The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2)
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Ella stared at Raz. The way he looked back at her set her pulse racing. There was a sudden lurching sensation, and she thought, at first, it had been caused by what Raz had said. But, then she noticed the helicopter was descending.

Ella grabbed onto Raz's arm. He wrapped his fingers around her hand, and she felt the gentle pressure with an appreciation that took her by surprise.

The helicopter dropped lower and hovered over the garden area. There was a wide expanse of grass amongst the distant trees and Ella suddenly recognized the fountain where she and Raz had sat what seemed like an eternity ago.

Ella turned to Raz. She saw him nod slightly, his eyes glowing with anticipation. What was he planning?

The helicopter settled down, and the doors were opened. Ella stepped out feeling her flat shoes sink into the soft green grass. The smell of freshly cut grass filled her nostrils. It was a familiar odor whenever Ella was back home, but here, in the midst of so much desert, it seemed out of place.

Raz took her hand again, and Ella was happy to allow him to lead her toward the fountain. She saw the seat again, the place where Raz had first tried to kiss her. Was that what he had in mind? Picking up from where he had left off?

The water tumbled down the carved elephants in the middle of the fountain. As she drew nearer, Ella could feel the coolness of the water in the air. After the excitement of what she had achieved at the conference, all of this seemed unreal, almost like a sweet illusion.

They walked around the fountain and sank down onto the same seat they had sat upon when Raz had brought Ella after their meal.

Ella drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly, letting the exquisite sound of the fountain sink into her soul. Was it all over, now? She'd be heading back to America soon. Perhaps Raz had brought her to this place for a final goodbye, a last few moments for friends to part amicably, all disagreements behind them.

Ella looked at Raz. He seemed thoughtful, gazing at the fountain as if he were simply enjoying being here with Ella. The he turned to her, and she saw the determination in his gaze. His eyes peered at her, and she suddenly knew that there was more to this visit than she could have ever imagined.

"Ella. I need to tell you something," Raz said evenly. His gaze was fixed upon her. "Something I should have told you back at my palace. But, like a fool, I let the chance slip through my fingers."

Ella frowned at Raz. "You're not a fool, Raz. Don't say that."

Raz shook his head. His brows furrowed. "Of course, I am. Look what I did. I treated you badly when we met. I had no right doing that. But, you took me by surprise, Ella. Completely by surprise," he said. Raz moved a little closer.

"You didn't treat me badly, Raz. We didn't know each other at all. We were total strangers," Ella said.

Raz's eyes brightened. "And we know each other so well, now. Don't we?" he said.

Ella's mind filled with images of the previous night, sensuous, passionate images that made her heart warm just remembering them.

"We understand each other, Raz," Ella said, trying to contain the emotion in her voice.

"It's more than understanding, Ella," Raz insisted.

Ella frowned at Raz. He was leading her toward something, and she wasn't sure she liked being guided like this. Raz's desire always be in control seemed uncontrollable.

"I confessed something to Aliyah. I've never told her anything like it before," Raz said.

Ella sucked in a deep breath. He was so determined. Nothing she could do would shake his resolve.

Raz continued. "Aliyah has met all my previous acquaintances. When I told her what I'm about to tell you, she seemed shocked. Even disbelieving."

"You forget one thing, Raz," Ella said.


"Aliyah and I had a very nice girl to girl talk on the way back to the city." Ella leaned forward and peered at Raz, as if teasing him. "Aliyah told me, Raz."

Raz's face froze. "Told you what?"

Ella grinned. "You know," she told him, taking a surprising pleasure at his sense of shock.

Raz glanced at the fountain and seemed to be weighing his next words so carefully.

He looked at Ella and smiled. "It seems you're always one step ahead of me," he said.

"I try," Ella declared and smiled at Raz. It was good to see him humbled. He'd brought her to this place assuming she had no idea what he was up to. But, Aliyah had given Ella a head start on Raz.

Raz leaned closer to Ella and took both her hands in his own. She could tell he was going to say something momentous, something she believed he had never said to any other woman. Perhaps he had, but, right now, all that mattered was that she was here with him.

"Ella Brant," Raz said softly. His eyes were filled with emotion and utter sincerity. "I love you," he declared in a warm, soft voice.

Even though she had known he was going to say those words, they still made every nerve in her body tingle with a host of emotions. Joy, ecstasy and bliss, the likes of which she'd never known.

All she could do was gaze into his gorgeous dark eyes, feeling her heart fill with happiness. His gaze was expectant and patient, but she could see how much this meant to him, that he was savoring the same emotions she was feeling.

What could she say? The world seemed to shift, and she knew there was only one thing she wanted to say to him.

She gathered her courage. "I love you, Raz Al Kharif," she said. The words sounded almost unreal, as if they had been spoken by someone new, someone she nearly didn't recognize. But then she realized that she was the one who had said the words.

And she had meant every word.

They both smiled at each other, a deep, silent connection tightening between them. She felt as if she was being drawn into his world. Right now, she didn't want to escape, didn't need to run away to her former life. Not when this wonderful man had made her feel such happiness.

Raz's head dipped and his lips took possession of Ella's eager mouth. The kiss was tender at first, but then a fierce and urgent need transformed it into something more intense. Raz's fingers snaked through Ella's hair. She grasped at his wide shoulders, restraining the urge to dig her nails into his flesh the way she had done the previous night so many times.

Those familiar sensations fired her entire being into a new sense of awareness. The sound of the fountain became unnaturally apparent. The scent of Raz's cologne was a sharp tingle in her nose.

