The Sexual History of London (45 page)

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Authors: Catharine Arnold

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Hayes, Charlotte

Haynes, Alan

Head, Richard

Hellfire Club

Hemyng, Bracebridge

Henriques, Fernando

Henry I, King

Henry II, King

Henry III, King

Henry IV of France

Henry V, King

Henry VI, King

Henry VII, King

Henry VIII, King

brothels ordered closed by

Buggery Act introduced by

Henslowe, Philip

Herbert, Mary



Heywood, Thomas

Hickey, William

Higgs, Mary

Hill, Fanny (character)

see also Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

Hill, Susannah

Hillsborough, Earl of

Histoire des flagellants

Hobson, Valerie

Hogarth, William

Hogenberg, Franz

Hoggart, Richard

Holland's Leaguer (Manor House) 4

James I frequents

Hollandia, Donna

Holt, Leslie


blackmail and

Bloomsbury Group

brothels for,
molly houses

Cleveland Street scandal

Criminal Law Amendment Act criminalizes

in Elizabethan literature

etymology of


‘love that dare not speak its name'

no formal definition of

Polari language of

in public schools

as rape

rent boys

see also
Bloomsbury Group; buggery; Buggery Act; lesbianism; Wilde

Honorius, Emperor

Hood, Thomas

Hope Theatre


Hotten, John Camden

Hough, Graham

Houlbrook, Matt

Household Words

Hugh, Viscount Falmouth

Humphreys, Travers

Hundred Guineas

Hundred Years War

Hungerford, Elizabeth

Hungerford, Lord (‘Walter')

Hunsdon, Lord

Hunt, Holman

Hunt, Joan

Hutton, Robert


I Claudius

Importance of Being Earnest, The

Incitatus (horse)


Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Inman, John


Isherwood, Christopher


Isobel, Duchess of Fife and Buchan

Ivanov, Yevgeny


Jack the Ripper

James I, King

extravagant and disorderly court of

James II, King

James, Henry

James, Mrs

Jameson, Derek

Jarrett, Rebecca

Jermain, Mr

Jew Boy

John, King

Johnson, Ken

Johnson, Samuel

Jolley, Mrs

Jolly Companion

Jonathan Cape

Jones, Inigo

Jonson, Ben

‘Jour, Belle de'

Joyce, James

Julia Domna, Empress

Julia (daughter of Augustus)

Julius Caesar

Julius, Pope

Jupiter and Antiope



Kallman, Edna

Kama Shastra Society

Kama Sutra

Kate Hancock

Keate, Dr

Keeler, Christine

Kelly, Mary Jane

Kempe, John

Kennedy, Ludovic

Kent, James

Keppel, Alice

Keppel, Violet

Kerley, Sgt

Kéroualle, Louise de

Keynes, John Maynard

Khan, Alexander

Kilmorey, Earls of

King Lear

King, Moll

King, Tom

Kitty (prostitute)

Knifton, John

Knight, Sir Richard Payne

Knipp, Mrs

Kosminski, Aaron

Kotzwara, Franz

Kray, Ronnie

Kray twins


La Terre

Labouchère, Henry

Labour Elector

Lachman, Esther

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Lambert, Amy

Lambert, John

Lambton, Lord

Landseer, Sir Edwin

Lane, Betty

Lane, Isabel

Lang, Andrew

Langtry, Lily

Larkin, Philip

Laura Middleton

Lawrence, D. H.

Lazenby, William

Le Moyen de Parvenir

Lee, Emma

Lehmann, Rosamond

Leighton, Sir Frederick

Lennox, Lady Sarah

Lenonium Vectigal

Lesage, Georges-Louis


in medical textbooks

see also


Lewis, William

Lichfield, Earl of

Linnane, Fergus

Linton, Lynn


Livynge, Salerna

Liza of Lambeth

Llewellyn, Dr Ralph

Lloyd, Harold

Lloyd's Newspaper

Lock hospitals

London (Londinium):

