The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Pretend Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 2)
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Ella gasped. She gave him an anguished look, her mind filled with uncertainty, and his head descended once more, his mouth landing on her throat.

Ella leaned her head back and groaned. Raz's tongue traced a path up the side of her neck. She felt his teeth nip at her skin sending a jolt of pleasure throughout her body.

Raz was consuming her, driving her to a place she'd never visited. She dug her nails into his shoulders, and she heard him utter a groan of pained appreciation that only made him more determined.

"I need you, Ella," he murmured in a frenzied tone.

Ella had never seen a man so fervent, so alight with craving. And it was all for her. Raz wanted her; needed her, and the only thing she had to decide was whether she could allow this to happen; whether she could abandon herself to this primal man from the desert.

Ella's core was on fire, the heat spreading throughout her middle, making every nerve tingle with anticipation.

They both took one more step backwards, and Ella felt the bed against the back of her knees. Ella and Raz both juddered to a halt, but the pleasure continued.

This was the moment.

Raz's mouth reached her ear, and he nibbled at the lobe. More shivers vibrated throughout her being. His tongue went behind her ear, and it was if Ella's whole body had been set on fire. She groaned, and he took that as a sign to lift his head and gaze into her eyes, one final unspoken question burning his lips.

Ella smiled at Raz, and she saw his eyes narrow. Ella thought of the whirlwind she had been swept up inside. He was a vital force of nature; a wild, untamed beast who had somehow decided that he wanted to claim her.

Possess her.

Ella forced her mind to recall the time they had both shared. It had been intense and sudden, almost like being swept out to sea by an unyielding current of passion.

The truth was, Raz had possessed from the very moment they had met. Was it fate?

A sudden abandonment overtook Ella, and she was conquered by a conviction that she had always wanted him.

Ella slid a hand up Raz's back and pulled him toward her, crushing his bare chest hard against her breasts. The force drove her backward, and they both tumbled onto the bed.

Ella landed on her back. Raz toppled down upon her, instinctively breaking his fall with his elbows. He sank on top of Ella. If she had felt pleasure while on her feet, then feeling Raz's body lying upon her just sent the sensations in every nerve spiralling out of control.

Raz looked down at Ella, a ravenous grin creasing the corner of his mouth. His eyes brightened, and she smiled at him. "Yes, Raz. Please. I want you," she gasped, pulling his head down and kissing him.

Raz accepted her kiss, filling her mouth with his questing tongue. Their lips parted, and Raz's head move down toward her breasts. Ella closed her eyes and felt Raz opening her gown and then his lips were on her nipples, suckling them.

Ella gasped and fisted her hands in his hair, savoring the thickness of it. Raz's tongue laved her pebbled nipples sending shockwaves down to her core. Ella felt his fingers against her ribs, encasing her, containing her. Ella wrapped her legs around Raz's body, her heels digging into his back, driving him closer.

This was where she belonged. Entwined with a passionate sheikh, being tormented by his expert touch. She felt she had crossed over into a new place, a world previously unknown, but one she sensed was filled with passion and desire that could transform her once and for all.

Ella's core tingled and loosened with desire. She'd never been this ready before, and it shocked her with its suddenness. Maybe she'd been waiting a long time for this. Perhaps she had been more ready than she had imagined.

Then she felt Raz lift his hips and slide off his pants. Ella glanced down and saw that he was completely naked. The sight of his muscled torso, long legs and especially his fullness, completely ready, made the breath halt in her chest.

Was she ready? Of course she was. She shuffled beneath him and prepared herself. She felt the naked heat and sensual weight of his body upon her as he ran his tongue down her belly.

Ella felt a shiver of anticipation thinking about what Raz was about to do.

Raz's lifted his shoulders, and his expert hands slid down, caressing Ella, sending her to a new level of ecstasy.
Her being vibrated as his fingers moved across her, teasing her, bringing her to fresh heights.

