The Secret Rescue (47 page)

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Authors: Cate Lineberry

BOOK: The Secret Rescue
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28. Watson… experiences
Phyllis McKenzie, telephone interview, June 7, 2012; World War II Flight Nurses Association,
The Story of Air Evacuation 1942–1989,

29. “One night while I was missing”
Lois Watson McKenzie, letter, McKenzie family papers.

30. Lebo
Gayle Yost, Craig Lebo, interviews, October 10, 2011; Gayle Yost, e-mail interview, December 16, 2012.

31. Abbott
Lawrence O. Abbott,
Out of Albania,
ed. Clinton W. Abbott (Lulu Press, 2010), 190–194.

32. Jens
Jon Mangerich, Karen Curtis, interviews, Naples, FL, February 18–19, 2012; Jon Mangerich, Karen Curtis, e-mail interviews, January 2012.

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  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Welcome
  4. Dedication
  5. Epigraph
  6. A Note to the Reader
  7. Map
  8. Prologue
  9. Chapter 1: The Nurses and Medics of the 807th
  10. Chapter 2: Destination Unknown
  11. Chapter 3: Flying Blind
  12. Chapter 4: In Enemy Territory
  13. Chapter 5: Unlikely Comrades
  14. Chapter 6: Under Attack
  15. Chapter 7: Suspicions
  16. Chapter 8: Albanian Curse
  17. Chapter 9: Secret Agents
  18. Chapter 10: Rumors
  19. Chapter 11: Lurking Danger
  20. Chapter 12: Breaking Point
  21. Chapter 13: Beyond Reach
  22. Chapter 14: Unstoppable
  23. Chapter 15: Escape
  24. Chapter 16: Left Behind
  25. Epilogue
  26. Photos
  27. Acknowledgments
  28. Praise for Cate Lineberry’s THE SECRET RESCUE
  29. Notes
  30. Newsletters
  31. Copyright


Copyright © 2013 by Cate Lineberry

Cover design by Jason Gabbert; photograph of 15th Air Force (USAAF) courtesy of Air Force Historical Research Agency, roll A6544; photograph of plane courtesy of the U.S. Air Force

Cover copyright © 2014 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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Little, Brown and Company

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First ebook edition: May 2013

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Map by David Lambert

ISBN 978-0-316-22023-1


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