The Secret Brokers (20 page)

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Authors: Alexandrea Weis

BOOK: The Secret Brokers
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Gwen froze for a moment and Dallas noted the flash of alarm in her eyes. “Yeah, well, I remember some things…mostly about bringing home animals to her before she died.”

“And what did Ed say about your animals?” Dallas asked as he went back to kneading his dough.

Gwen grimaced with obvious disgust. “That man never knew I existed half of the time. As long as he never had to see or smell my animals, he didn’t care what I did.”

Dallas eyed her leaning against the counter and sipping her coffee. “I did not get that impression the other day. I thought he was very involved in your childhood.”

“Involved? Let’s face it. I was female, and without my mother around to tell him what to do, Ed was lost. He left me to figure out things on my own for most of my life.”

“Lance told me you two were close,” Dallas countered.

“Lance isn’t exactly a man who has a hell of a lot of experience with kids. He’s not an authority on my relationship with my father.”

“No, but he had a pretty good relationship with his niece
and he saw how Bill Beauvoir raised Nicci. He knows a good father-daughter relationship when he sees one.”

Gwen turned to the pantry. “I’m going to take some bread and feed it to the fish. I’ll bet they’re starving.”

Dallas stopped kneading the dough and zeroed his dark blue eyes on Gwen. “Why do you always do that? You abruptly change the subject when things get a little too close for comfort.”

Gwen waved a casual hand about in the air. “You’re exaggerating. I didn’t change the subject. I just wanted to—”

“I know what you wanted to say,” Dallas interrupted. “And I’m not a fool, Gwen. There are quite a few things that don’t add up with you. When Lance comes over today, maybe the three of us should sit down and talk about all of these inconsistencies.”

Gwen slammed her coffee mug down on the counter. “Lance is coming here?”

“He’s bringing over fish food for you. Seems Carl’s regular guy was told to stop coming since we’re here. So you can take over the fish feeding duties.”

“Good,” she said as she rubbed her hands together. “Let me know when lunch is ready.” She nodded at the dough. “I can’t wait to give your pizza a try.” She hurried out of the kitchen.

Dallas felt the suspicious hairs on the back of his neck stand up. The woman’s sudden change in demeanor was more than a bit alarming. Sooner than later he had to get to the bottom of whatever it was that Gwen Marsh was keeping from Carl Bordonaro. Things just never seemed to add up with Gwen and the discrepancies were starting to annoy him. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she was trying too hard to be someone other than herself. Which made him wonder; who was the real Gwen Marsh, hiding behind all of the lies?


It was well after four in the afternoon when Lance showed up at the front door to Carl Bordonaro’s French Quarter mansion
He was dressed in a tailored dark blue suit and gray silk tie. His green eyes lit up when he saw Dallas standing in the doorway.

He nodded his head casually to the street. “How long have the Hardy Boys been here?”

Dallas spied the black Crown Victoria parked behind his red Mercedes. “They followed us over yesterday from across the lake.” Lance stepped inside the door. “It’s a good thing you showed up when you did. I think Gwen is beginning to obsess about the fish,” Dallas told him as he shut the front door.

Lance held up a small white bag. “Here’s the food. One can in there is for the koi in the pond and the other is for the aquarium in the study.” Lance took in the grand foyer. “Where’s Gwen?”

“By the koi pond feeding bread to the fish.” Dallas set the alarm by the door. “She’s been complaining about being cooped up in the place, and has been pacing the hallways most of the day,” he added.

“Pacing?” Lance frowned. “That doesn’t sound like Gwen. I know it must be driving her crazy not to be around her horses, but Gwen has always been an easy going kinda broad.” He pointed to the bandage on Dallas’s left index finger. “What happened?”

Dallas looked down at his finger and smiled. “Long story.”

His green eyes grew serious as he looked at Dallas. “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

Dallas nodded, sensing his concern. “We can use the study.”