Ella abandoned all hope of surviving this pleasure. She grasped his shoulder, a vain attempt at stopping him from driving her mad with pleasure, but she knew he would not be stopped. Raz had a relentless streak in him, and he was showing it to her now. He was determined to make every nerve in her body glow; make the heat that had begun as a gentle warmth explode into a burning furnace inside her.

And he was succeeding.

Ella had never felt like this, had never even believed that a man could ever make her feel like this.

Raz touched her again in a special way, and she bucked, an animal response that shook her to the core. She gazed at him, seeking an answer to how it was possible that he could make her feel like that. He met her eyes. She saw the control there, the unstoppable command.

Raz ran his gaze down the length of her naked body. She saw complete adoration in that look.

Then he rose above her, and she knew that their union was about to become complete, and, right now, that was more than she had ever wanted in her life. Raz sank down slowly, and she felt him part her thighs with a soft, tender pressure. Ella shifted and then Raz's fullness was within her, and she arched her back, gasping rhythmically.

For a moment they were both still, savoring each other, tentatively sensing their union. Comprehending it.

And then Raz started to move, a barely contained primal urge holding him back. She was glad that at first he was gentle. But, then she felt his rhythm become more insistent, and she went with him, their bodies dancing in perfect harmony.

Ella gazed at Raz's face. There was so much written on his features; delight, passion and joy. His eyes consumed her just as his body delighted in their every move. An uncontrollable urgency flashed across his face. His rhythm intensified, a desperate, insistent demand for release visible in his eyes.

But, he was holding back the torrent of passion that was rising within himself.

Ella suddenly knew he was waiting for her, so that they could both tumble over the precipice as one. Ella grasped at Raz's powerful arms, propped on either side of her, shaking visibly with the strain.

His body moved across her like a taut, muscled wave that only existed to drive her to further heights of pleasure. He ground his hips against Ella with a fierce and yet tender fury. Every press of his mound against her core sent waves of ecstasy tumbling through her body.

On and on he drove, until with a groan he thrust back his head and cried out taking Ella with him. And, with the bone-melting sensation came the real sounds of the waves from outside her room. Like those waves, Ella crashed against the rocks below, spent and disintegrated.


They awoke in each others arms with the sun coming in through the slatted blinds, casting orange bars on the wall opposite the bed.

Ella opened her eyes and glanced at Raz. She lay on her side, one arm across her lover's chest. He was still fast asleep, looking magnificent in the soft light. His features were filled with a calm repose, even a slight smile of satisfaction creasing the corners of his beautiful mouth.

The rest of Ella's body was snug against his long torso and legs. His heat was reassuring and so very comforting.

Ella thought about last night and felt a rush of emotion surge through her body. She slid her hand down and felt his fullness. Raz shifted slightly, but remained in the sleep of the satisfied.

Ella couldn't help grinning to herself. The room was quiet except for Raz's steady breathing and the distant surging of the waves against the rocks.

This was truly a magical place, she thought, snuggling even tighter against the man who had driven her to levels of pleasure she hadn't thought possible. Ella felt as if she had become a different person. The bone-melting sex had been one thing. But, the sudden sense of belonging she felt right now was something else entirely.

Was it possible that she and Raz could have a longer term future together? He'd said things to her during the night that had her thinking it was a distinct possibility. Raz's mind seemed to be set on making Ella a bigger part of his life.

What would life with a sheikh be like, she wondered. She didn't even think of the wealth, the opulence. All she could think of was being with Raz every day, sharing all the little things together, creating a new life.

Ella sighed and leaned her head against Raz's expansive chest. She could hear his heart beating, a strong emphatic, dominating rhythm. She could hardly believe what had happened in these past few days. Not only had she done what she had originally came to do, she had also fallen for a sheikh.

Fallen in love?

Now, that was something she dared not speak about. It was clear that Raz was crazy for Ella. But, how far would that madness drive him? And, how long would it last? Was Ella just another one of his flings, a lover who would pass in the night?

