Read The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Online

Authors: Bethany Michaels,Cheryl Brooks,Elizabeth Raines,Mellanie Szereto,Niki Hayes,Morgan Annie

The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (35 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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She laughed as she reached out to touch his jaw. “I hardly think what we’re doing would be approved by the Boy Scouts.”

He used his teeth to open the condom wrapper. She tried to help but was quickly reminded that her hand was still tied up.

“I’ve got it.” His smile was pure sin.

She couldn’t wait for part two of this little tryst. She licked her lips as she watched him apply the condom to his cock. With the beast in his hand, he glided it to her opening. It took her breath away. If he hadn’t been holding her up, she’d have been a puddle on the floor for sure.

He filled her to perfection. It was just that simple. He made her feel more things than she’d ever felt before. He locked eyes with her and began to move in and out of her body. With each stroke she grew hotter and more desperate for him. Finally, he was banging her against the side panel of the car. The contrast of the cool metal, the growing fire inside her, and his magical fingers that stroked her clit caused her muscles to constrict around him, and with a final thrust, he fell limp over her body and the car.

It seemed like hours before their breathing and muscles returned to normal. He was still inside her, pressing her against the car, kissing the base of her neck until she lifted her head and looked at him.

“Tell you what—if you win Daytona, I’ll let you tie me up and have your merry way with me again.”

* * * *

The next morning, the team was preparing to leave for Daytona, when Lindsey walked down to the garage to grab the merchandise that Craig had signed the night before. Walking into the garage, she heard Scotty shouting. Stepping closer, she asked one of the guys what was wrong.

“Scotty’s all pissed off. Someone dented the side panel of the new car already.”

Lindsey looked over and saw the dent. Then the memory of the night before flashed in her mind. Craig fucking her against the car.
Oh shit.

“Damn it!” Scott yelled again. “Somebody fucking did this, so ’fess up.”

As he scanned the room, Lindsey locked eyes on Craig, who stood silently to the side, leaning against a cabinet.

“Fine. I’ll just have Jud check out the security tape then.” Scotty kicked at a trashcan as he walked into his office and slammed the door.

Lindsey was beyond panicked when Craig walked up to her. “I’ll take care of it.”

He seemed calm and unworried—the exact opposite of how she felt. Wringing her hands, she watched him disappear from the garage and wondered what he was going to do. Terrified everyone was about to find out that she and Craig had sex against the car and damaged it in the process, Lindsey let out a deep sigh. She walked into Craig’s office, retrieved the signed merchandise, and went back to her office, waiting for the hole to open up and swallow her alive.

* * * *

Craig walked out of Jud’s office shaking his head in disbelief.
How did he know about Lindsey and me?

Because Jud knows everything.
Craig sighed with relief. Jud had agreed to lose the videotape from last night and not to fire him or Lindsey for what they were doing or the damage they’d caused. Figuring Lindsey was probably a nervous mess, he looked for her in her office but didn’t see her. He thought about leaving a note, but he was worried who might see it, so he sent her a text message instead.

Everything is good.

Not two seconds had passed and his phone was ringing. He huffed out a laugh as he answered.

Lindsey didn’t even give him a chance to say hello. “What does that mean? Everything’s good?”

“It means Jud is taking care of it, and no, you are not losing your job.” He heard her let out a breath that she’d probably been holding way too long. “Are you breathing again?”

“Kinda,” she whispered.

“Well, he said that if I break your heart, he’ll fire me not you.”

“Sure he did.” She laughed, which is what he wanted her to do.

“Ask him yourself,” Craig joked.

Lindsey was silent for a moment. “I’ll just take your word for it.”

He laughed at her quick retreat. “He did tell me, or rather
me, that there are security cameras in the elevators, stairways, and most hallways, so we should probably try to keep our activities outside the office.”

“Oh, my God.” She sighed into the phone.

He pictured her eyes closed, her head slumped in her hands, and her face as red as the balloons painted on the hood of his new car…with a dented side panel.

Chapter 12

Craig sighed as he sat in his car, waiting for the signal to start his engine for the Daytona 400. Cars were lined up with their drivers inside as people cleared out of the way for the start of the race. While most people were planning to watch fireworks in the sky for the Fourth of July, he was just hoping for a clean race.

His mind drifted while he listened to Scotty talk with the crew over his radio. When he snuck into Lindsey’s room last night, he found her sound asleep. He smiled, remembering how she looked in bed, her hair falling over her cheek and down her bare shoulder. He understood how tired she was. After all, they’d been hopping from place to place all day between interviews and other commitments. Instead of waking her up, he’d stripped out of his clothes and got into bed with her, neither one of them waking up until the alarm went off that morning. Now, all he wanted to do was drive 400 miles, get the win, and get home to spend time with Lindsey.

“Gentleman, start your engines.”

The announcement brought his attention back to the race. Scotty stuck his head into the window for a few last comments and then put the window netting up while Craig started his car. A rumble of thunder filled the air while the crowd cheered.

* * * *

Craig was silent on the radio as the race progressed. His car was handling well, so other than getting around slower cars, there wasn’t much to say. He’d held the lead for several laps, then fell back in the pack after a slow pit stop. Now, the race was about over, and he was trying to get back to the front. He only needed to get past two more cars and then hold on until the end of the race.

