The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King (55 page)

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Birth of Diane de Poitiers
Treaty of Blois
Marriage of Charles de Bourbon-Montpensier and Suzanne de Bourbon, daughter of Anne de Beaujeu
Marriage of Marguerite d’Angoulême and the duc d’Alençon
Death of Anne de Bretagne
Marriage of Louis XII and Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII of England.
Death of Louis XII
Coronation of François I. Charles de Bourbon appointed Constable of France. Marriage of Diane de Poitiers and Louis de Brézé. Louise de Savoie named regent. Battle of Marignano. Concordat signed between François and Pope Clement VII
Leonardo da Vinci comes to live at the court of France
Birth of a son to Charles and Suzanne de Bourbon; he dies the same year
Marriage of Madeleine de La Tour d’Auvergne to the pope’s nephew, Lorenzo de’ Medici, Duke of Urbino
Birth of Henri d’Orléans, second son of François I and his queen, Claude. Birth of Catherine de’ Medici. Death of her father and mother. Election of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. Death of Leonardo da Vinci
Meeting between François I and Henry VIII on the Field of the Cloth of Gold
Birth of Louise de Brézé, second daughter of Diane de Poitiers. Death of Suzanne de Bourbon. Seizure of her land by Louise de Savoie
Death of Anne de Beaujeu. Contact made between Charles de Bourbon and the Emperor Charles V. Henry VIII becomes the emperor’s ally. Saint-Vallier involved in plot
The Constable de Bourbon’s lands confiscated by the
his subsequent treason. Louis de Brézé discovers plot involving Saint-Vallier, who is arrested
Saint-Vallier sentenced to death, later commuted to life imprisonment. Death of Queen Claude
Battle of Pavia. François captured and taken as a prisoner to Spain. Catherine de’ Medici returns from Rome to live in Florence
Treaty of Madrid liberating François I. Saint-Vallier freed and his property returned. Meeting between François and his future wife, Eleonore, sister of the Emperor Charles V. Exchange of François I for his two eldest sons, the dauphin and Prince Henri, who leave for Spain. League of Cognac formed
Anne de Montmorency installed as Grand Master. Anne de Pisseleu becomes the king’s mistress. Marguerite d’Alençon marries the king of Navarre. Sack of Rome
François’ entry into Rouen
Building starts at Fontainebleau. Peace of Cambrai, or “Peace of the Ladies,” is signed
The two royal hostages are freed. Coronation of the Emperor Charles V in Bologna. Marriage of François and Eleonore of Portugal. Catherine de’ Medici brought to live with Pope Clement VII in Rome. Marriage contract between Henri d’Orléans and Catherine de’ Medici signed at Anet. Holy League of States formed
Death of Louis de Brézé. Death of Louise de Savoie. Coronation of Queen Eleonore
Brittany becomes part of France
Marriage of Henri d’Orléans and Catherine de’ Medici in Marseilles
“Affair of the placards.” Death of Pope Clement VII. Marriage of Anne de Pisseleu. Ignatius Loyola forms the Society of Jesus
Persecution of Protestants
Imperial invasion of France. Death of the dauphin François. Henri d’Orléans becomes dauphin and joins Montmorency’s army
Henri’s encounter with Filippa Duci. Wedding of James V of Scotland and Madeleine de Valois. François cancels the treaties of Madrid and Cambrai. Probable year of the start of Diane and Henri’s love affair
Montmorency appointed Constable. A daughter born to Filippa Duci is put in the charge of Diane de Poitiers. Ten-year truce declared between Charles V and François I
Marriage of Françoise de Brézé and Robert IV de La Marck. Death of Saint-Vallier. Meeting of Henri and Charles V at Bidassoa
Entry of Charles V and François into Paris. Publication of the first French translations of
Amadís de Gaula
Treaty of alliance with Suleiman. Persecution of the Protestants by the king. Birth of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her recognition by François I
Alliance between Henry VIII and the Emperor Charles V. Philibert de l’Orme begins work at Anet
Birth of Catherine de’ Medici’s first child, a son, François. Turks leave France. Henri’s protest to the
concerning his inheritance. Treaty of Gespy signed
The duc d’Aumale, eldest son of the duc de Guise, receives the wound in battle that gives him the title
Le Balafré
. Death of Charles d’Orléans, younger brother of Henri
Treaty of Ardes, making peace with England. Diane’s second daughter, Louise, marries Claude de Mayenne, future duc d’Aumale. Death of duc d’Enghien
Deaths of Henry VIII of England and François I of France. Coronation of Henri II. Diane de Poitiers is given Chenonceau. Diane de France legitimized by Henri II and betrothed to Horace Farnese. Duel between La Châtaigneraie and Jarnac
Henri II’s entry into Lyons. Diane becomes duchesse de Valentinois. Revolt over the salt tax. Anet becomes Diane’s property in perpetuity
Henri’s entry into Paris and the coronation of Catherine de’ Medici
Henri’s affair with Lady Fleming, governess of Mary, Queen of Scots. The king’s entry into Rouen. Marie de Guise visits France
Persecution of Protestants
Montmorency occupies Toul. Henry secures foothold in Lorraine. Treaty of Passau
Charles V retreats from Metz. Duchy and title of Etampes given to Diane de Poitiers. Building of Anet completed. Death of Edward VI of England. Coronation of “Bloody Mary”
Regency of Catherine de’ Medici. Coronation of Mary Tudor in England, who marries Philip II of Spain, heir to Charles V
Settlement of Augsburg
Abdication of the Emperor Charles V. Truce between Henri II and Philip II of Spain
Battle of Saint-Quentin. Edict of Compiège
The duc de Guise takes Calais from the English. Coronation of Elizabeth I of England. Deaths of the Emperor Charles V and Queen Eleonore. Coronation of Philip II
Wedding of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the dauphin François. Peace of Câteau-Cambrésis—ending hostilities between the Empire, France, and England. Marriages between Philip II and Henri’s daughter Elizabeth de Valois; Marguerite de Valois, Henri’s sister, and Emmanuel Philibert de Savoie; Claude de Valois and Charles de Lorraine. Mortal wounding of Henri during a celebration tournament. Banishment of Diane to Anet. Coronation of François II. Catherine confiscates Chenonceau
Death of François II. The regent Catherine de’ Medici forces Diane de Poitiers to exchange Chaumont for Chenonceau
Mary, Queen of Scots, leaves France for Scotland
Battle of Dreux
Death of Diane de Poitiers at Anet


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