The Scepter's Return (43 page)

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Authors: Harry Turtledove

BOOK: The Scepter's Return
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The maidservant put the baby in his arms. Marinus stared up at him. The baby was at the age when he smiled at anything and everything. By the way he looked up at Lanius, the king made him the happiest baby in the world just by existing. His little pink hands reached out …

Lanius jerked his head back in a hurry. “Oh, no, you don't, you little rascal! You're not going to get a handful of my beard. My children have already done that, and I know how much it hurts.” Everything he said around Limosa could turn awkward, even something as innocuous as that. She relished pain. Hastily, he went on, “I think he looks more like you than like Ortalis.”

“Yes, I do, too,” Limosa answered. If the other thought occurred to her, she gave no sign of it. She went on, “Ortalis isn't so sure. He thinks Marinus has his nose.”

Lanius looked down. The baby's nose was the small, mostly shapeless blob common to about eight babies in ten. “Where's the rest of it, in that case?” the king inquired, which sent both Limosa and the serving woman into a fit of the giggles.

“I'll take him back if you like, Your Majesty,” the woman said. He handed her Marinus. The baby's face clouded up. He started to cry. Lanius didn't think that was a testimony to his own personality. Marinus sounded fussy and cranky. The maidservant began rocking him in her arms. Sure enough, his eyelids started to sag. “I'll wait until he's sound asleep, then put him in his cradle,” the woman told Limosa.

“That will be fine, Pica,” Limosa said.

She and Lanius chatted. She did most of the chatting, as the king wasn't overburdened with small talk. He didn't mind; most people did more talking than he did. After a couple of minutes, Pica carried Marinus away. By then, the baby wouldn't have noticed anything short of the ceiling dropping on him.

A little while after that, Limosa said, “I do go on and on.”

“No,” Lanius said, which wasn't strictly true. In fact, she did go on and on, but he didn't mind. “It's very interesting.” That
true—she picked up most gossip before it got to him.

“You're kind to say so.” Limosa looked around. Lanius understood that glance, having used it a good many times himself—she was seeing whether any servants were close enough to overhear. Satisfied none was, she went on, “And you're kind for not thinking me—stranger than I am.” Now her gaze went down to the mosaic tiles on the floor.

“Stranger than you are?” For a moment, Lanius was puzzled. In every way he could think of but one, Limosa was ordinary enough. When he remembered the exception, of course, it made up for a lot of the rest. He felt like looking down at the floor himself. “Oh. That.”

“Yes. That.” Limosa's chin lifted defiantly. “Well, you are, because you don't.” She paused as though sorting through whether that was what she really meant. Lanius needed to do the same thing. They both decided at about the same time that she
gotten it right. Relief in her voice, she went on, “You don't act like you think I'm some sort of a monster or something.”

“I don't,” Lanius said, which was true. He would have said the same thing about Ortalis, and sounded just as sincere—and he would have been lying through his teeth. About Limosa, though, he did mean it. Despite her husband, despite her father, he had nothing at all against her. He tried to figure out why, and to put it into words. The best he could do was, “You just—like what you like, that's all.”

“Yes, that really
all.” Her eyes glowed. “You see? You do understand. Oh! I could just kiss you!”

He could tell she meant it. And, if the look on her face meant what he thought it did, things could easily go on from there after a kiss. The idea of putting a cuckold's horns on his unloving and unlovable brother-in-law had a certain delicious temptation to it. But Lanius was too relentlessly practical to take it any further than being tempted. An affair with a serving girl annoyed nobody but Sosia, and both he and the kingdom could deal with that. An affair with a princess carried much more baggage. Nor did he think Ortalis would wear horns gracefully. On the contrary.

And so, as gently as he could, Lanius said, “I thank you for the thought, but that might not be a good idea.”

Limosa's eyes fell open. Maybe she saw for the first time where that kiss might lead. Her cheeks turned the color of iron just out of the forge. “Oh!” she said again, in an altogether different tone of voice. “You're right. Maybe it isn't.”

Gently still, Lanius added, “Besides, what you like isn't … what very many people like.”