His tongue probed Ella's mouth, seeking permission, driving her into a state of near abandon.

This time, no peacock interrupted them. There was nothing that could stop Ella from being here with Raz.

Then, their lips parted and Raz gasped, his face flushed with excitement, his eyes ablaze with joy. His gaze ran across her face taking in every detail. It was almost as if he couldn't believe she was here by his side and that he had just kissed her once again.

Ella smiled and watched, startled, as Raz moved suddenly, going down on one knee.

Ella gasped, and there was a sudden emotion that wrapped a hand around her throat.

What was Raz doing? Surely, he wasn't going to ask her something.

Raz looked up at Ella. He held her hands as if he never wanted to let them go. There was an urgency in his gaze, a feverish look that combined impatience and fear, as well as firm resolve.

Ella let out a slow breath and glanced at the helicopter. Maybe there was time to leave before there was another terrible misunderstanding.

"Ella," Raz said softly. He smiled at her and there was such hope in his face that her heart softened almost immediately. "I think you might be able to guess what I'm about to ask you," Raz said.

"Raz. Oh, Raz," Ella exclaimed, her mind a sudden blank.

Raz held her hands firmly and gazed into her eyes. "Ella. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife. My princess," Raz said with barely disguised emotion. His voice cracked as he spoke and she could see the eagerness with which he awaited her reply.

Ella sighed and let out a gasp that combined her shock and relief that he had asked her to marry him. Of course, it made sense. Everything that had happened since she had arrived made perfect sense. There was something inevitable about all of this. Perhaps they were fated to be together.

Here, in this magical garden, with her prince on his knee, eager for one word from his princess, Ella realized there was only one word she could utter.

"Yes," she exclaimed.

Raz almost exploded with emotion. His face lit up with a huge smile, and he rose up, like a desert lion, and seized her in his arms, pulling Ella to her feet. Raz kissed Ella, enveloping her with his sheer, male presence. He wrapped his arms around her and held her. She never wanted him to let her go. They kissed for a very long time, lost in each other, one with each other.

And then, Ella heard a soft sound behind her.

Someone coughing.

Someone clearing their throat to draw attention to the fact that they were standing watching Ella and Raz kissing.

Raz released Ella. "Aliyah!" she heard him exclaim. Ella whirled around and saw Aliyah standing by the corner of the high hedge next to the bench.

Aliyah looked embarrassed. "I saw the helicopter arriving," she explained. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

Aliyah turned to leave, but Raz called out to her. "Please stay, Aliyah. We have some wonderful news. Don't we, Ella?"

Ella looked at Raz and nodded. It was, indeed, wonderful.

Ella looked at Aliyah. "I...that is, we have something to announce," Ella said with a glance at Raz.

Aliyah glanced knowingly at them both. "Really? Now, what could that be?" she asked with a smile.

Raz curled his arm around Ella's waist. "Ella has just agreed to become my wife," he said, a huge grin spreading across his face.

Aliyah literally screamed with joy and rushed to Ella and Raz, embracing them both. There was screaming and yelling and rejoicing that seemed to go on forever.

Finally, Aliyah composed herself, looking embarrassed at her display of emotion. Ella thought it had been sweet, and confirmed that she and Aliyah would become good friends in the coming times.

"We must tell mother," Aliyah declared, glancing back toward the palace. "She will be ecstatic."

Ella looked up at Raz and saw his confident smile. "I'll look forward to telling mother something," he said.

"What's that?" Aliyah asked.

Raz gazed into Ella's eyes, and there was adoration and love in those eyes, a deep longing that would last an eternity.

"Ella is my true bride. Not a pretend bride-to-be, as mother was so fond of describing my previous friends." Raz's eyes shimmered with adoration. "Ella is my soul mate for all eternity," he said in a warm, velvety voice.

Ella's heart filled with joy at hearing his words. Raz leaned down and kissed Ella. When their lips parted, Ella saw that Aliyah had gone ahead of them back to the palace.

Alone for a moment, they held each other in a warm embrace.

"Did you mean that?" Ella asked. "About me being your true bride and soul mate?"

Raz nodded and smiled. "You are everything to me, habibti. You are my princess, and you shall be for all eternity."

With those words they both turned, clasped each others hands, and started toward the palace where there was something very important to announce.

Ella walked by Raz's side, realizing that their journey together had only just begun.


Don't miss the next novel coming soon

Book 3

Tariq's story


Thank you for reading The Sheikh's Pretend Bride. I hope you enjoyed it. The next novel will be Tariq's story.

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Book 1 in a new series. The Qazhar Sheikhs series. Three brothers and their search for love


A Second Chance For The Sheikh To Claim His Lost Love

Feisty and determined, Chloe Stirling had once loved and lost Sheikh Zayed Al Kharif. But that is all in the past now.

Or, is it?

Chloe's work brings her to Zayed's kingdom where she must find a way to resist a former lover who will not be denied.

Zayed is an untamed Sheikh determined not to waste this chance to possess the only woman he has ever loved. Forced to abandon her once before, he's not about to make the same mistake again. He will use everything he can to win her back, even if Chloe is determined to deny him a second chance.

Can Zayed seize his second chance at love, and overcome the barriers to finding a happy ever after with a woman who is now so close to becoming the love of his life?

Each novel in the series is a complete standalone story with a happy ending and no cliffhangers.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The Sheikh's Pretend Bride © 2016 Cara Albany

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