The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2)
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“When pride was found in him, he was expelled from the altars of Aravot. He fell into an outer darkness along with the host of angels he enticed to rebel with him. The realm of darkness did not exist until Helel rebelled. The realm of darkness has not been given a name because naming anything means the owning of it, and El Elyon does not want man to own the realm of darkness.

“As I said
, the realm of total darkness was created by the fall of Helel when Light departed from him. Son, you need to understand when light departs that is a form of death. But I ramble…the point I strive for is simply this, the realm of darkness is not outside Earth, but within its core. It is the lowest realm in all of the dimensions.

“When Helel was dethroned, his anarchy brought a reaction of pandemonium, and for the first time there was an absence of complete peace. Before, Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to rule as the Melek of Earth, and was commanded to subdue and take dominion of his environment,” Noah stretched his legs and crossed his ankles, “there were two trees placed within Eden, one for the gaining of knowledge and the other for the continuity of immortality to humanity. The first tree contained elements of ra, the second tree, everlasting life.”

Noah raised a hand and chuckled, “To get a full understanding, I need to side step again, when El Elyon created Adam, he was perfect. He fully possessed an understanding of the ways of the Lord of Creation. El Elyon added Eve as a mate, and she too was perfectly created.

“Helel, observing from the darkness, perceived Eve would be the easiest to deceive since she had not received the initial instructions as Adam had. Anyway, you know the story
, the Adversary convinced Eve the partaking of knowledge would gain her immortality and would make her like the Elohim, wise. And Adam, as the story goes, partook of the tree of knowledge once he knew Eve had. Adam gave into the temptation to join her in her state of self-awareness instead of taking the matter to El Elyon. Rather than petitioning El Elyon for her forgiveness as her priest, he joined her in the transgression, as the Melek…”

“Is this the place in the story where El Elyon provided the lambskin garments?” Enmerkar interrupted.

Noah nodded somberly, “Sadly, yes, the garments made from the skins taken from the lambs used in the first blood sacrifice. Unfortunately, those skins are no longer in my possession or I would show them to you, they were stolen by a fallen angel.”

Afraid his face might unintentionally betray him
, Enmerkar stood and walked to the same open window Noah had stood before moments earlier. Careful to keep his back toward Noah, he casually asked, “They were stolen?”

Without any inflection of remorse, Noah
responded, “Yes, but that’s not a story I wish to discuss tonight. But let me say this, those garments were provided to the Melek as a covering because he ruled Earth. They were symbolical of the importance of the priesthood as well as the authority to rule Earth. But, moving forward with our topic, man created to be the ruler of Earth, is to protect Earth and act upon its behalf. And in that respect, Adam failed the Creator. That is how evil entered into our world. It’s at this point the story written in the night sky becomes meaningful. Because, before recreating Earth, El Elyon knew man would transgress against these dictates. And, because God knew ahead of time, he placed a hope of redemption in the Rakia for all to read. The sun, moon, and stars are deliberately aligned to declare the glorious story of a Promised Seed.

“Do you know what El Elyon told the Evil One in the Garden?” Noah rose from his chair and walked to a nearby table, not waiting for an answer he continued, “El Elyon said, ‘I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers
. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.’ This is the Minchar Al Sugia, ‘the piercing of the deceiver.’”

After carefully pouring two cups of water from a pitcher, he followed Enmerkar to the window and handed one cup of water to his great-grandson, and then after drinking the other, he continued, “When my great-grandfather Enoch ascended into the heavens and was given revelation of these things he wrote some of what I tell you. Sadly, however, we lost many of his written words with the flood but I managed to save some…”

“El Elyon cursed…” Lost in thought, Enmerkar did not immediately realize he had interrupted Noah’s words until he heard himself speak aloud, “and set the Celestials to war against...I’m sorry, you said Minchar Al Sugia, what is that?”

“Why yes, it is called the Seed War
. It is a war between the seed of woman and the seed of the Evil One. Minchar Al Sugia is a star in the decan called Hydra. If that term is new to you, a decan simply put is a smaller grouping of stars contained within a larger constellation. The smaller group of stars will emerge as the bigger grouping moves through its seasonal rotation. Hydra is the constellation that resembles a serpent. It’s associated with the constellation of Arieh, the lion. I’ll discuss each constellation later. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself so bear with me as I continue with the story behind the story. Be patient, my son. In order to fully understand the story of the stars, you must know why the story is so important.” Noah turned and looked into the tired eyes of his great-grandson, “Do I continue tonight, or will you prefer to continue this tomorrow?”

