The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (21 page)

BOOK: The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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She nodded.

It took everything in him not to simply fuck her where she stood, but instead he went down on his knee before her to gather her cape from the floor. When he reached for it, he looked up at her for a moment first. He always thought her beautiful, but right now, with the sheer fabric caressing her every curve, and her nipples hardened and erect with arousal, she was perfection. He could smell her wetness and indulged by pressing her legs apart and running his one finger briefly through her folds.

She gasped.

He took the flavor of her into his mouth and moaned as he slowly ran it over his tongue. It was just a sample, but if things went as he anticipated, very soon he’d be fucking the life out of her in front of an audience, showing them how perfect she was, and she’d be lost in bliss.

Chapter Fourteen


Ronan couldn’t figure out why in the world he felt nerves upon entering the home of his dear friends. These friends not only shared their home on a regular basis, but also shared the same array of sexual proclivities. He’d been to any number of parties at their home over the years, and even more just like it all over the world. Nerves had never been a part of the equation before, and the only thing that was different this time was Destiny.

It wasn’t the uncertainty of how she would handle the night, and the responsibility he carried to see to it she was safe and satisfied. He knew what she wanted. He knew what she thought she could handle, but in the end, it would be
job to make certain she didn’t get in over her head. It wasn’t that he doubted his ability to do so, but she had become so precious to him in the time they’d known one another that giving her this night meant more to him than anything else had in more time than he remembered.

There was another component going into the night also. In truth, that component had him hard as a rock already. Watching her as she experienced the night, the sensations, the scene, he literally ached to introduce her to the people and the activities here.

They’d been playing together for over two months now, and he learned her every move, expression, and breath in preparation for this. He knew what she needed, even if she didn’t, and he knew how to push her when she stalled, and he knew how to give her what she wanted, even when she couldn’t find the words to ask for it. It was an intricate dance between a Dom and his sub, and he never took lightly his responsibility.

He caressed her cheek, took in her wide eyes and the slight tension around her mouth. He kissed her temple and whispered against her ear, “I won’t leave your side.”

She nodded, but didn’t look at him. She was clearly taking in the visuals all around her. It was a classic Mediterranean-style home with a grand two-story foyer. From where they stood, they could see the formal living and dining rooms on either side of the front door and a peek into the great room beyond the curved staircase.

Music from The Black Eyed Peas was drifting in from the pool area where rambunctious voices and splashing could be heard. Each room was filled with people. He didn’t know if she’d be able to realize that there were people here wearing less than she, in fact from where he stood he saw a male sub, completely naked in the back room, but he assumed Destiny was feeling overwhelmed and probably not taking in much at all yet.

“Ronan, I’m
glad to see you!” Erika slinked down the three steps into the foyer.

A thin woman with long, straight hair, her thick blonde bangs brushed along her eyebrows, accentuating her lavender eyes beautifully. She wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace and he inhaled the scent of jasmine and roses off her skin.

“As always, Erika, yours and Steve’s hospitality is much appreciated.”

She took the bottle of aged scotch he handed her with a smile. She gave a casual glance at Destiny before returning her attention solely to him. Of course, Erika knew Destiny could only be spoken to if Ronan gave his permission, but Destiny wouldn’t know that. He placed his arm around her waist and pulled her a little closer to him in a move intended to reassure her as he knew she would feel awkward dressed as she was. As luck would have it, the first person they saw was Erika, who wore a long cream-colored gown. It floated across her skin exactly the way silk was meant to, but he wasn’t going to start explaining every nuance to her. This was better experienced than lectured about.

“It’s been a while, you remember where everything is?” Erika directed her conversation at Ronan alone, clearly picking up on the subtle signs that Destiny was his.

“I believe we’ll get along just fine, thank you.”

She grazed his cheek with a soft kiss and said softly, but loud enough that Destiny had to have heard, “You’re still the best damn looking man I’ve ever seen.”

He laughed. “I somehow doubt that.”

He directed Destiny away from the foyer and away from Erika before he had more explaining to do.

“Have fun, Ronan!” Erika called after them.

Destiny didn’t say a word, so Ronan followed suit. He wanted to get her to a place that would be less intimidating and where she could relax. Because he
she would fit in here and find something she never had before in her vanilla world. All the times he listened to her talk about the disappointments in her marriage spoke volumes to him of what she needed. This was what she naively thought she had found with Oscar, but he’d been too involved in work and money to ever really give Destiny what she needed. That was his loss, and Ronan was determined to give her everything her soul longed for, once and for all.

“I don’t understand.” She looked up at him as they began to ascend the back stairs.

“What’s that, minx?” He continued guiding her up the staircase to the second-floor landing.

“This is someone’s home. I’m guessing that bleach blonde’s home.”

Ronan chuckled though he had tried to stop it.

“Yes, Erika and her husband, Steve. This is their home.” He didn’t divulge any further information. He wanted her to stay in the moment and not start thinking.

“I’m confused. Why would you turn your home into a sex club?” she whispered.

Ronan moved closer to her and matched her volume. “Darlin’, it has a lot to do with zoning and alcohol licensing laws in the state of Florida. Do you
want to have that conversation, or would you like to explore?”

She bit her lip, before a smile spread slowly across her face. “Explore.”

“Good girl.” He knew how much she loved it when he said that to her, and in fact, he’d conditioned her to relax in response to it.