He passed Johnson and had his eyes set on the leader with fifteen laps to go. Scotty reported in his ear that his track time was better than the leader. Craig already knew this since his target was getting closer every lap. Within two laps, he was on the leader’s tail and trying to set up for a pass. He shot low, but Marley cut him off. He settled behind him, and once he got through the turn, he tried again. Marley stopped him. Growing frustrated, Craig darted low. The moment Marley moved with him, Craig shot high and slingshot passed him for the lead. He screamed in the radio with excitement as he pulled away from the other cars, counting down the laps until he saw the checkered flag wave. He’d won the Daytona 400, and he couldn’t wait to celebrate.

Craig was sitting in his car in the winner’s circle, getting ready to jump out. Before his feet even hit the ground, he was covered in confetti and champagne as it sprayed through the air. Cheers rang out, making it difficult to hear as reporters and announcers moved in to speak with him, but there was only one person he really wanted to see, and she was nowhere to be found.

Champagne dripped into Craig’s eyes, causing him to wipe the liquid from his face. Jud had congratulated him, the TV interviews were over, and his team was celebrating, but he still hadn’t found Lindsey. Scanning the crowd, he finally spotted her over to the side with some of the guys. He maneuvered through the crowd of well-wishers and wrapped his arms around her, spinning her in the air

“Put me down.” She laughed as he gave her a squeeze. “Congrats on the win.”

He winked at her and then leaned in close. “Just don’t forget my prize for winning.”


* * * *

Back home in Charlotte, Lindsey parked her car in Craig’s driveway, smiling when she noticed him sitting on the front porch steps. He wore his faded jeans and a white T-shirt that fit tight against his body. Opening her door, she grabbed the polka-dot box on the seat next to her and got out of her car. He’d already gotten up and was walking toward her. He placed his hands on her arms and leaned in to kiss her. Damn if it wasn’t like every time his lips touched her. Lightning charged through her body, bringing every nerve ending to life.

“What’s in the box?” He ran his hands up and down her arms.

“Well, since you won the race, I figured we might need these since I doubted you would have extra window netting just sitting around your bedroom.”

The corner of his mouth moved upward, forming the cutest grin on his face. He took the box from her hand, lifting the top off. He laughed at the brightly colored silk scarves that were inside. “I think we can find a use for these.” He put the top back on the box. “But I’m thinking we should probably eat first. We might need the energy for later.”

“Since I didn’t get lunch today, that works for me.” She smiled as he took her hand in his, and they walked toward the house. “Oh, one thing.” She turned her head to look at him as they walked up the front porch steps. He stopped and stood in front of her once they reached the top. “I get to tie you up first this time and have my merry way with you.”

He grinned. “That’s fine with me, but remember paybacks are a bitch.”

“I’m not too worried.”


* * * *

Lindsey gave Craig a hand with the dishes after dinner, but her hands kept finding their way onto his body more than the dishes.

“As much as I appreciate your help”—he laughed as he turned to face her, grabbing and removing her hands from his crotch—“I think next time I should handle the dishes alone.”

“If you say so.” She leaned into the crook of his neck, kissing the bare skin. “But I should probably warn you.” She sucked and nipped at the skin just below his ear and heard him moan. “If I thought the dishtowel would work, I’d have tied you up by now.”

She giggled when he grabbed her wrist, spun her around, and pulled her toward the bedroom.

“Wait! The box!”


* * * *

Once Craig got her to the bedroom, Lindsey immediately began pulling off his clothes. He had to admit he liked the hungry look in her eyes. He had no idea what she planned to do to him, but he was sure he’d enjoy it.

His shirt was crumpled on the floor, and she was pulling down his jeans and boxers, leaning in to his cock and kissing the tip. He closed his eyes, feeling the blood drain from his head.

Standing up, she grabbed the box and took the bright orange silk scarf and tied it to his right wrist. Then she did the same with his left wrist, only this time using the red one. What she did next sent him spiraling. She pulled out a purple scarf, running it behind his neck, across his shoulders, allowing it to wisp across his skin as it fell down the front of him, landing on his cock.

Slowly, torturously, she pulled the silk material across the sensitive skin.

He immediately pulled her into his body, pressing his cock against her pussy. “You’re playing dirty,” he huffed.

She moved in as if to kiss him, but instead he found himself falling onto the bed as her hands pushed him away. He couldn’t help but laugh. She was fully dressed and crawling up his body with that purple scarf still in her hand. Lying on top of him, she kissed him gently then pulled away as she took his left arm and tied it to the bed frame.

“Too tight?”

Unable to find his voice, he looked into her amused eyes. “I’m good,” was all he was able to get out as she took his right wrist and tied it above his head next. This was a very different Lindsey than he was used to—and he loved it. He loved her.

Watching as she made her way down his body, he thought he might burst. Her mouth was licking and sucking on his skin. She even nipped at his hip with her teeth, causing him to squirm.

She stood up and grabbed two more scarves from the box. Her fingers traced a path down his leg to his ankle. She quickly tied it to the bed, followed by the other.

“Remember paybacks,” he hissed when her finger ran along the inside of his thigh.

Standing in front of him, she kicked her heels to the side and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. Her eyes were locked on him, and he groaned in appreciation as her shirt slid from her shoulders and down her arms to land on the floor. Next she removed her belt, unbuttoned her jeans, and turned to give him a backside view as she wiggled out of them and pushed them down her legs.

BOOK: The Sextet - Entanglements [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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