“Maybe you can give me the abbreviated version tonight and the lon
ger version tomorrow?” Enmerkar suggested with a grin.

Noah nodded
and chuckled, “It’s a lot of information, I know, and best digested in pieces with maps and charts. I’ll show you the location of the constellations on the star charts, and give you the name of every decan associated with each constellation. We’ll learn the primary stars in each constellation and decan, when you see the stars on the charts, I think you’ll see the story in its entirety, but let’s sit down again.” Noah pointed to the chairs, “I, too, am tired so let me wrap this up quickly.

“Created as an archangel, Helel is very intel
ligent. He fully understood El Elyon had decreed the war because the part he played in Adam and Eve’s transgression. Our enemy knows he will be the loser of the Seed War. You see, by the implications contained within the Adamic curse, the Adversary has but an allotted time to wage war against humanity. This war will continue until the Promised Seed comes.

“But moving on, after the government of Adam
was removed from the Garden of Eden, Adam built his home, actually quite near here and about five hundred years later, the Watchers came from the heavens. The Watchers were sent by El Elyon to gather information and report upon the conditions of Earth. They possessed the power to transform themselves into human men for a limited time. Two hundred of the Celestials gathered and made a pact on the top of Mount Hermon. The Watchers agreed they would not return to Aravot, but mutually agreed they would remain in Earth, in the form of men, their choice rendered them permanently unable to return to Aravot.

The Watchers took women and had children by them. The hybrid children became giants and were used by the kingdom of darkness to gain control over humanity. The Nephilim were unlawful. They were half-Celestial and half-terrestrial creatures that roamed Earth taking with them ra where they chose to wander.

“The fallen Celestials even crossbred animals with humans, creating mixtures of abomination. They performed unspeakable crimes against women and enticed human men to join them. El Elyon found it necessary to declare a judgment and to purify Earth of this corruption.”

Enmerkar lifted his eyebrows as if to interrupt, but Noah lifted a hand to stop him. “Yes, I know, many tell me that El Elyon was vengeful to bring such an immense destruction but if you’d seen what was going on, you would understand why it was necessary. It was the only way to cleanse Earth of the effect of the crossbreeds, and there’s much yet to say,” Noah yawned, “but not tonight,” yawning again he finished his sentence, “I can’t hold my eyes open. Let’s continue tomorrow.”








Come near to me and listen to this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it happened, I was there. And now the Lord God has sent His Spirit in and with me. Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way, that you should go. Oh that you had hearkened to my commandments! Then your peace and prosperity would have been like a flowing river, and your righteousness [the holiness and purity of the nation] like the [abundant] waves of the sea. Isaiah 48:16-18, AMP

He determines and counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by their names. Psalm 147:4, AMP


he moment he walked into the chamber the students called haRagal, Enmerkar knew he had stepped over into a brand new world. Wide-eyed, head held back and stared up at the chamber’s domed ceiling. After making two full circles of the room, he moved to its center still staring up. Standing arms akimbo, he tried understanding all he saw but this was beyond words.

Upon a background of black or dark blue, he wasn’t sure which, were the sun, moon and the complete Mazzaroth, each etched in
vibrant colors. It appeared that the entire Rakia was displayed upon the ceiling of the three-storied rotunda. A shiver traveled down his spine. He felt as if he had crossed more than a threshold, but was standing in the prelude to his destiny. Taking in as many of the details as he could, he noted around the perimeter of the rotunda’s ceiling was a walkway. In order to reach the platform, one had to mount a circular staircase. The steps of the staircase twisted and turned around the first two stories of the room as they seemingly spread out and gave way to form shelves containing what Enmerkar assumed to be charts and maps. As fascinating as the charts and maps might be, his eyes constantly returned to focus only on the amazing star filled ceiling. As he made another slow turn, still staring upward, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

Noah, leaning over the staircase balustrade greeted him, “Good morning son.” Laughing at the expression on Enmerkar’s face
, Noah dismounted the stairs and explained his amusement, “I often see that same expression you have on your face; matter of fact it’s on every face that enters this chamber for the first time.”

“There are no words, sir,” Enmerkar shrugged his shoulders, “this place is incredible.”

  Noah still chuckling added, “Actually, before the flood, in my ancestral home, there was a room much like this, it was built by Enoch.” Noah walked to a nearby table and laid several long papyrus scrolls on it. “But before I give you the tour, let’s continue where I left off from last evening. We start today’s lesson with the charts I have pulled from the shelves. Not to repeat myself, but I need to recap the information I gave you last night so you have a succinct picture.” Shaking his head, he grinned sheepishly and sat at the table, “Truthfully, I’m not sure where I left off. Remember, I’m an old man and I’ve many students, so please appease me.”