He splayed his fingers on the back of her head and slowly ran them down her neck. It was his job to keep her calm and focused, and it was something he took great pleasure in. It was different being with Destiny. Of all the other women he’d played with in the BDSM world, he had never found one he truly wanted to care for, teach, and train. He thought that was simply a statement of his character and sexuality. He had always assumed that he enjoyed the kink of BDSM, but it never went further than physical pleasure for him. Now he was beginning to wonder if that was true or not.

He had never considered taking on a sub in any serious fashion, but he’d been thinking about it more and more. Tonight, from the moment they walked across the threshold and people viewed them as Dom and sub, something in his blood had come to life, and there was a fiery need burning in him to claim her as his own. That wasn’t the kind of a decision one took lightly, and it was one he personally had always said he would never do. Now he wasn’t as sure, but even if he wanted that, he wasn’t sure Destiny would be able to look past her own preconceived notions of what being a submissive meant and be willing to trust and commit to him the way he would need her to.

He shook the thoughts from his head. This wasn’t the time or place.

He guided Destiny.

“Ronan, my God, it must be three years since I’ve seen you!”

“I believe it was in a certain Senora’s boudoir in Barcelona.” Ronan guardedly greeted Christian De La Vega as he stepped forward in his custom-tailored tuxedo.

“You never were good at sharing, Ronan.” His gaze raked Destiny in a way that anything but pleased Ronan.

He was glad she was still cloaked, because having Christian view what was
somehow appalled him.

“I share just fine, Christian. I don’t do well, however, with being lied to and played for a fool.”

“You take things too seriously.” He reached out and grabbed two champagne flutes from a waiter’s tray, handing one to Destiny. “Is she yours?”

Ronan wanted to step in front of her and say,
very much so
, but as they had never formalized a relationship and she had only agreed to an affair for the summer, he knew he could not.

“The lady belongs only to herself.” It was the best compromise he could think of.

Christian reached out, took her hand and brought it to his lips. “A pleasure.”

She grinned, but Ronan was pleased that her gaze drifted to him as if looking for instruction.

“I am Christian, and you would be?”

She seemed to size him up. “I would be Ronan’s.”

Christian smirked and released her hand. “Touché.”

It was all Ronan could do not to sweep her into his arms, kiss every inch of her and tell her just how happy she’d made him. He had never before been given such a gift, and he would make certain before the night ended, she would know his gratitude.

“You have the prize of the house on your arm, Ronan. I hope you appreciate her.” Christian grinned.

“Destiny knows my mind.” He didn’t want to show his hand with Christian, so he kept his answers deliberately brief.

“As well she should.” He extended his arm, gesturing to a small sitting area that was vacant in an alcove off the landing. “Let’s sit and catch up for a bit.”

Though it wasn’t on the top of Ronan’s plans for the evening, he also didn’t want to stir up anything. He placed his arm around Destiny, firmly planting his hand in the small of her back and led her to the alcove where he seated her on the U-shaped bench between himself and Christian.

“I’m going to play a bit of a guessing game, as Ronan says you belong to yourself, and you say you belong to him. I’m assuming you have not formalized this relationship yet. Of course, Ronan never does, do you?” Christian’s tone was jovial, but Ronan felt the punch all the same.

“And when was the last time you formalized anything, Christian?” Ronan didn’t bother hiding his disdain in his tone.

Christian smiled and sipped his champagne. “It is hard to maintain a serious relationship when you travel as much as we do, isn’t it?” He turned his attention to Destiny. “What of you, are you between Doms?”

Ronan felt her body tense beside his. He hated that Christian had brought the subject to such a base level.

“I don’t…I haven’t…I’m not…”

“Ah. Virgin submissive.” He winked.

“I’m not a submissive.” She finally found her words.

Christian pulled a gold cigarette case from the interior of his tux jacket and offered them to Ronan.

“I quit.” He hadn’t, but he didn’t want anything to prolong this interlude longer than necessary.

He offered next to Destiny who of course refused, then lit one for himself and settled in as if he was planning on staying a while.

“So if you aren’t a submissive, what are you doing here with Ronan?” He inhaled on the cigarette and waited.

He knew he could have answered for her, but he wasn’t her father, and he wasn’t going to assume she couldn’t handle herself. Although he felt somewhat discomfited that she hadn’t sought out his approval, or even input on this.

“Ronan is broadening my horizons.”

It was a simple answer, but it worked. He was proud of her.

“That is always a good endeavor. So, what is it you find intriguing about Dominance and submission, then?” Christian didn’t seem like he was going to give up on this topic anytime soon.

“I don’t find anything intriguing about it. I’d make a terrible submissive. I know. I was married!”

Ronan felt ashamed of himself for not preparing her better. She saw what they were doing as play, as something new and intriguing. As he wasn’t into labels, he hadn’t been formal with her. Now he wished he had educated her better, but how on earth could he ever have accounted for the run-in with Christian.

“I’m confused. If you aren’t submissive… Just how well do you know Ronan?”

“Christian, give it a rest.” Ronan had enough.

“Ronan, you are here with a woman who doesn’t know she’s your sub. I won’t let it go. I may have my rough edges, but I’m an ethical Dom, and this doesn’t fly, and it’s not like you.”

“She’s not my sub, Christian, and beyond that, it isn’t any of your business.”

“I’m totally confused now.” Destiny looked up at him. “You’re actually a Dom?”

He stared across at Christian. His reputation in the community was now on the line, and he was

“Destiny and I are sharing nothing more than a very casual affair. Again, not that it’s any of your business, Christian.” He turned to Destiny. “I don’t particularly like labels, you know that, but within the community, yes, I am a Dom.”

BOOK: The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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