The two men walked through the foyer and down the hallway until they came to Carl’s study. Once inside of the room, Lance shut the door behind them. When he turned to Dallas, his eyes became uncharacteristically somber.

“The jury will be handed the Robertson case after closing arguments tomorrow. It’s all over the news.”

Dallas rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “That was fast. I thought we had at least another week.”

“The defense didn’t present much of a case. So they either didn’t have a defense or—”

“They got to the jury,” Dallas said, finishing the sentence for him. “I thought this was a done deal with Ed Pioth testifying for the feds.”

Lance nodded as he sighted the saltwater aquarium to his left. “So did everyone else in the city. Maybe Darryl Robertson has one more ace up his sleeve. If he gets off, Gwen and her father might have to leave town for a while.”

Lance went over to the fish tank and tapped on the glass with his fingers.

“Gwen won’t like hearing that,” Dallas confided.

Lance turned to him. “Maybe you shouldn’t say anything to her until the jury reads their verdict. Carl is still pretty confident Robertson will be found guilty.” He held up his hand to stop Dallas’s interrogation. “Don’t ask me why he is confident. I didn’t ask him and I don’t want to know. The last thing I need to be involved in is a jury tampering investigation.”

“Any idea where Gwen and her father will go if the verdict is not guilty?”

Lance shook his head as he walked back to Dallas. “I’ll leave that detail up to Carl. He’s the master puppeteer of this situation.” Lance clapped his hand over Dallas’s shoulder. “David sends his regards and a thank you for the heads up about the feds. He had no idea they were following him so closely.”

“Neither did I. Makes me wonder what they have on me.”

Lance furrowed his wide brow with concern. “You think you’re being watched?”

“My contact knew all about the switch we made between Nicci and the dead Jenny Ryan. He also knew David Alexander was alive and living as Dan Goldvarg. My question is why would they be keeping tabs on all of that?”

“Who knows?” Lance rolled his green eyes. “And who cares? I’m sure I have come under their radar more than once, but they have never approached me. And I’m sure they will steer clear of Nicci and David as well, especially now that David is done with Simon La Roy and his organization.”

“Not on paper,” Dallas reminded him. “Dan Goldvarg is still Simon La Roy’s heir, and technically the owner of his organization.”

“Yes, but everyone knows you’re in charge of Simon’s operations now,” Lance clarified.

Dallas nodded to the door to the study. “Not everyone. Gwen still thinks I’m a bodyguard hired by Carl. And she knows about me and Nicci living together, but don’t bring it up all the same.”

Lance held up three fingers with his right hand. “I won’t. Scout’s honor.”

“When were you ever in the Boy Scouts?” Dallas scoffed.

Lance placed his hand over his heart. “Not the Boy Scouts. I was a fan of the Girl Scouts when I was a boy. I used to attend all their meetings because I wanted to get my hands on Louise Walters.”

“And how did that work out for you?” Dallas asked, always amazed at Lance’s propensity for mischief.

Lance grinned. “I was twelve and she was a mature fourteen. That was the best camping trip of my life.”

Dallas shook his head. “Thank you, Lance. I’ll never look at camping the same way again.”

Lance headed for the study door. “If you go, I can highly recommend Louise Walters as a tentmate. She still works down on Bourbon Street as a stripper. Maybe we should give her a call and see if she’s available.”

Dallas followed him to the door. “Maybe we should just go and find Gwen.”

Lance opened the door and held up the white bag still in his left hand. “Yes, I’m sure she is anxiously awaiting her fish food. Surprised she didn’t cook them up a magnificent vegetarian feast by now.”

Dallas followed him into the hall. “Gwen hasn’t cooked a thing since I’ve been with her. I’m the one who has been doing all the cooking.”

“And how do you like cooking for a vegetarian? I heard Gwen is quite picky about what she will eat and—”

Dallas grabbed his arm and spun him around. “Gwen is a vegetarian?”

Lance shrugged and looked down at Dallas’s hand on his arm. “Yeah.” he shrugged. “Been one for years.”

Dallas let go of his arm.

