The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (48 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

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A small sample of these approaches is reviewed here. Since their adoption, they have grown in sophistication, which has enabled the creation of practical products that avoid the fragility and high error rates of earlier systems.

Expert Systems
. In the 1970s AI was often equated with one specific method: expert systems. This involves the development of specific logical rules to simulate the decision-making processes of human experts. A key part of the procedure entails knowledge engineers interviewing domain experts such as doctors and engineers to codify their decision-making rules.

There were early successes in this area, such as medical diagnostic systems that compared well to human physicians, at least in limited tests. For example, a system called MYCIN, which was designed to diagnose and recommend remedial treatment for infectious diseases, was developed through the 1970s. In 1979 a team of expert evaluators compared diagnosis and treatment recommendations by MYCIN to those of human doctors and found that MYCIN did as well as or better than any of the physicians.

It became apparent from this research that human decision making typically is based not on definitive logic rules but rather on “softer” types of evidence. A dark spot on a medical imaging test may suggest cancer, but other factors such as its exact shape, location, and contrast are likely to influence a diagnosis. The hunches of human decision making are usually influenced by combining many pieces of evidence from prior experience, none definitive by itself. Often we are not even consciously aware of many of the rules that we use.

By the late 1980s expert systems were incorporating the idea of uncertainty and could combine many sources of probabilistic evidence to make a decision. The MYCIN system pioneered this approach. A typical MYCIN “rule” reads:

If the infection which requires therapy is meningitis, and the type of the infection is fungal, and organisms were not seen on the stain of the culture, and the patient is not a compromised host, and the patient has been to an area that is endemic for coccidiomycoses, and the race of the patient is Black, Asian, or Indian, and the cryptococcal antigen in the csf test was not positive, THEN there is a 50 percent chance that cryptococcus is not one of the organisms which is causing the infection.

Although a single probabilistic rule such as this would not be sufficient by itself to make a useful statement, by combining thousands of such rules the evidence can be marshaled and combined to make reliable decisions.

Probably the longest-running expert system project is CYC (for enCYClopedic), created by Doug Lenat and his colleagues at Cycorp. Initiated in 1984, CYC has been coding commonsense knowledge to provide machines with an ability to understand the unspoken assumptions underlying human ideas and reasoning. The project has evolved from hard-coded logical rules to probabilistic ones and now includes means of extracting knowledge from written sources (with human supervision). The original goal was to generate one million rules, which reflects only a small portion of what the average human knows about the world. Lenat’s latest goal is for CYC to master “100 million things, about the number a typical person knows about the world, by 2007.”

Another ambitious expert system is being pursued by Darryl Macer, associate professor of biological sciences at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. He plans to develop a system incorporating all human ideas.
One application would be to inform policy makers of which ideas are held by which community.

Bayesian Nets
. Over the last decade a technique called Bayesian logic has created a robust mathematical foundation for combining thousands or even millions of such probabilistic rules in what are called “belief networks” or Bayesian nets. Originally devised by English mathematician Thomas Bayes and published posthumously in 1763, the approach is intended to determine the likelihood of future events based on similar occurrences in the past.
Many expert systems based on Bayesian techniques gather data from experience in an ongoing fashion, thereby continually learning and improving their decision making.

The most promising type of spam filters are based on this method. I
personally use a spam filter called SpamBayes, which trains itself on e-mail that you have identified as either “spam” or “okay.”
You start out by presenting a folder of each to the filter. It trains its Bayesian belief network on these two files and analyzes the patterns of each, thus enabling it to automatically move subsequent e-mail into the proper category. It continues to train itself on every subsequent e-mail, especially when it’s corrected by the user. This filter has made the spam situation manageable for me, which is saying a lot, as it weeds out two hundred to three hundred spam messages each day, letting more than one hundred “good” messages through. Only about 1 percent of the messages it identifies as “okay” are actually spam; it almost never marks a good message as spam. The system is almost as accurate as I would be and much faster.

Markov Models
. Another method that is good at applying probabilistic networks to complex sequences of information involves Markov models.
Andrei Andreyevich Markov (1856–1922), a renowned mathematician, established a theory of “Markov chains,” which was refined by Norbert Wiener (1894–1964) in 1923. The theory provided a method to evaluate the likelihood that a certain sequence of events would occur. It has been popular, for example, in speech recognition, in which the sequential events are phonemes (parts of speech). The Markov models used in speech recognition code the likelihood that specific patterns of sound are found in each phoneme, how the phonemes influence each other, and likely orders of phonemes. The system can also include probability networks on higher levels of language, such as the order of words. The actual probabilities in the models are trained on actual speech and language data, so the method is self-organizing.

Markov modeling was one of the methods my colleagues and I used in our own speech-recognition development.
Unlike phonetic approaches, in which specific rules about phoneme sequences are explicitly coded by human linguists, we did not tell the system that there are approximately forty-four phonemes in English, nor did we tell it what sequences of phonemes were more likely than others. We let the system discover these “rules” for itself from thousands of hours of transcribed human speech data. The advantage of this approach over hand-coded rules is that the models develop subtle probabilistic rules of which human experts are not necessarily aware.