She turned redder yet, which he wouldn't have believed if he hadn't seen it. In a faintly strangled voice, she said, “That isn't
I like.”

Lanius was willing to believe her. She wouldn't have borne Capella and Marinus if she hadn't done other things, and they were things she was likely to like if she did them. But exactly what she liked and didn't like wasn't really his business, or anyone's except hers and perhaps Ortalis'.

She must have realized that, too, because she squeaked, “Please excuse me,” and hurried away. Lanius stared after her. He sighed. Maybe they would be able to talk more openly with each other from now on. Or maybe they wouldn't be able to talk at all. Time would tell, nothing else.

“Time will tell.” Lanius said it out loud. It was true of so many things. He wanted to know whether Sosia would have a boy or a girl. Time would tell. He wanted to know how Grus' army was doing down in the Menteshe country. Time would tell. He wanted to know if Grus would reclaim the Scepter of Mercy. Time would tell. He wanted to know what the Scepter could do in the hands of a King of Avornis. Time would—or might—tell.

“But it won't tell soon enough!” Lanius said that out loud, too. He wanted to know all those things
He didn't want to have to wait to find out. News from Grus might be only minutes away. Lanius hoped so. He surely wouldn't have to wait more than days for that. With the others, though, he would have to be more patient.

He'd had a lot of time to learn patience. Snaking through the archives had helped him acquire it. So had years of being altogether powerless. If he hadn't been patient then, he might have gone mad. He laughed. Some of the people in the palace probably thought he had, although, he hoped, in a harmless way.

And patience had paid. Now he had more power than he'd ever expected, more power than he'd ever dreamed of in those first few years after Grus put the crown on his own head.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

The call brought Lanius' head up like a hunting hound's. “I'm here,” he said. “What's going on?” Good news? Bad news? Scandal? One thing was certain—it wasn't Pouncer stealing a spoon from the kitchens. But had another moncat finally found Pouncer's way out of the chamber?

“A courier's looking for you, Your Majesty,” a maidservant answered.

“Well, bring him here, by the gods!” the king exclaimed. If this was news from the south, time would tell very soon indeed.

When he saw the courier, he thought the man had news from Grus. The fellow had plainly ridden hard. But the message he gave Lanius had nothing—or rather, not much—to do with events south of the Stura. A plague had broken out in the town of Priene, on the coast. The city governor asked the king to send wizards to help put it down.

“I can do that,” Lanius told the courier. “I
do that, as fast as I can.” Priene was an out-of-the-way place, a backwater where things happened slowly if they happened at all. The pestilence that had been such a worry along well-traveled routes during the winter was getting there only now.

Lanius called for pen and ink and paper. He wrote a message to the people of Priene, telling them help was on the way. Then he wrote a message to Aedon the wizard, telling him either to go to Priene himself or to send another wizard familiar with the spell he'd used to cure Queen Estrilda.
Knowing the inconvenience of this request, I promise the reward will be commensurate to it,
he finished.

Once both messages were on their way, Lanius started laughing again. Time would tell him what he wanted to know, all right, but at its pace, not his.

“By the gods!” Grus said softly. “Will you look at that?”

Hirundo looked south with him. The general spoke a word no Avornan general had ever used before in sight of the thing of which he spoke. “Yozgat.”

“We're here.” Grus shook his head in wonder. “We're really here. I can hardly believe it.”

“Well, you'd better, because it's true. Now all we have to do is take the place.” Hirundo made it sound easy. Maybe it was, compared to advancing from the Stura all the way to Yozgat. Compared to anything else? Grus didn't think so.

They were still three or four miles from the city that held the Scepter of Mercy, the city that had been Prince Ulash's capital for so long, the city that now belonged—however tenuously—to Prince Korkut. The drawbridge over the moat was down; the gates were open. Tiny in the distance, Menteshe horsemen were riding into Yozgat. The warriors inside had plenty of time to close the gates before the Avornans drew near enough to threaten the place.