affluent merchant class arrives in

Alhambra Music Hall in

Argyll Rooms in

Armistice Day in

accolade awarded to

bath houses in

bathing returns to fashion in

Bedford Head coffee house

beggars swell population of

Bridewell prison

brothels in,

Burlington Arcade

Café de Paris in

Café Royal in

London (Londinium) –



‘Clink' prison

Cock's Lane

Codpiece Lane

Covent Garden

Cupid's Gardens

Curtain Theatre

Dagenham Breach

Duke's Theatre

East End


expansion of sex trade in, under James I

first picture of prostitute in

first sex slaves in

Focus Cinema

gay paradise;
see also

Globe Playhouse

golden age of prostitution in

Great Fire of

Great Plague of

Gropecunt Lane


Hellfire Club in

Holland's Leaguer (Manor House) 4

Holywell Street

Hope Theatre

Huggin Hill


Jews in

lack of personal hygiene practised in

Lambeth Wells

Lock Hospital

Love Lane

Maiden's Lane


Manor House
Holland's Leaguer



medieval flourishing of prostitution in

middle-class mistresses begin business in

Moll King's coffee house

Museum of

Newgate gaol in

notorious pubs in

official red-light district in

orange girls in;
see also
Gwynn, Nell

Paris Gardens

Percival Murray's Cabaret Club in

Portland Rooms in

public latrines in

Puritans' strictures imposed on

Ranelagh Gardens

Raymond's Revue Bar

Restoration years in,

rich and poor parts of

Richard of Devizes condemns

in Roman times

Rose Alley

Rose Theatre

sanctimonious layer of morality descends on

Saxons take

sex trade dominated by

Shepherd Market in

Shrovetide/Bawdy House riots in

‘small houses' in

‘Sodomitical clubs' in



Spring Gardens (Vauxhall)

stocks and pillories used in

Swan Theatre

Theatre Royal

thermiae, see
bath houses

US troops in

Waterloo Bridge

Weatherby's coffee house

West End


Windmill Theatre in

in World War One

in World War Two

world's fastest-growing city

London Informer

London Journal

London Labour and the London Poor

London Life

London by Night

London Society for the Protection of Young Females

London the Wicked City

‘Long Meg' of Westminster

Lopokova, Lydia

Louis XVI of France

Lubbock, Charles

Lucie (‘Lushing Loo')



Lupton, Daniel

Lusk, George

Lustful Turk, The

Lygon, William

Lyly, John

Lyndhurst, Lord

Lyneham, Thomas



MacFall, Haldane

Machen, Arthur

Macmillan, Harold

MacShane, Denis

McVitie, Jack ‘the Hat'

Madame Zuleika's Sapphic Academy

Magnanti, Brooke (a.k.a. ‘Belle de Jour')

Mahon, Supt Guy

‘Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, The' (Stead)

Maister, William

male rape

Mancin, Hortense

Manningham-Buller, Sir Reginald

Manor House
Holland's Leaguer

Marciano, Rocky

Marcus, Steven

Margaret (accused of procuring)

Margaret, Duchess of Argyll

Marks, Rose

Marlowe, Christopher

Marmion, Shackerley

Marston, John

Marvell, Andrew

Marwood, Helen

Mary Magdalene

Mary I, Queen

Massingham, H. W.

Maugham, Somerset


Mavor, Sidney

Maximilian, Emperor


Mayhew, Henry

Megan (prostitute)

Melbonius, John Henry


Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
Fanny Hill
) (Cleland)

see also
Hill, Fanny (character)

Men Only

Mercer, Mary


Mérode, Cléo de

Messalina, Empress

Messina, Alfredo

Messina, Attilio

Messina, Carmelo

Messina, Gino

Messina, Salvatore



Metropolitan Police Act

Middleton, Thomas

Midsummer Night's Dream, A

Mitchell, Betty

Moll King's coffee house

molly houses


Hundred Guineas

Mother's Clap's

Talbot Inn

Three Potters

Monahan, Det. Insp. Charles

Money, Sir Leo Chiozza

Monro, Dr Thomas

Montagu, George

Montague, Lady Mary Wortley

Moore, Insp. Henry

morbus gallicus
, see syphilis

More, Matthew

More, Sir Thomas

Morning Herald

Morning Post

‘Mother Courage'

Mother's Clap's

Mountbatten, Lord

Mourez, Madame

Munby, Arthur

Mundell, Alexander

music halls

‘My French Friend'

My Secret Life

Napier, Gen. Sir Charles


Naples, siege of

National Council for the Control of

Venereal Disease

National Vigilance Association

Neal, Hilda

Needham, Mother

New York Herald

Newlove, Henry


Newton, Arthur

Nichols, Mary Ann

Nicolson, Harold

Nicolson, Nigel

Night Side of London, The

‘Night on Waterloo Bridge, A' (Greenwood)

Norman Conquest

Norris, Henry

North London Press


O'Brien, Sir Edmund

Obscene Publications Acts

means of circumventing


O'Connor, T. P.

‘Ode to His Coy Mistress' (Marvell)

Oglander, Sir John

Onanism Unveiled

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