Neural Nets
. Another popular self-organizing method that has also been used in speech recognition and a wide variety of other pattern-recognition tasks is neural nets. This technique involves simulating a simplified model of neurons and interneuronal connections. One basic approach to neural nets can be
described as follows. Each point of a given input (for speech, each point represents two dimensions, one being frequency and the other time; for images, each point would be a pixel in a two-dimensional image) is randomly connected to the inputs of the first layer of simulated neurons. Every connection has an associated synaptic strength, which represents its importance and which is set at a random value. Each neuron adds up the signals coming into it. If the combined signal exceeds a particular threshold, the neuron fires and sends a signal to its output connection; if the combined input signal does not exceed the threshold, the neuron does not fire, and its output is zero. The output of each neuron is randomly connected to the inputs of the neurons in the next layer. There are multiple layers (generally three or more), and the layers may be organized in a variety of configurations. For example, one layer may feed back to an earlier layer. At the top layer, the output of one or more neurons, also randomly selected, provides the answer. (For an algorithmic description of neural nets, see this note:

Since the neural-net wiring and synaptic weights are initially set randomly, the answers of an untrained neural net will be random. The key to a neural net, therefore, is that it must learn its subject matter. Like the mammalian brains on which it’s loosely modeled, a neural net starts out ignorant. The neural net’s teacher—which may be a human, a computer program, or perhaps another, more mature neural net that has already learned its lessons—rewards the student neural net when it generates the right output and punishes it when it does not. This feedback is in turn used by the student neural net to adjust the strengths of each interneuronal connection. Connections that were consistent with the right answer are made stronger. Those that advocated a wrong answer are weakened. Over time, the neural net organizes itself to provide the right answers without coaching. Experiments have shown that neural nets can learn their subject matter even with unreliable teachers. If the teacher is correct only 60 percent of the time, the student neural net will still learn its lessons.

A powerful, well-taught neural net can emulate a wide range of human pattern-recognition faculties. Systems using multilayer neural nets have shown impressive results in a wide variety of pattern-recognition tasks, including recognizing handwriting, human faces, fraud in commercial transactions such as credit-card charges, and many others. In my own experience in using neural nets in such contexts, the most challenging engineering task is not coding the nets but in providing automated lessons for them to learn their subject matter.

The current trend in neural nets is to take advantage of more realistic and more complex models of how actual biological neural nets work, now that we are developing detailed models of neural functioning from brain reverse
Since we do have several decades of experience in using self-organizing paradigms, new insights from brain studies can quickly be adapted to neural-net experiments.

Neural nets are also naturally amenable to parallel processing, since that is how the brain works. The human brain does not have a central processor that simulates each neuron. Rather, we can consider each neuron and each interneuronal connection to be an individual slow processor. Extensive work is under way to develop specialized chips that implement neural-net architectures in parallel to provide substantially greater throughput.

Genetic Algorithms (GAs)
. Another self-organizing paradigm inspired by nature is genetic, or evolutionary, algorithms, which emulate evolution, including sexual reproduction and mutations. Here is a simplified description of how they work. First, determine a way to code possible solutions to a given problem. If the problem is optimizing the design parameters for a jet engine, define a list of the parameters (with a specific number of bits assigned to each parameter). This list is regarded as the genetic code in the genetic algorithm. Then randomly generate thousands or more genetic codes. Each such genetic code (which represents one set of design parameters) is considered a simulated “solution” organism.

Now evaluate each simulated organism in a simulated environment by using a defined method to evaluate each set of parameters. This evaluation is a key to the success of a genetic algorithm. In our example, we would apply each solution organism to a jet-engine simulation and determine how successful that set of parameters is, according to whatever criteria we are interested in (fuel consumption, speed, and so on). The best solution organisms (the best designs) are allowed to survive, and the rest are eliminated.

Now have each of the survivors multiply themselves until they reach the same number of solution creatures. This is done by simulating sexual reproduction. In other words, each new offspring solution draws part of its genetic code from one parent and another part from a second parent. Usually no distinction is made between male or female organisms; it’s sufficient to generate an offspring from two arbitrary parents. As they multiply, allow some mutation (random change) in the chromosomes to occur.

We’ve now defined one generation of simulated evolution; now repeat these steps for each subsequent generation. At the end of each generation determine how much the designs have improved. When the improvement in the evaluation of the design creatures from one generation to the next becomes very small, we stop this iterative cycle of improvement and use the best design(s) in
the last generation. (For an algorithmic description of genetic algorithms, see this note:

The key to a GA is that the human designers don’t directly program a solution; rather, they let one emerge through an iterative process of simulated competition and improvement. As we discussed, biological evolution is smart but slow, so to enhance its intelligence we retain its discernment while greatly speeding up its ponderous pace. The computer is fast enough to simulate many generations in a matter of hours or days or weeks. But we have to go through this iterative process only once; once we have let this simulated evolution run its course, we can apply the evolved and highly refined rules to real problems in a rapid fashion.

Like neural nets GAs are a way to harness the subtle but profound patterns that exist in chaotic data. A key requirement for their success is a valid way of evaluating each possible solution. This evaluation needs to be fast because it must take account of many thousands of possible solutions for each generation of simulated evolution.

GAs are adept at handling problems with too many variables to compute precise analytic solutions. The design of a jet engine, for example, involves more than one hundred variables and requires satisfying dozens of constraints. GAs used by researchers at General Electric were able to come up with engine designs that met the constraints more precisely than conventional methods.

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