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Joy took a deep breath and parted the curtain. She stepped into the spotlight and lifted both arms, waving. When the applause died down, she stepped up to the mic. “We serve a mighty God. How many of you know that today?”

She stepped back and bathed in the cheers for her Savior. She nodded. No hurry at all.

When the crowd settled, she took the microphone again. “I’m glad to hear it. Now, let me tell you a story. It’s a story of hope in the midst of pain, and of life and light in the midst of death and darkness. And it’s a story of power. Great, great power. In living color, it changed my life, yes, but it almost ended my life … many times.” She let the words roll off her tongue and watched the effect vividly reflected in the eyes of those who truly listened.

“‘It is finished.’ That’s what Ben Bradley said the moment I turned my heart to Christ. And he was right.” Joy looked over the teenagers. “It can be finished for you. Right here, right now. One step. One act of faith in movement toward Jesus. That’s all it takes. Come.” She gestured to the altar space in front of her then stepped back and raised her hands up toward the ceiling, watching as teenagers from all walks of life streamed from their seats, tattoos and all, and raced to the feet of Jesus.

It is finished

Discussion Questions

1. What kept Joy from surrendering to God?

2. Do you think her struggle was a valid one? Why or why not?

3. What keeps you from fully surrendering to God?

4. Discuss Austin’s role in Joy’s life.

5. Who or what has helped you understand God’s love for you?

6. Do you believe in the powers of good and evil?

7. What was the defining moment for Joy?

8. Was that an easy time for her? Why or why not?

9. What would you have done differently than Joy did once she realized she was in big trouble? Why?

10. What is a defining moment in your walk with Christ?

11. Did change and growth come easy for Joy? Does it for you?

12. Did Joy learn more about God from the good things or the bad things?

13. How are you like Joy? How are you different?

14. Discuss the old Cherokee legend. What does it mean?

15. What have you learned about your own choices from reading about Joy’s life?

Discussion Guide

Chapter 1

• “If it’s nothing more than a toy, it’s harmless. If it’s an authentic tool to contact spirits, wouldn’t you want to know?” How do you feel about that question?

• What do you think is making Joy suffer?

Chapter 2

• Do you believe the scene with the Ouija board could actually happen?

• Do you think Melanie contacted Joy from beyond the grave?

• Describe Joy’s downward progression and how sin has become easier for her.

Chapter 3

• Why did Joy run to Raven?

• What made Joy so upset? Hadn’t she asked for it?

• What was that rotten-egg smell?

• In what ways have you already seen God at work in Joy’s life up to this point?

• What are her thoughts about God?

Chapter 4

• Why might some people think suicide is contagious?

• What did Joy feel when she realized she was laughing?

• How are Joy’s feelings toward herself changing?

Chapter 5

• What did Austin do to Joy?

• Should she have listened to him longer? Forgiven him?

• Define the occult.

• Why is it wrong?

Chapter 6

• How would you have felt in those moments Joy experienced in Melanie’s room?

• What does this verse mean to you in light of Joy’s trauma:
No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it. (1 Cor. 10:13, The Message)

• Was any of it her fault?

• What is it about Bea that reaches Joy’s heart?

• Who is a comfort like that to you?

Chapter 7

• Heather asks if Joy and Austin might get back together. She assumes Joy will forgive him. If you were in Joy’s shoes, could you forgive him?

• What might the changes in Joy’s appearance signify?

• Are people pressuring Joy too much?

Chapter 8

• What is Joy’s relationship with her parents like?

• Do you think they’re doing a good job or a poor job?

• Do you think Joy’s problems are normal considering what she’s been through? Or should Mom and Dad be concerned?

• Is counseling a good idea for Joy?

Chapter 9

• What do you think of Mary Alice Gianetti?

• What does Joy think of her?

• Joy approached the cemetery wanting the truth. She wanted to make sense it of it all. How could she have achieved that a different way?

Chapter 10

• Raven wants to take Joy to the next level. The next level of what?

• What should Joy do?

• Describe Joy’s dream.

• Why are “if only” two of life’s most gut-wrenching words?

• How does the scene in the shop describe faith?

Chapter 11

• Who are they praying/talking to when they reach out in the lake house?

• What’s the significance of the onyx ring?

• Who is Silas?

• Why is Silas angry at Austin’s presence?

Chapter 12

• What’s the story behind Stella and Grandpa?

• Why did Stella get the tiger tattoo?

• Joy says she’s thankful for new beginnings. Why?

• Do you think it’s actually Melanie talking to Joy through the Ouija board?

Chapter 13

• Is what Joy’s involved in a religion?

• What’s the significance of the Silas tattoo to Joy?

• Will she regret getting the tattoo?

Chapter 14

• Where does Joy fall in the stages of grief right now?

• What is the “acceptance” part of the grief process? Is it important? Is Joy there yet?

• Why didn’t Austin tell Joy’s parents the whole story? Should he have?

• What should Kelsey have done when she saw Joy sitting in front of the fire? What would you do?

Chapter 15

• How do circumstances spiral out of control in this chapter?

• Is Joy in over her head?

• Do you believe these things can happen?

• Should Joy take her discovery about Austin seriously?

Chapter 16

• What do you think about the drug testing from Joy’s perspective and from Mom’s perspective?

• Is Mom right to take Joy for the testing?

• How would you feel in Joy’s situation?

Chapter 17

• What is the significance of what happened at the cemetery?

• What kind of symbolism do you see in that scene?

• How could Joy allow herself to participate?

• Why does Dad say it was worse than any of the other things she could have done?

Chapter 18

• Was Aunt Sue gossiping about Joy?