Grus got his first look at the fortifications he would face, and liked none of what he saw. Trabzun, the year before, hadn't been easy. Yozgat, by all the signs, would be harder. Its walls were higher and better built; that was obvious even from a distance. Inside the city, tall towers would make formidable strongpoints even if the Avornans forced an entry. And the palace—on a hill near the center of the town—plainly doubled as a citadel. If what Lanius said was right, that citadel housed not only the reigning Menteshe prince, whoever he happened to be, but also the Scepter of Mercy.

The king made himself smile. “If it were easy, somebody would have done it a long time ago. But we've already done a lot of hard things. One more? By now, one more hard thing should be easy for us.”

He knew he was talking more to cheer up his men than for himself. He also knew he was making things simpler than they really were. Taking Yozgat wouldn't be one hard thing to do. It would be scores, hundreds, thousands of hard things. They would have to surround the city, have to fend off whatever attacks Menteshe outside the walls made on them, have to force a breach in the walls, have to defeat the garrison, have to storm the citadel …

“One more hard thing,” Hirundo said. “That's just right.” The soldiers who heard him would believe him. Grus gave him a sharp look. If Hirundo hadn't just said,
You must be out of your mind,
nobody ever had. But the general's face was as innocent as that of a graying, bearded, scarred, lined, leathery child.

“We'll put some stone-throwers upstream along the river-bank,” Grus said. “Curse me if I want the Menteshe sneaking supplies in there by boat.”

“Sounds reasonable. We ought to put some downstream, too, in case they try to row up against the current,” Hirundo said.

“Olor's beard!” Grus exclaimed. “All these years on horseback and I've finally learned to ride. And now here you are, thinking like a river-galley captain. What is this world coming to?”

“Beats me. Whatever it's coming to, I wish it would hurry up and get there,” Hirundo said.

As the Avornan army neared Yozgat, the drawbridge rose. The heavy chains that drew it up rattled. After it rose, a massive iron portcullis thudded down in front of it. Grus muttered to himself. The city of Avornis had such fortifications, but he wished Yozgat didn't.

Not all the Menteshe outside Yozgat had gotten in before the defenders sealed off the city. Most of the ones left out there on the plain galloped off. A few rode at the Avornans and shot off the arrows they had in their quivers. Hirundo sent bands of scouts to outflank them. Some of them noticed and fled before the scouts could block their escape. Others, less lucky or less alert, didn't get away.

A herald with a flag of truce came up onto the wall when the Avornan army drew near enough for him to shout out over the moat. In good Avornan, he called, “Prince Korkut commands you to leave this city. If you leave it at once, you may go in peace. Otherwise, the full weight of his wrath, and of the Fallen Star's, will fall on you.”

Despite mutterings from his guardsmen—who did their best to make sure with their stout shields that no Menteshe could pick him off at long range—Grus rode up to the edge of the moat and shouted back. “Let Prince Korkut give me one present, and he is welcome to keep his city and his land. I will go home to the Kingdom of Avornis straightaway. I swear it in the names of King Olor and Queen Quelea and the rest of the gods in the heavens.”

“We care nothing for those foolish, useless gods,” the herald replied. “But say your say. What would you have of His Highness?”

“The Scepter of Mercy,” Grus said. Korkut had turned him down the year before. Then, though, the Avornans were far from Yozgat. Now they moved to surround it even as Grus parleyed with Korkut's man.

“He told me you would say this,” the herald shouted. “The answer is no, as it has always been, as it will always be.”

“Then my answer is also no,” Grus said. “The fight will go on. When Sanjar is prince over Yozgat, he will show better sense.” That was probably untrue, but it should give Korkut something new and unpalatable to think about. Yozgat was being cut off from the outside world. The defenders couldn't be sure Sanjar hadn't made common cause with Grus.

“You will be sorry,” the herald said, and ceremoniously lowered the flag of truce.

“Get back, Your Majesty!” three guardsmen said at the same time, and with identical urgency in their voices. As soon as that flag of truce went down, the Menteshe did start shooting. Arrows thudded into shields near the king. One guard and one horse were wounded before Grus and his men got out of range.

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