Enmerkar nodded as he found a place at the table and sat. Without waiting for additional response Noah proceeded,
“From El Elyon all that exists, was created. Everything his design, except ra. Everything began as thought within him. Because he is eternal, I guess you could say all things exist, even before they manifest, whether we speak of the Celestial or the terrestrial, this then would be true.

“I should pause and explain the Supreme Deity is triune, there are three different personages
that manifest outside the dimensions of eternity. Within eternity, there is only one God.” Noah looking into Enmerkar’s eyes realized his student had not received the full meaning of what he was trying to communicate; he paused and asked, “Do you understand what I just explained?”

Enmerkar smiled, not wanting to waste time upon Noah’s extremism, nodded and
then added, “Yes, sir.”

Feeling a hesitancy in his spirit, Noah said a silent prayer asking God
to help his student understand and then he continued. “All right, the truth that El Elyon is eternal leads to the conclusion when we comprehend him, or have revelation of him outside of the eternal realm, we see him as Creator. In other words, he allows us to know him as the Creator. And if he created all things then his power surpasses all power and it would stand to reason, he is all-powerful.

Let me back up and expound on the understanding that El Elyon is eternal. All creatures in the realm of the Celestial are everlasting or immortal. No one is eternal. Do you understand that principal?”

Shaking his head, Enmerkar questioned, “
No I don’t think so.”

“El Elyon ha
d no beginning. All other beings, all Celestials have origins. The word ‘create’ would imply a beginning, so if the creature was created, he would have a beginning. ”

Enmerkar waved a hand in the air, “Ah, all right, I see, please go on.”

“All right then, Helel ben Shakar was created to walk among the stones of fire, or the entirety of all universes, but he could not enter the eternal dimension. He was a Guardian, the first created of the archangels. He received the assignment to protect the habitation of El Elyon and he took from El Elyon, the light of his presence and carried that light to all of creation. In return, creation sang to Helel and Helel sang to the Lord God. Helel took the gratitude of creation back to the Creator as musical sounds. El Elyon harmonized with Helel, and together they brought forth new light and the cycle repeated. Continuous harmony in all creation and throughout the universes existed because of the sound and light flowing into and out of Helel.”

Noah shifted in his seat and at the same
time, flattened his hands and spread them on the table, “In the midst of standing before El Elyon, Helel began to desire worship for his own beauty. That’s when he began to plot, and his thoughts led to his downfall that I spoke of last night. I’ll not repeat myself unless you need me to.”

Noah paused as Enmerkar shook his head
and mouthed, no.

“Good, stay with me a bit longer and I will incorporate all the beauty of this story into one complete thought. So far, we have light and sound in our story but there is also the
importance of color and the preciseness of numbers. Everything originates in the heart of El Elyon. Light, sound, color, and design, but keep in mind, everything begins as the sound of light. When light becomes perception, sound is heard; light contains all colors, and light and sound come in precise measurements.

“Usually when I ask the question, how does a superior intelligence speak with one that is inferior? My students stumble about trying to find a hidden meaning to my question, but I ask this with a forthright purpose
. We all need to understand, El Elyon is not a man who is very intelligent, he the Creator, know all things. All intelligence is below his. He is the apex of knowing. If we think of knowledge as a pyramid, those created in the Celestial exist from the top to middle, and we, the terrestrials are the middle to base, but he is the all-knowing all-seeing God!

“After Helel was ejected from the Celestial altars, El Elyon made a determination to implement a new way of communing to creation. Before he created man, he decided to show all men, for all time, a message. To develop man’s understanding, God validated certain truths, such as the value of light versus darkness. For this reason, he placed a great light in the Rakia, the sun.” Noah paused and looked up to the ceiling and pointed toward the symbol of the sun, “It provides light and warmth, which if we were without, life could not continue...the moon also has its benefits, yet, it is not a light giver, it is a light reflector, you still following?”

“Yes, sir,” Enmerkar replied, “you make it easy to understand.”

“Good, then let’s move to the significance of numbers.
Numbers give emphasis or significance to what they measure, such as time and space, and they bring order. Order is the opposite of chaos. Remember the two trees in the garden?”

