objects about while he talked. “Before we talk about gold and crystal I want to put a fly in the ointment, if they achieved this feat, how do they step over into the Celestial with a physical body and survive? So off the bat, I would say that they were trying to open the star-gate for Celestials to step through.”

Caleb snapped his fingers and stood erect, “Do you have a copy of the Book of Jasher handy?”

Joshua around his desk until he found the dog-eared book and then handed it to Caleb, “What now?”

Caleb ignored the question, instead
thumbed through the pages until he found what he was looking for and then replied, “Listen to this, ‘King Nimrod reigned securely, and all Earth was under his control and all Earth was of one tongue and words of union. And all the princes of Nimrod and his great men took counsel together. Phut, Mizraim, Cush and Canaan with their families and they said to each other, ‘Come let us build ourselves a city and in it a strong tower, its top reaching heaven. And we will make ourselves famed, so we may reign upon the whole world, in order that the evil of our enemies may cease from us, that we may reign mightily over them, and that we may not become scattered over the Earth on account of their wars.’”

Widening his eyes Caleb looked at Josh, “Do you get that? These people wanted to control everything…wait, let me read more.
‘And they began to make bricks and burn fires to build the city and the tower that they had imagined to complete. And the building of the tower was unto them a transgression and a sin, and they began to build it, and whilst they were building against the Lord God of heaven, they imagined in their hearts to war against him and to ascend into heaven. And all these people and all the families divided themselves in three parts; the first said, “We will ascend into heaven and fight against him.” The second said, “We will ascend to heaven and place our own gods there and serve them.” And the third part said, “We will ascend to heaven and smite him with bows and spears.” And God knew all their works and all their evil thoughts, and he saw the city and the tower which they were building...’”

Holding up a finger Josh interrupted, “Okay, but I think I’m missing your point.” Scratching a day old beard he weighed his words, “What I hear is that these guys were building for much the same reason that Lucifer fell from heaven.”

“Well, duh,” Caleb grinned, “you are being too literal; just who do you think was behind the building of the tower? That’s my point; they were opening a star gate for Lucifer and the fallen angels to step through the dimensions of our world and in so doing, somehow gain an entrance into the Holy places of Heaven. Granted the humans were delusional, but the fallen angels and the demonic forces put them up to this. Joshua, the Book of Jubilees says they were building this city and tower for forty-three years. That’s a heck of a lot of bricks, but bricks don’t access heaven, so there had to be something else in conjunction with the bricks. These guys weren’t dummies; they were going up; as in going up,” Caleb pointed to the ceiling, “to higher dimensions. They wanted to do three things: ascend into heaven, fight with God, and replace him. Something gave them the idea that this was achievable. And if you remember, God must have thought so too, or else why did he come down and destroy the tower?”

Joshua sighed as his mind
raced, “Then you are saying, the tower would have given access to fallen angels to enter our dimensions and that once in our dimensions, they would then somehow ascend into the higher dimensions to war with the Celestials in heaven?”

Caleb nodded, “Yeah, I think so…but I think…the plan, was for men to war against God.”

Joshua drummed his fingers across the top of his desk and then moved away from it a few paces before he turned and faced his brother, “Well putting aside my skepticism for the moment, because I’m going to really think on this theory of yours. But just looking at the elements of gold and crystal, they both are conductors of energy; that’s why gold is in electronics. Gold is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity; it reflects infrared. Gold and crystal both have the symmetry and arrangement of atoms that light and sound can travel through easily. Properties of certain crystals will cause voltage to shrink, while other properties will stretch it. Another property causes a double image to appear when looking through a crystal. Moreover, various elements of crystal not only conduct electrical impulses, but also expand the projection of light waves...”

Caleb, clearing his throat, shook his head and looked at Joshua from the corner of his eyes, Joshua getting the hint smiled, “Okay, okay, both gold and crystal reflect light, conduct electro-magnetic fields, and are receptors of sound. Gold and crystal would have been the materi
als of choice for transmitting sound, at least at that time in history, because modern glass and aluminum didn’t exist. But if you remember, Enoch made a reference to a crystal house, which had ceilings like clear water so that swirling stars could be seen, and he said that the crystal was both fire hot and ice cold. So perhaps, crystal in the Celestial realm, and opposing crystal in the terrestrial would act on each other in some way and form a conduit...pure speculation on my part...”

“That’s all right,” Caleb interrupted, “I get it. But you know angels were symbolically referred to as stars, hence a play on the word star-gate.” Caleb smirked, “Just saying, but seriously the fallen angels might have known that it was men’s voices that opened the portals to heaven so maybe if men prayed and the portals opened the fallen angels would step through…I don’t know, I have to think more and pray for more insight.”

Turning to walk to the door, Caleb shook a finger in the air and added, “I think fallen angels got involved in the building of the tower somehow, because that’s when the Nephilim first reappeared after the flood; it’s certain demonic spirits were present at the building of the tower. So Satan and his hordes could have being using Nimrod as a pawn and through him the majority of humanity, and God had to put a stop to it all!”

Josh nodded, “Give me some time to work on it. I’ll try to dig out more info for you
.” Waving Caleb out of his lab, Joshua added, “I think perhaps you’re on to something, but I’ve got a paper that really needs my attention, it’s due as soon as Spring Break is over.”

“Well think
about this while you are at it.” Caleb turned at the door, “I think God brought the tower down with a hurricane-like storm, and in the process two things occurred. One: God stopped man’s ability to communicate telepathically and two: God dummied man down by changing his bandwidth.” Shrugging his shoulders, Caleb opened the door and exited saying, “It’s just a thought!”

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