“Is something wrong?” Lance inquired, starring at Dallas.

“Perhaps you can tell me,” Dallas muttered as he headed quickly down the hall, determined to find Gwen.

When they arrived on the back patio, Gwen wasn’t there. They searched the media room, gym, and kitchen on the first floor. Dallas was about to drag Lance up the stairs, when Lance stopped him.

“Look, I don’t know what is going on with you two, and it’s none of my business.” He handed Dallas the white bag of fish food. “Give that to Gwen when you find her and tell her there are instructions in the bag for feeding the different fish.” He took a step back from Dallas.

“Lance, something isn’t right here. You said Gwen was a vegetarian. But yesterday she ate chicken cacciatore. The woman I have spent the past few days with is not a vegetarian.”

Lance shrugged. “Maybe she has changed her eating habits since the last time we met. What difference does it make? I’ve got to get going,” Lance insisted as he started for the front door. “Come on, walk me out,” he urged as he waved at Dallas.

Dallas followed Lance into the foyer. When they reached the dark mahogany front door, Lance turned to Dallas.

“Keep your phone with you. I’ll call you when I get word of a jury decision.” Lance waited as Dallas punched the code into the keypad by the door.

“Thanks for the heads up, Lance

“And can I give you a word of advice?” Lance paused and grinned at Dallas. “Sleep with Gwen. The woman is getting to you. It’s written all over your face.”

Lance sauntered down the front walkway, making sure he waved to the federal agents as he passed their car on the sidewalk.

Dallas closed the door, set the security code, and immediately headed back across the foyer to the stairs. Outside of Gwen’s bedroom, Dallas knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He turned the doorknob and stepped inside.

He heard the water running from the shower in her bathroom and tossed the white bag on the bed.

A short while later Gwen emerged from the bathroom, draped only in a towel. When she saw Dallas sitting on her bed, she jumped.

“What are you doing in here?” she cried out.

Dallas noticed the Glock in Gwen’s hand. He nodded to the gun. “I didn’t realize you brought your gun with you.”

She looked down at the gun. “I put it in my purse. After the other night, I didn’t want to leave it at the house.”

“Do you always shower with a gun?” he calmly asked.

“I’m nervous and this helps,” she said, placing the gun on the nightstand next to her. “Why are you in here, Dallas?”

He motioned to the white bag on the bed beside him. “Lance brought the fish food. We were looking all over the house for you.”

“I got splashed a couple of times when I was trying to feed bread crumbs to the koi. I was covered in pond water and had to take a shower. I didn’t realize Lance was here.”

Dallas let his eyes linger on her body. “He was here, but he had to go. He was disappointed he didn’t get to see you though.” He stood up from the bed. “Odd, you felt the need for a shower right when Lance was here. After all of the time you have spent around horses, I’m surprised that being splashed by a few fish would even bother you.”

She nervously checked her towel. “I don’t need to explain my reasons for needing a shower to you. Why are you being so suspicious?”

“Suspicious? Let’s just say a lot of thing s about you don’t add up. For instance, Lance just happened to mention that the Gwen Marsh he knows is a vegetarian. Any particular reason why the Gwen Marsh I have been living with for the past few days isn’t a vegetarian?”

Gwen’s face remained unchanged and her eyes never wavered from his. “I was a vegetarian. But a few months back I started having issues with anemia, and Doug told me I needed to start eating meat again. What difference would any of that make to you?”

Dallas slowly came up to her. “I get the distinct impression you are lying to me. The more I hear from Lance about who Gwen Marsh is, the less you appear to be Gwen Marsh. Now is there something you want to tell me?”

Gwen’s jaw fell as she placed her hands on her hips. “Lance Beauvoir is an idiot! Did he tell you that he also hit on me and I turned him down?”

Dallas nodded. “Yes.”

“Did he just happen to mention that after I turned him down he started telling everyone in town that I was a lesbian? When word got back to Doug, he threatened to have Lance neutered if he ever embarrassed me like that again.”

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