Waiting until Enmerkar responded with a nod, Noah smiled and continued, “The tree of knowledge could also be understood as the tree which provokes a response from the soul. Its fruit, ingested by will,
and digested by desire, gave the intellect the by-product of chaos. The curse of the tree was the mixing of chaos with divine order. The tree of knowledge was the knowing of order and chaos. The mixing of chaos with order always corrupts information.

“The tree of life
on the other hand represented the everlasting covenant between Elohiym and man. Its fruit provided for immortality. The promise of immortality is symbolized by one specific light within the cosmos, the sun. Without the sun, there is no life. The sun makes a statement: a promise of a certain man, who will have a divine nature and who will restore all things to life!

“So, interestingly, all these things tie together, and
come full circle, when you know the story. As you observe the light of the stars against the dark of the night sky, hopefully you will see the story and the symbolic meaning of light and sound, and you will see how the Rakia became a love message to humanity.

We begin with the sun because the light of the sun is observed during the day. At night, of course we have the moon. Our calendars are based upon the movements of both the sun and the moon. We measure or number the orbits of Earth around the sun, and the orbits of the moon around Earth. One gives us years and the other months. The movement of our Earth brings days and seasons. These two lights symbolize the forces that escort us through the passage of time and space to our ultimate designation. That designation is not only a place but also a position of everlasting life with Elohiym. The sun, moon, and stars were given as signs to measure or to number our days; to know seasons; to set the feasts and to count the years that measure the Celestial days.”

Noah stood and walked to the middle of the room, pointing upward to the ceiling he continued, “The sky is divided into four quarters, and the signs of the four quadrants are the lion, the man, the bull, and the eagle, which as we proceed with our lessons, we shall see the eagle become the scorpion.”

Enmerkar, following Noah with his eyes, noticed for the first time the drawings on the four walls.

“These also illustrate the Chayyot of Aravot, the four living crea
tures, which are continuously before the throne of God. The north quadrant is the eagle, the east is the lion, the man is in the south, and the fourth primary reference point or the west, is the bull. El Elyon created four archangels to oversee the great and mighty host of Celestials. The archangels; Helel the eagle who soared over all others, Michael the might of God is the lion, Gabriel the voice of God is the man, and Raphael the one who serves is the bull. Their symbols carry these meanings: the scorpion is a deceiver; the lion is a warrior; the man serves as a son, and the bull plods the grain in the field.

“Within the quadrants of the night sky, we have twelve major constellations
.” Returning to the table without sitting Noah began pacing behind Enmerkar. “Now keep this in mind we have four directions: north, east, south, and west. Yet, don’t think of the constellations as being presented in any way but as a continuous story. The story as written by the constellation comes in three chapters or three phases. To understand that you must know the name and order of each constellation, knowing their order will help with the recollection of the full story. There are twelve constellations, but each constellation has a subset or decan of stars.

I am going to take you through the Mazzaroth, briefly now, but later we will break down each grouping. That is the reason for the charts I laid on the table. The story begins with a virgin. She marks the beginning of the twelve major constellations. We call her Bethulah. She bears a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left. From her comes the Promised Seed. He will not be born from man’s desire. The young woman must be untouched by man. The brightest star of her constellation bears the name of Tsemech, and it’s the starting point of the branch she holds. The second brightest of her stars is Zavijaveh means gloriously beautiful. The third star to remember is, Al Mureddin, meaning who shall have dominion.

“If I continued naming the stars
within Bethulah you would have a description of the Promised Seed. You know that we desire him because he is the ultimate sin offering, and the promise he carries is the promise of everlasting redemption.

“The second major constellation is the Monzanaim
, the scales of justice. The Promised Seed will pay a price for justice. This constellation, like many of the others has three decans, the first is Adom, a man and the second is Asedah, that means ‘the one who is slain,’ and the last decan is the Atarah, which refers to his royal blood. Putting these meanings together, we know the Promised Seed will be of a royal house and a man who shall be killed.

“The third major constellation is Akrab the scorpion
. Akrab portrays the conflict or the war between the scorpion and the Promised Seed. The scorpion is Helel. A decan of Akrab is Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus represents the one who wrestles a serpent. Another decan depicts a mighty man who is down on one knee as if wounded, yet he is not defeated for he holds a club in his hand ready to strike the serpent in the head.

“So, the story with Akrab,
the enemy, the serpent shall wrestle with the Promised Seed. The Promised Seed, who is a mighty man, will go down as if wounded but he will not be defeated because he shall destroy the serpent by hitting him in the head.” Noah suddenly became still, and then tapping Enmerkar’s shoulder he instructed, “Look up, directly over your head, you see that constellation?”

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