• Is a person’s spiritual journey strictly a personal one, or should parents and loved ones participate?

• If you were Joy’s parents, what would you do at this point?

• Has your opinion of them changed at all from the beginning of the book?

Chapter 19

• How would you feel if you walked into the intervention Joy found when she arrived home?

• Do you think the offer of taking Joy to Diamond Estates is a bit extreme?

• Why do you think they won’t accept girls into the Diamond Estates program unless they want to be there?

• How does that mirror salvation?

Chapters 20 & 21

• Why does Silas get mad?

• What makes Bea so spiritually in tune?

• Is Bea’s faith strong and rock solid, or is it weak and silly? In other words, is it really necessary for her to draw such a firm line between good and evil?

Chapter 22

• What kind of help does Joy want?

• Do you think she knows what she’s asking? Why or why not?

• How do you feel about Raven’s reaction to Joy’s plea for help?

Chapter 23

• Do you think Joy’s parents are overreacting?

• Is a program like Diamond Estates necessary for Joy at this time?

• In what ways is this a sacrifice that her parents are making?

• In what ways is it a cop-out?

• Has your opinion about Joy’s parents changed at all since the beginning of the book?

Chapter 24

• Does it make sense that Joy would keep the ring? Or do you see it as a sign of trouble yet to come?

• What does Joy mean by this: “God and I were on a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately basis. And it didn’t look good for Him”?

• What would you say if a friend said that to you?

• How do you think Grandpa feels as he sees this unfold?

• Why can’t Joy follow through?

Chapter 25

• What’s the significance of the stained glass windows?

• Regarding the prayer room, Mark says, “This is where the magic happens.” What do you think he means?

• Why does Joy have to live in the house out back? Is that a good thing?

Chapter 26

• What’s the connection between Joy and the pumpkin spice candles?

• Do you have any triggers like that? Smell, song, taste?

• Other than grief, what truly caused Joy’s spiritual search?

• Are there unanswered questions in your life that leave you feeling empty spiritually?

Chapter 27

• How is Silas feeling about the whole Diamond Estates adventure?

• What about the prayer time? Do you have your own daily quiet time with God?

• Is it wise or unwise for Ginny to choose her battles and not give Savvy a hard time about eating?

• What do you think is going to happen with Joy at Diamond Estates?

Chapter 28

• Joy feels like her parents might be better off without her. Did they send her that message? Should they have been more available to her?

• What do you think about the out-of-body experiences?

• What was Joy being shown with this one?

• Why is Joy afraid of the prayer room?

Chapter 29

• Do you think anyone suspects Joy of not telling the whole truth about her injuries?

• What are some of the strange things Joy has experienced, the most recent of which being The Voice? How much of that would it have taken for you to get help?

• Joy likes the idea of getting help to get rid of the spirits that are affecting her, but then she worries that she doesn’t want to be alone either. Why do you think she feels that way?

• What’s the solution?

• What is idolatry and how does it apply to Joy’s choices?

Chapter 30

• What upsets Silas so much?

• Was the fire natural or spiritual … or both?

• Who does Joy blame for the fire?

Chapter 31

• Can the fire be a punishment from God? Or is it an attack from the enemy?

• Or could it just be natural? Does everything have to be tied to the spiritual?

• What do you think it is in this case?

Chapter 32

• Why doesn’t Savvy want to room with Joy?

• What is the basis for her concern?

• Do you think she’s justified?

• What does it mean for God to use for good what the devil meant for evil?

Chapter 33

• What should Joy have done when that Voice directs her to the bathroom?

• What about once she hears Raven’s voice?

• What do you think compelled Raven to get in touch with Joy?

Chapter 34

• What does Joy mean when she says she wants to find a way out?

• Savvy promises to keep Joy’s secret. Do you think she should?

• Why kinds of problems might she be facing if she answers the question: Who is Jesus Christ to you?

• And, who IS Jesus Christ to YOU?

Chapter 35

• Sounds like Joy might be giving up. Why doesn’t she have faith that God can get her through this?

• Is there any grief or pain in your life that keeps you from drawing close to God?

• What do you do about it?

• She’s a little worried about being on her own away from Diamond Estates. Do you think those concerns are reasonable and helpful? Why or why not?

• Is it a mistake having Stella stay in the house with Joy? Why or why not?

Chapter 36

• Is it good to talk about grief as a part of the healing process?

• Does Joy make a mistake by going to Austin?

• Do you have a different opinion of Austin now?

Chapter 37

• How does Joy’s faith begin to shift at the funeral?

• If she wants to meet her Grandpa in eternity, what does Joy need to do?

• What is it that Joy is actually witnessing take place around Stella?

• What are the other people seeing?

• How might that apply to the spiritual battle going on all around you?

Chapter 38

• Why does Joy flee?

• She determines that she can never return to God. Why?

• Joy feels hopeless. Why? What is she considering?

• Can you understand why she’d come to that conclusion even if you don’t agree with her?

• What would you say to a friend who was dealing with the same sort of hopelessness?

Chapter 39

• How do you think Joy’s parents felt when the garage door opened?

• What do you think happens next in Joy’s life?

Chapter 40

• The battle Joy is embroiled in is intense. How could she have avoided that kind of fight for her life?

• Who wins?

• How have you been challenged through this book?

Chapter 41

• “The spirit within me craved companionship with its Savior. But my flesh was committed to another master.” What does Joy mean by this?

• What does the old Cherokee legend mean to you?

• Do you believe the spiritual battle Joy witnessed is happening around you and even for you?

• How confident are you in the power of God to save you and protect you from the enemy?

• Have you given your life to Jesus?

Austin and Joy are getting married. Want an invite to the wedding?

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