Ella felt Raz's breathing change, as if he sensed the growing tension in her. She glanced up and saw him open his eyes. He looked down at her and smiled. Ella slid up and placed her lips in front of Raz's, waiting for a kiss, which he duly delivered. It was a soft, tender kiss in contrast to the wild, possessive kisses of a few hours earlier. But, it was welcome.

"Good morning, my princess," Raz said. "Habibti."

Ella gasped at his choice of words. She knew that last word had special significance, and she was surprised that he had used it.

Raz leaned down and kissed her again, silencing any objections she might have had.

Raz's lips were soft and moist, his tongue a gentle probing and very sensual presence inside her mouth.

Their lips parted, and Raz glanced over at the sunlit blinds. "I can see it's going to be a beautiful day," he announced.

Ella propped her head up on one hand and looked at Raz. "It's already mid-morning," she said glancing at the clock by the bedside.

Raz shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I think we can spend the whole day in bed."

Ella smiled in spite of herself. Raz ran a hand through her hair. "You are so incredible, habibti," he said his eyes filled with emotion. Ella couldn't help leaning against his hand as he stroked her. She was his and it felt good.

"What will the servants think?" Ella asked.

"They'll think nothing of it. They've seen it all before," he said turning away from her. It was just as well he did because Ella felt her face redden slightly. Had he just referred to his previous lovers? And so casually?

Ella lay her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. In a second Raz had leaned across her and was drawing the sheet back, admiring her body with hungry eyes. "Where did we leave things?" he asked with a ravenous look on his face. He leaned down and took one of her nipples in his mouth, suckling gently on it, sending shivers of delight coursing through her body. She arched her back and clutched at his dark hair, tugging firmly on it.

Ella felt his hand start to move slowly down her belly. She knew where that was headed and readied herself for the ecstasy his touch would create in her.

Suddenly he stopped and twisted his head toward the door. He seemed to be listening for something.

"What is it?" she asked.

Raz sat up, his gaze fixed on the door. "I can hear someone arriving," he said.

"Your hearing is better than mine," Ella said.

Raz sighed. "I'm sure I heard someone down in the hall."

Ella groaned, the frustration almost unbearable. She thumped her fists into the mattress.

Raz smiled and kissed Ella. His lips left her wanting more. "Don't worry. When I get back, I'll make up for it. I promise," he said to her.

Ella squinted at him. "Promise?" she said with a grin.

Raz smiled at her. "Try stopping me," he stated firmly.

Raz slid from the bed and paused, looking down at Ella. She stared at him. He looked naked and glorious standing by the bedside. His was the body of a deity, perfect in every proportion. He was finely muscled and tight, and when he bent down to reach his pants, Ella couldn't suppress the moan of frustration that rose to her throat.

Raz grinned back at her. "Like what you see?"

Ella nodded and threw the blanket over her head to stop the painful sight she couldn't touch from tormenting her any longer.

From beneath the blanket, she heard the sounds of him getting dressed and then the door closing behind him.

The silence of the bedroom only highlighted Raz's absence. Ella suddenly felt a surprising ache, now that he had left her alone. For the moment, at least.

Ella sat up on the bed and tried to hear the sounds from downstairs. She wondered who had come to visit, particularly since it was obviously an unannounced call.

Ella waited as long as she could, but then decided she would go downstairs and find out who had come to the palace. She put on her dress and made her way out into the corridor, passing Raz's empty bedroom.

Ella paused at the top of the stairs. She could hear voices from down there. Raz's and another, female voice. Unease curled in Ella's stomach as she started to make her way downstairs. Who could it be?

She reached the last stair and paused. Whoever it was, they were in the sitting room with Raz.

And then Ella recognized the female voice.

It was Raz's sister.


A wave of relief flooded through Ella, and she wondered why it was suddenly important that Raz was only talking with his sister, and not another woman. Could Ella have dealt with another woman visiting Raz? If not, was that a sign that she and Raz were somehow closer, more seriously involved than even Ella was willing to admit?

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